
PะฏำจJZ: ๐–ญ๐—ˆ๐— ๐– ๐—‡๐—ˆ๐—๐—๐–พ๐—‹ ๐–น๐—ˆ๐—†๐–ป๐—‚๐–พ ๐–ฒ๐—๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—’
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Written in American English, so expect all characters to be Americans.
50% Plot
45% Dry humor
5% Romance



This was supposedly a gender-bender fic, but I changed it. However, Ryujin is the only character to have had a gender change. The rest are all female.

Please read the END NOTE at the end. Thank you!



You must be wondering why I ended up here.


In a school surrounded by brainless monster-eating zombies. What could possibly be more thrilling than that? I can feel the God of Death beside me, waiting for my long-awaited demise, as always. I apologize for the long delay, my friend. You donโ€™t need to wait any longer.


An absolute feeling of bliss hit my body when the face of Karen Snotty McGee came rushing towards me like a bulldozer. Snots and blood were all over her face as she came running. Absolutely disgusting. But I know I wouldnโ€™t survive in one piece if she rampaged me with those nasty, mucus-covered teeth. How exquisite is that?


Yes. Bite me!


I opened my arms, and a bright smile crept onto my lips, waiting for the hug of death. But before Karen Snotty McGee could even touch me, her head went flying like a ball after a baseball bat hit her. I watched her head roll around the grass in utter dismay until it stopped in the middle of the court.


Sigh. There goes my one way ticket to hell. How devastating.


โ€œWinter, what the are you doing?!โ€


Right. I forgot about this annoying thing.


โ€œI was just proposing an idea.โ€


โ€œYour idea was to rush to a zombie. Is that what you were saying?โ€


โ€œYesโ€ฆโ€ I gave her a look full of sarcasm and continued saying, โ€œUnfortunately,โ€ to infuriate her more.


Karina fumed in anger. Iโ€™d never seen her this riled up before. Itโ€™s utterly fascinating. I sort of want to anger her more. It feels so satisfying.


โ€œStop your banter this instant!โ€ Giselle came running at us, putting emphasis on her posh accent, her stereotypical valley accent no longer present.


Oh, great. More living people.


โ€œIโ€™ve had enough of this drama.โ€


Says the person who has a long history of irrelevant childish banter with the narcissist jock.


โ€œEither you two will sort out your differences here or weโ€™ll die here all together.โ€


โ€œErm. Sorry to be such a party pooper, but I kinda donโ€™t want to die here, surrounded by you white people. Thatโ€™ll look unethical.โ€ Yeji chirped full of sarcasm.


โ€œNeither do I!โ€ Yizhuo exclaimed. โ€œDoes this place look like a good funeral for a person like me?โ€


I let out a tired sigh. Just being around these people gives me bad fatigue. Not the good kind, since Iโ€™m still breathing.


โ€œWell, we can still arrange that,โ€ Giselle retorted, obviously not amused.


โ€œCan you all calm your white-privileged asses? I've got Coach Gโ€™s keys in my hand,โ€ said Yeji as she lifted the keys in front of us. โ€œCan we all move on now? You can all argue whenever you want once weโ€™re all safe, or once I am safe. Would that be okay?โ€ The group all nodded shortly. Except for me, who wasnโ€™t thrilled by the idea.


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I’m still here. ๐Ÿฅน
Chapter 1: well that's interesting... can't wait already
mammt_ #3
Chapter 1: "Yizhuo accidentally fell on Giselle's lap" yes we all believe it lmao...
it's 3 am and I'm laughing like a crazy person, i love this story already!!
Chapter 1: WAAAAH! I LIKE IT! ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ
odeill23 #5
Chapter 1: winter so funny, why is she like that hahahaha, i like this already <3<3<3
Chapter 1: i love a crack zombie apocalypse au!!!
Chapter 1: this is actually really good like I hardly ever see stories with these kinds of plots that are actually well written and focus on ANYTHING other than romance between the characters. I really can't wait to see how this goes.
reinsaujiro #8
Chapter 1: Another brilliant storyline, keep up the good work author nim