WINTER PT. 3: in death, i am alive

seasons and weather
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Yu Jimin has always lived a simple life, there was such beauty in simplicity that nothing can be compared with. In that simplicity comes her humble abode and her most cherished bookstore, all thanks to You Suyeon. The one person who took enough time to care for her when she has no one. Jimin never met her parents, an unfortunate accident costing them their lives and leaving her with no one. But Suyeon was the one who looked after her.

Because life was never meant to be simple.

Yu Suyeon became a mother and father to Jimin, despite the obvious refusal of her relatives - mostly her children.

Her mother's siblings, Yu Suyeon shared.

Hence, making them blood related to Jimin.

But what she got from all of the stories, Jimin's mother was the black sheep of the family and yet the most favored by Suyeon. Which is why it aggravated them the moment Suyeon decided to keep Jimin and take care of her.


Obvious reasons, inheritance.

After all, Suyeon has built an empire that everyone wanted to lead - the authority and power that she has. But what amazed Jimin is the fact that Suyeon still remained humble, and that has made her look up to the older woman.

And Jimin has never wished to have that power, she just wanted to live a simple life and not be blinded by such material things. Perhaps, which is why Suyeon simply gifted her the simple house and the bookstore - the first store and business that the older woman had in her entire life.

When Yu Suyeon was simply just Suyeon, a bookworm who wanted to have and share stories written by people from all over the world. She has looked up at Suyeon for all her life, spent everytime that she could have with her - she has memorized everything about the older woman, knew her just like how a daughter would know her parents.

So, when it was discovered that Suyeon has cancer with only a few months to live, Jimin realized that that's how heartbreak feels like. It was such grief that she could never understand, comprehend, process - it was watching your person deteriorate right in front of you. The person who you made memories with, just someone Jimin deeply cares for - the one who accepted her when no one ever did.

But then, one month turned into two, then into three, and surprisingly, Suyeon still lived then.

And it was such a silver lining - a miracle, Jimin thinks. She could only be grateful for it because maybe, maybe Suyeon might be cured. That she would not leave Jimin in this world alone, not yet.

A chance.

So Jimin did everything with Suyeon, took care of her everyday just like how Suyeon did to Jimin when she was young. Showing her that there's more to life, that everything will be fine and that Suyeon will not succumbed to her illness - there will always be a twinge inside her whenever she heard Suyeon talking about death, that it will come soon, but Jimin made sure that life is not about that - that life is about being able to live. That death was not in the future, because no person lives in the future - it should always be the present, and not worry for anything other than to live.

But then again, fate has always played with everyone's life but more so with Jimin's because the night that she had received the call, she felt her second heartbreak. Such a great deal of suffering to know that one person is dying, and another to know that person has died - that Suyeon is no longer in this world.

That Jimin is all alone.

That no matter what she did, no amount of prayer and wishes can stop what fate needs to do - that Suyeon was always right, death is such a faithful friend.

It was the first funeral that Jimin went to - the first one that she has cried on.

She was not able to go to her parents as she was still a child, too innocent to understand. But when Suyeon brought her to their tombstones, Jimin still did not cry - because for her, they were strangers. She has never met them, though she wished she could have. It was something out of the pit of her stomach, to feel a connection to strangers because of blood alone.

She did not cry but she felt despair.

Perhaps pity, to herself - to the memories that could have been.

And then to Suyeon.

That was the day that Jimin broke down, she did not care anymore because Suyeon was not a stranger, she will never be.

She cried, helplessly.

Because of the memories that they have made, and how it would be difficult for her - to stand up and live this life alone.

"You know, you'll need someone when I'm gone, right?" Suyeon said quietly as she watched Jimin making some coffee, the sound of the machine flooding the room.

"Until my last breath, remember?" Jimin said with a chuckle.

"Look for someone, just live your life, dear."

"Of course, but I still have you." Jimin said as she put down the fresh cup of coffee, smiling at Suyeon. But they both know that it was never a question - that Suyeon will be gone soon.

And so, Jimin cried as she stood there under the rain - her tears falling along with the sky. She was crying for the memories, and how time would pass by her. It was different from her parents, because she had never known their voices, their habits, the way their eyes would blink in confusion, their favorite drink, movie, or book.

It was different because she knows all about those things with Suyeon - and she cries because she will always remember those things, until it fades away. Until she would need to remember how the older woman's voice sounded, she would remember her when she would get a whiff of her favorite perfume.

Because life will go on, it will never be the same for Jimin - but it will still continue.

Then she met Winter - unexpectedly, and quite refreshing to meet.

How peculiar the girl is.

How she's reminded of Suyeon in bits of her, and maybe - hopefully, she pushed Winter to Jimin.

For Jimin, Minjeong was difficult to read, heck she could never read the girl. It's like the girl has never met anyone, much else interacts much with other people but her words, the way she carries herself feels like she has experienced so much in this world. It was a surprise for Jimin to see the girl too early in the morning, while Jimin broke down in her store.

She expected a worried gaze, the one that looked unsure on what to do - as if a child lost in a city, but instead she was welcomed with a blank stare. As if the scene was not a surprise for Winter, and she was never asked if she was okay.

Seems personal, Winter said.

Jimin found her interesting.

Move on until you have time.

And that made Jimin pause, she could not pinpoint it out but she feels like Winter knows too much - she feels too much and sees too much of the world. There was a weight in her words that made Jimin think of Suyeon, her views in life and such. And Winter, she comes as such a mystery to Jimin - only showing bits and pieces like light coming inside of darkness.

Perhaps that's why she found herself opening up to the girl, somehow Jimin could never stop herself. There was a certain pull from Winter that made her share, was it the reminder of her grandmother? Or just because of Winter herself?

Imagine Jimin's surprise to see a kitten right in front of her door, the day after she volunteered with Winter - with only a single note. She didn't even have to think of the possible sender, she already knew who it was - and when she looked around, she found no one. Only the darkness that welcomed her neighborhood.

"You adopted a kitten?"

Jimin looked up to see Giselle entering the store, removing her coat as she walked towards her with a smile that looked amused and surprised.

"No, someone gave it to me." Jimin shared and of course, Giselle would bite into it.

"Oh, and who's this someone?" Giselle nudged the girl, cooing at the sight of the sleeping kitten, "Someone that I know?"

Jimin shakes her head, "No, just someone that I've met recently."

"Oh, that's new," Giselle said and looked at Jimin, "tell me honestly, have you gotten any wink of sleep?"

It may be because of the fact that Jimin looked worn out, she felt exhausted the moment she woke up - she has never slept properly since the passing of Suyeon. It was a difficult time for her, and the only thing she could do is do her usual routine as it keeps her grounded. A grip to reality that she needs to live, that life goes on even after such tragedy.

And in her silence, Giselle found an answer.

"I know it's hard, Ji but it's not good for your health as well." Giselle said softly.

"I know, I just don't know what to do," Jimin said and before Giselle could answer, the kitten woke up purring and Jimin quickly attended to it. Grabbing what seems to be milk and feeding it to the kitten. The soft look on her face as she smiles and looks content with what she's doing.

"I'd love to meet the person who gifted this cutie to you," Giselle smiles and lets the subject drop, running her index finger to the soft fur of the kitten.

"Sure but she's quite busy with her job," Jimin said and looked at the kitten, "but I'll let you meet her if given the chance."

"A girl," Giselle echoes, "at least tell me her name then."


"Just like the season?"

Jimin smiles at the familiarity of the words. The kitten stared at her with its bright blue eyes.

"Just like the season."




It has been the first time in a thousand years that Minjeong felt anger rushing inside her, like huge hot magma sliding through her veins as she looked at the soul in front of her. The man smirks at her as if he knows he has pushed her buttons successfully, as if he has the upper hand as Minjeong looks at the scalding hot water.

Minjeong has never cared about mortals because of their stupidity - but this was different. The man, Jiyeok, looked at Minjeong as a joke. Even having the audacity to pour the scalding hot water and dirt  as well as spitting on Minjeong's face. As if he has not died, and maybe he felt like he could get out of it - that Minjeong would just let it be.

But there was a twisting rage inside Minjeong that she could not control, an impulse to wipe off the smirk on his face.

And so, she stared blankly at the man as she slowly walked towards him, "It's been years that I have seen such a mortal act this way, years since I have delivered them to their death as they suffer." She said slowly, dangerously.

Jiyeok doesn't seem too fazed about her words, "What are you going to do? Kill me? You're so stupid to think that you - "

It was in a quick second, a quick flash of darkness and Minjeong was already behind the man - gripping the back of his head making him scream in pain. She grabbed the hot kettle from his hand, staring without any remorse as Jiyeok screamed, "I wonder, how loud would you scream when I pour this into your eyes?"

"No, please..." Jiyeok screamed and cried, thrashing against Minjeong's grip as he tried to pull away.

Minjeong tilts the kettle, "How you would beg for mercy, and pray to stop?"

"Please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry - "

Mortals are a pain and such a hassle to deal with - one moment they are up in their own head, and then begging for forgiveness right after. Consequences are meant for such stupid actions, and Minjeong was just in the mood to give so much more.

And Minjeong pulled his hair as she leaned closer, her grip tightening and she could feel some blood coming from her grip, "Tell me, Jiyeok, what would make you suffer?"

Then they were engulfed with darkness - nothing but screams were heard.




And then silence.

Minjeong emerged from the darkness, wiping her hands with a napkin.

"Well, now that's a scene."

Minjeong looked at the familiar red haired girl, "You're here, of course."

"That's not your usual routine, Min. What happened?" Ning asked in a singsong voice, walking over to the corpse behind Minjeong. "Such rage you have there."

"He's not the first one," Minjeong insinuated, "such complex creatures, and he's getting on my nerves."

Ning laughed and looked at Minjeong, the latter looking annoyed. "And here I thought you'd chosen such a peaceful act to give them their death."

"There was never a rule on how I should do it," Minjeong said and glanced at Ning, the latter humming in response, "I just never had the energy to waste it on such pathetic creatures."

Or more so, they are not worthy of such.

"How cruel of you, Min," Ning joked slightly and matched Minjeong's steps. The loud bustling crowd despite the cold welcomed them but they did not care. "So, where have you been? You've been quite busy lately."

Minjeong raised a curious brow at the question, "You've been awfully curious about my whereabouts as well."

"Let's just grab a drink!" Ning whined and stomped her foot like a child throwing a tantrum.

Minjeong lets out a breath and checks the sky, she wonders how it would be if she wouldn't agree with the invitation. Thinking about how long it has been since she last set foot in the bar, she thinks about coffee and books - and somehow, the latter was much more of a tempting offer than the former.

"Alright, it's been awhile after all." Minjeong agreed, ignoring the way Ning squealed and excitedly walked away- vanishing into the pool of mortals and so did Minjeong.




The bar of course never changed, the regulars and familiar faces that Minjeong has seen from time to time were there, not even daring to glance at her direction. It was a bar for their own kind, different kinds of gods with their own job much like Minjeong and Ningning but they all know such power that the two have compared to them.

Then there was Ryujin.

The god of time - or so they say. For them, it was just numbers and they did not care at all. But for mortals, it was so much more. Ryujin decided to just spend most of her time tending to the bar, as she does not have any job to do with her own powers. Though her powers overlap with Minjeong, as she sees the time for each mortal - their lifespan.

But it's not like she would report it to Minjeong everytime she sees a mortal's lifespan about to end, that's why Minjeong has her own list where names appear when their souls are to be collected. Ryujin would rather do something in her free time than to roam around the world and see various numbers on top of each mortal's head.

As usual, the three of them are silent as Ryujin endlessly wipes the never ending glasses while Minjeong drinks her usual champagne and Ninging talks the whole time as she takes a loud sip from time to time.

"I swear I could see fireworks when they finally met," Ningning excitedly shares as she claps her hands, "it's like they've found the reason to live."

Minjeong rolls her eyes, "Of course, because that's the only reason to live."

Ning slaps Minjeong slightly, like good friends usually do - something that's becoming a habit by the god of love.

"Of course you won't see its significance, Min," Ning said, glancing at Minjeong before taking a sip, "For mortals, they always crave company. To have someone to be with for the rest of their lives, and it's such an achievement when they do."

"And what if they don't find someone?" Minjeong said and looked at Ningning, somehow challenging the latter. "Would it be such a problem to live and die alone?"

"No, but it's not a life that's fully lived." NIng answered shortly, "And some mortals experience those things, because they just don't have enough time."

A flash of dark hair came into mind, the soft and careful smile, the curious eyes that stared at Minjeong. Minjeong lets out a breath, along with it is the image of a certain mortal as she cleanses herself by drinking her champagne.

"They are such complex creatures," Minjeon said and glanced at Ning, her statement catching the girl's attention. "Living a life full of smiles and hope, and yet deep inside they hide something that they are too afraid to face."

"What, like you're studying them now?" Ning asked.

"I see things Ning," Minjeong pointed out, her tone sharp - like an armor with sharp edges, as if defending something. "We have roamed their world for a long time to see and watch how they basically waste their time."

"They are living their life, Min," Ning sighed and looked at Minjeong, "they are not gods like us that have been alive for thousands of years."

"How unfortunate." Minjeong comments.

Minjeong saw how Ryujin glanced at Ning, the latter just rolled her eyes at her words. They never see each other face to face when it comes to their views about mortals, but somehow, they still talk to each other. Well, more like Ningning.

"Are they really?" Ning asked quietly, "Because in our case, we have lived thousands of years and yet we never had anyone, right?"

"We are gods, Ning," Minjeong answered, "we are never meant to be just like them."

"Do you ever feel anything about them? Sympathy? Concern?"

Minjeong was quiet for a moment, "I don't feel anything."


"I am the god of death," Minjeong answered as if it's the only right answer, her tone steady and strong. Like it was written in a stone and never to be washed off nor be erased. "I am not meant for those pathetic things."


"Are you, really?" Ning whispered into thin air.


"We'll be here all day if we talk about it," Ning chuckled and looked at Ryujin as she nodded, "I need to go, still have threads to connect and pull." She said, winking at Minjeong as if they were not talking about a serious matter a second earlier.

Silence laid upon Ryujin and Minjeong.

The former grabbed Ning's tall glass as she glanced at the girl in front of her, "You know what I've noticed?"


"That you've noticed and seen something," Ryujin said, "that after a thousand years, you took time to look at their smiles and yet see their eyes."

Minjeong opens to retort but there was nothing for her to say. She could have corrected Ryujin but she chose not to, and so she let it go as she drank the last drop of her champagne.

Because it wasn't their smiles and eyes, Minjeong thinks.

It was Jimin's.




The silence welcomed Minjeong as she walked around the area, not a single sign of a mortal could be seen. Cold air hits her like a whisper of a stranger, the ground all covered in snow like an eye of a mortal that sees her. The withered branches of trees, stretching into the horizon - how strong they stood and yet too empty to look at that time. She wonders if mortals lived their lives like those withered trees.

Stone after stone.

Years written on it.

Short messages.

A loving daughter.

A great man but the best father.

Until we meet again.

Gone but not forgotten.

And yet the irony of it all, to see a bare tombstone. Their engravings almost faded, well some already are. Cracked. Broken.


Then as she continued to walk down the path, she saw a familiar figure in her peripheral vision - making her turn to look at them, standing a few meters away from her. Minjeong knows that it was Jimin, the latter wearing a beanie and a puffy coat, amusingly making her look tiny in her outfit. She watched the girl from a distance, she did not have to think who the girl was visiting.

She watched quietly, knowing that Jimin would not see her even if Minjeong had stood right in front of her - but she chose not to. Minjeong has never meddled with mortals and such, letting them do their business in a place that she has been quite familiar with - a place where she is connected. But somehow, she was watching from a distance to give Jimin privacy, and simply to just watch.

Or maybe, just to see Jimin.

Minjeong saw how Jimin gently put down the dried flower that she brought - a daisy. A cup of what seems to be a steaming hot coffee, or was it chocolate was held on the other hand, sipping from it from time to time.

She looked at Jimin, watching quietly at how the latter talked with a small smile on her face and yet her eyes, it just screams longing, sadness.

And in that moment, that instant - that split second of look, Minjeong just knew that Jimin was holding on to something huge. A darkness that has probably consumed her, almost grappling the light inside of her. But still, Jimin managed to force out a smile.

Minjeong found herself walking closer to the girl, and as she saw the subtle shiver of her body - the cold probably seeping into her layers, Minjeong lets her presence be known, Deliberately making sounds, as she lets her feet touch the ground heavily. Successfully making Jimin look at her right side, the subtle surprise on her face, and then morphed into a small smile, tilting her head as if asking Minjeong.

"What are you doing here, Winter?" She asked in a tone of amusement and curiosity.

Minjeong somehow, after millennias of walking on that world, got a new name - and she's getting used to it.

"I was just walking around." She answered shortly, standing beside Ji

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0 points #1
Chapter 6: flower + matilda *chef's kiss*
your stories are chef's kiss too 🫠
not_mecoconut #2
Chapter 26: Tapos na po ba talaga to? 🥺
Chapter 26: Ohmyghad this is going to be soooo sad i cant pls😭
lalaflourish #4
Chapter 26: 😭😭😭pls let jimin be happy for once
Chapter 26: Two things are in my mind for this update: how will The Fates do to minjeong and jimin's situation? and also the god of love's thread has no effect if The Fates' thread interefered right?
Chapter 26: I binged read this in one night. The stories are so good! 😭. You write so beautifully, authornim. Thank you for sharing these stories with us.
seulreneislife #7
Chapter 26: why tf u write so good🥹🫶 im gonna be really heartbroken if the ending will be winter asking jimin what did she regret the most😞
Chapter 26: happy ending, please? 🥲
addicted03 #9
Chapter 26: Will this story have a happy ending? I really hope so 😭
Ieftonread #10
Chapter 26: oh god please at least let jimin live in the afterlife with minjeong 😭😭😭