Chapter 2

Freen's Pup

Feeling the heat, Freen takes a sip of water as she walks to the math building. Having finished classes today, she thinks of what to eat later after her tutoring session. Freen drools a little and her lips as she thinks about eating salmon and rice. She walks up the stairs and turns left walking past the empty lit up rooms. Entering the cold room, Freen greets the other tutors before putting her bag down and setting up her station.

Dwelling about the popular girl, Freen patiently waits and fixes the tips of her hair. The wondering girl sighs as she thinks about the panic from earlier. Could it be her eyes that made her nervous or anxious? Or was it her perfect lips that had her flustered. Freen smirks as her mind words “hot stuff”. A secretly smiling Freen lets out a laugh as she thinks of whatever hot stuff means and she wanders a bit. Imagining and fantasizing what it would be like to kiss Becky or to touch her lips or to simply gaze into her beautiful brown eyes. Freen laughs once more as she thinks of the impossible. Freen pinches herself as she thinks of the unthinkable for she hasn’t even shared a single word with Ms. Armstrong. Freen checks her watch as if time can't move any faster.

Struggling with math, Becky twirls her pencil, thinking about later, whether she should go to choir club or tutoring. Although she loves singing, she is also on the verge of failing math. And if only math could be as easy as 1-2-3. The indecisive girl contemplates since academic does come first and choir club is every Thursday. Having missed last weeks club activity, a hopeful Becky pre-plans, maybe she can do both today, choir and tutoring.

“We only have one tutor available during this hour,” the Professor states.
“There is no other time?” Becky questions as she looks at the clock on the wall.
“Hm, well there is but due to the shortage of tutors, the class I teach only has one,” the Professor explains.
“F808-Chankimha,” the Professor says whilst scribbling it on a note and handing it over.

Becky bows, thanking the professor, for she has no choice but to skip choir club again. If she doesn't go to tutoring she knows she wouldn't be able to complete this week’s homework assignments.
At this rate, she might as well sing in her room or fail math class in general. But for Armstrong, failing is not an option, and without a choice she goes to tutoring instead.

Unfamiliar with the math building, Becky walks up the stairs and turns right trying to find class F808.
“805,806, 807,…” she utters as she scans the room numbers, but no 808. .
“What the hell,” she says and turns back towards the stairs.
Curious at the lit up rooms, Becky walks further as she hears voices coming from the end.


Freen twiddles her fingers and checks the time once more and looks around.
“Maybe there’s no student today,” she jokes as she patiently continues to wait.


Seeing the big F808 sign on the door, Becky shakes her head, wondering why the room was so difficult to find. The now frustrated girl looks around at the students and different tutors trying to find her assigned class tutor.

Keen to her senses, Becky is greeted by the same sweet floral scent again, and its the brown hair girl.
“Oh..uh,” she says as she approaches the same brown hair girl.

Freen turns around as she senses someone behind her.
“Oh,” she copies in shock to see the one and only popular girl.

“Chankimha,” Becky says with a smile, greeting the tutor. 
Freen swallows and turns flushed pink as Becky puts her bag down, sitting next to her. Now having shared a word with Becky, all her thoughts come running towards her, "hot stuff, kiss, and the impossible."

An awkward silence draws upon the two as they sit there waiting for something to happen. Becky finger combs her hair and glimpses at the other tutors and then at Freen’s notepad and notes. Not sure what to expect, since its her first tutoring session, she looks at Chankimha.

Met by Becky’s pretty brown eyes, Freen bites her bottom lip trying to calm her inner self. She keeps silent as she gets lost in those deep brown pretty eyes. Becky examines Chankimha’s face and thinks hard again where she’s met her. And a moment of time passes as the two sit there amidst the other students and tutors chattering numbers.

“Well, F808, was so hard to find,” Becky says trying to break the silence.
“Oh,” a nervous Freen answers and awkwardly laughs. Feeling starstruck, Freen looks around and laughs again, because what are the odds she’ll be tutoring Rebecca Armstrong. And if fate had its way, maybe this was it.
“Have we met before?” Becky interestingly questions with a furrowed brow.
“Mmm,” the tutor answers and thinks hard.
“In my dreams!” her conscience yells.

“I think we might have a class together,” Freen answers with a squint even though she knows.
“Ahhh, okay,” Becky replies with a chuckle as their eyes meet again. And she instantly recalls to a familiar browned hair girl rushing out the door.
"Or maybe I have a twin," Freen sarcastically voices.

Eyes locked into each other, Becky smiles for she feels like she’s known Chankimha from somewhere else and for a long time. And it just feels natural to not look away at Freen’s beautiful big brown eyes too even though they make her a little nervous. But her gaze ventures away, straight to Freen’s lips as she notices something unique about them, the little cute split. Becky feels rude and breaks her gaze and dimples and flips through her math book.

Noticing too, she clears , “my names Sarocha, -Freen.”

“Mine is Rebecca, but just call me Becky,” she says with confidence.
Knowing already about the popular girl, Freen nods back and mumbles, "Becky."

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FateNdreaM #1
Chapter 1: First chapter is so cute...
1188 streak #2
Chapter 3: Well I can say that this is interesting