-6- To be there

I’m not a hero.
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Swinging the door open, your heart feels as if it would explode at any second and your head was pounding in pain.


"NING I need help! Yizhuo, please!" You adjust her to a princess carry and walk into the living room, screaming for Ning Ning or anyone at this point. Where are they?! !


" Minjeong, bring her here. I called my uncle, he's on the way right now." Aeri guides you to the guest room that you were in before and softly, you lay Jimin's unconscious body ontop of the bed. Pulling the blanket over her body to cover her clothes that were ripped in certain areas, a sight that taunts you to vomit.  You're only able to hold it down out of worry. 


" Ning, can you go get a bucket of water? Minjeong, theres new towels in the room beside the kitchen downstairs. " You bite your lips, zipping out the room and down the stairs. Finally finding the towels, you zip back to the room and wait with Aeri for Yizhuo. Your eyes feel stuck on Jimin, unable to tear your gaze away. Every twitch, tremble, cut and bruise, you were taking it all in and the more surface area you scanned the more your heart felt number and number. I should've...


" Aeri, how is Ms Bae?" You turn around to see a grown man and your hand flicks to the mask on your face, holding it in place. 


" She doesn't look too good and Minjeong? He already knows who you are..." You breathe and take off the face mask, placing your gaze once again on the red marks on Rina's wrists. 


" Alright, first I need you guys to change her into better clothes, mark down where her injuries are and pass me the list. " He walks out the room, you follow. I shouldn't see this. 


" So, spider-man huh. Good on you for saving so many people, kid." You watch as he pulls a table nearer to the room door and begins laying out a blue mat and a bucket. 


" Mind helping me pour that blue bottle in the bucket? I need to open my case." You do as he says, the smell of the liquid slightly burning your nose. You wince a little.


" You see, with both you and Jim-ie, I don't even know what I need since I don't have a nurse with me. Nor do I know previous medical histories and stuff, well not for Jim-ie but- you get it. So, I just- prepare everything." You can only watch as he places scalpels, needles, forceps, and all the medical knowledge you have has already been used. Into a tank of water before placing them on a napkin, then dipping them into the bucket of some...Liquid before placing them onto a new napkin again. 


" I saw the way you were looking at her, you know? " Your eyes jump up to meet his, but his attention was still on cleaning his apparatus'. Am I seriously that obvious?


" That girl is practically my god daughter at this point, now tell me. What are your intentions with my child? What do you do for a living, what do you study, what are your hobbies, how many relationships have you been in, how long have you known her?" He squints at you, holding out a scalpel. The lack off a buzz in your head causes you to chuckle lightly, amused at the older gentlemens humor. 


" I'm her friend from school, at least thats what my intentions are. I volunteer part time at feast and I'm a part time spiderman, full-time Literature student. My hobbies are making music, singing, guitar and all that. I've been in 1 relationship, but that ended 3 years ago already. I've known Karina for about... technically 5 days, but I've only been conscious for about 3 out of 5 of those days. Full name Kim Minjeong Winter, 17 years old and 164 cm tall." You hold a poker face while looking at Aeri's uncle's jaw practically fall open. 


" I was just joking- but cool! Well, I'm Kai." He holds out a hand to shake yours but right before you're able to shake his hand he pulls it away.


"Sorry, just- sanitary, and I need to be clean right now- Hey listen, why don't you run down to the store and get some things for Jim-ie when she wakes up? I'm sure she's a little shaken right now, so you can try making it better! Score some brownie points to, friend from school." He starts wiggling his eyebrows and you can only cringe and walk off to the closet, getting another set of clothes. A graphic t shirt and shorts.


Dropping the facemask and swapping instead for a bucket hat, you walk down the streets of New york. Taking in the sight, swinging around everyday blurs out alot of places. Your eyes fall onto a flower shop, looking at the top sign you read the name of the shop, Los umysłu. Where...have I seen that before-


Ignoring the sense of deja vu, you hold the handle of the rusted wooden door. Old, but weirdly welcoming at the same time...


The moment your hands push the handle down, the bell hanging on the door jingles and you're hit with another wave of deja vu. What the ... Have I been here before? 


" Oh, hey! What are you looking for? We've got almost every flower under the sun, no worries about finding the right one!" A teenager making a bouquet greets you from behind the counter, a sunshine like smile beaming at you. 


" Is there any good flowers for telling someone to get well soon? My friend is...sick right now." She ties the bow of the bouquet in her hands, looking back down.


" Oh, that would be yellow roses sunflowers or pink tulips! Those are the common choices for get well soon bouquets, personally..." She picks up the bouquet, walking towards you. 


" I'd recommend something like this bouquet for you instead, it fits better Minjeong. Trust me," Looking down you're seeing white flowers, pink flowers, blue purple. Pretty...


" These ones are ambrosia flowers, the ones over here are heliotropes and these are alstromerias. Hold on one moment, there's one more." The girl runs off into a room at the back of the store and returns with bellshaped white and pink flowers. Hm? What are those then, there's almost too many flowers in the world...


" These, are Arbutus flowers! Let me just..." She unties the bow and places the Arbutus in the middle before retying it and passing it to you. 


"You can definitely still go for the sunflower tulips, but I think that's way better looking... Wouldn't you agree? It fits you and the person you're going to give it to better too, trust me. " You look down at the bouquet in your arms and a tug at your heart pulls your attention back to the salesperson.


"How...much is it?" You could only wish it wasn't too expensive, Taeyeon tries her best to give you allowances but sometimes the restaurant just doesn't, profit. I can't get her just flowers either... Under $20, please. It looks like it's worth $40 but please, 20.


"Hahahahahaha." You quirk a brow at the teenager Infront of you who had seemingly started laughing for no reason. Did something funny happen?


" It's $14.90 for the flowers and $5 for the wrapping, total is $19.90. Payment by cash or card?" Tapping your phone over the the machine, the girl smiles one last time, walking you to the rusted door.


" May your Iove story be eternally playful, reciprocated, and the only. Bye bye!" With that, you found your feet walking further into the streets of New York. A fish shop catches your eye but so does a toy shop. She likes fish, but maybe she can't take care of them... what should I get her?


The toy shop beckons your presence, you give in.  Maybe a sea plushie, she was talking about penguin facts... 


Once the door was adjar a plushie immediately jumps out to you, a huggable sized shark one. With the two gifts you decided to walk back, the shark plushie slightly covering your view of the street.


Grunting and the sound of fighting alerts you, and carefully you web the flower and plushie to a wall. Pulling your tshirt over your head, causing your stomach to show.


"Hey! My suits not near me right now, mind fighting tomorrow instead?" The group of students turn to look at you and you notice they were bullying a male student, the girl then looks at the guys she was with before pointing at you. The dudes then tried tackling you.


"WOAH WOAH! We're not even in China town, nor am I wearing red! Down boy down boy!" Wait I need to go back soon...


Deciding not to punish students too badly you jump up into the air and web zip all of them to the ground, lamp pole, wall, before passing your phone to the male student. 


"Alright, call the cops and someone to come get you and go home. Don't worry too much man, some people bully people only because they think they're strong when they have numbers. Pack mentality and all that, find out your hobbies and likings, find friends who share those and they'll leave you alone." With that you zip up to a roof before lowering the

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*pushes glasses* …so what if I just wanted to flesh out 2kims relationship-


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Chapter 20: so much going on 😶‍🌫️
chloe_kim #2
Chapter 19: pls pls pls continue 🙏
Ashyasfuc #3
continue pls 😭
narutoaespaa #4
Chapter 19: please continue 😭
Addlyka #5
Chapter 19: please continue...
21pops #6
Chapter 19: Please continue 😭
Chapter 19: please continue 🥹
164 streak #8
Chapter 19: I think there’s nothing wrong with writing, we have always separated characters from idols, ofc we use their names but we know that’s not who they are in real life, tat’s the beauty of fiction we let out imagination and creativity take over. If you decide to no longer continue because you feel uncomfortable then we’ll respect your decision. If you decide to take a break we’ll respect that too, do what you need to do. Just know you’re not alone, we’re all together.

I’m just a reader but I relate to what you’re feeling, I might have to take a break from Winrina stories while I process this whole thing. All we can do is support our Jimin during this time.
shakieee312 #9
Chapter 19: I totally understand how you feel about the situation and its okay to take a break if you think it will affect of how you’ll write the story. But personally speaking, i think there’s nothing wrong in continuing to write the story but if you can’t do it now don’t force yourself. We are very much intrigued about the story and how it will end so I do hope we get to see its ending but take your time :) thank you for asking our opinion about this too
Chapter 17: 😭 chaewon just kept making it worse at the end