Seven Tales


Chan raised his arms, hands clasped together in thanks. He smiled at Minho before clearing his throat. “Say, Minho, you know a lot about mythology right?”

Minho deadpanned. “That is my major Chan, I told you this on day one.” Chan stared at Minho, both unblinking. The exchange was weird, though the thought of the two of them dating had crossed Jisung’s mind. But Chan would have surely shared that information with him if they were, wouldn’t he? Of course he would! They were best friends after all, and Jisung shared everything with his hyung.

“Is it wrong to want confirmation?” Chan asked.


Jisung needs help with his history project. Cue Minho - the hot librarian with a secret - to help!


Hello and welcome!

So I wrote this for part of the MINSUNG SEASON 2021: SEASONS FOR SOULMATES. My season inspiration was fall because....well it's almost Halloween, so why not?? This took a lot of brain power and energy and I'm still not entirely happy with it, but I did it! And that's a win in my book! Writer's block is no joke man. Ooof.

Here's a link to the event hosted by the wonderful @minsungseason

Also, I would like to thank a dear friend of mine who helped me come up with the title for this fic! She's a literal genius and I love her!

I hope you all enjoy!!! <3


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Chapter 1: Please update more, it's so well-written and i can't wait to read the next chap
746 streak #2
Chapter 1: I enjoyed reading this one! 💗🌹