Speak Now

Our Song
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“Are you okay in there, Donghae dear?” His mother asked through the door.

Donghae was looking in the mirror. He was wearing an all-white suit with a red tie. His husband-to-be had chosen the white suit, but he insisted that he pick his tie color. It was his wedding, too, so he should be given at least some kind of choice.

So he went with a red tie.

“Honey, the wedding will start in 15 minutes, make sure you’re all ready okay?”

“Okay, eomma!” he answered.

So this is what wedding anxiety feels like. Now he understood why people panic during weddings in movies. This was so nerve-wracking. 

He was going to spend a lifetime with his husband-to-be. An entire lifetime.

Was he really going through with this?

He thought about the previous day…

“Donghae…please don’t do this.” Hyukjae said. “You don’t have to marry him. Don’t let them dictate what you should and should not do in life. Money isn’t everything.”

“Hyukjae, please… Don’t make this difficult. It’s over now.”

“You don’t love him. I know for certain you don’t.”

“...I need to go, Hyukjae. Good bye. Please don’t contact me again.”

Chaeho had forbidden him from seeing Hyukjae but he managed to sneak out last night. Just one more meeting, to finally end things with Hyukjae.

They had met when Donghae was already engaged. Chaeho was the son of the CEO of HARU Inc., which meant he was the inheritor of the business. Donghae’s father works with Chaeho’s father and they had arranged this marriage between their sons to strengthen their connections. 

But Donghae never expected to fall in love. 

And not with Chaeho. Instead, he fell in love with a barista he met while he was hiding from his parents. They have been fussing over him ever since he got engaged, and it got too overwhelming for him. He needed to get away, and he ended up at a small cafe on the outskirts of town. 

And it was there that he fell in love at first sight with Hyukjae.

The two had hit it off. When giving Donghae his coffee order, he had written “You are cute” on his coffee cup, and that’s how they started talking. 

Donghae started skipping breakfast just so he could sneak out and go to the cafe. There, he can be himself. Hyukjae was funny and charming. And so very handsome. The man was prettier than anything Donghae has ever seen.

For weeks, they just kept meeting up at the cafe. Until one night, Donghae stayed until closing hours. And right before he left, Hyukjae held his arm to stop him. And then he leaned in to kiss him.

Fireworks bursted in Donghae’s chest. He’s kissed other men before, but this was a first for him. 

This must be love. He thought at the time.

But that was before his father had told him their business was going bankrupt. And the only way for them to save their business is to marry his business partner’s son. That way they can still live comfortably.

Donghae stared at his reflection in the huge mirror in his dressing room.

Their wedding organizers had prepared a grand wedding for him and Chaeho. They were holding it at the city’s biggest cathedral, they even invited all of the people Chaeho knew. Celebrities, businessmen, politicians. Everyone.

But Donghae knew none of them. They were all strangers to him. 

It’s funny because this was supposed to be his big day–so why does he feel like he’s about to attend a funeral instead?

“Just breathe. You can do it. It’s just for an hour.” he told his reflection in the mirror.

But marriage is forever… 

Hyukjae’s heart was about to explode in his chest. It was thundering, like the ticking of a bomb. 

He adjusts his duffel bag on his shoulder and approaches the guards in front of the cathedral. 

There were many paparazzis standing outside the funeral, waiting to get a look at the grooms after they exchanged their vows.

If they exchange their vows.

“So you’re the one who’s been taking up my fiance's time.” Chaeho drawled.

Hyukjae was on closing duty when Donghae’s fiance suddenly entered the coffee shop. He strode in as if he owned the place–wearing a tailored suit, expensive watch, and shiny black dress shoes.

Donghae followed quickly behind Chaeho. 

“Chaeho, please. Leave him alone. He didn’t do anything.”

“Oh, yeah? Then what the were you two doing all this time?” Chaeho growled. He walks up towards Hyukjae, and Hyukjae grips the mop he was holding tighter. As if he was going to use it as a weapon.

“What?” Chaeho threatened. “You think you can fight me? You’re nothing. You’re not even worth stepping on. Dirt is worth more than your life. Stay away from my fiance. Or else.”

“Chaeho, stop!” Donghae pleaded, trying to pull at Chaeho’s arm. “Leave him alone!”

Chaeho turned around and slapped Donghae on the face.

Donghae was caught off gu

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1455 streak #1
Chapter 3: Omggg loved the twist here! HAHHAHAH
Chapter 3: I LOVE THE ENDING HAAHAHHAHAHAHA and you did so well for your first time writing !! rivals eunhae is my absolute favourite genre and you wrote that so well !!!
stranger-pink #3
Chapter 2: i love this concept eunhae x taylor swift songs 🤍💙🫶
Ashsokawaii #4
Chapter 2: This is so cute I love it! Thank you for blessing us with this beautiful fic, I enjoyed reading it after a long, tiring day of work. This idea of using Taylor swift songs is actually genius cause Taylor swift has so many love songs and I've always wondered what they'd be like as a fanfic. So far, both chapters have been so nice, I can't wait for the other parts 💙
Peas89109 #5
Chapter 2: I love these stories!!!

These cute hopeless romantic stories with happy ending are the best! I don’t know why, but I really teared up.

You had me googling those flowers and I felt it’s so suitable for DH who currently is in his flower boy era as well!!!

Thank you thank you for these sweet fics. They are a nice treat for my eunhae heart💙🫶🏻💙🫶🏻
1586 streak #6
Chapter 1: Ah, this unwanted arranged marriage/star-crossed-lovers trope, it always gets me. Man, f* those rich people. Using other's lives like pawns in their chess game. Business deals and excessive wealth comes over basic humanity and the freedom of others. Having parents that use you like that, as a stopper for their own failures and to further their greedy ambitions. Ugh. Do they really have no shame? Of course, Donghae probably agreed because of filialty and also because he was accustomed to his privileged life.

But still, what kind of life are you holding onto when you have to make sacrifices like that and live in an awful and loveless business transaction of a marriage? Hyukjae is right, (though it's good to have enough of it,) money isn't everything. You can always get more, especially with the connections and resources afforded to these kinds of families. And in modern times it's possible without basically selling your child to another family for profit. But when you're from that kind of family, chances at real love with someone genuine - who aren't simply materialistic and treat you as a possession - are hard to come by.

I know there weren't any tags/warnings to indicate it, and the title/song inspiration hints otherwise, but I was half of expecting this to go down a darker path at one point. With Hyukjae's duffle bag and Donghae's white suit. Let's just say it would be a perfect canvas for a painting, and the tie would match perfectly. I shouldn't be disappointed it was a megaphone, because obviously, though that abusive bastard of a fiancé definitely deserved to be taken out of the picture (and the world), Hyuk would have been more screwed after and they probably wouldn't have a chance to be together anymore. So I guess it's good things didn't escalate and they just escaped.

Even though it's probably too simple to imagine, and though they're risking their lives and they'd have a lot of hurdles to go through (hiding, potential dangerous backlash from the spurned bastard and his family, potential guilt trips from Donghae's family to try to get him to reconsider, etc.) before they settle into a happy life together, I like the thought of them getting their "happily ever after" eventually. ♡
1455 streak #7
Chapter 1: Waaaah. 🥹
1455 streak #8
Subscribed! ^^