Good Bye!

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Good bye to you!!


You said I'm important to you. But your actions and your words are contradicting. You said I'm important but I'm always the LAST person in your list to talk to. You said you didn't want to lose me but you never cared about my feelings. You expected me to understand everything about you but did you care about me?

You only came to me when you didn't have anyone else to talk or entertain you. You came to me when you're sad. Did those people stay for you when you're sad? Did they comfort you? I was the one who always there to comfort you but when you want to have fun, did you remember about me? Thinking about me? ing no. You only remember me when you NEED me. Do you think I didn't know when you said you're busy but you are actually TOO BUSY entertaining other people?! You think I didn't know?! I knew when you lied to me and I hated it. I'm too stupid for tolerating your bulls until now. I know what you were thinking, you think you can always talk to me later on your free time? or when you're in the mood to talk to me after you spent your energy to talk to other people. You think you can always find me later because I'm not going anywhere anyway. I'm TIRED! I'm ing tired! 

If you think I won't leave and you feel safe, guess what? I'm leaving. You said you never had long lasting friendship or relationship. That's because you never appreciate what you have!! I was there. You could have had someone to care for you and ready to be there for you through hell. But you neglected me and you left me alone. You LOVE all of those temporary attention right? Then enjoy it!!! Don't cry again when you lose all of those attention later! Because by then you won't have anyone to hold you anymore. You will never find me anymore!! Good bye!!! I HOPE YOU ARE HAPPY with those people!!!! 


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