
Hyoyeon couldn't keep her cool, not when Tiffany was around. 



Hyoyeon was patiently waiting for her twin sister, Taeyeon, when Tiffany sat beside her. She was nervous—she feels like her heart might explode in any second, so she pretended to read the book she's holding, or at least she tried to. She was about to stand up when the taller girl stopped her. “I'm Tiffany, I'm in the theater arts department.” Of course, Hyoyeon knows who she is. She saw her perform a couple of times, and the girl shines when she's on stage, but Hyoyeon wouldn't say that; she might creep out the girl. “Hyoyeon, from the engineering department.” Hyoyeon wanted to say at least a hundred words, but none of them came out. She wanted to impress the girl, or at least have a longer chitchat, but the words seemed to be stuck in . 



After a couple of weeks, Hyoyeon stopped going to the bench, where she would often wait for Taeyeon to avoid interactions with Tiffany. Their conversation was awkward. She cannot handle social interactions, after all. She went to the library and sighed—another calculus exam; her body might collapse any time soon as she hasn't slept properly for a week straight. Finishing tons of plates and reviewing for her exams. Hyoyeon never wanted to take engineering, but her parents forced her to do so. Hyoyeon did it so that her parents would stop, though. 



Hyoyeon started to doze off when she felt a slight tap on her shoulder. She looked up and saw Tiffany, wearing a plain white shirt and jeans. She never saw Tiffany wear something like this; she would often see the girl wearing cute dresses and all. Hyoyeon thought it was cute. “Hey, have this coffee. I don’t know if you like it, but I noticed how tired you look since last week. I don’t know if you like coffee, but here.” Hyoyeon slightly smiled, forgetting about the first conversation they had. “Thank you, and yes, I do drink coffee.” Tiffany mumbled, “I’m glad you do.” but it was enough for Hyoyeon to hear. Tiffany sat beside Hyoyeon, she pulled out a book—it was a fantasy one, and the latter noticed it. 



Hyoyeon finished reviewing around 9 p.m., and Tiffany is still beside her, sleeping. She wonders why Tiffany is still beside her when it's obvious that her class ended hours ago. She was about to wake up the latter when she stopped—perhaps it was her heart that stopped beating for a second as she saw how fascinating Tiffany is, even when sleeping. She didn't notice that she was staring at the girl; she came back to her senses when the girl started to open her eyes. Before Hyoyeon could talk, Tiffany checked the time and started to scold Hyoyeon for staying and reviewing so late. “It’s 9 p.m. and you're still here? Are you trying to kill yourself?” Hyoyeon, was confused. Why did Tiffany react this way? Tiffany came back to her senses when she heard Hyoyeon’s phone ring. It’s Taeyeon.



“Hyo, I'm with Jessica right now, I'll stay at her place tonight. I saw you at the library earlier, you should go home and don't push yourself too much.” Hyoyeon shrugged. Taeyeon talks as if she's not pushing herself, too. She's currently taking law, and they're both on the president's list, so people expect more from both of them. Tiffany didn't mean to eavesdrop on their conversation, but what can she do? She's sitting beside Hyoyeon, and the speaker of the latter's phone is loud enough for her to hear what the conversation is about. 



Hyoyeon sighed, she's never been good at conversation or initiating one. “Do you want to have dinner with me? That's the least thing I can do for accompanying me.” Hyoyeon smiled, trying not to show any nervousness in her face. Tiffany couldn't hide her excitement, she smiled, a genuine one.



They were on their way to a famous fast food restaurant near their university when someone called Tiffany. It was Sooyoung, Tiffany's suitor, at least that's what Hyoyeon heard. She waited for the conversation between Sooyoung and Tiffany to end with an annoyed face; she couldn't understand why either. Perhaps she doesn't like other people wasting her time, or maybe it was more than that. 



Finally, the conversation ended. “She's just a friend.” Tiffany said. Hyoyeon was so confused that she ended up saying, “Huh?” Tiffany, on the other hand, laughed. “She's just a friend. The rumors about the university aren't real. It has pros, though. For example, people aren't trying to hit me up every second.” Tiffany smiled, and Hyoyeon felt the warmth. Hyoyeon didn't think much of what Tiffany said; she's not good at taking hints, though. 



After months, Hyoyeon got used to Tiffany's presence, but it was never enough to fill what had been missing. Both of them never made it official, but both of them cared for each other more than anyone else. One of them hoped they had the courage to do so. 



Hyoyeon failed one exam, and since then everything has started to go downhill. She started to isolate herself again. Tiffany was used to Hyoyeon ghosting everyone, but she wished she could do something about it. She wished she could make the girl feel a little lonely. Hyoyeon has been reviewing for two weeks straight. She hasn't slept much since then. 



Weeks after the exam. It was time for the circle to celebrate: Hyoyeon, Taeyeon, Jessica, Tiffany, Sunny, and Sooyoung. They were able to become one because of the two. And all of their presence is needed for tonight's surprise. They all made it—they passed their fourth year of college. The circle decided to celebrate at Kim’s place. Taeyeon suggested it. Their place is quite huge, after all. Taeyeon has been busy preparing for tonight, from foods to decorations to music. There will be a surprise, though. 



Taeyeon and Hyoyeon are both sitting on the couch, waiting for their friends to arrive. Everyone is feeling nervous at the thought that everything might go wrong. Hyoyeon doesn't feel anything, though; she still doesn't know what to feel. Moments later, their friends started to arrive one by one. The first one to arrive was Jessica, followed by Sooyoung and Sunny, and the last one was Tiffany, who has been feeling anxious the whole day. 



The circle started to drink a few cups of light alcohol. It was tolerable, and then a few minutes later, Jessica started to play songs. They were dancing as if their lives depended on it until a love song started to play. Taeyeon and Jessica started to dance in the middle, followed by Sooyoung and Sunny. The two couples showed their feelings for each other. Taeyeon and Jessica’s felt like summer—it was warm and clear. The love that would survive a thunderstorm Meanwhile, Sooyoung and Sunny’s is autumn, and they fall for each other deeper than before. It would be enough for them to last until then. 



Tiffany asked Hyoyeon to dance; gladly, the latter accepted her offer. They talked about different topics until both of them couldn't find any words to say and just decided to feel the moment. Hyoyeon felt something that she had never felt before. It was heavy, it's painful, and it feels like someone's holding her heart tight. Tiffany started to speak softly. “Hyoyeon, I have something to tell you.” For the first time, Hyoyeon was not confused. She knows what Tiffany is about to say. She couldn't stop the latter; she won't; she can't. 



“I have been friends with you for months. The reason I approached you was because I find you amazing in general. I saw you once on the stage, dancing alone, pouring every emotion you had into the dance. I felt everything you were feeling; it was painful and lonely. I thought it was amazing. Every day I would go back and forth to the stage where I saw you, hoping I'd see you dance again, but it didn't happen. I saw you again on the bench near the law department, so I decided to shoot my shot. You were cold, though.” Hyoyeon's heart starts to ache. “But hey, it was fine. It was the preliminary examination, so I thought you'd be at the library, as I saw you there a couple of times, studying for hours, so I bought two coffees, and gladly you were there and you drink coffee. I don't know why I'm saying these words, though.” Tiffany let out a soft giggle before continuing. “You know, I like you. That's what I want to say–” Hyoyeon dropped her hands. Trying to compose herself. “Not now; I am not ready.” She thought. “Hyoyeon locked herself in her room. Perhaps she was planning something. Maybe theirs is winter, the ice in one’s heart hasn't melted.



A few days later, Hyoyeon finally had the courage to approach Tiffany again. Since that night, Hyoyeon has been thinking about it. She has been receiving calls from her parents, too. Telling her that she is a failure after not getting perfect grades and how embarrassing it is to become a daughter. Hyoyeon thought she really was, as she hurt someone very dear to her.



Hyoyeon sighed with a heavy heart. She gave Tiffany a letter. 



Dear Tiffany,  


I am writing this because I think I won't be able to face you again. I am sorry for suddenly locking myself in my room and leaving you while you were trying to say something. I thought about it a couple of times. I thought I would give it a try, but then I was not ready. Not yet. I still cannot process my feelings and emotions well, and I don't want to hurt you. I also know what an amazing person you are. I have so many things to deal with; you will graduate soon, and I still have one year to finish this course. I wish you well. 

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