chapter 1: plane crash

cage of eden: winrina version
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A bustling street market in Boracay, it was even more crowded than usual because of the students. There was students buying gifts and souvenirs, one could mistake that it was a school fare. Despite the crowded streets, it was very lively and vendors didn't dislike the idea of more customers. 

A class was having the school trip, most of them had competitions which they most of the them won. And so, they were allowed to grab the opportunity to have a class trip. Of course along with professors. It was now their last day of their vacation and students were busy buying souvenirs vendor to vendor, having fun, playing around, and all sorts of shenanigans. They were unstoppable.


Winter turned to the person who called her, although she got the hunch who it is already. There's only one person who calls her that.


The girl who's beaming at her with a smile that even sunflowers would follow in her direction. Their class's president is always like that– the epitome of sun.

Ryujin laughed a bit to winter's way of acknowledging her presence. "There's loads of snacks and whatnots over there!"

Winter could only smile a bit as she looked at the store her childhood friend was pointing at. There were too many people. There's no way she'll be able to buy there.

"No, thank you."

"That's too bad."

Ryujin suddenly grabbed both of her shoulders, her eyes on fire like she suddenly remembered a mission. "Win! Can you please exchange seats with me on the way back home?" 

"What?" I already checked my seat and it's by the window. Winter pouted.

"Chenle's friends won't stop bickering and I don't want to get dragged into their conversation the whole duration of the flight again." 

Winter cut her off. "Save it Ryu, you just want to sit with Yeji." 

Her childhood friend flashes her the pleading eyes, there's a saying at her school about the girl in front of her. Ryujin's persistence is what makes her a great leader.

"Why can't you ask your seat buddy to exchange seats with Yeji?"

Ryujin stopped for a second, seemingly realizing that she could've done that instead. 

"We're closer! Come on win, please." Winter was not budging. "I'll buy you snacks over there! I heard it's best here in this place."

Now she's not the one who would take a bribery, but, the snacks definitely looked tasty. And she already planned to buy those but a little help she wouldn't mind. Especially under the heat.

"Hmm, okay, I accept those terms."

Ryujin jumped in joy. "Hooray! Thanks my childhood friend! My brother! My sister from another mother!"

"Okay, okay, you've said enough. Go along now, and hydrate yourself."

Winter pushed Ryujing towards the store. 

"Buy one for yourself too Ryu!" Her childhood friend gave her a thumbs up, as she pushes through the crowd.

Now, hmm, it's getting too crowded. I'll probably just go back to the hotel and read there. Our flight would be later, so better to pack the souvenirs and snacks securely.



​​​​​​Winter literally just did those and slept till they had to go to the airport for the flight.












Winter looked up from her book.

"Hello." Oh, it's Karina.

Winter continued reading the book as the girl that just greeted her took a seat and settled her things.

"Ehem." Winter tore her eyes away from her book. "Would you mind if I hold unto you while the plane takes off?"

Karina was smiling at her shyly, "It's just that I'm really scared with how the plane shakes or when there's a turbulence. Ryujin said it was okay to ask you that since you're close with each other, right? I know we're not that close, but, of course only if you're comfortable with it–"

"Hmm, what's in it for me?"

It's give and take. Winter looked at the girl innocently, like it was the most normal thing to ask. A bit speechless, the girl only showed Winter a snack she was holding. "Do you want this mochi?"

And just like that, with a single packed, 5cm by 5cm, macha-flavoured mochi Winter gave her a smile. "I accept those terms.

"Karina couldn't help but smile too, "Yeyy then."




The take off was pretty smooth yet Karina still held unto Winter's arm for safety precaution for her heart. At the moment the people had already settled down and as it was already night time. Most of Winter's classmates had already dozed off or were about to.

Except for Winter. Why did I fall asleep earlier?

She's wide awake like an Owl. Winter was not sleepy at all. She looked at the girl sitting next to her already asleep. She looked at the seats next to theirs. She looked at the seats at the front and behind them.

Everyone's sleeping. A stewardess was roaming and checking here and there. Winter raised her hand and caught the stewardess attention and immediately attended to the passenger with a smile. "What can I do for you?"

Good thing I'm not seated by the window, or else it'll be hard for me to go to the toilet. I guess, Ryu did something in favor for me this time. "Is it okay to go to the toilet cubicle right now?"

"Yes, miss. It's okay for passengers to stand up at this moment. Would you like me to guide you?"

Winter immediately shakes her head, "No, thank you. I can g

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Chapter 7: Winter Nooooo😱😱😱😱
Jamess #2
Chapter 7: owh man….the story it getting too spicy…dang it i can’t wait for the next chapter 😁👍👍👍
patdu123 #3
Chapter 7: this story is amazing! can't wait for another updatee!!🔥
Chapter 5: EXCITING! Please update as soon as possible author! ❤️
Jamess #5
Chapter 5: Finally the update 😁👍👍…omg the story is getting more interesting otornim…can’t wait for more 😁😁….and jmj moment were cute 🫢🫢
Chapter 5: OMG!!!! You're back😃 I missed this story so much😭😭😭😭
Thanks for the update😘
kasterian #7
Chapter 5: wow, this feels cinematic in a way…
Chapter 4: OMG!!!! Why would Karina have anything to do with the pilot's death???
I'm scared of what to think now😱😱😱
Jamess #9
Chapter 4: wow this was great…i’ve read all of the chapters 😁👍👍👍…can’t wait for the next update 😁🫢
No_looksies #10
Chapter 4: Oooh looks like Karina had something to do with the death of the pilot 🥲
I am bracing myself for some strong impact... This story is really thrilling