Chp 1

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As he stood at the entrance of the church, he looked back at, his husband to be behind him.

Why did this happen? This was supposed to be my happiest day.

"Whyyy??" He began sobbing....

2 years ago..

"Will you marry me, Byun Baekhyun?" Chanyeol said infront of the whole class

"Eww, no. Go away.. am not gay" was what he replied. 

He liked him but could not myster up the strength to say it.. being gay was an abomination in his family..

He regreted it..

After that incident chanyeol followed him all around never once stopping.

He said "One day you might come around" 

He came around and agreed to date him but only in secrecy hiding from his peers and family..Chanyeol agreed.

Baekhyun didnt see him often and ignored him infront of people but yet chanyeol still remained by his side loving me and caring for him.

He  smiled as he remembered his touch in the middle of the night… he thought of him hugging him from behind as he washed dishes in the kitchen.

He got reminded of him grumbling at him when he did those little irritating things- throwing towel here and there, relaxing on lounge as hhe cooked and cleaned, or coming in to help when he least wanted those…

His life hung on his whispered sweet nothings…

He adored his little habits- hugging him in his sleep, tickling him, playing games with him, just sitting there with him in total silence, just being near him, j

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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Chapter 1: Very heavy - "what it's" can drive you crazy ...
GemM315 #2
Chapter 1: This story is so sad..