Pirate and a beauty

Pirate and a beauty

Crashing into a nobles party was one of the few dangerous entertainments Yesung liked to participate in. Him as a captain and his 11 brave men, a crew of a ship that could easily be called the most handsome, were in fact pirates. 


More than stealing, they were roaming the seas doing favors for the less fortunate, gaining money with their hard work and charming smiles. 


They might have been outcasts, but they had the looks and manners of aristocracy. Some of the members might have been the long lost sons of dukes or kings, but on a ship it didn't matter, the brotherhood did, not their origin. 


This party looked fancy, but something suspicious was in the air. Yesung felt as if this night will not turn out well. As he was thinking about it, the clock showed midnight. They all heard a loud ringing in their ears. 


The nobles stopped the music, the dances were over, everyone looked at the center of the room, where someone rolled a huge cages covered with red cloth. A wild animal auction?- Yesung thought. 


He couldn't be more wrong. The masked man took the covering off the cages and everyone saw what was inside. Slaves. Even though they were in a country where those kinds of practices were forbidden, the procedure was still going on, underground. 


The captain looked around and saw his vice-captains Leeteuk and Heechul getting ready. They all knew what to do. As if they planned beforehand, all the ship's crew blended into a crowd and started their magic. 


Some noblemen fell, others got splashed with water, another one caught their beard on fire, the uproar was convenient as the 12 stole the keys needed to free the poor women and men that were about to get sold. 

It's not the first time pirates were doing this, so they knew how to act fast and not get caught. They swiftly knocked guards unconscious and took the people they held captive outside of the building, into safety. 


They brought them to the carriage they had hidden outside, took off their masks and cloths covering their mouths, cut off the ropes over their hands. 


They drove fast away from the burning mansion.


"I know it's hard to understand, but you're free. We can take you to safety or any place you want, even outside this kingdom, we have a ship, it's no problem. If you want to start a new life somewhere else, we'll help you out". 


People cried, laughed, talked with the pirates a lot and made up a plan. They wanted to move to another country, so they boarded on their ship. One particular person was looking at Yesung in a curious way. It was a woman in a red dress. Her hair was blond, her gaze mature and cautious and her lips almost… smirking. 


She was a beauty, but the captain wasn't into women at all, in fact none of his crew were straight, that's basically why they left their family homes and decided to pursue happiness on their own. 


Most of the journey, Yesung didn't really hang out with the new people. He wanted to help them obviously, but he also needed to protect his brothers, and to do that, he needed to be unbiased. 


His shift holding the wheel ended and he went to his chamber. It was the same size as all the others, with bare minimum possessions. Today he was more tired than usually, overthinking about the girl, whose deep brown eyes were on his mind. 


He started taking off his pants and ing his shirt, when he heard a quiet noise behind him. His hand reached for a spade, but was blocked by a strong hołd. 


"Let's talk"- male voice told him. It was unfamiliar, yet weirdly fond and kind, like autumn air- Yesung thought. 


He nodded and the hold of his hand became lighter, as if the man didn't want to hurt him. 


Yesung slowly turned around and saw the blond locks and the eyes he thought so deeply today. His mouth opened a bit in a shock. 

"Who are you?" He asked faintly.

"I'm Kyuhyun" the man smiled and caressed Yesung's cheek with a feathers-like touch. 


"Are you a crossdresser? Me and my crew don't judge, you can be whoever you want here, Kyu" Yesung smiled back and actually started to really enjoy the other's touch. 

"Hahahaha, no, but good to know. Actually i just wore this disguise to flee from everything holding me back, but I was caught by the traders. I tried to help the others, but I guess we all got saved by… you."


Yesung blushed and nodded slightly. His cheek was now burning, every place Kyuhyun grazed was becoming hot. His own breath shortened as he was looking into the eyes of his new friend. 


The captain loudly swallowed the saliva watering his mouth and took the wig off the man before him. He had hazelnut brown hair, it looked sweet like a milk chocolate he enjoyed some months ago. 


His small finger ran through neck-lengthened hair. They were soft and had a nice feel to them, really suited the man before him. 


Both were enchanted with each other. The touching continued, as if they were discovering themselves. Two loud heartbeats were filling the room. Also their breaths were interrupting them. 


"I saw how you looked at me and I need to say, watching you became my hobby. I don't know what it is about you, but… I want to never stop touching you. You might be a pirate, but my only wish is to steal from you, those pink-colored lips, those eyes filled with temptation, those beautiful, small hands that are wandering over my body, can I?" 


Yesung was stunned. He felt exactly the same. As if they were in a years-long relationship, they were thinking exactly the same things. He nodded and told the man yes. 


The sheer fact that Kyu asked for his consent made Yesung believe a man now closing the gap between them was someone who will be very dear to him soon. 


The air in the room was heavy, the tension was high, until their parted lips met. As if all their senses blossomed, they were amazed by how much they needed it.


The kiss was slow at first, but then as if they were hungry, they clung onto each other and didn't let go. 


Yesung ended their moment first. His mind was in total shock. He never felt this way with anyone. He looked above until he met the eyes of a man a few centimeters taller than him.  He caressed his cheek and then earlobes, then finally neck. 


"As much as I want to do this and… more, I know nothing about you and you don't know me, though I do feel like I've known you forever." Yesung was always sentimental, but this was new, exciting and amazing, but also scary. He was the captain, the responsible person in charge, not someone who should be swayed by the first man that comes by. 


"You might not remember me, i'm 4 years younger than you after all, but we were neighbors. Actually our mothers were friends before the fire took them both. You saved me then and I have looked for you since." 


A painful surge of memories came Yesung's way, he didn't want to remember it, but he had no choice. He was just 8 when his mom died with her friends and he was taken away by his bastard father. He took the crying kid out of the burning building, the boy he always took care of, that was this Kyuhyun right in front of him. 


"Why didn't you say anything sooner?" Yesung said in a crying voice. "I'm glad you're here, all okay and in my arms". He quickly hugged the boy, now a man, who he was so fond of in the past. Now his feeling towards him are a little bit different, a lot different actually. 


"You promised to marry me when we grow up" -Kyuhyun smirked- "so you better do it." 


"Are you proposing to me now?" Yesung laughed and put his arms around the taller man. "Are you willing to join our crew as my husband?"


 "Uffff i thought you would never ask, yes. I already got Leeteuk's and Heechul's approval" 

They both laughed and smiled until the touching turned out into something more intimate. 


The crew became 13 men, some started calling them super gay juniors to mock them, but they embraced the name and became famous for being pirates of golden hearts. 


The pirate and a beauty lived happily ever after. Even though life is unpredictable, something in it is definitely constant.

It's the love Kyuhyun and Yesung have for each other. 


~the end~


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sooo sweet ❤️‍🔥
_MyName_ #2
Chapter 1: Don't underestimate your writing, this was good! Kyuhyun's hobby sounds familiar ;)
Chapter 1: Girl, if this is trash, this is the most beautiful trash I’ve ever seen lol. Anyways I really enjoyed this fic to get through the rough times of no Kyusung crumbs. But really your writing is very good, so please don’t insult it 🥺 I loved the between Yesung and Kyu, it felt like I was intruding 🤣 And Kyu crossdressing 👩🏻‍🍳😘
390 streak #4
Chapter 1: Wooo, Kyu got Leeteuk and Heechul's approval that fast?! I thought they would fight Kyu and make hell turn upside down first LOL

Eniwei, cute story! Love it! Upvote~