We're going on a picnic, again

Magic Double Date Night: Picnic Edition 2.0
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A/N: Hi everyone, I actually wasn’t too sure if I could pull off another picnic edition to this series, but it was a nice distraction and fun to write. I do think it is a nice read but please enjoy! Thank you so very much in advance (I also apologize for my extended absence, that was not intentionally. My health hasn't been at it's best lately, and for that I am very sorry everyone)



It was a rare time where everyone had some down time from their busy schedules. Yerim wasn’t working insane hours at the record label. Sooyoung had no pressing or majorly important cases to work on. Joohyun is not filming any movies or doing any modeling gigs, and Seulgi is out of the movie studio for a short break. The friends decided now would be a great time to meet up. Only what could they do? How would they pass their time? 


After hours of back and forth debate on either heading to the monster realm or staying right where they all were already, in the human world. The four monsters ultimately decided on a perfect idea. One that would hopefully be a good relaxing option and no crazy antics.


Or so that was the hope.


“We’re going on another picnic. We’re going on another picnic.” One surprisingly cheerful vampire sings as she comes down stairs, dressed in a comfortable red cotton shirt and black jeans. 


“A happy Yerim?” Seulgi mouthed to Joohyun, a cheerful Yerim could be good or bad, and they had no idea what to make of it yet.


“I know, baby. I’m scared too.” The succubus admits. A cheerful Yerim is just unheard of and Joohyun is hoping this isn’t meant to be a sign or bad omen.


“Ah!” Sooyoung screams and comes running from the kitchen.


“What’s wrong with you?” Seulgi questions, though she isn’t sure if she wants to know the answer. In fact, the hybrid is not sure she wants to know, as when it comes to both Sooyoung and Yerim it might be anything at all. Why did she and Joohyun decide to come to their house, instead of heading to meet them later for their picnic? A decision the other couple are questioning.


“You’re wearing the shirt and jeans I bought for you!” The witch seems absolutely thrilled by this new development. Her vampire hardly ever wears the clothes she buys for her, and so she hurried over to her shorter partner. 


“Hey, let me go!” Yerim complains slightly when Sooyoung lifts her into a tight hug.


“No, not when you’re finally wearing the clothes I pick out for you. You really do love me, vampy.”


“Never mind, they’re fine.” Joohyun figures this is typical behavior for their two friends and she waits until Sooyoung seems focused again to ask an important question, that no one seemed to consider prior to agreeing that they’d go on another picnic.


“Where are we supposed to have this picnic?” 


Everyone turns to the succubus after she asks this. It appears as if that question triggers a reaction in all of them, like they’re just realizing they haven’t thought of that part for the first time.






“Why the heck are you asking me? I don’t care where you guys eat.” Yerim shrugs, since she’s only going to the picnic to get out of the house. Maybe if she’s lucky scare or prank a few humans, if there’s time, and her wife isn’t watching her to make sure won’t do anything reckless.


Joohyun sighs and facepalms. Why does she even bother? In fact, she could have been relaxing in the brand new jacuzzi that was just installed at home. She could have been properly enjoying her free time with the love of her life, and yet here she is at Sooyoung and Yerim’s house where no one seems to have any idea what they’re doing. All in all a typical day for them.


“Oh, don’t worry. That problem is solved.” The witch suddenly remembers. “I called Seungwan earlier and asked if she’d like to join us, you know since we’re in the human world. She’s got us covered!”


“That sounds good then, since Wan lives here. She probably knows all the best picnic spots.” Seulgi feels relieved, since Seungwan is not the sort to let her friends down. Besides, with them all being in the human world, it was a good chance to spend some quality time with their friend.


“Alright, fine. But she better text soon with directions, though nothing beats the magical lake.” As soon as the vampire mentions this everyone is in agreement. Of course, nothing is better than the magical lake. It’s only the best and most popular spot in the magic realm. However, they are in the human world as of today, so they’ll just have to make do with a non-magical spot for a picnic.


“Here, babe. Keep yourself busy while I talk to the adults.” Sooyoung throws her a conjured up handheld video game, in order to keep Yerim as she said busy. It works as Sooyoung expected.


“Ooh, a nintendo switch, in almost perfect condition.”


“Almost perfect condition.” Sooyoung mutters and shakes her head in slight disbelief. Her wife didn’t care anymore about anything other than playing the nintendo switch, and sat down on one of the empty couches.


“Amazing.” The succubus nods. “Now, I know how to get her to behave when she’s acting up.”


“She’s not hard to please. Let’s talk now while she’s distracted.”


Seulgi and Joohyun truly didn’t know what to expect in this case. Usually, it might be something completely ridiculous when it comes to both of their friends. Though, on the off-chance this is probably important. The two of them remain quiet and listen to what the witch has to say.


“Wait, wait…” Seulgi has to be sure she heard right once Sooyoung stopped speaking. 


“Did you just say that you can’t actually go to the picnic?”


Sooyoung hurries to shush Joohyun in case Yerim actually stopped playing her video game long enough to notice the conversation. Thankfully, Yerim truly has eyes glued onto the screen.


“Why don’t you say it a little louder, so Yerim can actually hear you?”


Joohyun apologizes, even if she can see that Yerim is not paying attention to a single thing around her other than the video game on the screen. Sooyoung is also clearly not joking either. That’s why she and Seulgi listen as their witch friend goes into full details about the situation. Apparently, she did have time off, but there weren’t any important cases as far as Sooyoung knew. Just shortly after everyone decided they should do another picnic. Sooyoung received an urgent message from the law firm saying she needed to get back to the office as soon as possible.


“That’s all they told you? You don’t know why you have to go back to the office?”


“No, but it must be important. They wouldn’t call when everyone is on break if it wasn’t. Ooh, what if it’s about making me a partner finally, and they’re just trying to get me down there to surprise me.”


Seulgi and Joohyun can see the bright glint in Sooyoung’s eyes as she starts excitedly going on about the surprise that’s probably for her. They try and fail miserably to get Sooyoung to think rationally. Since truly, she has no real evidence that is why the law firm asked her to come back in.


“Let her have this, baby.” The succubus whispered to her hybrid love. Sometimes, it’s best to let the delusional have their moment. 


“But, Hyun. It’s wrong to let people be delusional, even if she’s our friend.”


Naturally, at that moment, Sooyoung stops talking about her lovely new office space and how much richer she will be, and comes back to reality. She does have to ask both of them a very important favor.


“So that’s it, pretty much. I can’t go to the picnic, but luckily I have two very helpful friends who can watch my vampy for me.”


“Oh, really, who?”


Sooyoung frowns and takes a deep breath since she knows that Joohyun is most likely teasing her. “Haha, you’re hilarious today, Joohyun. I can only trust you guys to watch Yerimie so…”


“What, no!!” The vampire screams suddenly, and everyone panics thinking Yerim heard the conversation. 


“I can explain, babe…” Sooyoung begins to give Yerim an explanation only to see her wife is truly yelling at the fact she’s losing in the game. “Seriously!”


“You wanted to distract her.”


“Yes, but still! You know what, never mind. I need you both to watch her but don’t worry you’ll have some assistance. If you’ll just come with me for a moment.”


Now what was Sooyoung going on about? What sort of assistance? Seulgi could only sigh and ask herself again why did she and Joohyun come here? Either way they were about to follow Sooyoung to god knows where.


“We will be right back, babe.” Sooyoung says out loud and starts leading Seulgi and Joohyun away.


“Hey, if you’re going to the kitchen please bring me a blood smoothie, thanks!”


“Hopeless.” The other three monsters can only sigh, and yet are thankful that Yerim is focused on the game she’s playing. Joohyun and Seulgi hope this isn’t going to be anything terrible, whatever Sooyoung has to show them. It doesn’t take long for the couple to realize they are heading up to the witch’s custom-made tower. Come to think of it, for as long as they’ve both known Sooyoung. They’ve never stepped foot inside the place.


“Um, you’re not going to cast spells on us or something, right?”


“What! Why the hell would I waste my talents on you two monsters, be serious!”


“Seul had to ask. We never know what you’re thinking.”


“Idiots, I just need to show you something. It’ll probably be useful when you guys watch Yerimie for me.”


That didn’t sound confident, but they followed Sooyoung into her tower. As soon as the three of them walked through the crimson colored door. The lights automatically, no doubt some spell of Sooyoung’s. At an immediate glance it seemed every bit what you’d expect in a witch’s tower. Spell tomes neat in several bookcases, different colored potion bottles, and an assortment of ingredients. Nothing too out of the ordinary.


“Did those photos of you just move?” Because Seulgi is positive she saw the photos move.


“Yeah, maybe. They were supposed to be enchanted with my lovely singing voice, but oh well, what can you do? Anyways, close your eyes and prepare to be amazed.”


Of course, the succubus and hybrid had to close their eyes, and the witch actually stood there tapping her foot on the floor until she saw that their eyes were closed. The moment Sooyoung felt they weren’t peeking she assured them it was safe to open their eyes, and once Seulgi and Joohyun did open their eyes. It was safe to say they hadn’t expected what they saw at all.


“What the hell, Soo?”


“I’m seeing two of them right? Because that looks like another Sooyoung.”


That’s exactly what they’re both seeing. Two Sooyoung’s. The one on the right is their Sooyoung of course as her hair is currently darker and she was wearing an oversized black sweater and denim jeans. The second Sooyoung as Seulgi and Joohyun are calling her for now, looks exactly like Sooyoung in every way except with her familiar former auburn tresses. 


“This is the backup I’m sending. It’s my most perfect creation, I call her Joy.” Sooyoung looks fondly at her double. She spent years working on this spell, through many unsuccessful, and failed attempts. Spells where she was missing parts, had no voice box, and many more unpleasant results she rather not think of.


“And she’s going to the picnic with us? Won’t Yerim get suspicious?” It felt like a logical question, because there is always at least a possibility Yerim would get suspicious. She’s only been married to Sooyoung forever. 


“No, she won’t notice. My Joy spell is absolutely perfect in every way, isn’t that right, Joy.”


“Yep!” The spell nods enthusiastically. “I am absolutely perfect in every way, so let’s get to this picnic already.”


Alright, so she sounded and looked the part of Sooyoung. Maybe this might not be too terrible. Before either Seulgi or Joohyun could even ask their friend anymore questions, like is her spell safe? Or what to do if Yerim loses her when she finds out that it’s not actually her. Sooyoung is hugging her double goodbye and wishing them good luck before teleporting herself back to the monster realm.


“Did she just really leave us here like that?” Joohyun is pissed, but there is no time to feel anything other than surprise as Sooyoung’s double pulls both herself and Seulgi along like they’re two ragdolls.


“Okay, on to the picnic!”


“Excuse me, but… what are you doing?”


“We better go, we don’t want Yerim to be suspicious. Now, you two know I’m not really Sooyoung but it would help if you do call me by her name, please and thank you!”


“Since when is Sooyoung this strong?” Seulgi speaks out loud to no one in particular. “This is going to be a disaster. There’s no way Yerim won’t notice you’re not Sooyoung.”


The clone shakes her head in disagreement. Sooyoung is one of the best, she wouldn’t make some low level spell, and she is fairly confident they can fool the vampire. That’s why they made it downstairs to find Yerim standing there waiting, having finally put down the video game.


“Hey, so are we going to this picnic anytime soon or what? I could be doing anything else.”


“Don’t worry, babe. Seungwan already texted me directions, so we can get going before Seulgi starts trying to steal our picnic baskets.” The clone speaks in a cheery voice and hugs her in the same way Sooyoung would have. Had Seulgi and Joohyun not already seen what happened earlier they'd have believed the woman was actually Sooyoung. 


Yerim stood staring at Sooyoung. “Um, why are you red-haired again?” She refers to the fact that her hair is no longer black but auburn. Seulgi sighs and Joohyun holds back a scream. This is it, this is going to be over before they even step foot outside. Of course, Yerim would recognize something amiss.


“I wanted to change my look. You know I have to look my best at all times, vampy.” 


“Oh , this is going to be bad. Yerim is going to freaking lose it!”


“I knew this was going to fail, of course it’s going to fail! Like Yerim isn’t going to know her own damn wife!’


Yerim breaks out into a bright smile and pats Sooyoung’s face, and that might have been the scariest moment of all for both the hybrid and succubus. A happy Yerim? A Sooyoung who was not actually Sooyoung? What were they going to do?


“That’s okay! You look good, Soo. Alright, you two, let’s get a move on before Seulgi really does try to steal some picnic baskets.”


“Hey, why am I the target?” She pouts in a way that makes her look like an adorable sulky teddy bear to which Joohyun can’t help going into wife mode. There’s something about a pouting Seulgi that makes her weak too, at least in the way she just has to take care of her.


“Aw, my baby, don’t be such a grumpy bear.” The loving way she touches her cheeks does bring more of a smile to Seulgi’s face. Even after all these years together, Joohyun can make her feel better practically instantly. It doesn’t even matter how much Yerim and Sooyoung, well in this case, not really Sooyoung . Not as long as she has Joohyun. Everything will be completely okay.


“You’re right, Hyun. I feel better anyways because you’re with me.”


“See when you’re sweet that way it just makes me love you all the more.” Joohyun barely gets to lean in for a kiss when they hear the witch shouting at them. She’s really taking her role as Sooyoung quite well, all things considered. 


“Will you two hurry up! We have a picnic to go to! Time is wasting.”


“Yeah, what Soo said, hurry up! We don’t want to keep the human….. I mean Seungwan waiting.”


Seulgi shakes her head in slight disbelief. This is already ridiculous and they haven’t even left for the picnic yet.


“This is going to be a mess, Hyun.” 


“I know, baby. That’s why we can’t let our guards down. We better keep our eyes on this Joy or whatever she’s calling herself. Let’s go before she hurls a lightning bolt or something at us.”


At this, all Seulgi can do is laugh since it’s pretty much what the real Sooyoung would do, and that’s accurately scary. Because that clone out there is trying to pass herself off as Sooyoung, and she’s doing a good job of it this far. Yerim doesn’t suspect a thing and while that is a good thing. Seulgi agrees with Joohyun that they can’t keep their guards down at all. They have to stay vigilant, god help them if Yerim does realize that is not her wife out there.


“Well, come on, Hyun. We better get a move on. Hopefully, this Joy person knows where to meet Seungwan.”





If anyone had asked Son Seungwan if she imagined she would be spending her free day from the restaurant waiting for her four monster friends to meet so they could have an impromptu picnic. Seungwan would have probably laughed at the ridiculousness of it all. But then it was probably kind of insane she had four good friends who were monsters, but she did. With that being said Seungwan sure wasn’t going to miss the chance to spend time with Seulgi, Joohyun, Sooyoung, and Yerim. She even took the time to make treats for them, some for one particularly stubborn vampire that she’d no doubt like too.


That’s why when Sooyoung called her earlier and said they were going to have a picnic because everyone had time off, and if she would also like to join them. Seungwan wasted no time in saying yes. She even found the perfect park for them to have a picnic in (monster friendly and everything). It wasn’t overly crowded and she got them a great shady spot on top of a hill area where they were kind of secluded where no other humans would bother them, Uh herself not included.


“Now just where are they? I texted Sooyoung over an hour ago.” She knows the witch, and the woman is hardly one to be late at all. Seungwan didn’t want to outright panic or anything simply because her friends are running a little late. So she sent about ten texts and called five times, who was really counting? In a moment, Seungwan might call again, but that wasn’t really very crazy? She just felt concerned.


“Sooyoung, it’s me again. Are you guys okay, because I’ve been here awhile and ....”


“We’re here! I told you I knew what I was doing!”


The loud shout startles Seungwan enough she nearly drops her phone, but what makes her scream is the creepy dark portal that is behind her friends that does it. Maybe everyone forgot that they’re not in their monster realm, but now is not the time for random freaky portals.




“You knew you were lost, Soo.” Yerim tells her other half, or at least who she thinks is her other half. And really who’s going to tell the truth here, no one.


“You both are idiots. It’s me who followed Seungwan’s directions and got us here safely, all thanks to my lovely portal.”


“Um guys?” Seungwan tries to wave.


“No one told you to open a creepy portal, Joohyun.”


“It got us here, didn’t it!”


“Uh, hello, guys!”


“Hi, Seungwan?” Luckily, Seulgi waves cheerfully and the creepy portal disappears before anyone else walking down below can happen to look up at notice. Seungwan breathes a sigh of relief and says hello to everyone. Before she can even show them the great picnic space she secured for them, Yerim is the one inspecting the space like she has an invisible magnifying glass, which is a little weird.


“Hm, I guess it’ll do. You couldn’t find an abandoned amusement park or anything for us, Seungwan?”


Seungwan has to admit she is more used to Yerim’s particular humor after all this time and knows how to respond accordingly. “Oh, you know. All the haunted parks were all booked on such short notice, maybe next picnic.”


“Damn.” The vampire frowns. “Oh well, what can you do? Alright let’s get this picnic going people. Seungwan didn’t do too bad, we have tables to sit at.”


“Now, I take offense to that. What do you think I was going to do, make you all sit on the cold ground?”


“I wouldn’t have minded that actually.” Seulgi mentions, motioning to the fact that she has her most comfortable huge striped blanket in her picnic basket. There’s also the fact she’s part wolf, but hey details.


“Where my baby sits, I sit.” The suggestive flirty tone from Joohyun isn’t lost on anyone, where they all roll their eyes in exaggeration, but of course neither Seulgi or Joohyun care because they’re too because making googly eyes at one another.


“ monsters.” Sooyoung mouths to Seungwan who can only nod. She is well aware of how those two are, that’s why she best shares the snacks she packed for everyone now before the make out session can get underway. 


“Right, anyways. If you two are done flirting or whatever. I have snacks for you all so…” Seungwan barely can finish her sentence when hands reach into the special blue cooler she packed. Hands everywhere from many directions that the poor restaurant owner can’t even tell who grabbed what. That is until she hears screams of this is one raw steak, the cheese tastes strangely of despair, and why are these gummy bears actually gummy bears. 


“Okay, okay. Everyone please calm down. This is why I wanted to hand out your snacks.” Fortunately, she does fix it, by handing everyone the appropriate snacks. Seulgi seems happy when she is handed the steak, Yerim is thrilled with her gummy bears, and Sooyoung claims she always knew the despa

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73 streak #1
Chapter 1: ❤
linsue #2
Chapter 1: It’s cute and funny thanks for writing this. Hope you’re feeling a little better and it’s okay to take a break especially when you’re not feeling well.
Taitai84 1235 streak #3
Chapter 1: I think the scene of multiple hands reaching for the blue box of snacks and each grabbing the wrong one is so funny!
2078 streak #4
Haha welcome back!
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #5
Ahw thanks author
73 streak #7
See u guys next week😭