✈ 02. Welcome To Kang Air

Crosswind Love
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A new day.

A new problem.

Same routine.


New morning. 

New day. 

New challenges. 

Her mornings were the usual routine.





But this morning she felt a little lazy so she decided not to jog. As she slowly got up, she took her phone off the charger to see a text message from her date. This is not something she was used to. No man ever sent her a message the morning after the date. So this came as a pleasant surprise to her. She opened the message. 

I hope you arrived home safely. And I hope you slept well. ;) 


Good morning. I slept well and you?


Thanks to someone very well. How have you been this fine morning? 


Her heart raced a bit.

A bit lazy this morning but about to have breakfast and you?


Same. I am getting ready for the job interview. 


Are you nervous?


Why would I be? 


“Courageous, huh? We’ll see about that...” She hummed. 

Good luck!


She was about to get up when someone ran into her room and tackled her. She didn’t need to look at who it was. It’s how Eunji expresses her love for her family. 

“Good morning to you too.”

“Good morning my favorite brat!” Eunji ruffled her hair. 

“Yah! You are messing up my hair!” Ara whined, poking the latter in the sides. 

Eunji grinned. “Oh shut up, it’s not like I am Baekhyun...” 

Ara blinked. “The ?” 

Eunji giggled. “Your date...did you forget about the date last night? Oh boy...you remembered every component about the plane and duties of each department but you couldn’t remember the name of your date...” 



“Must you be a pain in my ?” 

Eunji hugged her tightly. “Yes, because I love you, little angry bird!”

Ara chuckled. “Love you too. Can I now take a shower and get ready for the day?”

“Oh by all means… Also, be ready mom and Dad are going to ask you about the date, and I am sure about mine too...” 

Ara bit her lip. “Don’t you want your freedom of choice?”

“Every relationship I had ended tragically, Ra-Ra. You know this. I wasted 7 years of my life. Maybe they are right...Maybe I need guidance...”

Ara tried not to uncover herself and Jongin in the process. She needs to choose her words wisely. “What about Jongin? Do you think you see in him...uh… the future?” 

“I don’t think they’ll approve, Ra-Ra.” 

Oh, you idiot. He is your arranged future husband, partner, or whatever you call it! Oh god, Ji...open your eyes. Come on, you are not like me - awkward little around Baekhyun last night. Ara’s mind roared. 

“I’ll meet you downstairs. Okay?” 

Ara smiled. “Sure.”

“Oh, I almost forgot, Hana is having an engagement party in three weeks, she said she wanted us to come.

“I'll be sure to come.”

Eunji grinned. “I will take my leave now!”

Ara waved. “See you.”


“Good morning,” Ara said as she walked into the dining room. “What’s for breakfast?” 

Her parents greeted her with a good morning, as she joined the table. Her father who was reading the newspaper, placed it down. Her mother was already finishing another cup of coffee before they all focused on the food in front of them.

“Pancakes, omelet with some bacon and sausage, some cheese...” Eunji hummed.

Even though they had staff who would cook for them, if Eunji was home, she would take it upon herself and prepare meals for her family. Of course, Ara was the same if she had enough free time. 


“And since the kimchi monster likes kimchi I made kimchi pasta for her,” Eunji hummed. “With extra chili and cheese!”

Ara grinned, picking up her chopsticks. “You're the best!”

“Oh, I know I am, eat up.” Eunji winked as she sat down next to her. 

As they started to eat, they all allowed the silence to settle in between them for a few moments before her father decided to clear his throat.

“The company's stocks have increased. Excellent job, sweetie,” The male said. “You are bringing back the glory and reputation to Kang Air, the way it was before, or shall I say, even better. You girls are doing an amazing job.”

“Thank you, Appa,” Ara smiled as she wiped the corner of her lips. 

Eunji smiled. “Teamwork is very important, although, my sister needs to relax.” 

Ara rolled her eyes. “We are not going there. Shall I remind you what happened the last time I relaxed?” 

Eunji narrowed her eyes. “Okay, you had a point! The guys screwed up, big time! But still, Ra-Ra.”

“We are not starting that topic,” Ara said. “I know that all of you mean well and I know that you worry for my health as stress is not good, but when it comes to work, rules will be followed, as for the rest, I don’t give a damn.” 

Eunji sighed but nodded. “Fine…”

“Dad was the same,” Ara said. “We taught us how it all functions. It’s not an airplane toy, nor is the airport a dollhouse. You don’t play around.”

“Yet he knew how to relax and not to spread a stressful atmosphere.” Her mother said. 

Ara sighed. “If they did what I told them, I wouldn’t have to be a Hilter.”

“Then don’t be Hitler.”

“They take advantage of it,” Ara said. “The last time I let it slide, their next mistake was even worse. I don’t care what they do in their free time or during lunch, but in terms of their job, I want full focus.”

“You comment about them joking during the break. And the work is done faster in a relaxed atmosphere.” Eunji said, “But my little chipmunk is strict.”

“Forget about it,” Ara said as she continued to eat. “Anyway, next topic.”

“I told you she’d react like that,” Eunji told them. 

“Can we change the topic?” Ara asked. “Please?” 

Their parents only shook their heads and Eunji silently continued eating. She bit her inner cheek, refraining from saying anything. Ara sighed silently. She understood it all, but she also knew the dangers, after all, a girl she knew - her friend, died because she took it lightly. But a completely different story.

“So, how was it?” Her mother asked.

“How was what?” Ara blinked, fisnihing her food.

“The date.” Eunji translated, humming.

“It was okay.”

“Just okay?” 

“Yeah. Nothing special, we talked about hobbies, pets, and work. Boring.”

“She wanted to bail out,” Eunji hummed. 

Their parents exchanged looks and then looked at Ara. 

“Oh, guess what? Turns out that he applied to work for Kang Air and he has an interview with him today,” Ara said. “And no, I didn’t tell him that I am the CEO.”

“Be nice to him,” Her father said. 

Ara nodded casually, taking a sip of her coffee.

“And you Eunji?” 

Eunji blinked. “What?” 

“We heard Ara set up a date for you.”

“It was good. He’s a perfect candidate for an ATC.” Eunji replied. “Are you finished, Ra-Ra?” 

“Yes,” Ara nodded. 

“Good luck and don’t forget about tonight’s family party,” Their mother smiled. 

“Of course,” Ara winked. “And I’ll pick the cake on my way home.” 

“You’re a darling,” Her father smiled. 

“Let’s not forget the drinks,” Eunji hummed. “I’ll take care of it.”

With that, they thanked the girls and said their goodbyes. It was time to hit the road and start the day.

The first thing that Baekhyun encountered as he walked was the crowd. Some had just arrived at the airport while others were waiting to board. Kids were running around as if it were a playground as their parents sat on the benches, casually talking. The airport itself not only looked modern from the outside but also from the inside. The glass ceiling allowed the light to enter inside and make it even more beautiful. From the looks of it, it had three floors and it was like a jungle.

Baekhyun did his fair share of research online about the place and learned that it had many shops such as a supermarket, jewelry store, clothing store, and souvenir shop. Aside from that, there were a few restaurants, cafes, VIP lounges, lounges, cafeterias, and a library. There were also offices on the top floor and an archive. It was a modern jungle - there was no doubt about it. Pushing through the crowd, he reached the escalator and got on. Chanyeol had already told him how to find the office he needed so his mind was set on the target. 

As he reached the third floor, he got off the escalator and took a left turn, heading for the office. Approaching, the secretary that was at her desk, outside the office stood up and bowed, greeting him. 

“Good morning, sir. How may I help you?”

Bowing his head slightly, he greeted her back. “I am here for a job interview.” 

“Your name, sir?”

“Byun Bakehyun.” 

The young female quickly typed his name into the PC in front of her, looking at the screen for a few seconds before she diverted her attention back to him. 

“Please, have a seat.”

Baekhyun nodded and sat down as the secretary walked over to the door and knocked on it.

“Come in!”

With that the female disappeared inside, leaving Baekhyun alone in the hallway, as the silence settled in. It seemed as if all the offices were occupied. The silence was pleasant but eerie at the same time. Chanyeol wasn't kidding when he said one can hear his thoughts here. Baekhyun’s mind roared. It was the complete opposite of the lower two floors. 

“Sir? The CEO will see you now.” 

Baekhyun gathered his things and got up, making a beeline toward the office. Knocking, he waited for approval and once he got it, he walked inside. As he entered the office, he saw a female standing in front of the window, her back turned to him, but the moment he closed the door, she turned around.

“Mr. Byun,” She spoke. “Please, have a seat.”

To say he was bewildered was an understatement.


She smiled politely. “That would be correct.” 

Kang Ara. Her name echoed in his mind as he connected the dots. Why didn’t I realize it right away? Wait a minute… why didn’t Chanyeol tell me? Or Areum? Why didn’t I ask when she mentioned she works in Kang Air? Baekhyun frowned inwardly as he flashed her a smile.

“Are you okay? You look as if you’ve seen a ghost,” She remarked.

“I am okay, I am just surprised.”

“Would you like something to drink?” She asked. “Tea? Coffee? Water? Juice?”

“Tea sounds great.”

“Black tea or green tea?” 

“Black tea.”

Pressing a button on the telephone, she ordered two black teas. Once she did, she sat down at her desk. 

“I don’t bite… yet,” She tried to joke. “Relax.”

“I am not easily scared.” He replied. 

“Good. Have you brought your documentation?” 

He took his briefcase and pulled out a folder with the needed documentation. He handed it to her.

“Here it is,” He said. 

“Thank you.” 

Taking the file, she opened it and scanned through the documents as the secretary soon brought the teas and left, leaving the two alone again. 

“Where do you see yourself in five years, Mr.Byun?” She asked. 

“Ara, call me Baekhyun,” he said, “Being a pilot, owning my pilot school, being married.” 

“Teaching is certainly not my forte,” She commented. “But, I am happy to hear that you have the patience for it.”

“It’s tiring, exhausting.” He said, “Patience is something you learn within years. I know it’s hard...”

He is so understanding. “Your hobby is flying, if I remember correctly?”

“Yes. I own a plane and a track where I like to fly. My friend joins me all the time.” He smiled.

She nodded. “I see. Who recommended this airline to you?”

“Park Chanyeol.”

She smiled. “The world is small.”

She is beautiful when she smiles. “Indeed.”

“I am assuming Chanyeol told you the details then?”

“Yes. Can I check out the planes?”

“I like your attitude,” She confessed. “I must say, it’s not a common practice to do it on the first day, but I’ll make an exception.” 

“I know it’s not but I’d like to get to know my plane and check out the condition.” 

“As I said, I’ll make an exception,” She said. “Let’s go.”

He is like me. She hid the smile and got up. He did the same and stepped aside, waiting for her. As she exited the office, he followed her. Her heels clicked against the marble floor as they made their way toward the elevator.  

“As you know,” She said. “We have Airbuses, Boeings, and smaller jet planes.” 

“Oh, jet planes are similar to the ones I had in the military.” He smiled. 

“You were a military pilot?” 

“Yes, a marine in a special unit of the Air Force,” Baekhyun replied with a smile.

“How come it wasn’t mentioned in the record you showed me?” 

“It was, you missed it.” He said. 

This is your fault! “Oh, right. Yes. Sorry. I’ll check your files in detail.”

“Detailed, huh?”

She nodded. “I’m sure Chanyeol told you.”

“Indeed he did. He said both of us would get along perfectly. Match made in heaven.”

“Is that so?” She hummed. 


The elevator had already come to a stop and the two got off. The crowd once again greeted them as Ara moved toward the back entrances that were located behind the boarding gates. As the two passed the workers, they bowed quickly as a greeting once they saw Ara and returned to work. 

“For the record, sometimes there will come a change in schedules or planes, so don’t be surprised,” She explained. 

“That’s fine.” He replied as he took in every detail.

“I hope you’re fine with international flights as well.” 

“I am. I was gonna ask if you guys do international flights.” 

Ara nodded. “Of course.”

The two reached one of the biggest hangers that Baekhyun had ever seen. It had space for three Airbuses. 

“There are 15 of these hangers,” Ara said. “Also there are 250 engineers. Communication with them is very important.”

“ATC and Pilots are one body, one mind, you can’t have one without the other, same for engineers. After all, we need to know the state of the plane we fly.”

Sweet. “Exactly. We are all one big family here.” 

“I see that...” 

Males are too close to her. Baekhyun thought as one of the males approached her. 


“Yes? What is it?” 

“I was about to head to your office,” He started explaining. “I filled out a request for some new parts.” 

“I’ll take the report, thank you,” She said. “Is everything else under control?” 

“Yes, miss.”

“Good. You’re dismissed.” 

The male bowed and quickly walked off. Ara looked at the report before folding it and putting it away in her pocket - making a mental note to order them later. 

“Well, I’m giving you a chance to show your knowledge,” Ara said. “Inspect the plane and give me feedback, Baekhyun.”

He grinned. “Do you trust me, Ara?” 

This is nothing. This means nothing. He is an employee. I am the boss. She thought. 

“The stage is yours.” She said.

He approached the plane and everything else ceased to exist. 


Ara sat in her office reviewing some reports and requests she had received earlier. By now, the tour was over so she left Baekhyun to spend some more time in the hangar - especially since Chanyeol had appeared for his shift. Ara would lie if she said that Baekhyun didn’t amaze her. His knowledge was something else - he knew everything about everything - to the point where he even noticed the parts that had been replaced, changed, or repaired. 

But at the same time, he was not a new employee, and as much as Ara’s interest spiked for him - she had to know her limits. Some etiquettes had to be followed. Rules weren’t only for the people who worked for her, but the rules applied to her as well. the rules, Ara. Eunji’s words rang through her head. Rules are there to be broken. Areum’s words followed. 

If you are so obsessed with following rules why go on a blind date with him? Or warning him what kind of person you are? 

“Can my head have peace for once?” She groaned. “I didn't know at first!” 

“Go out to lunch with me.” 

She almost fell back with the chair but at the last moment, she managed to prevent herself from embarrassing herself. Did he just hear that?! Her mind roared. “W-what?” 

“Go out to lunch with me,” Baekhyun repeated. 

She stared. 

Does he want to go out with me? With the most awkward person in the universe? She stared at him in awe and a daze. 


“I want this to be a second date.” 

Do you know my reputation?! Everyone runs away from me? UGH! Why is he not running?! Her mind roared. 

“Byun...I mean Baekhyun...I don’t think that’s--”

“Why? Because you think I’ll vanish just because you didn’t do that?” 


Baekhyun’s eyes softly gazed at hers. “I was given a warning by your friend. I put two and two together. I know if I told you I am not like others, you wouldn’t believe me but...” 

“Not true...I...” 

“Are you trusting me?” 

She fidgeted. He was right, she would doubt him. “I guess you are right… but it seems like you talk from personal experience.” 

“Let’s just say I had it similar but probably not like you, but...My point is, I won’t stop dating you because of that. Not everything is about . should never be part of any relationship. True, it’s a part of it, but is not everything. In some cases, it clouds your judgment.”

She bit her lip. “I was hurt in the past… I had my fair share of idiots that I met on those blind dates.” 

“Will you let me cure you?” 

“I can be weird at times, distant…” 

“So can I.” 

“And I can be boring… many don’t like that about me.”

“I like you being boring.” 

Huh? What the...? “Y-you like me being… boring.” 


He’s crazy. “Fine…”

“Ara, nothing you say won’t make me change my mind.”

“Why me?”

“Why not you?” 

“What did you see in me last night?”

“Fragile soul that hides herself behind rules.”

. “As long as you promise that we’ll take it easy… relationships are something new for me… So, how about that lunch?”

“I promise. I’m not like Park or Kim.” 

She smiled. “Let’s go. What do you want to eat for lunch?”

“Rabokki?” He said, offering her his arm.

Ara was taken aback and nodded, placing her hand around his arm. “Sounds great.”

With that, the two left her office. 

The first working day was hectic. It wasn’t boring but it wasn’t li

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16 streak #1
Chapter 3: I enjoy their conversations, you write them in a real way,
Ara is very charismatic
Keep it up 😍
Chapter 3: Hope nothing goes wrong with jongin and eunji when they are on a flight duty.
16 streak #3
Chapter 2: I still didn’t finish the chapter but i wanted to share my thoughts
The interview part was great, i loved how Chanyeol gave his friends heads up.
The flashbacks and the thoughts add much to the story
At first I thought i may not like ara but now i do
16 streak #4
Chapter 1: Starting in a good way
Chapters as i like long and well written
Chapter 2: Ohmagod,is iseul baekhyun ex.
Chapter 2: Ohmagod,is iseul baekhyun ex.
Finally new baek story my kinda tea.
Nlnz2016 #8
Looking forward to this :)
The plot sounds very interesting, hopefully Ara and Baekhyun will be able to fly high and achieve all their dreams. Can’t wait!
Living life in the clouds with Baekhyun and Kai, sounds delightful! ❤❤❤❤