Home Is Always You

Wednesday isn't as nice as the past two days. Everyone woke up to the sight of rain pouring down hard. Given that their today's activity is supposed to be outdoor, they had to cancel it. Much to the engaged couple's dismay because they were really looking forward to a sunny weather, they even requested a forecast from the local meteorologist before this event. But, oh well, climate change's a bummer.

In the end, they just decided to settle indoor and do some baking. Something sweet and warm's perfect for this cozy weather. Everything's still going nice.

Well, almost.

Because what's not nice is a certain grumpy brunette carelessly surfing out in the ocean despite the raging rain.

"Is she trying to be a water bender or something?", Bona asked Minnie beside her as they watch the girl through the large window of the veranda.

Minnie shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know, but she seems really upset. Look at her eyebrows, they're crossed."

"Hasn't she always looked like that since high school, though?"

"You got a point."

Roseanne, who was passing by to get a whisk from the cupboard, overhead the girls' conversation and paused on her tracks to take a peek out the window herself.  There she saw her ex stubbornly surfing through the big waves like a frustrated superhero.

'What does this midget think she's doing?', the singer thought.

She recalls Jennie left about an hour ago saying she'll get something to eat, and she thought the brunette's just trying to escape because she's really bad at baking, she couldn't even distinguish flour from baking soda. Turns out she's out in the ocean playing God in the midst of a storm.

Roseanne notices how the girl's forehead was creased and how her facial muscles were tensed. By that, she knew the brunette was troubled.

Jennie didn't like chasing literal danger. She only does that when she wants to get things off of her mind. And Roseanne doesn't want to make it about herself, but she's sensing it has something to do with their conversation last night. Guess she distressed her yet again.

An audible sigh escapes the singer's lips, snatching the attention of the two girls.

"Oh, hey, Rosie", Bona greeted her, "Are the cookies done?"

Roseanne plasters a small smile and nodded, "Yeah, we're about to start the macaroons."

"Oh, right, I forgot Jisoo told me to separate the egg whites!", the girl panics, earning a chuckle from her acquaintances, "Come on, Minnie, that cousin of mine will kill me."

"Wait, what about Jennie?", the other girl asks, making their heads turn back to the sea.

"Well, as far as I know, she's a good swimmer. I think she'll be fine."

The pink-haired gazes at the brunette in ponder. While it's true that she's a good swimmer, this kind of bad weather still cannot be trusted. With those huge waves crashing violently against each other, even the best surfer would topple over. Whatever Jennie's trying to achieve with this, is extremely dangerous.

"We'll go back to the kitchen, Rosie", Bona said, before the two girls went and left her.

The singer stayed by the veranda. The whisk she was about to get was long forgotten as she watches over Jennie who's now struggling with her board. The waves are getting much violent, and she's not feeling good about this.

As if her gut was correct, not even a minute after when a wave crashed on Jennie, toppling her over.

Roseanne put a foot forward in reflex, holding back and awaiting for the brunette to emerge from the water. She can swim, she gotta come up.

But seconds felt like forever when she still couldn't see any signs of the girl. Could it be?

Fear takes over her system when it dawned on her, and she practically flew out the door of the veranda, running to the vastness of the open sea.

'ing cramps!'


Jennie just wanted to vent out her agitation when she decided to go for a quick surf despite the heavy rain. She didn't know why she's so worked up. Or maybe she does know, but she's just too stubborn to admit that it has something to do with a certain pink-haired singer. The girl annoys her. Everything she does or says annoys her.

Including their interaction last night.

Especially their interaction last night.

She just could not fathom how the girl could have the face and the guts to blatantly tell her that she still wants her after everything she's done. On top of that, she could not fathom how the girl could say that despite knowing that she's now with Sohee.

Jennie feels like punching the wall every time she remembers the look of pain in the girl's eyes. Because...just why?

And it's not helping that the first thing she saw in the kitchen when she woke up was a domestic Roseanne putting a tray of cookie doughs in the oven. Hair tied up in a messy bun, pink apron hugging her body, spots of flour on her cheek and nose.

She painfully looked like...home.

And the brunette felt betrayed. She felt it's unfair for her to see the girl like that, when that was everything she used to dream of.

When that was the very thing Roseanne denied her of having.

Jennie was too deep in her thoughts that she failed to notice a fast approaching wave behind her. Before she knows it, she was already being swallowed by the water, her surf board hitting her forehead in the process.

The brunette cursed in her mind. She was about to move and swim up, when she felt a sudden sharp pain in her left calf. It feels like her muscles are being twisted, it hurts like hell.

If the universe wants to torment her even more, it's ing achieving it. She's fully aware that surfing out in the middle of a rainstorm is a totally stupid idea, but having cramps while she's under water, really now?

Jennie tried to swim through using only her arms, but to no avail. The waves are just pulling her away. After the attempts and struggles, she finally gave up. She couldn't make it. Not when her calf is screaming in pain.

'Ah, such a shame to die like this', she thought.

She wanted to cry for so many reasons. For being stubborn and hardheaded and letting emotions get the best of her. For being consistently reckless in almost everything that she does (Sohee always scolds her for that). And for the possibility that she might not be able to attend her bestfriends' wedding.

Lisoo will not forgive her for that.

More importantly, she wanted to cry not because she could possibly die today, but because even at the verge of death, there's this one face that's persistently filling up her head.

Roseanne didn't deserve to be in her last memory flashback, but all Jennie could think about right now is that she's going to die without having to hear that ing explanation from the girl. Is there closure in heaven? Nah, she doubts she'll ever have that.

Still clutching her leg, Jennie closes her eyes and lets fate decide for her.

She was slowly losing consciousness while sinking further in the sea, when she abruptly felt an arm around her abdomen. She couldn't open her eyes and she thought she was hallucinating, but when she felt herself being pulled up, it's starting to feel real.

Jennie didn't know how long that took, or how it happened. The moment her back hit the shore sand, she started coughing out some water.

She's alive.

Good heavens, she's alive.

The brunette felt someone fell on their knees just beside her, and she weakly looked up to find the face that was filling her mind just seconds ago.


"You scared the hell out of me, Jennie Kim", the singer breathed out, fear and worry visible on her face.

The ability to react and respond was shortly lost as Jennie could only stare at the girl. Roseanne was panting hard, still trying to catch her breath, hands propped against the wet sand.

Jennie doesn't know what to feel when just seconds ago, she already accepted that she's going to die out there alone. And now, the person she was supposed to loathe, the same person she thought she would never see anymore, just saved her life. The singer just risked her own albeit knowing painfully well how dangerous the ocean is and that they both could die.

Roseanne is not much of a swimmer. That alone can justify how huge of a risk she took.

"Are you okay?", the pink-haired asked her with eyes filled with concern, "Was it the left calf again?"

Snapping out of her trance, the brunette jolted a little when the other girl reached for her left leg and flexes it, giving it light presses. She actually almost forgot about her cramps, which is now getting tolerable thanks to her savior.

Jennie's surprised how the girl still remembers. This happened to her a lot before whenever they would visit the beach. It's always her left calf, so Roseanne knew. And she still remembers.

"Is it getting better now?", the younger girl asked again, lifting up her chin to look at her, only to be flabbergasted by the sight, "But, oh my god, Jen, why is your forehead bleeding??"

Meekly lifting a hand, she was about to check what Roseanne was talking about, but the latter's hand was quicker to check her forehead. She could only once again stare at the girl as she carefully tends to the wound. It was probably when the surf board hit her forehead earlier.

"Thank goodness, it's only a scrape. Let's clean that up. Can you walk, Jen?"

She knows she looks so dumb right now, but Jennie still couldn't formulate a response. Everything was too much to take in, she feels like she has left her soul under the water.

Taking that as a 'no', Roseanne nodded and turns on her back, half-squatting, "Alright, hop on me."

The brunette stayed still for a moment, not really knowing what to do. She knows she could walk but she could also feel her legs going jelly. Maybe it's from the fear and trauma that near-death experience has caused.

"Hop on me, Jen", the singer spoke again, slightly tipping her head to glance at her.

Throwing her thoughts out the window, Jennie instinctively reached for the other girl's back and wrap her arms around her neck. She'll just forget how inappropriate this is for a moment, because she doubts if she could ever take one step given how badly shaken she is.

She flutters her eyes closed once Roseanne starts moving, carrying her back to the villa under the still raging rain.

And God help Jennie for the way she doesn't know why her insides are flipping hysterically.


"That should be fine", Roseanne told Jennie after plastering a small bandage on her forehead bruise.

The brunette remained mum even after the younger girl brought her to her room, treated her injury, and wrapped her up with a clean warm towel. No 'thank you' escaped her lips. She doesn't know how to thank her, or if she should. Of course, she should. But, how?

"Does your head hurt? Do you want to go to the hospital to get it checked?", the pink-haired asked her, kneeling on the floor beside the bed to level with her, "Just to make sure there's no concussion or anything?"

Jennie meekly shook her head. That's probably the first reaction she gave the girl since they entered the villa.

Sighing, Roseanne nodded and silence followed after. She averted her gaze down at her lap, making herself occupied by watching droplets of water fall from her still wet hair.

What happened earlier scared her to death, to say the least. She was painfully aware of what could've happened if she had reached Jennie a little too late. The whole time, her heart was pounding unbelievably fast because of nervousness. And she honestly could thank all the heavens for saving the girl just in time.

Another sigh escapes the singer's lips before she looked back up at Jennie, "I'm sorry."

Endless apologies yet she still seems to keep troubling the brunette. Was 'sorry' made to help people reconcile? Or do they just use it as a free pass to make another mistake?

"I'm sorry for last night", Roseanne continued, "If I further upset you because of what I've said...and done."

Jennie's silence was making her anxious. She'd rather get snapped at, yelled at, or get physically hurt than be faced with an excruciating nothingness. But maybe this is exactly what she deserves.


She hung her head low before getting up on her feet, "If you ever feel something, or if it hurts somewhere, just tell Jisoo or Lisa."

The brunette just looked up at her, contemplating and trying to muster the courage to speak.

"Go change into warm clothes before you catch a cold", the singer added, giving the older girl one lingering look before turning on her heels.

Her hand was on the doorknob when she finally heard Jennie called out a soft 'Hey'. She snapped her head back faster than the speed of light.

"T-Thank you", the brunette said with a voice so quiet it almost sounded like a whisper, her eyes avoiding Roseanne's.

The pink-haired couldn't help but bite back a smile. At least Jennie acknowledges her presence now. That's some progress.

"No, thank you", Roseanne corrects the older girl, giving her a lingering gaze, "For being safe."

She turns back around after a couple seconds, still clutching the doorknob.

"And please don't put yourself in danger again", she added, half-whispering, "Please."

Finally pulling the door open, she slips out of Jennie's room, leaving the latter with...thoughts.


Roseanne had to be the one to tell everyone about what happened because she worries Jennie's still not in her best condition to speak up. She didn't mean to meddle, but she figured she must inform them beforehand so the brunette wouldn't have a hard time explaining the bandage on her forehead. Besides, Jisoo and Lisa had to know. So, after changing into some comfortable wear, she went straight to the kitchen where everyone was still busy baking.

"Oh my god, Minnie, we left Jennie there alone thinking she could handle herself", Bona was taken aback after the singer told them everything.

Minnie was just as shocked as everyone, "Goodness, I'm just relieved that Rosie stayed even after we left."

Still stunned by the announcement, all of them turned to the pink-haired and they gave her a look of acknowledgement.

"Rosie", Lisa spoke after a little while, "Thank you."

Roseanne just nodded, hands tucked in the pockets of her sweatpants, "I did what I had to do."

The group quickly finishes whatever's left of their baking, and went to drop by Jennie's room to check on the girl.

Roseanne decided not to join them. She feels like her presence wouldn't help the brunette in any way, and she might just upset her even more.

She was about to turn to the opposite direction to just get a drink, when a hand stops her.


Baffled, she tips her head and was met by Jisoo's sharp look.

"We should talk."

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HIAY chapter 13 is up!! sorry for the long wait huhu


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0 points #1
Chapter 13: Yahhh I am so happy ☺️
Chapter 12: Please authornim it may look like we are annoying you but what can we do we are desperate for this story, please update when you can 😭
Chapter 12: Update please 🙏🏽
Chapter 11: So we still have more chapters????? Yayyyy
Chapter 10: I need an update ☹️
Authornim is the end
Fansey #7
Chapter 10: 😭😭😭
tiss89y #8
Chapter 10: The closuree finally here
I mean I kinda understand with Rosie because in some situations we can't think straight and make rash decisions but that meaning I don't gree with her decisions but I will be happy too if Jennie decided to move on with sohee🥺
Chapter 10: Yeah,,if it ends here,,I won’t be mad. The closure of it all, questions answered. Do I wish they got the ending we all thought they had in S1 yes, but Rosie made her choice and some choices don’t lead you back to the start, no matter how desperate we are to go back.