winter break.

perfect ten.
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a/n. i initially thought of making this a one shot but i changed my mind. i couldn't help but add biker!seulgi in after watching stamp on it. it was n e c c e s a r y. anyway, enjoy!

Joohyun honestly doesn’t know why she’s at the bowling alley on a Saturday evening when she could be at home, watching a random movie in the comfort of her bedroom. Bowling isn’t even her favourite sport. It’s not like she hates it—she has played once or twice back then with her friends—but she would rather do something else than hold a ball and throw it across the lane only to get a gutter. That’s embarrassing and Joohyun hates embarrassing herself. Why can’t her friends ever suggest archery instead—once at least? That’s something she’s extremely good at. She’s not the president of the club for nothing. The coach sees her talent for it and Joohyun takes pride in that.


The bowling alley is too loud for Joohyun who prefers peace over noise. The sound of balls hitting the pins, the music blaring from the sound system and loud chatters as people talk to each other while waiting for their turn, she can’t handle them. However, she can’t say no to her best friend, Seungwan, who has been wanting to hang out with her since last week so albeit unwilling, she agreed a day before. She didn’t expect their hangout location would be at the place she least wanted to be at that moment. (Seungwan was smart to meet her at her place and go together instead of meeting at the place itself. It was also a mistake on her part that she hadn’t asked where they were going first.) 


Joohyun should have known Seungwan was hiding something else from her too from the way the latter was a little too quiet on the way to their destination.


Seeing a familiar figure waving at them enthusiastically from the third lane upon entering the alley, Joohyun turns to her best friend and looks at her with an eyebrow raised. “You didn’t tell me you invited another friend along.”


“I… forgot?” Seungwan smiles sheepishly. “But it’s not like you two don’t know each other.”


It makes a lot of sense why they’re here now.


“Was this your idea or hers?” she asks, returning her gaze at their other company for the evening. The latter looks too happy to be seeing them and Joohyun wants nothing more but to turn back and go home. If anything, she doesn’t want to embarrass herself in front of the president of the bowling club. That’s strictly a no-no. Her ego is high so she doesn’t need the other to know how bad she is at bowling.


“It’s mine!” Seungwan is quick to reply. “I just thought it would be nice to have someone good at the activity to help us not make a fool of ourselves here.”


“Then you could’ve just gone with her instead. Why invite me too?”


“Because it’s the last week of break and all you’ve been doing is either staying at home binge watching different movies and dramas or attending archery practices only. You barely had time for your best friend here. I can count how many times we’ve met up over the winter break with the number of fingers I have.”


Joohyun sighs.


If Seungwan is trying to make her feel guilty, she’s succeeding in doing so. Her best friend isn’t wrong.


“Okay, okay,” she gives in. “I’m only doing this for you. If it was someone else, I wouldn’t even think about being here.”


Seungwan beams. “Let’s not keep Seulgi waiting. She looks really excited.”


Why would she not be excited? Bowling is her field of expertise after all. Joohyun has never seen her play but having heard from other students and teachers about the trophies and medals Seulgi has won for the school, she sounds like a force to be reckoned with when it comes to the sport— just like her when it comes to archery. Perhaps, that is why they are both presidents of their respective clubs.


“It’s not always I get to see the president of the archery club at a bowling alley,” Seulgi comments the moment they’re face-to-face, the cheeky look still on her face.


Joohyun also notices that their shoes have been prepared and a few balls are placed on the bowling ball return system.


“I told Seulgi your shoe size earlier on so that we can secure a lane first,” Seungwan says, seemingly knowing what she was going to ask. 


“It usually gets crowded around this time,” Seulgi adds.


Joohyun really isn’t in the mood but seeing how Seungwan is excited to play, she can’t disappoint her friend. Sitting on one of the chairs, she takes her shoes off and places them under the seat before putting on the pair of bowling shoes. Seungwan does the same while Seulgi already has her own pair on and is now putting on her wrist support.




Joohyun hopes Seulgi isn’t going to be a show off and embarrass her and Seungwan with their lack of skills. Well, she isn’t entirely bad at bowling, having scored a few spares and a handful of strikes—out of luck—in the two times she played back then but it’s been months since that time so she can’t say she’ll do any better this time. Not with the school’s bowling ace playing with them.


“So, who’s going to go first?” Seulgi asks as she stands in front of the screen to type in their names. “I can go last.”




Somehow, that irks Joohyun. If Seulgi doesn’t want to go first then she will. “Me,” she simply answers.


“Joohyun it is,” Seulgi says, sounding amused. “Seungwan second and Seulgi last.”


“Are you sure you want to go first, Joohyun?” 


The way Seungwan is looking at her with a surprised expression makes her wonder what’s wrong with going first. Joohyun only wants to get it over with fast so they can leave the alley early and maybe have dinner together after. She wouldn’t mind Seulgi joining them. It’s not like she’s uncomfortable having the bowling club president around anyway. She may not be as close to Seulgi as Seungwan is but she’s still able to hold a normal conversation with her without feeling awkward.


“Why not? Since Seulgi here doesn’t want to go first,” Joohyun sneers, eyeing the said person.


“I did not say I don’t want to go first,” Seulgi retorts with a pout. “If you want to go last, I’ll let you go last.”


“I did not say I want to go last.”


“And now you’re mocking me.”


“I’m not though?” Joohyun has her head tilted to a side, her arms crossed against her chest as she looks at Seulgi with a teasing smile.


“You are!” Seulgi points her index finger at her, giving her an accusing look.


“Okay, let’s not argue right now,” Seungwan intervenes, standing in between the two of them. “Joohyun can go first if she wants to.”


“I hope you get a gutter on your first try,” Seulgi sticks her tongue out childishly at Joohyun who only rolls her eyes in response.


“That’s very unsportsmanlike of you, Kang. I would never stoop that low.”


“You started it,” Seulgi mutters under her breath that doesn’t go unheard by Joohyun. However, when Seungwan gives her a pinch on the arm, Seulgi pouts and says, “Sorry…”


The apology sounds half-hearted but Joohyun accepts it by not giving any snarky remarks in return. Instead, she makes way to where the balls are to start the round. She picks one of the lighter balls, not wanting to be overconfident otherwise she’ll be making a fool of herself if Seulgi and Seungwan were to see her struggle. With her two fingers and thumb in the holes and her other hand holding the ball, she calmly walks to the approach area and positions herself slightly to the left. She then bends her knees slightly before moving forward with careful steps, pulling her hand with the ball back and stops just before the foul line, at the same time, throwing the ball gently across the lane.


Much to her relief, the ball doesn’t go straight to the gutter and hits a total of 6 pins.


“Not bad, Bae,” she hears Seulgi compliment. “I’m impressed.”


Her second throw, though, ends up rolling along the gutter.


“I think I spoke too soon.”


Joohyun shoots Seulgi a glare which the latter only returns with an innocent smile.


Why is Seungwan even friends with her?




Joohyun’s patience is running thin as each second ticks by.


They’re already on the fifth frame and somehow, for reasons unknown to her, Seungwan still needs Seulgi to teach her how to bowl properly.


What’s so hard about throwing a ball across the lane?


It annoys her how they are taking their own sweet time as if she hasn’t been expressing in words and actions how she wants the round to end quickly so they—she can get out of the place as soon as possible. Seeing the close proximity between the two only makes her scowl more as they giggle at each other over something. It’s like they’re doing it on purpose and Joohyun doesn’t like that. 


Pulling her eyes away from them, she busies herself on her phone, opening her Instagram to see if there is anything interesting that her other friends have posted. A small, giddy smile forms on her lips when she sees that her crush, Choi Minho, had posted a new picture half an hour ago. She wastes no time and instantly double taps her screen to like the post. He still looks as handsome as ever even in a tucked in white tee and black slacks.


“Oh my god, Wan. You got yourself your first strike!”


That catches Joohyun’s attention and she looks up at the scoreboard to see that indeed, her best friend has gotten herself a strike—thanks to Seulgi’s help, of course. Seeing the two hug each other tightly, she rolls her eyes, thinking that they are being overdramatic.


If only she could fast forward the time.


Joohyun quickly averts her gaze back to her phone when her eyes briefly meet Seulgi’s.


Why does she suddenly feel awkward?


Forget dinner.


She wants to head home straight after the round ends.



“I can’t believe I got last place even with Seulgi’s help,” Seungwan groans, looking defeated.


They are finally out of the alley, away from the loud noises. Joohyun regrets not bringing a jacket out with her when she feels the cold breeze touch her skin, making her shiver slightly. She hugs her arms, hoping that’ll be enough to keep her warm for a while. 


“Maybe you should try out for the bowling team, Joohyun,” Seulgi teases. “You did well for someone who doesn’t play often. You can sign up next semester during freshman orientation week.”


“Haha funny, Kang,” Joohyun scoffs. “Why don’t you try out for the archery team instead? I’d like to see if you can do any better than me.” 


Seulgi raises a brow. “Is that a challenge I hear?”


“And here I thought the two of you won’t argue anymore,” Seungwan sighs.


A car honk can be heard from a distance and Joohyun immediately recognises it to be Seungwan’s father’s vehicle. Turning her head to look at her best friend, she asks, “Why is your father here?”


Seungwan rubs her nape, looking guiltily at her. “I know I invited you to hang out today but… I kind of forgot that it’s my parent’s anniversary today so he’s picking me up for dinner. I’m sorry I can’t ask him to send you home but Seulgi promised me that she’ll take you home safely. I gave her your address.”


“I can go home by myself,” Joohyun is quick to say. 


She may be able to talk to Seulgi normally but she has never been with the woman alone before. Seungwan is always present, if not, another instance where she sees Seulgi is when the sports committee has a meeting. Apart from that, she sees no reason why they should be left alone together when they aren’t friends.


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apologies for the lack of update 🥲 i’ve been busy with work and i recently got sick too but i’ll try to post the new chapter asap!


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Please comeback 😔😔
Chapter 5: Friends... for now. FOR NOW.
febrian #3
Chapter 5: waitin next chapter with respect😍
Chapter 5: They are so cute omg 😭🥹
Chapter 5: Friends for now 🤭
Chapter 4: Good for Seulgi 🤭🤭
Chapter 3: Oh it’s gonna be complicated with Joohyun’s parents then.
Chapter 2: Giggling and kicking my feet up in the bed reading this chapter 🫣
Chapter 5: Let's see Joohyun analyze herself into circles and waste this wholesome perfect 10 goodness of a Seulgi and then chase after her once all was said and done. A jealous Joohyun is a rare sight but a Joohyun who chases and pines after Seulgi? An even rarer sight because Seulgi in fics almost always gets the role of pursuer or the unfortunate pining onlooker. I'm already excited for the part where Joohyun realizes that she has actually succumbed to Seulgi's charms and would now be highly motivated to move herself or else 🤷‍♀️. A spazzing and flustered Joohyun is 👌.
Kpop_fan21 #10
Chapter 5: Nooo not another homophobic parents 🥺😭