Beyond Alvania's Wall

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Earth is dying. But a new planet just like the earth is thriving. 

Minho has the luck to embrace what Earth had destroyed. This planet's beauty far beyond his wildest dreams. But he will find something even more beautiful when he encounters the creatures whose planet this first belonged. A beautiful alien he will fall in love with who he names Taemin.




Earth had decided they would begin life there and rebuild the population. Starting off small and eventually expanding until the day they could bring humanity over. 

To Minho’s luck as a man of history, he was chosen to join the team. It would be the first time he met other people. The first time he would see a green planet.




Hey guys :) 


Thanks to Fayrenz for the poster edit Love you xx

Hey Chapter 4 is delayed due to busy activities at home. Will hope to get it up soon xx


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Chapter 3: I LOVED how this chapter ended! Taemin is so cute dreaming of minho! I love this world and all its creation :)
I really can't wait for the next chapter! Your writing style but especially your world building us absolutely captivating ♥️♥️♥️🫰
Chapter 2: Your writing totally reminds me of screenwriting! Are you perhaps studying movie history or screenwriting?
I love the 2nd chapter just as much as the first one! I love how rich your world building is without it just being pure info dumping!
I can understand minho and jjong soon much! After your entire life being deprived from hugs and intimacy of course they are like little teens and want to explore! But omg it's so sad that all types of love are forbidden :/
Nonetheless, and even though minho likes jjong and jjong likes him back, and even though as well that taemin Is an alien, I want 2min to be together 🫶🥰😭
Chapter 1: OMG! So much happened in this chapter! I don't know where to start! First of all, I have to tell you that I love that you write in the sci-fi genre! God knows the 2Min ship needs more sci-fi stories - so 1000 thanks for that!
I can so picture this new world, and OMG! Minho is so cute how he's happy about everything and excited like a little kid :) I'm so happy for him that he gets to be part of the new world! Jjong is such a sweetie! I love that the two of them became friends right away :)
Ta'eh'min!!! OMG! I love this creature! Just the thought of the great Ta'eh'min lifting Minho up and looking at him! I enjoyed that scene so much :D
I'm really curious how their relationship will develop and especially if Ta'eh'min's family still wants to kill all humans or if Ta'eh'min can stop it?
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 3: Good parallel of Jonghyun reading unkind and hurtful words - the best advice is the old adage " if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all"
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 2: Why is it always a jerk who is in charge 🤔
Beau1996 1380 streak #6
Chapter 1: Sort of like Avatar...
fayrenz #7
Chapter 3: The whole part about how Minho was raised and the public execution he was so heartbreaking :( Jongho's friendship is too precious although Jonghyun has caught feelings... but I see Jinki... so can I be hopeful for some jongyu? 🥺im jk pls excuse my jongyu heart😆 And Taemin finally decides to act on his dreams!!!!! Can't wait to read what happens next 💕
Shinee2020 #8
Chapter 3: Taemin was so jealous that he just had to mark and mate with Minho. lol I hope that Minho and Jonghyun get to stay with them and the rest of the humans are sent back. This story has the vibes of Avatars... Can't help but hate humans and their tendency to want to take over other's planet/things by destroyings, killings and acting like they are the owner of the new territory, when in reality, they are the visitors. Can't wait for the next chapter! :)
fayrenz #9
Chapter 2: there are so many parts i loved uwu Minho having a special bond with the alien plants and animals haha he's almost like the Disney princess of Alvania xD just kidding hehe, i love how softhearted Minho is and also how Jonghyun tries to befriend the plants (and ends up having a pet plant too, that was just so cute!) I must say, this story is so cool, it almost reads like I'm watching a sci-fi series! I love all the background...Dr. Richard's entries really shed so much light... that means Taemin lost family members because of what human migration is doing to Alvania. This is truly sad and cruel :( And Taemin's dreams!! Does that mean Minho is his mate?!! I can't wait to read more <3
fayrenz #10
Chapter 1: oh wow this is so interesting! all the world-building and description... the different plants and animals, the fact that /clean fresh air/ made Minho vomit because he had stayed indoors all his life on a polluted dying earth... wow all the details are so intriguing! even loved 2min's first meeting hehe loved Taemin described as an alien species of Alvania, they really are so different. Can't wait to read more <3