Day 7.3

Chaos Island
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46. Helicopter, helicopter


-Seulgi was the first one shown right after the episode started and the MCs almost fell from their seats when they saw how she was smiling from ear to ear. She looks really happy.

Seulgi: The person I want to go to Paradise with is Irene Bae.

MC1: There it is! Finally!

MC3: *starts barking*

MC2: *gives dog food to MC3* I won’t be complaining about you since I am happy as well.

-It’s not just the MCs who were happy for Seulgi. Even the twtverse started a hashtag party for the two with #ParadisewithIandS and it already trended even before the start of the episode.

-Irene came out of the quarters and everyone giggled when they saw Seulgi trying to make a straight face but she couldn’t stop smiling at all.

-MP4 and MP5 clapped for her and even pushed her to go and help Irene. She smiled at the two guys before going to Irene.

Seulgi: Hey.

Irene: *chuckles* Hey.

-Just their greeting to each other sent everyone watching in a frenzy.

PD1: They haven’t even landed in paradise but everyone is already wilding.

PD2: Oh, we have lines again!

PD1: Is that what’s important now?

-Seulgi and Irene finally went up that hill leading to the helipad. The MCs were cheering for Seulgi to hold Irene’s hand but they all witnessed how she tried to reach out for the girl but retreated midway. What made them all shout was when Irene casually clung to Seulgi’s arm like a clingy girlfriend.

Irene: What should we do first when we arrive?

Seulgi: Hmm… *presses her lips together* I can’t think of anything as of now. All that’s in my mind now is how I should make you feel safe once we ride the helicopter.

-And with just that line, MP3 had to do a cartwheel in excitement. The twtverse was crashing here and there. The chaos is already out of the island.

-Irene’s blushing that was properly caught on camera was then shown. She had to look away to hide her blushing face from Seulgi. She’s failing so hard to smile and once again she was reminded of how it should feel when you are with the right person.

Irene: *interview* Actually, I have forgotten about my fear of heights for a moment. If she didn’t tell me about it, I won’t be reminded. I guess that’s how I was looking forward to going to Paradise with her.

-The two took the first chopper off to Paradise. MP4 and MP5 who went with FP3 and FP1 respectively took the next chopper ride.

-Seulgi noticed how nervous Irene was and the cheer for her to the smaller girl’s hand echoed from the studio again.

MP2: Come on, Seulgi-ssi! It’s like you didn’t hold her hand for the whole night last time!

-Seulgi was seen uneasy, looking everywhere aside from Irene. She took a deep breath before reaching out for Irene’s hand and everyone celebrated in joy. Irene looked up to her and gave her the sweetest smile.

-The taller girl smiled back at her. And as if Seulgi’s confidence got back, she even tapped her shoulder, telling Irene that she could lean on her. The other girl just took the opportunity and leaned on Seulgi’s shoulder.

-Seulgi leaned her on Irene’s head in return. She’s literally on cloud nine.


47. Getting to know each other


-Irene’s eyes widened when she found out the age difference between her and Seulgi.

Irene: You are three years younger? All the time I was thinking that we might be of the same age.

Seulgi: *takes a sip of her wine* I didn’t give the dongsaeng vibe?

Irene: Hmm… Sometimes… But you are really responsible and caring. So yeah…

Seulgi: I actually have an older brother and I am the maknae.

Irene: You don't give the maknae vibe at all!

Seulgi: Really? *scratches her cheek* I was acting really childish at the first part of the program tho… So, I guess you like someone older than you?

Irene: *eyebrows arched* I initially thought about that… I really wanted someone older than me. I am the oldest in the family and I don’t really have someone to depend on at times…

-The smile on Seulgi’s face fainted. She refilled her glass of wine.

Seulgi: I see.

-Irene immediately noticed the changes in Seulgi’s expression. She didn’t mean to offend her but she was just telling the truth.

Irene: That’s why I really like this program. *tucks her hair behind her ear* I like that we don’t know anything about the other participants aside from what they show us. Just a little earlier, I realised that I can also depend on someone younger than me.

-That statement made Seulgi smile before she even took another sip of her wine. Irene was relieved that the younger girl’s mood was lifted up again.

Irene: Really… Thank you for taking care of me despite not being able to understand you at first. Thank you for taking care of me during the storm, for not letting MP2 take me here and for all the little things you’ve done for me.

Seulgi: Well… *blushes before looking back at Irene* You can always lean on me, Irene.

-The two are now eating at Paradise and they ordered everything that they could order. And just like always, Seulgi was seen slicing the steak for Irene. With this, the smaller girl asked.

Irene: Are you really this thoughtfu

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1761 streak #1
re-reading this again!!! let's go!!!
finished reading this while on my commute to and from work and it was really a RIDE! exactly what a person need after a day's work. this was so unhinged and i was smiling the whole time while reading :)) thank you author-nim for this, will surely re-read this from time to time when in need of light read and unfiltered laugh.
1761 streak #3
merry christmas authornim!! re-reading all your stories again one by one! thank you for always sharing your work with us!!
Chapter 16: That was fun crack😌👍🏻
Chapter 16: This is good 👍🏼
Fahaza #6
Chapter 16: It's fun! The story is light to read and successfuly crack me up ~ seulgi is really something else. Especially that fake snores lmao
Lipfeatchichu #7
Chapter 16: This was a fun read! Very chaotic indeed!
1761 streak #8
Chapter 16: this story always makes me happy! been thinking about it even after i read it the first time!!
1761 streak #9
Chapter 1: still can't get over how inpactful seulgi's introduction was!!!!
Do we possibly get an epilogue?