Kim Kisun

2005 E-mail

"So he is from Japan?" 

"No. He was working in Japan" 

"So he is not Japanese?" 

"No he is not"

"I didn't know the company had offices in Japan"

"Me neither, that was new" 

Talk about being lost... 

This has been the latest topic of the morning. HE is the latest topic.

Taemin is fast on it too. I get messages from him, asking about it, about the new guy. My only answer is that he has his hair dyed, has a scar on his left eyebrow, dresses in what looks expensive and latest fashion, and it is clear he wears earrings. Taemin sends back a worried face. 

I don't know how the company hired someone like him, I mean, let me wear pink high heels and I would hear about my boss, probably even called out in front of everyone. 

"He looks intimidating" 

Everyone keeps talking about him, as if he was a celebrity. I resist the urge to roll my eyes. 

"Yeah... Like a total bad guy"

"I think he is very handsome" 

"We are not saying he isn't, we just say he looks a bit scary"

However I will agree on that. He is indeed very handsome and looks a bit intimidating. 

"Can't believe he is going to be our leader, we don't even know him, I get he has been working for the company the last ten years and he is pretty amazing, but come on, we deserved someone we know and we have a connection"

We all have a connection with our director yet we barely stand his sight. Besides, the new one looks quite different. I like that. 

My phone keeps vibrating, must be Taemin with questions. It's just been an hour, haven't even talked to the man, none of us actually. 

"I heard he was working on the underwear department" 

"Is there an underwear department?!" 

"In Japan" 

"Aish... So jealous. They get to have much more and yet here we are stuck with perfumes, shoes, and boring clothes" 

"A man on the underwear department? For women?" 

"Heard he was pretty good, raised the sells" 

"Hmn... Sounds sketchy to me"

Our twenty minute break goes like that. Gossiping over the new one, the new one that is staring at me right now (I admit I was staring at him from time to time). I quickly look away. He does looks mischievous. Should Taemin really be worried? Should I be? 


I stare at my computer. I'm an adult. I tell myself that, so I won't get up and walk out, forever. 

I read again for the ninth time what is on the screen. 

"Please repeat it again" 

Great. We are only selling a perfume yet here I am hours and hours so it looks... I don't even know, I don't even have to like it, the higher ups are the ones who get to decide. 

"Miss Park Seohyun?" 

I don't recognize that voice, when I turn around to have a look I see the new one, the new leader of our department, he is popping out of his cubicle, which is bigger from the rest of us.

"Yes?" It's the only thing I manage to say, no one has ever called me Miss... 

"Could you come here for a second please?" I can't believe he said that with a smile on his face, he even said please. 

As I get there I can feel everyone staring at me, I'm not sure if he senses that but he stands again apologizes for the interruption, "please get back to your jobs" he keeps that smile all the time. 

"Hi Miss Park" He bows and I do the same, "I heard you are having problems with your latest work" 

Great... I think to myself. Now I do really want to walk out, but to go and kill the director. 

"If you need any help please let me know. I'm here to help after all" His smile gets bigger and I feel self conscious. 

"Thank you leader uh..." Great now I forgot his name.

He laughs "It's my first day so don't worry if you have forgotten my name" He extends his hand out to me "Kim Kibum" and for some reason the smile he wears makes me want to smile too "Feel free to call me by my name" 

We shake hands "Park Seohyun" I say it even though I know he already knows "Please take care of me" I bow. 

"I hope we can have a great time working together, and please, if you really need help ask me without hesitation" 

I only nod, however I do a quick check of his workplace, but before I can even scan it, I see an album besides his computer, he catches me looking at it. 

"Do you like her?"  he asks. 

"No. I mean, back at my parents I was practically forbidden to hear anything from her" 

"Same here" He laughs "This is actually a gift from a friend, he was in the states and thought it was a cool gift, I honestly haven't heard it" 

"Oh I see... Well I um need to uh get back to work" 

"Oh right" He giggles. 

"Thank you leader Kisun" 


Shoot! "Right, sorry, leader Kibum" 

I walk myself out of there quickly, for some reason I know I'm blushing, and I feel awkward, I try to make cero eye contact with any of my coworkers, but I know they'll be on my case sooner or later.

Back at my chair I think of his name again, Kim Kisun, and I repeat it mentally a couple of times. 









Madonna and lingerie. This woman knew how to sell it and gain it. Think about it. What are women fighting for? What are this singers selling us?... 




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2034 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 8: That was an interesting entry. But there are some things I'm curious about. Books about songs and movies? May I ask how they work? Her post script, post post script and the posts after that were all kinda funny. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #2
Chapter 6: That was Madonna's album on his desk? Just confirming... Also, she's memorizing his name wrong. I can't stop laughing at it. I think after your last comment reply, I'm starting to get the hang of it. Just to clarify, so far we have seen only Taemin and Kibum right? I mean the others haven't made any appearance yet right? Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #3
Chapter 4: Although I'm not exactly sure what's happening here, I liked Taemin's replies to her especially the "to Neverland or back to the future" part. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #4
Chapter 3: Hello there, I came across your story while searching for something interesting to read. I just read the first chapter and gotta say it's intriguing. But before I continued further, I just wanna clear some things. Firstly, this is an idol x OC fics right? I mean not a boyxboy pairing, is it? Also, hope you wouldn't mind if I read one chapter at a time and left a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^
Taeminahhh #5
Chapter 13: I can't believe how annoying Taemin can be.
Taeminahhh #6
Chapter 11: Hahaha you're so funny. I agree with everything you say. I always start my diet in October. Good luck to me.
Taeminahhh #7
Chapter 10: Gosh hahaha. How many times must she get his name wrong. I love that Kibum still thinks she's cute.
Taeminahhh #8
Chapter 9: Hahaha! Love what you say about models. I think both Kibum and Taemin are making really good points. But at the end of the day we know it's all about making lots of money.
dawnsun #9
Chapter 11: Men think they know what women want. It was nice to get into Kibum"s head and Taemin's head to find out what they think we want. Looking forward to the next chapter.
dawnsun #10
Chapter 8: I share your convictions 🤣🤣🤣