The Gift

A Magical Christmas Collection 2022
“Sir, the gift had been delivered.”
Minji signed the delivery note and thanked the delivery man for his hard work. She closed the door and observed the box. None of her package said it would arrive on Christmas Eve. None required a signature. There was no sender information, name or address. She unboxed the package. A gift? She touched the glittered silver wrapper. The edges were smooth. The paper was thick. The ribbon used to make the bow was smooth like silk. She pulled the bow apart and tore the wrapper. A gift box? She opened the lid. A simple thin rose gold bracelet with a heart attached in the middle was placed in a pile of gift filler. She pulled out the chain and touched the heart with her thumb. She turned it over. The letter M carved onto the metal. She retuned her attention to the box and dug under the filler. She pulled out a cardstock letter that read:
Merry Early Christmas Kang Minji,
 This is a gift carefully chosen for you. We would love to show you the beauty of completion. As best thing comes in pair, please board the plane on Christmas, to receive your complete gift.   
   Minji fumbled with the gift filler again and she pulled out a long paper. A flight ticket. She spent the whole night debating and researching. The only article she found was a winner that won a vacation through M&M over twenty years ago. After a long debate, she concluded she needed a vacation and packed for 3 days since she didn’t know how long she would be gone. The idea was credible enough. It made sense. M&M was doing charity. She was happy they’d chosen her.
   Christmas came.
   “Sir, she had been picked up. Heading to the airport now.”
   It was her first-time in a limousine. It was a little extra, but she didn’t think it was a bad touch. The chauffer rang her doorbell early. She thanked herself for packing last night. After checking in at Incheon International Airport, one of the staff led her to a private walkway. She felt slightly more relieved after officially going through security. She felt it was less of a scam. She boarded with a few peoples and that also provides more assurance. At least she wouldn’t die alone. Her seat located in the private area of the plane as told by the flight attendant. She set her carry-on bag under the seat compartment and took the liberty to feel the big luxury seat. She had never flown with so much space, enough for a family of five. The space was furnished for two. The thought of someone being a winner too made her feel safer. At least they would both be scammed.
   The announcement came on for everyone to return to their seat, the place was getting ready for departure. The pre-flight safety announcement concluded, and she soon was in the air. Her eyes traveled to the empty seat. Was she the fool that got swindled alone?
   Just then the sound of curtain being opened drew her focus forward. Could this even be real? The beauty of a man, in front of her two eyes? Sculpted perfectly. He stood above six feet tall. Hair slicked back. The long cashmere coat over the suit fitted his tall slender body. And his smile, it highlighted his perfect canines hissing ily at her.
   “Merry Christmas,” he said.
   Minji blinked. He stood in front of her. His voice deep, seeped into her soul.
   “It’s my honor to be in the same space with such a beauty.”
   The words didn’t align in her mind, but her cheek flushed red. Was he flirting with her? She lowered her gaze and stopped when a rose gold bracelet wrapped around his wrist.
   He suppressed a smile and stared at her in amusement as she continued to wonder over the bracelet on his wrist. Her head shot up and upward. Just exactly how tall was he? His thin smiled flashed into one that bared his fangs. His eyes were mesmerizing, too. He was even more perfect up close. Even if she was scammed...
   “May I take this seat?” he asked looking at the seat across from her. 
   Minji shuffled in her seat. “Yes, go ahead.”
   She avoided staring as he settled in. The table was the only barrier between them. Her body relaxed from the thought of being kidnapped and replaced with a different excitement.
   She lurked forward with her arms rested on the tabletop. She took a deep breath, “What is your name?”
   Her heart skipped a beat when he smiled. She clenched a fist to not turn a tomato in front of him.
   “Kim…Kim Mingyu.”
   She repeated aloud, “Kim Mingyu.”
   His smile tugged upward into a grin. The way his name sounded coming from her filled an empty void in him.
   Minji shook her head and curled her toes. “Do you know where we’re going?”
   Mingyu raised an eyebrow, and it raised doubt in Minji. Was he not a winner of the charity? Minji looked at his bracelet again. It was the same.
   His stare softened and he shook his head. “All I got was this bracelet and a flight ticket.”
   Minji nodded. He was a winner too. And clueless like her too then.
   “I’m hungry,” he said.
   Minji swung her head to him. Hungry?
   He continued, “Such a fancy place, I’m sure they have fancy food too. What do you want to eat?”
   Now that he mentioned it, everything, starting from the present itself, everything was presented in an extravagant way. Even the interior of their plane was decorated with luxury. She looked behind her and there was a lounge, a widescreen television, and a small kitchenette.
   “What do you think they have?” She turned back to him. She swore she saw him quickly blinked away to the window.
   “For a beauty like you, I’m sure they can cook anything.”
   Words caught in Minji throat. It was strange to keep hearing him called her a beauty. And his smile, now planted in her eyes.
   “You can choose something then. Something not too extreme but not too normal too.”
   He chuckled. “Fancy pasta?”
   Minji smiled. That was what she was thinking. Pasta was a normal dish but seasoning and cooking options varies.
   Mingyu called the attendant over and she watched in amusement at how he communicated smoothly. She shifted in her seat again to only realize the attendant was gone and he was staring at her for who knows how long.
   “So, what did you order?” Minji asked. Pardon her for being distracted by his face.
   “Pasta.” He smiled, and they burst out laughing.
   Two flight attendants entered with a tray in each hand. Warm aromatic of garlic and herbs danced in the air. She set the plate of alfredo in front of Minji and opened the lid. watered at the pasta covered in creamy white sauce. Parmesan cheese sprinkled on top, finished with fried chicken strips. She peeked over to his plate. He stuck with the original red sauce. She picked her up her fork with enthusiasm then stopped to look at him.
   “Please,” he urged.
   She dripped the fork into the pasta twirling a few strands. As she picked up the neatly coiled pasta on the fork, he slid a plate with a portion of his pasta to her. “For you.”
   “But I’m not giving you mine?”
   Mingyu chuckled and returned his focus to his food. She was for real. She had no intention of sharing.
   “What do you think is our complete prize?” she asked after they silently ate for a while.
   “What do you want it to be?”
   “Maybe some cash? A luxury vacation?” Minji pushed her plate aside and pulled the plate he offered in front of her. “Thank you,” she muttered.
   It wasn’t long after the plates were cleared that the announcement of arrival came through. Not once did they mention the destination, but anticipation still linger inside Minji.
   Mingyu extended his hand for her to exit the plane first. He placed his hand behind his back and kept a step behind her. She stepped off the plane onto the bridge and a strong gust of wind blew pass. Her feet lost balance and his hand flung out to steadied her.
   Minji looked over her shoulder and his eyebrow drew in as he crinkled his nose. His lips parted.
   “Are you okay?”
   Minji nodded. A warm spicy, leather, wood, and powdery scent hit her. His smell was like potion.
   He steadied her to her feet, and she kept walking. His smell never left her.
   At the end of the bridge tunnel, another world appeared before her. It was no airport. It was utopia. It was where unicorns and Pegasus lived. A waterfall  a river of glittered shimmery magical water flowed down into a nice little circle. Various steppingstones were placed every few inches from each other. Christmas lights dangled from the snow-covered trees that surrounded the waterfall and lake. If it was a set, they did an amazing. Minji walked until the bridge ended and stepped onto the shimmery floor covered in snow. Something tugged at her body. She looked back and asked Mingyu, “Did you feel that?”
   It was as if she walked through an invisible barrier. Mingyu dragged his lips downward and shook his head. She held a smile to herself. Cute.
   She ignored the strange sensation and took two more steps forward. Snow started falling. It piled on top of the snow that was already on the ground. It suddenly became colder.
   “Please walk into the ring in the middle.”
   Minji flinched at the sudden voice that came through the intercom. She looked left and right but there was only Mingyu and her. She patted her cheeks. Were they dropped off in an alien world?
   Mingyu laced his fingers with hers. His smile assured her to follow his lead. Each step they took toward the ring made her stomach fluttered. Each snowflake brushed passed her cheeks, sizzled against her skin. It was real snow. The warmth from his hand kept her heart warm. She gazed at their locked hand. Her eyebrows furrowed when a shimmer of light twinkled from both of the heart on their bracelet. No matter how much she kept staring, the heart did not twinkle again. Her hair flew back from the strong wind. The waterfall became realistic as they neared it. Minji followed Mingyu, stepping on the first stone in the river of shimmery water. She clenched tighter, what if the stone sink? She looked at him again. He moved forward at ease as if the perfect world did not shake him.
Mingyu took his last step. He was in the ring. Minji stopped, her eyes caught the outer layer of the ring. It glowed when he stepped in. Minji looked at him again. His eyes held no doubt. He widened his smile and gave her a nod. He squeezed her hand. With that assurance, she lifted her right foot and stepped inside. The outside ring glowed brightly. Fogs began swirling from the water. She stood face to face with him. His eyes reflected the shimmer of the water.
   “Merry Christmas,” said the voice through the intercom.
   In puzzlement, Minji searched for signs of anyone. Instead of locating anyone, the lights around her dimmed and everything faded. The background became pitched-black except the twirling fog and the ring of light. Something clicked inside her. Since Mingyu appeared, everything…Minji head jerked up to him. A wide grin displayed on his face made her confusion to run deeper. His head lowered and she swallowed. His left hand held the nape of her neck. His palm and fingers spread. The snow danced with the fog as he pulled her face toward his.
   Mingyu pressed his forehead against hers. “Best things do come in pair,” he whispered.
   A blinding light forced her eyes shut. Mingyu pulled her neck, and her head tilted upward. Her lips came against his. He let go of her hand and s it around her waist drawing her in closer. Through her closed eyes, she can tell the light slowly dimmed. Through her lips, she felt his warm lips, his lips turning into a smile. Minji relaxed her body, allowing him to press her complete against him. At the disappearance of his lips, she opened her eyes.
   Did she fall asleep with her lights on? Minji quickly sat up. She was in her pajamas, in her bed. Did she just have the most vivid dream? She checked her wrist. The bracelet was there. She looked to her nightstand and the box and letter were there. Minji removed her blanket and got out of bed. As soon as her feet hit the carpet, an image of his smile with his canine flashed before her. Who’s he?  She took a step back and hit her bed. She collected herself and ran to her living room. Her couch, her kitchen, dining table, even her shoes lined by the door, everything was normal. She turned to her bedroom, but her eye caught something. Something under her Christmas tree. A gift she didn’t recall wrapping for herself. With hesitating steps, she slowly made her way over. It was a golden box this time. She was positive, just by looking at it, it was from the same sender.
   When she crouched down and picked up the box, she swore she saw the heart on her bracelet twinkled. Minji undo the bow and pulled the lid open. On top of the gift filler was a letter. With trembling hands, Minji set the box down and picked up the letter. It read:
Merry Christmas Kang Minji,
When you are ready to book your luxury vacation, please call 738368336.
   Minji threw the card to the box. She rushed to her bedroom, grabbed a coat, and took the elevator to the first floor. She ran to the front desk and asked Hyunjin, “Did anyone come and asked for me? Or did anyone come into my unit?”
   Hyunjin rolled his chair forward and sandwiched him between the chair and desk. With a smile, “Merry Christmas Minji, were you expecting someone?”
   Minji sighed. “Did anyone strange, new visited?”
   Minji clenched the counter. She waited. And waited.
   “Ah…” his eyes lit up.
   Minji leaned in.
   “The owner of the building came by.”
   Minji swallowed, afraid of the answer to her next question. “When?”
   “Since yesterday.”
   Electricity crawled up her legs and she dropped her weight onto the counter. Hyunjin immediately sat up, sending the chair rolling back and hit the wall.
   “Merry Christmas, Mr. Kim. Are you returning today?” Hyunjin greeted with a bow and his eyes traveled to Minji.
   Minji in a few breaths and moved her ankles to ensure her legs wouldn’t fail her before she slowly turned around.
   He stood there. Mingyu stood before her greeting her with the same smile and pair of eyes that twinkled with the glimmer of light. Her eyes searched his wrist and when that same bracelet was there, her legs gave up. His arms reached out and grabbed her just like…Minji gathered her courage. She can look at him and she will.
   Minji motioned her head upward, her eyes finally stared into his. Mingyu tightened his hold around her and pulled her closer.
   With the smile that tugged her heart, he whispered, “Merry Christmas, Kang Minji.”
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays 2022!!


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2035 streak #2
Chapter 7: Another mysterious oneshot! I have so many questions and would definitely read if this theme was made a chaptered fic. LoL... And I assume this was the end of the collection? Although it's a little sad that there's no more oneshot in this collection, I still had fun reading them ^^
2035 streak #3
Chapter 6: Wait! Hold on! What? I definitely need more on this. I mean who was Jooheon and what was that thing about the miracle tree and stuff that didn't exist in reality? I have more questions regarding this. I mean the oneshot is nice and Jooheon is a cutie. But still... Anyway, will be back later to read the other one ^^
2035 streak #4
Chapter 4: I just finished Hyunwoo's oneshot and I am not sure what I read. I mean I'm curious of so many things. Also, it's kinda hard to imagine him to be rude and a jerk like that. That's just my biased a**, that's just me. LoL... Anyway, I will be back later to read the other oneshots ^^
2035 streak #5
Chapter 3: Hi there, a new reader here! I came across your story collection while searching for something interesting to read. But I hope you won't mind if I only read some of the chapters (depending on who's the lead of the oneshot). Nonetheless, I just finished reading the Jaejoong oneshot. I laughed a bit to see Jaejoong like a creep XD I had fun reading this. And I'll be back later to read more ^^