Mafia’s way with a madman 🍀

I’ve got my eyes on you 🦋🎈
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For a mafia man like Seungcheol , he won't let it pass this easily, have told one of his strongest men to take Taejon in somewhere and chain him inside a dungeon under the ground.

While he was in the hospital hearing out what the doctor said after he checked on the poor beauty.



" I really don't know how he survived, his brain tumor got bigger and his intense fever should have killed him, on top of that he got beaten all over, especially his head where the tumor was affected, he starved for days without any food and water, and we found miscarriages pills on his tummy which explain why the baby has been dead for a while inside and we managed to pull it out safely."

Seungcheol hearing, eyes on Jeonghan where they put the mask on, and iv.

" What about the tumor ?! You can do the surgery today ?!"

The doctor looked at his notes.

" He has been visiting us since a young age but I never thought the tumor will get bigger again, he needs surgery as soon as possible."

Seungcheol nodded.

" You can sign as his guardian." 
He looked sadly at the poor lad, " I will call his parents, it is written on his profile right ?! Give me their number ."




When he called his parents they were already worried as hell and they came all the way here to go to their son's apartment, he wasn't answering his phone for a week and what they didn't know was that Taejon was answering her text instead of the poor lad before he decided to break his phone and tell them that they will pay new one and that was the last thing they heard about their son.

Even if his phone broke, he could have talked to them by Taejon's phone but he never did, that made his parents take the first trip on the train and reached here asking about their son till Seungcheol called them over.


His mom was crying mess hearing what happened as she sits by her son's side, his father was so angry as he tried reaching for that jerk but Seungcheol calmed him down.

He told them that he had known their son for a while and realized Taejon's weird acts around the poor boy.

Explained everything from A to Z and now his mom couldn't stop crying.

" Why ..why didn't he tell me ?! He could have asked for help ." She broke down and her husband comforted her, Seungcheol watching quietly.

" Although I have seen him for few times I could tell Jeonghan has mental health issues ."

The mafia man said as he looked at both parents.

They didn't look surprised.

" Hannie suffered from depression and anxiety, besides his illness he has mental issues ."

His father admits.

" He had rehabilitation and told us he can go see his life alone when he got better, we saw him so happy with Taejon and we never thought he will do such a thing ."

His mom said as she sniffled, and wiped her tears.

He didn't have someone to lean on but that jerk who took that as an advantage and hurt the lad, Seungcheol can understand now Jeonghan's situation.

" U-Umma ..."

The three turned to the weak voice.

Saw him awake and his eyes were barely open.

"I'm not w-weak mentally ."  He sniffled, his mom helped him up and hugged him dearly.

" You're not sweetie you're better now right?!"She smiled wiping his tears away for him and cheol watching.

"M-my baby my baby okay ?!" He trembled asking that while crying cause he could feel the blood running down earlier when he fainted.

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jackiethefishy #1
Chapter 36: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
1122 streak #2
Chapter 44: <3
1122 streak #3
Chapter 41: They're so cute <3
1122 streak #4
Chapter 39: Jeonghan is a good 'mom' ^^

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1122 streak #6
Chapter 38: I can't believe they're having another child ><
Seungcheol's reaction was cute.
1122 streak #7
Chapter 35: They're such good parents ^^
1122 streak #8
Chapter 33: I'm happy that seungcheol is okay :)
1122 streak #9
Chapter 31: Cute <3
1122 streak #10
Chapter 29: I'm glad seungcheol is fine and arrived safely :)