7 Love Is Unbreakable

Battlefield (2023 Version)
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Auto Repair located in the border between Namu residence and commercial area. Henry bragged many times he got the best of both worlds, the business and residents. The visibility of his small cozy shop shone like a star in the neighborhood.

Mark propped the garage door opened. The left side contained a space large enough for two vehicles and the waiting area located to the right, where Henry’s favorite couch rested with a coffee table.

“Is it close today?” Jungkook peeked inside for any clients. The lobby area emptied and not a soul in the office.

“Make yourself at home.” Mark opened the glass door to the small office where Henry left his paper works scattered on the desk. The wooden door hidden in the corner of the office cracked open, big enough for sound to travel to Henry’s room. “Henry!!”

The second floor had three bedrooms and a full bath. Mark allowed a second for his boss to respond. When Henry refused to answer, he climbed the stairs and banged on Henry’s bedroom door. “Henry! Come Out!”

Mark clenched his jaw; he didn’t think his boss would be such a coward.

“Jungkook?!” Mark called, but Jungkook wasn’t responding either. “Jungkook?!”

Mark hissed under his breath. Nothing followed his plan.

He descended the stair and found Jungkook standing by the couch. “Jungkook why are you…”

His words caught in his throat. Soomin and Youngni stood just outside the garage door. Youngni didn’t expect to find Jungkook at Auto Repair. That night when he accompanied her from the police station to Call Me’s temporary office, Youngni couldn’t define what she felt toward Jungkook. She tried to fish some information about Mark, but the man was clueless as a child. Or either he stuck by his friend’s side and refused to leak any information. Either way she found his reservation quite attractive. 

“Soomin, I’ll meet you at your apartment. I’m going to go find my phone.” Youngni allowed Soomin the space to complete her given task. Plus, she lived two days without her phone. She must attempt to find it one more time before she declared it forever gone.

“Hyung, we’ll talk to Henry another time.” Jungkook pressed a smile to Soomin and dashed off.


Relief washed over Mark. The colors of her face were much fresher. He was a little nervous about what she was here to say. After what she said last time, he didn’t think he was ready to hear another harsh truth from her. As much as he wished to apologize, he feared that was the least she wanted to hear.  

“Whatever you wrote was clearly false.”

“I didn’t write anything.” That was why she was here.

“Look,” Soomin walked toward him, “I just need you to correct what you did wrong…” she realized how wrong what she’d said. It could refer to so many things. “I mean you didn’t need to be an and say I’m a e. I can do my job just fine.”

“I did not say you were a e.” Mark couldn’t say he didn’t feel hurt when she claimed he would say such things about her. The thought if he’d hurt her to the degree of selling herself crossed his mind, but he knew she wouldn’t resort to one.

“You don’t need to play dumb with your fake identity. You clearly didn’t receive any service from us. You have no right to comment. I’m asking for you to adjust your reviews before…” Soomin stopped to take a breath. She choked on her words. It was wrong to let her emotions take control. She was here to talk professionally to a client, not to let her personal issues take over.

Mark sighed. Damn Henry. “Give me a day. I’ll fix it.”

Did he admit he’d called her a e? Soomin couldn’t find the right words to describe her feeling. Had he said that nasty review about her? Soomin saved herself from weeping another tear in front of him and rushed off. What was she hoping for? That he would say it wasn’t him? 


Youngni scanned the area now cleared of crime a thousand times. Each time she bent down and searched the bushes and possible cracks for her phone, Jungkook crossed her mind. He kept popping up until he showed himself in front of her and told her that her phone was found and kept at

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Hello there, I came across your story while searching for something nice to read and I gotta say that the plot seems different and kinda intriguing. But before I started reading this story, I just wanted to know that it's alright with you if I read one chapter at a time and leave a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^