

Everyone in their circle of friends knows that there’s something between Jinki and Kibum except them two. They always act like they are just friends but from the way they look at each other to the way they treat each other proves there’s something more than friendship between those two.


This is the fluffiest story I have ever write until now and I quite enjoy writing fluff! heheh

Hope you also enjoy reading this!


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970 streak #1
Thank you for sharing this sweet story.
Chapter 1: This is so cute,especially the ending. Kibum was so worried about Jinki, he became sad. At least Jinki confessed, it was sweet.
Chapter 1: Okay onkey. Both of you are so stupid and cute and lovely and all so now, please KISS. 😘😘😘
They are sooooo cute. Author nim.. tq for writing and sharing this with us. I rrally hope i can read more onkey. I love them so m7ch