
Brewing at a distance


Taemin never imagined that he would be making his living working in a coffee shop. Mild timidness and lack of social skills simply didn’t fit with his own vague idea of a service-based position. 


How he ended up here is no complex tale. He desperately needed a job and being close friends with the owner, Kim Jonghyun, Taemin was easily hired. Initially as a waiter, but over time he adopted the basic skills of a barista. It was challenging at first, but after gaining knowledge and experience, he is now feeling comfortable in his position. 


It’s a relatively small coffee shop. Most customers take their orders to go. Only a handful take the time to be seated. Recognizing regulars became easy that way. And while Taemin isn’t nosy by nature, it’s hard not to come by in the consistent flow of encountering different people with different habits. 


Some of which catch his attention at the moment. Some of which he’s able to recognize over time. But only one that hounds his thoughts on a daily basis. 


Taemin’s muscles stiffen whenever the person in question is in close proximity and he always struggles to take his eyes off him. 


It’s silly. 


During the few seconds it takes for him to approach the counter, Taemin carefully examines his appearance. Medium-length chocolate brown hair parted at the center of his forehead like an open curtain, thin arch round glasses that frame his large and charismatic eyes. His clothes, as always, were a combination of casual and fancy. A few days ago it had been a sleek pair of black pants paired with a loose-fitting cotton sweater. Today he’s clad in ripped blue jeans and a tailored gray blazer. 


“I-Iced americano?” Taemin wants to curse for the way his voice stutters. In addition to his fascination with the man, he also has his usual order memorized. 


“Yes. To go, please.”  The man’s voice is heavenly deep and melodic. With the addition of a mouth-closed smile, Taemin feels his heart skip a beat. 


“Coming right up.”


Their interactions are always slim to non-existent. Nothing more than a few words or brief eye contact. Most of the time it’s Taemin watching from afar. Wishing that he could muster the courage to approach the other and start an actual conversation. One that didn’t include him taking his order or wishing him a pleasant day. 


After taking his coffee, the man smiles again, wishes Taemin a good day, and then leaves. 


Although Taemin’s tension fades once he’s out of sight, his chest still tightens. It’s odd. He’s overjoyed and anxious at the same time. Overjoyed with the fact the handsome stranger is a regular who he’ll be able to see again. Saddened by the fact it’s possibly all he’ll ever be able to do. 


Jonghyun’s been teasing him about his developing ‘crush’ for weeks. And while Taemin constantly denies it, he also wonders what his deep fascination derives from. Sure, the stranger was handsome. But many customers were. 


What’s so particular about him?


It takes a prod to his ribs to snap him out of his mid-day dreaming. Jonghyun raises an eyebrow as their eyes meet a second later. 


“Are you going to fantasize about Mr.Handsome all day or are you going to work? This order is for the two women in the corner.”


While blushing Taemin takes the piece of paper Jonghyun hands him and gets started on the order, two lemonades, and then serves them with his usual beaming smile that often prompts customers to smile in return. Sometimes Jonghyun jokingly referred to it as the ‘money-making’ quality and his main incentive for hiring him so easily. 


“Customers really adore you, Taemin. I believe some come in just to see you.” It’s what he would say. 


Meanwhile, Taemin would foolishly imagine that the handsome stranger was one of those people. That he was coming in every week just to see him, briefly catch his eye, and flash him a smile. 


In reality, however, it was the other way around. The secret admirer is him and the clueless one is the handsome stranger. Taemin doesn’t even know his name. And it’s just one out of many reminders that his deep fascination is nothing but delusional. 






He, as Taemin would refer to the source of his affection, visits the coffee shop at least three times a week. Sometimes as often as every other day. Making him one of the most frequent regulars. Normally he only has plain coffee or iced americano to accompany a notebook and his cell phone, as if surely he's working on something. Other times he has a book with him. Novels mostly. Taemin often memorizes the covers to look up later on. Perhaps he can learn something about him through them or use it to strike up a conversation, he thinks. 


One thing's for sure— whether he is just coming in to grab his coffee to go or sitting down for a longer stay, he is always alone. 


Until one day. 


Taemin notices straight away. The boisterous laughter of the handsome man’s companion is definitely hard to miss. While having coffee and a pastry, the two are engaging in a lively and playful chat. Taemin can’t help but steal a glance every once in a while. It’s the first time he’s seen the normally calm and collected man so active. Also, the first time he’s seen such a bright smile on his face. Taemin realizes then, why he’s never mustered up the courage to introduce himself or engage in an actual conversation. Someone like him was bound to be taken. Most likely by the other man with the boisterous laughter. 


On the counter, Taemin’s hand slowly releases the novel he had sought out in a bookshop the day before. Just one out of many he has seen in the large hands of his crush. 


Every thought-out scenario of how to make his approach is shattered. And instead, he retreats. Back into his own pathetic shell. Back to square one. Back to being nothing but a worker in a coffee shop, watching from afar, and this time certain that it’ll never amount to anything more.


“Taemin?” Jonghyun’s careful hand on his shoulder causes Taemin to jump. “You all right?”


“Of course.” Although the lie rolls off his tongue so easily, it’s anything but convincing. 


Jonghyun doesn’t say anything. Doesn’t refuse when Taemin asks him to cover his post. And doesn’t stop him as he makes a quick exit into the separate kitchen space. 


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Chapter 3: Awwww, good for them!!!! Thanks, Kibum!
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 3: I'm glad they got Kibum to help them. ;) Cute ending! :)
Shinee2020 #3
Chapter 1: Oh poor Taemin... :( You can't give up before you even gave it a go!
Chapter 3: Hiiii, Thank you for the simple yet lovely story.
Thank youu for writing.
I hope to see you on the next story
Chapter 3: Hiiii, Thank you for the simple yet lovely story.
Thank youu for writing.
I hope to see you on the next story
Chapter 2: Lmaoooooo out of the blue
He is might not his date .. tm bby you just so insecure about that
Chapter 1: Hiiii welcome to 2min universe ... glad that we have new author here.
As the beginning, I really enjoy your narration.
Cant wait for what happened or how they started to be something
Chapter 1: Hiiii welcome to 2min universe ... glad that we have new author here.
As the beginning, I really enjoy your narration.
Cant wait for what happened or how they started to be something
970 streak #10
Chapter 3: This is a good first fic. You have good characterization, good plot and a smooth flow. You even uploaded it on my birthday.
Thank you so much for sharing.