Chapter 2 - The return of a prince

The Twisted King

Spring 1511


"Jisoooo! Ya! Stop! Stop, I give up," the teen boy winced under the girl strong lock on his arm. The girl just giggle as she released him from the grip.


"Haein - ah," the girl pinched her friend's cheek while pursuing "this training ain't funny if I always ends up beating you."


The boy who was still in pain, didn't even bother to respond to the provocative girl. 


Jisoo wasn't having it though still wanting to friend. "Come on give me something hyung," she whined. "Fight back!"


Haein smiled "How are you so strong! That's insane you're the first girl I know to be that strong." 


"Shhhh," Jisoo pressed a finger on her friend's mouth, looking around to see if someone had heard. "You know the rules. Never refer to me as anything than prince Yi Jisoo," she said serious before adding playfully this time, " a very beautiful and strong young boy haha. And beside I'm the only girl you know Pabo-ya."


Haein freed himself from the girl once more.


"Yeah, yeah but we're alone here Jisoo," he said as the girl was still watching around. "In this house, there's just you, me and my mom and sometimes those tutors the majesty sent to you for practice."


Jisoo nodded to confirm her bestfriend's words. "I know but we still has to be cautious. My mom has great expectations from me and I can't fail her. One day, we will have to return to the palace of Joseon and we can't make any mistake so let's just start from here and get use to it." 


"OK I won't refer to you as such anymore don't worry," haein reassured her patting her head in the process, earning a slap on his hand from the girl.


"Idle - ha !" They heard In-soon scream for them to comeback.


"Last will do 200 pumps!" Jisoo yelled as she started running, quickly followed by haein who was complaining about the fairness of the competition when she started running first.


In-soon watched them from afar. They weren't babies or kids anymore. They were two beautiful teens now. She couldn't believe how fast it all went by since they had to stay in this secluded house.


Jisoo had changed the most in those last 4 years she had to take charge as her late twin brother Yi Jinsoo. She had trained so hard, anyone who didn't know the kid as much as she did wouldn't doubt that she was a boy. Even herself was tricked sometimes.


That was good she thought to herself swifting the letter in her hand, the hardest part was about to happen soon.


"Idle - ha," she received the two out of breath teens. "The time has come for us to enter the royal scene. I have receive a letter from your mother Jisoo-ssi. Your grandfather had passed and your dad is about to be Crown as king of Joseon. He asks for the return of his son by his side. His legitimacy is being questioned as the next heir hasn't been seen since 4 yours now. He wants to present you back to the court my dear. You'll be officially introduced with your grown-up name, Yi Jisoo."


Jisoo's heartbeat speeded up in her chest. The moment had come. She will finally meet her dad for the first time in sixteen years and she will actively have to fake her identity as the Crown prince too.


It was getting so real but she'll own up to the task. 


"I'm ready," she simply stated straightening her stand as haein watched his friend sorrow in his eyes.


He always knew that moment would come but he wasn't willing to. He likes being here just the three of them. He didn't need no one else to be happy. 


But he knew how much the girl wanted to regain the position she wasn't allowed to have at her birth. 


He was just scared to lose his friend in the process.



"Good," In-soon concluded. "We are leaving tomorrow. A party is to be held for your return Mama."


"Mama?" Jisoo was dumbfounded. That was the first time the tutor referred to her as much. 


"Yes Mama," the woman smiled at the teen. "You are the Crown prince of Joseon and everyone will call you as such from now. That includes me and haein too. Now go prepare yourself for the trip."


Jisoo smiled back and excused herself not noticing the distress of her friend. 


The boy turned to his mom feeling more and more depressed, "eomma... she's my bestfriend... I don't want to lose our connection." 


He didn't know what was wrong with him but he almost felt like crying. Maybe his mom sensed it because she went to hug her son.


"My love, you won't loose your friend." she reassured him, "but some things will have to change a bit. He will have duties and your role will be to help him in those. Also you mustn't refer to him as nothing else than what he is. The Crown prince."


Haein closed his eyes trying to retain his tears from falling.


"Jisoo will have to be him every single seconds he will be in that place. There will be people there who won't be happy by his return so don't give them things to feed on. We must help the prince in this new journey and do everything to succeed the play. Jisoo the young girl died 4 years ago, there's only Yi Jisoo left and he will be referred as he, his, from now on. Are we good on that?"


Haein's heart broke hearing what he knew he couldn't fight against, "yes, I'll do as required."


"I know. You’ll be the best right hand for him. He will need you as he will feel very lonely there. Also you'll have to call him Mama especially in public haein - ha"


This time the boy simply nodded not having the strength to fight back the tears.






At the palace everyone was running around urgently. The biggest party was about to be held. The king had asked for the entire court to be present tonight for the introduction of his son.


He didn't even celebrate that much for his own crowning but this, he wanted it to be special. He wanted that every single person present that night will remember that he had a heir. A vigorous, young heir in age of ruling if needed. That he wasn't a weak spot in the royal line like the emerging rumors were suggesting. 


Every maids were called that night and even some maid's children were requested too.


Park Chaeyoung was one of them.


She was too young for the task, barely fifteen holding plate weighting twice her own but she had no choice but to be there.


Soon enough traditional music engulfed the palace corridors as people were enjoying the night.


She was serving makgeolli left and right, her arms numb now.


Suddenly drums started to resonate announcing a special arrival.


The prince, she thought. She wouldn't lie she was excited to finally see the mysterious heir of Joseon like everyone else.


When the boy entered she felt her inside warm up. He was pretty and handsome at the same time somehow, with delicate features. 


"My dear son, how long did I wait for your return," the king broke the silence that followed the entrance. "Come by my right so I can officially introduce you."


Jisoo exchange a quick glance with Haein, who was just behind her with In-soon. They had just arrived from the long road when she was brought to the party almost immediately. 


He nodded as if he wanted to give his support for the walk she had to make to her newly met dad and her mom next to him.


She smiled and made her way to her dad. As she was walking down the alley made for her, her eyes crossed those of a young girl holding a huge plate with cups on it.


She was gorgeous! Jisoo hadn’t meet anyone her age except from Haein and she had never felt the kind of arousal she was feeling seeing that girl just now.


She tried and focused back on her parents, bowing all the way to the ground as she stood before them.


"Jusang Jeonha. Jungjeon Mama may your days last for one hundred years and more in prosperity," she greeted them in respect like she learned.

This all scenery seemed so strange to her. 2 days prior she was still fighting with haein in the backyard of a country house and now she was at the royal court in front of the family she always dreamed of.


The king stood up a hand dressed on top of her head, "son may the Gods be with you in all your steps." 


She stood up to stand next to her dad as he continued, this time to the crowd, "may the people of Joseon inclined before their rightful heir, the Crown prince Yi Jisoo."


And almost religiously every soul in the room except from the king and Sinui bowed down pronouncing in unison "Mama may the Gods be with you."


Chills went down Jisoo’s entire body as she watched the scene. Her life just took a turn tonight, one she couldn't come back from.


"Here take a drink to share with your dad," the king presented to the disguised girl a plate full of drinks.


Jisoo did as asked noticing the one holding the plate. It was the girl from the alley. They exchange a long glance once more, before Jisoo witnessed the girl's eyes switching to risk a glance at making her grin in the process. Jisoo liked the tension she felt in that short moment. It was a new sensation but a very pleasant one.


The rest of the night went on, filled with officials greetings with people Jisoo barely remembered a single name. She hadn't been able to catch up with Haein that night as she was brought to her quarters later on. 


Laying down on her huge bed, she thought back of the night she had just lived. How intense it had been but also how lonely she had felt all the time playing someone she wasn't really.


She sighed deeply before letting the sleep take its place quietly. 





The first few weeks had indeed been very lonely for Jisoo as the new rythme hit her. She had a lot of schedules to honored with her dad who wanted to show her around as much as possible.


Being a Crown prince was less fun than being simply Jisoo the girl in the countryhouse where she had the freedom to run and play around with her bestfriend.

No more sneak out at night to explore for them now. She was starting to feel alone in that big place. 


Talking of Haein, he was still her only friend as she didn't seemed to connect with anybody at the court.


She spend the majory of her free time with Haein. 


That affection wasn't at the taste of everybody as rumors were starting to impact her reputation.

When they finally reached the king's ears he had to take action, worried that his son might have some unusual activities.


"Idle-ha, I think we need to start proceeding a new kind of training," he started casually one time after he asked for a private meeting with Jisoo. "A very special one, but has a future king that's an essential part of your duty."


Jisoo didn't reply, not knowing what to say. 


"I think we should find a woman to make your education in that area," her father finally stated as Jisoo’s eyes widened. She didn't know what to do or say. "Every man needs the affection of a woman Jisoo-ssi and specially a king. Our life is full of tension that need to be released."


Jisoo blinked hard as she was lost with how sudden this seemed to be brought up. She hadn't thought of that part, never during all her training.


"Dad, I... I don't know if this is necessary... I...," she tried to articulate an excuse to get out of that situation but her father didn't let her finish.


"I'm not asking your advice Jisoo," he interrupted abruptly. "I'm informing you that you will have to educate yourself with a woman."


His stare hardened in a way Jisoo had never witnessed until now, "also there's rumors running around that need to be shot down."


Jisoo looked perplexed not knowing what was going on.


"Since you arrived you barely talked to anyone on your own and you spent majority of your time with your friend... that boy Jung Haein," he explained. "The most absurd and outrageous rumors are growing about the both of you. I will not allowed my name to be mocked like that. You are my son, the next king in line and you'll show to everybody that you are indeed in mesure to assure the kingdom wellness and future."


Jisoo didn't know how she didn't burst laughing when she heard that there were rumors about her and Haein or that her dad wanted her to be with a girl to assure his son wasn't gay when he was actually asking his daughter to do so.

Somehow the idea of being with a girl didn't seemed unpleasant to her. Since that first night here she had thought of what she felt looking at that girl more than once. She saw her once or twice since but didn't had the bravery to talk to her.


"Those rumors can't be less true dad," Jisoo finally responded. "I couldn't even imagine how people would picture something like that. I'm willing to do as you wished but I want to choose the girl."


The king smiled hearing his son's words, "of course ask for whoever you want. They will be provided to you."


Jisoo nodded thinking about Chaeyoung and how aroused she felt at the moment and how she'll managed the trick.

But she will had to tell Haein about those insane rumors about them. What a good laugh she thought.




"Can you even imagine," Jisoo explained all the situation laughing in the process.

When her dad finally let her go she had search Haein to share the news with him. "That was the best laugh I had since leaving here hyung."


The boy faked a laugh, "yeah, so funny right?"

He didn't know why he felt so hurt by the fact that the thought of sharing romantic feelings between them was so funny to his friend. Or maybe he knew exactly why he felt that way but he would never acknowledge it as it was useless obviously. 

"But are you ok? Being with a girl... like that I mean..."


Jisoo stopped laughing to think about the question. "Actually I think I am. I don't know I just feel so attracted to the idea of it, I'm kind of anticipating the moment. Do you think that's weird?"


"Of course not, I've never judge you in my life Jisoo and I won't start today," the boy reassured his friend. "I just want you to be happy that's it. But you'll need to find a way so she won't find out about you. That's tricky."


Jisoo smiled and replied her voice full of malice, "Actually I have a few ideas."


Haein smiled awkwardly shaking his head. They stayed a little bit more together as Jisoo kept on going about her expectations for her night with Chaeyoung.





Two years later


Time went smoothly for Jisoo as she got used to her new lifestyle over the past months. 


She had find a new routine. She had duties at the palace as her dad had place her at the royal finance office to learn the art of economics, she still take time to practice combat training with Haein. He was now active in the royal army.

She also shared a good amount of time with Chaeyoung, enjoying the pleasure of a woman. Actually she had a little harem by now as she add a few ones in her lover list. 


She was quite busy now and never felt as lonely as she used to in the palace.

She still enjoyed being alone at times though and went often to a secluded area in the garden she had found a year ago.


The place was filled with fruits trees which she likes to grab from time to time or just sleep in the bottom.


Not far from it there was a pond crossed by a little bridge. She also liked to walk by the water enjoying the scenery and the sound of nature.


During a hot day of summer, as she was there, she came across a girl trying to reach some peaches in a tree.


Obviously they were out of reach as the girl lose balance almost falling before Jisoo ran and caught her just in time. 


Their eyes crossed as the younger girl had both hands on Jisoo's torso never breaking the stare.


Actually she swore she had felt Jisoo's heartbeat speeded up in her chest under her touch.


Jisoo was mesmerized by the girl’s beauty, brown cat eyes looking straight into her soul.

She found herself wetting her lips suddenly dried by the new warm feeling in her chest.


She had never felt this kind of connection and it scared her as she broke contact between her and the girl.


Jisoo bowed to the girl in respect but was interrupted by a sweet voice and a hand on her bicep, "I should be the one bowing Mama." The girl stated as jisoo stood up to witness her bow in return. "I'm Kim Jennie, the daughter of the royal historian headmaster." 


Jisoo took in every single of the girl's features, enjoying all of it.


"How come I never saw you around ?" She asked.


"I was sent abroad to study. I only returned a few weeks ago."


Jisoo was about reply when an out of breath Haein burst out in the peaceful scenery alarmed.


He whispered something in Jisoo's ears not minding her companion. Jisoo entire behavior changed, her face marked with deep sorrow melt with anger and her body shivering. 


Her parents had just be found dead as their carriage was attacked during their trip to the countryside. 


She didn't bother to excused herself and left the scene, Haein fast behind her.


They will have to elucidate what happened but Jisoo had just became the new king of Joseon with the lost of her parents.


She knew that inevitably a fight for the throne will have to happen. Those who killed her dad wouldn't let her reign peacefully. 


But she'll be ahead of them and ready to fight back.

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Kazioo21 #1
Hello everyone! I know several are waiting for the update. And I'm earning on it. I'm very sorry for the delay . I've just been very busy with life between work friend's and other thing and I didn't get the time to finish the chapter I already started. Initially I tried to post smt last week but I couldn't manage to finish and i don't want to rush smt out. Soon (in 2 weeks) I have some days off hopefully I'll get the time to write peacefully
Ajaypinky #2
Chapter 2: Update pls
1131 streak #3
Chapter 2: Hi authy still busy?
Ajaypinky #4
Chapter 2: Nice one. Waiting for next.
1131 streak #5
Chapter 2: Oh wow king Jisoo... Now I get why Jisoo told Jennie that she is king Jisoo and not princess Jisoo like what Jennie insist on one of their video together 😁😁😁
1131 streak #6
When I read the first sentence about the twins being onimous sign the first thing that comes to my mind was the kdrama Queen Seondeok...
Chapter 2: love the story author-nim! can't wait for the nxt update :)
reflektorr1 #8
Chapter 2: Update pls
Jensoo4everlove #9
Chapter 2: Wow!! King Jisoo in your area!!!
AanchalShriwas #10
Chapter 2: It is good hope u will update soon