December 2017

A Comprehensive Study of Nature

Hi Diary,

I just found out Minho's birthday is just five days before mine! I don't know what I should get him, but he says it's okay as long I make him cheese ramyeon. But that's not very special! 

It's gotten really cold lately, so Minho has been reluctant to go outdoors, even with his thick fur. He's also gotten a bit more irritable because the faculty has locked the gate near the woods for winter, and we can't go there for morning walks. So the only other place to exercise is the gym, which is always crowded. 

I'm a little worried for him, because there's been a few occasions that he growled at somebody and showed his ears. Luckily I spotted them in time. A firm squeeze on the arm seems to snap him out easily. 

Maybe I should splurge a little and take him to a barbecue place so he can eat lots of meat and stay warm. That should cheer him up, right? 


Just as expected, the barbecue place was crowded tonight. It was the only place in the vicinity that was affordable on a student’s budget, plus it was a Friday evening. There were a few familiar faces that Jinki thought he may have seen in the passing, all preoccupied with their own friend groups.


As they stepped in, Minho wrinkled his nose, nostrils flaring at the multitude of smells in the air. 


Jinki looked up at him. "Have you been to a barbecue place like this before?" 


With a tiny smile playing on his lips, Minho replied, "Can't say I have been in one recently, but it smells more delicious in here than outside. Are we drinking?"


“I don’t know. Why?” 


The werewolf nicked his head towards the fridge full of beers and soju. “This place sells cheap alcohol. There’re at least two bottles on every table here.” 


“Well…” Jinki ducked behind Minho as the attendant guided them to an empty table, blushing at the memory of their first encounter. “We don’t have to if you don't want.” 


“Are you worried that you’ll get drunk again?” 


Jinki pursed his lips. It’s Minho’s birthday today. He’d rather be completely sober than make a fool of himself again. 


“I’m right here, so don’t worry. I won’t ditch your drunk in the street.” 


“Hey, that’s just one time!” Jinki retorted as Minho started sniggering. “I don’t usually get that drunk!”


Long fingers reached out to give his round cheeks a firm squeeze. “Aw, look at you all fired up. So cute. If you say so, I’ll let you decide.” 


Rubbing his cheek, Jinki continued to pout, though he was secretly relieved that Minho didn’t press further. After making their order, Jinki got up to fetch a jug of water and some cups for their table. Something tapped on his shoulder from behind, and instinctively he spun around, spilling water across somebody’s – uh-oh – white sweater. 


“Yah, isn’t it Lee Jinki? Is this how you greet your friend after two years?” the voice sneered at him. It took Jinki a few blinks to realise he had just bumped into Seo Jaehwan, his ex-classmate from high school that always weaselled his way into borrowing his homework to copy before classes.


“Oh, I’m sorry!” His eyes darted back and forth between his full hands and the wet stain. “I should have been more careful, uhm, let me get some napkins for you–”


Too late, Seo Jaehwan’s beefy arm has already wrapped around his shoulders, ushering him towards the tables. “Ah, it’s just water, don’t worry about it. Did you just get here? Why don’t you show me where you’re sitting so we can catch up?”


The smaller boy sputtered as he racked his head desperately to think of a good excuse to send Jaehwan away. Why did all these things have to happen when he’s trying to have a proper good time with Minho?


Just as he was about to be dragged into an unavoidable awkward situation, Minho appeared right before them with the nastiest glare he had ever seen. From the way the corner of his lip was twitching, Jinki could tell the werewolf was annoyed. 


“Yah, what are you doing? Hands off.” 


“Eh?” Jaehwan cocked his head, sneering. “Choi Minho is here as well? Since when are you two close?” 


Panic bubbled in Jinki’s chest as Minho snatched the jug out of his hand and shoved the bully’s arm away. “Leave Jinki alone. Go find someone else to bother or I’ll tear you into pieces.” 


“Huh? You’ll what?” Before he could say more, Jinki squeezed Minho’s bicep with his free hand and nudged him away as both aggravated men glared daggers at each other. 


“Come on Minho, we should leave.” 


“But that er is ruining our date!” 


“I know, it’s not worth fighting him because it’s my fault-” 


“That bumped you first! No way I’m letting him get away with that!” 


“Stop!” Jinki burst out, setting the cups down with a clang and grabbed Minho’s hand. “Put the jug down and come with me.”


Jinki could sense Minho’s proverbial ears flop backwards in submission as he obediently followed the human out of the restaurant. Out in a secluded alley, Jinki faced the taller boy, crossing his arms sternly. "Let me see your teeth."


With a huff of resignation, the werewolf pulled his lips back, baring his elongated canines. 


“Look at your fangs. You almost changed. What if I didn't stop you in time?"


"I wasn't going to attack him."


"I know you wouldn't have, but what if you turned into a wolf? We were right in the middle of a restaurant!" 


The werewolf’s face fell, crestfallen. The way Minho’s eyes look so sad, swimming in dejection, was carving a hole in his own heart. “Sorry. I don’t know what got over me when some other guy held you like that.”


Jinki sighed, feeling awful about reprimanding him. “It’s fine. I noticed you’ve been grumpy and restless lately... And it's your birthday, so I tried to cheer you up… but here I am making you upset instead.” 


He stared at the ground, beating himself up mentally. His birthday dinner plan for Minho had just gone to waste like that. If only he had looked, or kicked his habit of fumbling when things went wrong. 


“Maybe this has been a bad idea.” He sniffed. What was he thinking, yelling at Minho on his birthday like that? He couldn’t get anything right.


Minho’s voice was soft as soft as a whimper. “Are we just going to end the night like this?” 


To be honest, I didn’t want to. But I don’t know how else to make the night any better. I made such a huge mess. 


“I’m still hungry. Can we go for something else instead? What do you like?”


“Huh?” Jinki snapped his head up as Minho tucked his hands in his pockets, keeping them warm while sniffing at the evening air.


“What about fried chicken? It’s not too far from here, and that won’t be there.”


Jinki bit at his dry lower lip. “You're… not mad at me?”


Golden amber eyes glowed under the shadows of the streetlights as they widened. “Of course not! Why would I be mad at my favourite human? You look like you need some cheering up too.”


The werewolf stuck out a furry clawed hand, opening and closing invitingly. It looked really warm, especially with the winter wind billowing by, sending shivers down Jinki’s spine. He pushed away every thought in his head and took it, and Minho immediately stuck their conjoined hands into his roomy down jacket pocket, all toasty inside. 


“Must be nice to be able to grow fur whenever you want to...” Jinki remarked, as Minho stuck his body close to his, warming him up in more ways than one. 


So this is the closest I’ve ever been to Minho. It feels like being with a boyfriend…? 

Friends don’t hold hands like this, right?


Should I ask him?


“Hey, Minho? Can I ask you a question?"


The other boy down at him, slowing his steps a little. Jinki loved the way his eyes seemed to glow at night, like golden full moons during Chuseok. 


"We're friends, right?" 


Minho tilted his head in question. "Of course. Why do you ask?" 


"I'm just wondering…" He paused to wet his lips. "Remember when you said you're going to study me? How’s that going?"


“Hmm…” he pursed his lips, gazing up to the night skies overhead in thought. “It’s still ongoing, but I made a few observations if you’re curious.” 




“Your heart rate usually increases when I touch you or exchange eye contact. In the beginning, it spikes rapidly, almost comparable to the rate when you run. But now even if it rises, it’s at a healthy rate.”


“You can read my heart rate?!” Jinki exclaimed, surprised at the information. He couldn’t believe Minho had been aware of his crush on him for the entire time.


“With this,” he smirked, tapping on his nose. “Your scent comes out in stronger waves when you’re excited.”


Embarrassed, Jinki buried his neck and face into his scarf, blood rushing to his ears. His scent must be pretty pungent now, if Minho’s claims were right. Minho simply beamed and scooted closer to him, shoulders touching.


“On the other hand, you seem to be the most relaxed when I let you pet me when I’m in my wolf form. It’s the same when humans pet dogs and get their cortisol levels lowered, reducing their stress and blood pressure while raising oxytocin levels. That’s the hormone that makes you feel good and relaxed. So I kind of wonder why there is a difference… and what would happen if I transformed halfway.”


The way the last few words were breathed from Minho’s lips sent tingles down Jinki’s spine and raised all the goosebumps on every inch of his arms, so dangerously low and seductive that he had to close his legs together. In his mind’s eye, Minho hovered over him, large warm paws pinning him down as his bushy tail caressed his hip, sharp canines scrapping at his neck and jaw. Minho in a deep breath, and chuckled.


“Is that too much? I’ll stop.” 


Jinki gave a stiff nod. Knowing how close they are, the werewolf might be able to smell his arousal too- a terrifying thought for Jinki.


 “Anyway,” a finger hooked onto his pinky. “I wanted to thank you for today. You’re the best friend I could ever have, always looking out for me and putting up with my condition. It really isn’t easy keeping my temper in check, even more so lately. I wasn’t so sure why it has become harder and harder recently, and I figured out why.”


“Why? Are you going through some changes in your body?”


The amber eyes narrowed as Minho contemplated his answer. “Mmm, yes, in a way? I think it’s my protective instincts kicking in, now that I found my person. Like a soulmate.”


“Oh! Congrats.” He wasn’t sure why he said that, it was the first thing that came to mind, and it made Minho laugh even more and his ears pop out.


“Why are you like this? You’re really cute, you know that? That’s why I really, really like you. I want to know everything about you!” 


“You… like… me?” Words failed to process in Jinki’s head as it went blank, blinking rapidly in shock. The Choi Minho that he looked forward to seeing every day, being in his company and spending time with him, actually liked him?


“Yes! Don’t you believe me?” Minho asked again, tail whipping back and forth rapidly in his peripheral vision. Overwhelmed by the sudden confession, Jinki’s lip quivered as he struggled to keep his emotions in control.


“I… I really like you too. For a long time. I really don’t know how to tell you, because… I’m scared of losing you as a friend.” 


Minho’s face softened, relief washing over it. He leaned in, nuzzling at Jinki’s cheek with his nose, then brushed his lips against his soulmate’s as they both locked lips in a tight embrace. 


From that day on, we became boyfriends. 

I’d love to say our routine didn’t change, but it did in a way. Even with assignments and exams around the corner, Minho always found a way to see me every day that he literally runs and pounces on me to give me a tight squeeze. It attracts a lot of attention, but he doesn’t care. 

I’ve tried asking him to tone it down, since now we are busier and have to spend longer periods of time apart. But sometimes his excitement gets ahead of him.


“Jinkiii!!” Minho’s voice could be heard down the hallway as Jinki was about to enter the communal bathroom, sticky and grimy with sweat and mud. Before he could brace himself, Minho’s firm arms were around him, swinging him around in a circle. 


“There you are! I went to your room but you weren’t there, so I tracked your scent all the way here! How did your survey go?”


“Shhh, no wolf talk, remember?” Jinki shushed him with his hand over the werewolf’s mouth, reminding him of the presence of ten other humans in the vicinity. “And please put me down, I have five different types of soil samples caked all over my knees.” Minho’s humongous eyes widened comedically and nodded frantically before letting go. 


“So uhm, are we still hanging out later? After your shower?”


“Yes, the noodles and everything else are in the usual place. Go help yourself and I’ll be with you, okay?” 




Some things got better though! Now that we’re more open with our feelings, we could share about everything with each other. But some things are better left unwritten, just in case someone reads this diary...  

I can’t wait for spring to come so Minho and I can finally go on our morning walks together in the woods nearby. And who knows, maybe we might discover something new together...?


Until next time!

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Chapter 3: Es muy dulce como pueden ser así de perfectos les deseo lo mejor en la vida a mis bebés 💖
Chapter 2: Mi hermoso Jinki tu eres un ser maravilloso y especial para Minho al igual que él para ti 🥰🥰🥰🥰
970 streak #3
Chapter 3: I thought it was Jinki who would be making the study. I was definitely mistaken. Thank you so much for sharing.
970 streak #4
Chapter 1: Does Minho change into a werewolf when he's happy?