The Royal Scandal
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@Bosworth Castle



Seulgi went to Bosworth for a scheduled meeting with the Queen. The Queen sent her private driver to take Seulgi to the castle. Outside the gate was a lot of tourist taking a picture of the Castle from the outside because it is one of the most historic landmark in Earlton. Not only because it is historic but because it is the private residence of the Queen.


More people and tourists are outside the castle right now because the royal standard flag that has the royal crest is flown in Bosworth Castle which signifies that Queen is there at the moment. If the Queen is not however, flag of Earlton is the one flown.


When Seulgi arrived at Bosworth, the palace staff greeted her and she began briefing Seulgi about the Do’s and Donts’ when meeting the Queen.


On the other side, Irene is getting annoyed on why Seulgi is taking so long since she received an message from her security that Seulgi has already arrived 30 minutes ago.


“Where is she?” Irene asked while her brows are already crossed.


“Let me check, Ma’am.” Yeri said.


Yeri called the Palace concierge to asked what is taking so long.


"What's taking Miss Abernathy so long?" Yeri asked.


"She is currently being briefed about the Royal protocol, ma’am" The concierge replied.

"Brief? She's a personal guest of the Queen. Her friend. She doesn't need to briefed." Yeri said in disbelief.


"I-I-I'm sorry, Miss."


Yeri went down to the Palace concierge to get Seulgi herself.


“The Queen is upset. This shouldn’t happen again, okay?” Yeri said to the Concierge.


“Y-yes, Ma’am. Sorry.” The Concierge replied apologetically.


"It's okay, don't worry. No need to be Sorry." Seulgi said smiling. Trying to calm the situation down because Yeri looked pissed.


"The Queen's ready for you, Miss Abernathy." Yeri said as she walked Seulgi to the Queen’s study.


Yeri knocked.


"Miss Abernathy, Ma'am." She said.


"Let her in." Irene said.


Yeri opened the door for Seulgi and she left the two alone so they can talk and spend time together.


"Wow." Seulgi said as she sees Irene.


"Wow? Really?" Irene said chuckling.


"I mean, you look so expensive. Way expensive than before and the last time we see each other." She said while giving Irene a wink.


"It's the palace. The palace can make anyone look expensive." Irene said laughing.


"And stop with your wink. It's not cute."


"You like it." Seulgi said confidently while chuckling.


"Are you hungry?" Irene asked.


"I want tea." Seulgi replied.


"Earl grey?" Irene asked.


"Yes, please." Seulgi said as she takes a look around the Queen's study.


It’s big and really beautiful. It’s full of priceless paintings from different centuries. It’s something that she hasn’t seen before.

"So... what do you want to do?" Seulgi asked.


"Hmm? What do you mean?" Irene asked confused.


Aren’t they going to chat and catch up? It’s the reason why she’s here anyway.


"Are we just supposed to stay here?" Seulgi asked in disbelief.


"Well, you said you want to chat.” Irene said as she drinks her tea.


"No. Nope. I didn’t say ‘chat’ I said ‘spend time together. That’s different." Seulgi replied.


"Oh.” Irene said. “What do you want to do then?” She continued.


"Well..." Seulgi said.




"Do you have stables here?" Seulgi asked.


"Of couse we have. All palaces have stables. Where do you think we keep our horses?" Irene sarcastically replied.


“Sorry that I didn’t grew up in an Palace like you, Your Majesty.” Seulgi sarcastically replied.

Irene chuckled. She knew she annoyed Seulgi and she loves it. There are only a few times when she gets back on how annoying Seulgi is and this is one of them. Although Seulgi is just acting like she’s annoyed because she knew Irene likes it.


"Let's have a race!"




"What? Why? Come on… Don’t be lame!" Seulgi laughing.


"Queens don't race, Seulgi." Irene rolled her eyes.


"But... I guess I can give you an tour on the castle while we ride horses.”  Irene said.


The castle is beautiful on the inside but it is also beautiful on the outside.


"Sweet!" Seulgi said.


The two changed into their horse riding outfit before they go the stables.

After changing, Irene and Seulgi went to the stables.


"Good Morning, ma'am." The stableman greeted the Queen and Seulgi.


"May we ride cotton and lolly?" Asked the Queen.


Technically the Royal Family has over 100 horses but Irene personally only has two--- Cotton and Lolly.


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Ryunero #1
Chapter 7: Omg thank u for the update! Since school days? Wow altho it keeps mentioning not in this lifetime I’ll try to have hope for their love story🤧
Chapter 7: They're destined to have a tragic love story unless Irene can convince the firm to change their ways
928 streak #3
Chapter 7: Yeah the burden of being the Queen is you can't choose the person you want to marry 🥺💔😭
softforseulrene #4
Chapter 1: idk to you all, but her father’s death gives me goosebumps just the way how The Crown felt me
74 streak #5
Chapter 7: Sending hugs!
74 streak #6
Chapter 7: Lets fight for your love queen irene!
74 streak #7
Chapter 7: *crying*
Chapter 7: I'm happy we get more deep of their relationship n the scene from their high school. Lets fight for your love irene!
blessmeohyeah #9
Chapter 7: The way seulgi accept the fact that she will never be Irene’s priority 😭 how painful must’ve been :((