Two Wrong Make One Right

1 + 1 fools = ?
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Two wrongs make a right [idiom]:  when assuming that, if one wrong is committed, then another wrong will cancel it out hence making it right.



The week couldn’t have been more excruciating, between classes and taking care of the bar that Soojin had entrusted in her, Shuhua couldn’t find heads or tails of what she was supposed to do to survive. In a span of an afternoon, her initial crisis that had already plagued her previous weeks and increasingly worsened overtime just decided to grow two fold in the form of a missing piece in her everyday life: Soojin. 


On Monday, 3:57pm to be precise, she had walked all the way to Soojin’s dance academy to inform everyone of their precious teacher’s sudden leave. The dejected face on the young pupils that her friend loved so much made her snicker in irony, believe her, she was having it worse than those teenagers. 


Surely the bar owner could have maybe taken care of that matter herself but being a few thousands meters above sea level inside an aircraft zooming across the globe at a speed of 800km/h may have complicated the ordeal if not making it impossible. Moreover the pale vet student always wore her heart on her sleeve so she was feeling less anxious to know that even if she couldn’t do much, she still has somehow helped out someone she cherished dearly. 


Talking of heart, the still fresh and unfinished conversation that she had with the aforementioned traveling person made that stupid organ squeeze uncomfortably inside her chest. Shuhua might have barely grazed the surface of the problem that she was already backpedaling at lightning speed. What was a crush even helping her with right now considering her pretty pitiful situation at the moment. A small voice inside her head wished that Soojin had stayed back to hear her out and maybe guide her like she had always done so far but the far more stubborn and dominant part of her wanted to take the matter in her own hands. She was before all an independent adult and didn’t need to rely on others to sort the matters of her heart, emotions and whatnot. Her best friend needed to be close to her family as of now, she couldn’t act like a child and be selfish because she may have developed a silly if not imaginary crush on her just as silly older friend. 


So her thick head had found a solution to all of that stressful nonsense: to simply ignore it.


What isn’t a matter in her mind can’t possibly hinder her in her tracks. That flawless -not so flawless- philosophy will somehow carry her through everything until it eventually disappears. It was bound to happen anyway since the not-crush (she will never admit it from now on as it doesn’t remotely even exist anymore if we were to apply her newfound theory) is just that, volatile, fragile and more importantly temporary. So, all she has to do now, is to wait it out and ignore it in its every form and shape until it's eventually gone for good. 


In its essence, the root of her recent distress was that stupid tug of war she was having against her own feelings. Take it out of the equation and she was as fresh as new. 


Good riddance. She’ll have to admit that this almost brought her to the brink of insanity if not for this new foolproof strategy (not so foolproof considering the high level fool it was up against). She had other things to worry about, like that one lab report that was currently being a searing pain in the bottom.


It was now Thursday and she had completed a head dissection the day prior, which was inherently gross but she was passionate enough to ignore the slight disgust she could feel as she peered down on the smelly already cut off canine head. Her partner had excused herself to go to the bathroom leaving her to do most of the dissection herself. She couldn’t really blame her lab partner on that one, it was really quite horrific in hindsight. Now she was left with a lab sketch to complete and a short paragraph on her findings which she admitted was 10 times scarier than butchering a dog’s head for the sake of science. But alas, here she was at the bar watching over the three staff members and the few customers enjoying their beers while trying to place the lingual frenulum on the meticulously drawn tongue of her frightening sketch. 


She sure was having a great time. 


It was maybe around 8pm when two of the employees went home. While she had barely made any progress on her lab report, she had no choice but to help out with the business. She heaved a long drawn out sigh as even if she was currently cleaning a few glasses, the only thing running inside her head was all the unfinished homework she had to do. She had a genetic paper to turn in next week, and a quiz on immunology tomorrow that she had yet to study for. Then there was the ethics exam next Monday in addition to the things she wanted to review and the notes she wanted to reorganize to prepare for the finals that are still far away but better now than late. 


All that thinking made her head throb painfully, dropping the cloth used to wipe the table as her hand traveled to her temple while the other gripped down on the wooden piece of furniture, her knee faltering just a little. 


“You’re okay boss ?” The only remaining worker asked her in worry. He was a fine boy and she had known him for a bit now, having worked together for the past year or so. 


“Yeah… I’m good. You can head home, I’ll close the bar.” Shuhua straightened herself and gulped down the migraine plaguing her last few days. Glancing at the clock hanging in a corner she took note of how late it was, the emptiness of the bar and her own exhaustion. It was a safer choice to close now even if on paper it was only bound to close in another 40 minutes. Moreover she really wanted to clock in early today, as kind hearted her coworker was, she wished he would just leave her be. Her usual unfiltered sentence was replaced with a political smile, the one reserved for those situations where no matter how rude she would sound, her true feelings were probably harsher. 


“Are you sure about that ? I can help you out with the closing.” He worriedly said. 


Shuhua shook her head at that with a strained smile. “You’re already doing extra hours right now, thank you for the help. Don’t worry too much, I’ll just finish with the tables and turn off the lights before closing. I can do this myself.” She assured him. He was a law student and she knew that the poor guy was in the same study frenzy situation as her. He was already trying his best to help out in Soojin’s absence despite being busy on his own. Too bad that she wasn't feeling like entertaining him longer today. As a silent apology she’ll be sure to put in some good words for him to the bar owner, with some luck he’ll get a bonus. 


After a few more minutes Shuhua quickly ushered him out the door herself with a relieved sigh. When she was alone she dropped her sore body down on a random couch, recollecting herself for 5 minutes, eyes closed and her hands massaging her forehead. Her back hurt as if her spine had been rolled over by a truck but it truly was because of her bad posture whenever she was caught up in her study materials. That one unhealthy bend over her desk as she scribbled down notes upon notes for hours on end which any student could relate to. She focused on her breathing, inhaling deeply each time in hope of chasing the headache with each gush of air. It was just that, her breathing and the light noise coming from the night city just outside these four walls. 


That short moment of tranquility was shattered when the front door opened and Shuhua was two seconds away from barking at the intruder to get the hell out of here but couldn’t find the strength to. Instead, she winced at the sudden sound of a speeding motorcycle echoing unfiltered in her ears from the wide open entrance. 


“We’re closed.” She sternly said, not even looking up, still feeling the pounding in her brain like loud drums inside her skull. 


“I can see that.” A familiar voice rang through the empty space, it brought shivers down the pale maiden’s spine and her chest constricted for a split second. For a moment she thought she might have imagined it but the familiar pit-a-pat of heels clicking against the newly cleaned floor was too real. Either that or she reached a new level of crazy, madness, insanity, you name it. 


She took a discreet glance up to confirm her suspicions. Great… just amazing. Her snarky side wanted to curse out loud at this unforeseen turn of event but her softer, more mellow and tired self found comfort in the presence looming just over her. Her muscles involuntarily relaxed while her insides contracted unwarned, almost painfully if her brain wasn’t already winning the competition of most uncooperative body parts.


“Good evening Shu.” Miyeon said, standing two steps away from the hunched figure pitifully sitting at a table. It sounded soft and bright, like usual, but it almost felt strict and commanding. Like an unspoken order, she looked up to see eye to eye with the oh so pretty businesswoman. Just like that her thought through, failproof, perfect plan was slowly dropping down the gutter. Her carefully crafted, armor plated philosophy was vanishing already. 


“Isn’t it late ? What are you doing here” Suddenly a little more self conscious, Shuhua straightened up and put on her infamous resting face. She couldn’t crumble now, not even in a 100 years will she ever admit defeat. 


“Just wanting to check in on my favourite person.” The older woman casually said with her sweet smile, unknowing of how her words were rocking Shuhua’s universe into shambles and pieces. Her resolve to somehow get over that infatuation was shrinking in no time and all she wanted to do is to hide and never come back. Was reincarnating into a turtle too late ? She dreamt of having that protective shell to hide herself into whenever it was needed. 


The needed time being now, immediately, in this exact minute. 


Silence surrounded the pair, Miyeon patiently waiting for something while Shuhua seemed to be dazed. The gears inside her mind weren’t at their peak performance by far, they even seemed to be encountering a technical issue that was translated by a sharp throb. An unmistakable reminder to quickly finish up here so she could take a shower and grab a painkiller or two upstairs.


“Whatever I’m closing, so shoo.” The black haired beauty stood up rapidly trying to hide the rosiness on her pale cheeks from the earlier comment, pushing Miyeon out of the way only to feel the world spin out of its axis and around her. She really hoped that she had masked her dizziness well enough by scrambling to the counter as fast as she could without tumbling. She meekly turned around to check on the woman in a formal attire, not noticing the scarlet red trickling to the floor in the process. 


“Yah, are you okay ?” Miyeon almost flew to her with how big her strides were. It seemed like the Taiwanese was far from quick enough because in no time she was back to the dangerous zone near the older girl who immediately grabbed Shuhua’s face in between her two cold hands.


Now she couldn’t tell what made her the most dizzy, the headache or the soft touch upon her clammy skin. The feeling of an index finger grazing just above her upper lip made her knee buckle a little. 


“I know I’m pretty and amazing but getting a nosebleed is too much of a reaction to my presence, silly.” Miyeon joked though she frowned at the distant look in the familiar brown eyes. 


No answer came from the foreigner, she could barely hear anything, feeling faint and completely drained. That alone was worrying in itself, just now noticing how sickly pale yet warm and slightly sweaty the skin felt in between her hands.


One moment Miyeon was there getting some tissue for her nose, the long veiny hands stained dark scarlet red holding her close, and the other, it seemed like someone killed the lights. 


From white to red and everything went black.




The chirpings of the birds was what greeted her when she regained consciousness. It was like a slow increase of volume in her ears and as more time went by the more complete the ambient cacophony was to her. Her head felt heavy just like the blanket of sound coming back crescendo and Shuhua almost wished she didn’t wake up at all. 


A slight itch in her right arm was the only thing that made her open her eyes to the unfamiliar scenery of a tidy, if not, emptied room. The blinds did a poor job at hiding the sun from passing through but were effective enough to dim the light to a comforting level of luminosity that wasn’t too intense to her retina. The other detail that bothered her was how recognisable it felt here. As much as waking up to an unknown place and room should sound an alarm in her mind, the said room felt too intimate, almost domestic. Everything about the surrounding noise, the smell and the decor was comforting in an odd manner that she couldn't quite pinpoint in the morning daze. 


When she finally found the force to even stand up, she staggered her way outside to be greeted by her living room. From the familiar blue couch and the white low table upon a gray fluffy carpet to the open bar kitchen with that basket of fake fruit on top a counter made of granite. It only dawned on her that she was in the guest room on the first floor of the duplex: Miyeon’s old room. That explained the residual hint of her perfume lingering in the beddings, the warmth of familiarity that made her feel safe. 


Talking of which, there was her dear Miyeon sitting on the floor with her laptop propped up on the small table, leaning against the couch looking so focused on a few documents flashing by the device's bright screen. That same focus was soon diverted to her though as her arrival didn’t go unnoticed.


“Oh, already awake ?” Miyeon scrambled to her feet and approached her. Shuhua noticed how casual and comfy the latter looked in a pair of sweatpants with a large black jacket probably covering one of her oversized shirts. 


“Hmm.” The younger woman just hummed with a discreet nod of her head, still a little confused by the situation. Was she still dreaming ? How come she woke up to such a domestic scene ? It felt a little too good, too unreal or just too perfect to be true.


“How are you feeling ?” Miyeon immediately asked while gently pulling Shuhua to the large couch. 


“Weird.” Shuhua truthfully answered, taking a look around and starting to pick up on odd details. On her left arm was a plain dark beige band aid that she didn’t remember having, she was still in her work outfit from yesterday and her phone was missing.


“Wait… it’s Friday ?” The realisation was like the calm before the storm. 


Everything about that surreal scenery was shattered to pieces in a fraction of seconds. Shuhua bolted out of her seat and immediately ran to her room to get dressed, almost colliding knee first on the wooden stairs in the process. The remaining questions about what the hell happened were pushed back into the back of her mind as the only thing that flashed before her eyes was that she was probably late to class. It was like a cloud of madness overtook her common sense, she no longer felt the pain in her head, the way her whole body felt sore in the worst ways nor the dizziness as she moved too quickly, matching the erratic pace of her heart.


She was already back downstairs with her bag on her shoulder, heaving deeply as panic flashed in her eyes. “Shu-“


“Unnie ! Have you seen my phone ?!” The pale woman demanded in a hurry. Her voice dripped with stress, eyes unfocused and lost to crippling anxiety. 




“I’m late crap, crap,crap-“


“Shuhua !” Miyeon forcefully grabbed the vet student by the arm, making her stop in her tracks. Before the latter could say anything she dropped the news that Shuhua dreaded hearing. She refused to admit it. “It’s almost 2pm.”


A moment of pause overtook them and Miyeon gulped down nervously as she could vividly see thousands of emotions flashing through the brown orbs in front of hers. Not so good emotions she might add. 


“I… I can make it to the last class… maybe I can ask the teachers- or my classmates… I have a quiz too, I-“ The low mutter coming out of Shuhua as she tried to regain herself broke Miyeon’s heart. She knew how seriously the girl took her studies and how disciplined she was regarding them. The only thing Shuhua wasn’t joking about was the very same thing everyone admired: her dedication to pursue her dreams despite the lack of support from her family, her drive to prove them wrong and the passion to succeed. Miyeon envied Shuhua for that.


Yet, no matter how supportive Miyeon was, her worries were ten times greater. Right now her number one worry was about the exact same person she encouraged to strive forward. But every step forward sometimes requires a well deserved pause. With a bitter heart she just had to say it. “Shu.. Listen to me. Even if you could make it to your last class, I won’t let you go.” 


“Uh ..?” Shuhua uttered, cutting off her panicked ramble. It was like half of her refused to acknowledge what she just heard. It took some more time to even register  what Miyeon had said but the latter had already repeated herself again, like a bucket of cold water being dumped on her as the hand squeezed her arm tighter. “I won’t let you go to school today.” 


“What ? Wha- Why ?!” Confusion was seeping down at this point as anger slowly filled her chest like a heavy tumor of negativity. She couldn’t believe it. Miyeon couldn’t possibly stop her, it was impossible. 


“For one, you literally passed out on me yesterday.” Miyeon started off, even saying it out loud made her heart clench painfully as she remembered the whirlwind of emotions she went through.




“No buts. You have no idea how scared I was. I had to hail a cab and get you to the hospital, you’re lucky my uncle worked there and helped me out because I had NO idea of what to even do !” Miyeon raised her voice, trying to shake some sense into Shuhua who now looked down ashamed.


“The doctor said you were overworked, stressed and exhausted, you needed to be put on rest for at least a few days. He said you’re lucky the weekend is coming because you could’ve hurt yourself badly if you went on working like that.” Miyeon calmed down while explaining the rest of the story. She went on about how the passed out cold Shuhua was given an IV drip, laying down like a corpse on that bleak hospital bed. Explaining how her uncle helped them on the way back and eventually dropped them to the duplex before somehow getting the sick girl to bed.


Snippets and hazed memories of the chemical smell, hospital corridors and them tumbling while trying to get up the stairs to access the apartment above the bar flashed in Shuhua’s mind like a broken record and everything clicked better in her mind. She felt guilty for putting Miyeon in such a stressful situation, parts of her wanted to apologise but she didn't know how to even phrase it, let alone express herself correctly. It was mostly her inability to communicate that was at fault but a small part of her was feeling extremely hurt by the girl in front of her for not letting her go to class. This made the guiltiness three times heavier in her chest, she just couldn’t help it. Shuhua gnawed at her bottom lip watching Miyeon sigh while pulling out her phone out of her pocket and handing it back to its rightful owner. 


“You should ask your classmates to send you the things you missed.” The businesswoman gently suggested. “Don’t forget to contact your professors about your condition and explain why you’re going to miss a few days of class.”


“A few days..?” Shuhua whispered under her breath. The guiltiness turned into rancor and ugly spite. 


“Hmm ? What did you say ?” The other woman however didn’t quite catch it. Confused at the sudden change of demeanor.


Shuhua only scoffed but one look into the worried eyes made her swallow the bitterness threatening to spill out. She had to get away before she said something she will deeply regret later. “I have homework to finish.” The student sternly announced and made her way back upstairs where her room was, forcefully pulling her arm away from the now loosened grip and leaving poor Miyeon dumbfounded.


It didn’t take long before she caught up to Shuhua who was already at her desk with her laptop open and a few papers around her. “Yah ! I told you to rest.!” 


When the latter ignored her and just continued pulling more and more papers out of her binder, the older woman stomped toward the desk and landed a heavy hand on the tensed shoulder of the black haired maiden.


“I was talking to you.” She scolded with a mature and almost domineering voice making the girl tremble involuntarily. 


“Unnie…. You won’t let me go there, please let me just finish my deadlines… at least.” Shuhua finally looked at her, her voice fragile and her eyes b with unshed tears. 


It melted Miyeon on the spot. What could she do ? Shuhua looked two seconds away from breaking down which was a first in history. The younger woman always had a tough and aloof exterior and no matter what she always tried to hide her inner turmoil. It was just how she grew up, she had to be the best and no matter the situation, her heart had to be guarded by high walls. Feelings were always too complicated, too much of a weakness. 


“Please… just let me.” Shuhua repeated almost like she was begging. She tried to contain everything inside but the older girl was making it hard to even breathe properly. 


“Fine… just… I’ll be working downstairs if you need anything.” Miyeon said in defeat. She didn’t want to argue and even less to confront Shuhua in that state. She had only briefly heard of her childhood and from the looks of it, the vulnerability she could see in Shuhua’s eyes was something rooted far deeper in than simple school anxiety. “You still have snacks here, eat up before you start and come down for dinner, I’ll order something for us.”




Working has never been an issue. Shuhua was naturally smart and had no difficulties grasping complexe concepts. The only thing that came as a bummer to her parents was Shuhua’s tendency of having very uncommon dreams and hobbies she wanted to pursue. It was easy to deal with at first, setting unrealistic standards, pressuring her into being the best study machine and offering half empty promises. But they weren’t prepared to swallow back their meaningless words. What seemed unreachable couldn’t compare to the sheer amount of willpower their small bodied midnight haired 12 years old had. That’s how she somehow made it to her dream theatre on the whole other side of the city. 


That happiness however was hanging on a thin thread she soon learnt, at the first mistake she would be out of there like it never happened in the first place. That compromise mostly worked out because she lived with her grandma at that time but it didn’t mean she was off the hook so easy. The deal consisted of being able to join the theatre troupe as a hobby while attending the most prestigious academy in the country. She had to place first in everything with a speckless attendance record no matter how sick she was. 


Shuhua will always remember the day her pristine perfect school record was tainted, a school fight she didn’t think would get her into such big troubles later on. Yet, never in a billion years did she regret standing up for her classmate but lord did she almost her pants when the school called her parents. By a twist of fate it was her grandmother that came in their stead and even though she got her ear pulled all the way back home, her grandma still came inside her room with a plate of freshly cut fruits while telling her to not study too much as it was nearing bedtime. 


The next family dinner was something to be dreaded and it even managed to exceed her expectations. From arguing to screaming, she could only hang her head low in shame, it was true that she broke the deal first and no matter how she wished she could explain what happened she never dared talking back to her father. Her grandfather was the one who spoke up for her and she ultimately got a second chance though she will never forget the disappointment and fury in both her parents’ eyes. She still dreams about it on bad nights. 


Her dreams to become an actress didn’t quite bloom as her parents pressured her into becoming a doctor and by an unfortunate turn of event she got sick and had to miss school for a few days. This had forever traumatised her and she couldn’t even find the tears to cry when she received a mail from the theatre saying that her parents had filled in a permanent leave form for her. She didn’t know what was the most ironic part of that absurd story, her parents pushing her to study medicine while laying on a hospital bed or them forcing their own dreams after shattering hers into dust.


Being 17, full of spite and teenager-rebelling tendencies, she for the first time said that she wanted to be a veterinarian against her parents wishes. Acting was just one of her many dreams and an opportunity to leave the house. She didn’t let herself cry for broken empty vases and instead redirected her ambition toward the next. She had countless ideas but she chose that one in particular to irk her parents. What could be better than another form of medicine deemed useless by them to oppose their glorified human-saving dream career. Moreover her love for animals was something she could see as her happy-ever-after, unlike her limited interest in human beings. She definitely wasn’t to blame for that, having ice cubes of parents made her confide all her untold worries of the time in the neighbor’s dog more often than she ever did with her mother. Let’s just say that the sable ball of fur and affection was a better company than her. Unconditional love, no questions asked, no matter what she wanted to be. That’s what she liked about the goofy four legged happy pill named Fido.


So with the support of Fido, the freshly 18 years old Shuhua dared her two progenitors into a risky bet: if she placed first amongst her whole school for the national exam she would go abroad and choose her own field of study. Blame her parents for never learning from their past mistakes, they agreed with a scoff thinking she would never make it. 


All of that only to be where she is now. 


Her hand was clutching in a poor attempt at muffling the sobs that threatened to escape. Her mind was replaying all the things she had heard in the past, the disappointed gaze on her. Her achievements never being recognized for what they really were, just another way of angering her parents. Her breathing was erratic and uncontrolled, as if someone was squeezing in a deadly grasp. She didn’t even know when it started, she was typing her short paragraph on her computer after being done with that demonic looking sketch when her hands suddenly started to shake violently. One thing led to another and she lost control of everything. She was shaking and crying before she could even try to calm down. It was just like in the past, each exam and each lesson she couldn’t quite understand always filled her with something that seemed to tear her from the inside. 


No one helped her through that. She still remembers everything and the memory ripped her heart into pieces. Only one person knew about these panic attacks. Just one person knew that she wasn’t as perfect as she tried to be. Just one person could have seen her for what she was really.


“Shu dinner is here.” The door opened and if she wasn’t already trembling like a leaf in autumn, she would have visibly flinched. Her eyes shut at that unfortunate timing. Was escaping from the third floor an option ? Dunking her head in pure shame she just closed her eyes. 


Miyeon could just leave her there. She could simply turn a blind eye. She could mock her- “Shhh, hey I’m here. I’m right here.” Two strong arms engulfed the crying girl in a tight embrace and it made her lose it all. 


Shuhua’s hands came gripping the arms holding her, her head dropping to the side as a wail left unrestrained. It felt like she lost her mind, she was swimming in insanity. But Miyeon was here, not leaving her to drown. 


She was there for her, in her ugliest forms, in all her weakest shapes. 


“Don’t worry… you’re good. You’ll be fine.” The words of reassurance weren’t necessarily helping, Shuhua couldn’t comprehend anything in her current state anyway, but the voice itself was enough to pull her back from whatever dark place she was in. She could finally cry everything out, something she couldn’t do so many times in the past. 


It took another good 5 minutes before Miyeon could attempt to move them away from the desk, navigating a boneless Shuhua onto the bed so the latter could lie down in her arms. The Taiwanese was reduced to a sniffing mess with a few occasional sobs that broke Miyeon into pieces. She busied herself with wiping every tear rolling down the reddened damp cheeks, each one coming more and more sporadically. Each of her thumb was like magic touch and fairy dust and what once looked so dark and scary seemed to be getting farther and further away in the depth of never to be seen again. Eventually the crying stopped and all was just ragged breathing and a few hiccups from poorly timed inhales.


“I’m so tired.” Shuhua finally uttered something coherent and Miyeon glanced down at the girl that had her head lying down on her chest. Shuhua didn’t say anything else, she didn’t want to develop on it further, preferring the loud and clear beatings of the pump underneath the prison of flesh and bones, steady and comforting against her ear. This just accentuated her statement better. She was so darn tired of her studies, of being always so stressed out and of her feelings she wished weren’t there to begin with. 


“I know you are.” Miyeon nodded, patting the younger’s head with a hand while the other was playing and threading slender fingers through long midnight locks.


Shuhua wanted to scoff lightly, if only Miyeon knew that she was also part of her unimaginable amount of stress lately. Sure, her studies were the biggest part of it but the silly businesswoman wasn’t that innocent either. But she would never blame the latter for that, she'd rather vilify her own stupid brain for developing those feelings. 


Her train of unspoken thoughts was interrupted by the very same voice she loved listening to. “Do you want to stay at my place ?” 


This made Shuhua look up, shifting so her arms were propped on either side of the other woman, finally pulling herself away as her knees planted themselves on the mattress and body rested in the space between Miyeon’s legs. The distance wasn’t that great with the younger one now hovering above the businesswoman, just enough to not be inside her embrace as she chose to trap Miyeon between her two arms instead. Not that it bothered the latter anyway. From that position Shuhua could see Miyeon’s features in all their glory, her face lit by the moonlight coming from her window. A dainty hand came up to fix her curtain of black hair behind her ear, it was all so natural. 


Certainty and seriousness were filling the little space in between them, Miyeon looked at her right back in the eyes, none of them relenting. 


“A change of scenery. I think you need that.” Silence followed. The younger woman however was still following the beat of the heart she longed for, the one that made the rest of her mind come to a halt only to focus on the rhythmic tempo. 


Thump. Thump. Thump.


“Okay.. let’s go.”




Reaching Miyeon’s place wasn’t a hard task, after all she was only living three streets away from their old workplace. The oldest had helped Shuhua pack enough necessities before they both made their way into the late night streets. The blue heavens had retreated down the horizon to let midnight hues take over their place and cast their shadows now covering their world, the air was cool and the half moon followed all throughout. 


Their arms were linked, a few minutes prior hands were intertwined before Miyeon had to urgently reply to a text on her phone effectively letting her go. Usually Shuhua would be less enthusiastic about them being this close physically unless it was to fight each other but tonight she had no mind in pulling herself away, she didn’t have the strength to. It wasn’t like Miyeon wanted to either, she was more than glad to be able to hold her like that even if it was just looping her elbow around Shuhua’s own. Just for today the b

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Happy Miyeon day ~ (also belated Shushu day). Wish them both the best and success with this new comeback!<3

Thank you all for the 166 subs, 10 upvotes and the comments you leave me, they make me feel absolutely elated ever time I read them.


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1194 streak #1
Chapter 1: Something tells me this is about to be complicated 🤣🤣
twiceonce999 #2
Chapter 6: I LUV U AUTHOR-NIM, been waiting for tooooo loooongggf, but it's worth the wait.... I'm excited for the upcoming chapters, thank u for writing again, u r the best.... <3<3<3
Chapter 5: I have so many things to say, firstly; I’m loving their chemistry 😮‍💨 It’s so obvious there’s something more going on, but denial is strong af, even Yiren saw that lol I really wish Shuhua would treat Miyeon better. I mean, Miyeon is giving her 110% and even tho Shuhua has her own reasons for her panic acting near Miyeon, she’s just way too hard on the poor hamster 😭💜 she just has to leave her tsundere side move and accept she likes Miyeon, or at least show her she’s on the same channel and give a little bit back. I just wanna see them happy together :,(
I also would like to compliment your writing because gOD the way swallow the chapters like they’re gourmet. The pacing is amazing and the narrative is soft and hilarious, I love the humor you put on certain moments, it truly was a rollercoaster of feelings. I also really appreciate how long the chapters are. I feel like everything is well explained, doesn’t feel rushed, nor slow, it’s just perfect.
Finally, I hope you’re doing great and school and projects aren’t too tight. I would love if you continue this fic because it quickly became one of my favorites, but your health comes first, and above all the things that I said I hoped, I just wish for you to be okay 💜 I really loved what you built in here ! :)
Chapter 2: Not the lady Gaga meme lol I laughed so loud in that part. Honestly Miyeon is so whipped for Shuhua like damn where do I get one of those? :,) poor baby had her heart broken by the end but I’m sure Shuhua will fix it… right?
Chapter 1: I was having such a nice time thinking the chapters would be quite long (I enjoy lengthy readings) until I read the notes lol still that was a beautiful introduction! I love their chemistry! Their personalities are so entertaining to read :,)
Madipopopp #6
Chapter 5: author will there be a continuation of the story?
Madipopopp #7
Chapter 5: when will there be a continuation of this wonderful story?)
ImCape #8
Chapter 5: Thank you for the update 😭 your story is really good author-nim 😭
Chapter 5: Hello author nim! I just decide to open my aff, and i beyond happy when saw notif you update your story!! Aaaaaaa thank you cure my sadness self, this is so cute and make my blushing too what the hell happened to me😭😭😭 but i still not understand why Shuhua suddenly, think like that in the last part? Because she cant help Soojin? Or because her suitcase? Anyways! Thank you for update!! I already read it twice and i will read again again until you update hahaha!! HAVE NICE DAY AUTHOR NIM
wkim01 #10
Welcome back author!