Stage Three

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Baekhyun kept moving his pen on the paper as he stared at his best friend who was busy listening to the professor. Something about her was bothering him and he couldn't tell what. He only knew that Seokjin was taking his place in Dahyun's life and to be honest, he didn't like it. Like... Baekhyun had dated girls before, but still Dahyun wasn't left alone, or... was she?

"Mr. Byun?" Mrs. Lee called as she walked towards him. "What was I saying?"

"Ah..." He looked at Kyungsoo with pleading eyes. The younger whispered something, but it wasn't clear. 

"Byun Baekhyun!" The professor shouted, making him turn to her. "Weren't you listening?"

"I w-was," He stammered. Feeling nervous like a teenager whose teacher was scolding him. 

"Then why can't you answer? It wasn't anything complicated," She turned to the board. "Leave my class, now."

"Huh?" His eyes widened. 

"When you are not listening, then leave. You can enjoy your time out of this class," She walked back to her place. "Leave, Byun."

"I was just distracted for a second. You can't treat me like that!" He said.

"I will treat anyone any way I like to! Now. Leave! You are wasting your classmates' time!"

"Fine!" Baekhyun took his papers and grabbed his bag. He left the classroom immediately. 

Mrs. Lee smiled vicariously, looking at him. She never liked him and after hearing that he was chosen to play in a drama, standing him in her class became harder. "Great!" She breathed deeply and turned to the students, only to see Dahyun packing her things up. 

The girl stood up. "You threw out my best friend with no good reason, I'm not staying in this class anymore."

"Sit down, Choi Dahyun! How dare you?"

"I don't want to sit down and look at you treating students unfairly!" She picked her bag and walked to the door of class.

"I won't stand this either!" Kyungsoo stood up and followed his friend. 

"I don't want to stay here!" Another student stood up.

"Me either!"

"I don't want to, either..."

"I'm coming with you, Dahyun."

"Wait for me!"

"I'm with you!"

All of the students stood up and walked to the exit. "Let's get out guys!" Dahyun opened the door and walked out as others followed her. 

"Where are you going?!" Mrs. Lee shouted. "Don't you complain when you failed this course!"

The girl rolled her eyes and ran after her best friend. "Baekhyun!" She called. "Bacon-ah!"

He turned to her with wide open eyes. "Dada?" 

She smiled. "Yes?" 

"Why did you all..." He was speachless, like how in earth they simply walked out of the class and... because of him?

"Yeah... you know," Kyungsoo chuckled. "We can't take it when one of our class' celebrities is being treated like that..."

"Don't talk like that!" He pouted. "You are way better than me."

They all laughed. "Well... thank you guys, you might all fail this course because of me."

Jiah shook her head. "Come on, Baekhyun! She won't be able to fail us all, right?"

"Right!" Everyone agreed. 

"Let's go out and eat something!" Dahyun said.

Seokjin and Dahyun walked side by side in a mall. "Kyungsoo has invited you too, right?"

"For the anniversary?" He asked. "Yes, he has. And I was thinking of-"

"Matching clothes," She smiled at him.

The boy looked at her. "Exactly," He took her hand in his. "Let's match our clothes..." He chuckled. "It's really funny that we finish-"

"Each other's sentences?" They laughed. "Yes, that's kinda like... soulmates?" 

"Do you believe in soulmates?" He asked, walking out of the mall.

"At some points," She replied. "Like... people who share the same emotions with you and understand you are hard to find."

He smiled and took her other hand before stopping. "I think I found mine," He confessed. "Really Dahyun..."

She fought back her tears. "Are you for real?"

Seokjin nodded and stepped closer, leaning his head down. 


"Stop here," Baekhyun told the other. "Dahyun told me we will meet here, right in front of the mall. She must be here," He looked out of the window.

Kyungsoo looked around. "Are you sure? She isn't here though... wait!"

"Huh?" He looked at him.

"Isn't that Dahyunie?" He pointed at a couple who were kissing. "With Seokjin..."

He laughed. "Of course not-" Baekhyun froze when he saw the girl's face. "Dahyun...?"

Kyungsoo looked at him. "Are you ok?"

He nodded, still staring at them. "I am..."

"It doesn't seem like that though," Kyungsoo pointed out before turning to Dahyun. He waved at her when she saw them. 

She said goodbye to her boyfriend and ran to them. "Hello! Hello!" She got into the car. "What's up?"

"You have better news..." Kyungsoo teased.

"Kyungsoo!" She hit his shoulder, making him laugh. "Uh... so we are going to order the cake?"

He nodded. "We are," He started the engine. "And we have some other things to do."

She moved to the middle and shook Baekhyun's shoulder. "Hey, hey... what's up?"

"Nothing..." He whispered. "I went to meet Lee Eungbok and... I read the script. It was such a nice drama."

"What is the whole plot about?"

"A school romance. Love triangle."

"So... which character are you?" She asked excitedly. "The one who gets the girl, or the one who loves her secretly and gives up on her for his friend?"

"The second one..."

"Really?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Aigoo... that is really sad! So I'll end up crying while watching your first drama!" She pouted. "But Kyungsoo oppa's role is cute... he is a art school student who meets his favorite artist and starts working with her!"

"Yeah... my role won't make you cry," Kyungsoo nodded. "Though making people cry is an art, you know? Baekhyun will shine perfectly."

Baekhyun smiled thinly and looked out of the window, trying to busy his mind so he wouldn't end up thinking about what he had just seen. 

They walked around the confectionery as Kyungsoo was busy talking to the owner. "So... how is your relationship with Seokjin going?"

"Great," She said shortly. "He is such a wise boy... thoughtful and kind," She smiled as she talked about her boyfriend. "He treats me so nice!"

Baekhyun nodded and put his hands in his pockets. "So, you are literally... falling for him."

She looked up at him. "You sound sad about it though..."

He looked at her with wide open eyes. "Why should I be sad about it? You are my best friend! Your happiness is my happiness! When you are happy, I am happy too. Believe me," He said. "Besides, I was the one who encouraged Seokjin to confess his love for you!"

She tilted her head. "Really?"

"Yes! Really!" He pouted.

Dahyun grinned. "But let me tell you something," She cupped his face and pressed his cheeks, making him unable to talk. "You will be my best friend forever! I won't leave you alone and won't forget you. I will always be by your side. So whenever you needed me, just call me. Ok?"

He moved her hands away. "Promise?"

She linked her pinkie with his. "Promise."

"Guys!" Kyungsoo called and they turned to him. "Come here..."

His friends walked closer and looked at the pictures in his hands. "What is it, Do?"

"Which one?"

"Um..." She looked at the pictures carefully. "Seungwan loves the color orange, so this one is good."

"What are you saying?" Baekhyun pushed her away. "That is her favorite color, but this is their anniversary's cake!" He looked at the pictures. "This one. White, symbol of purity... your pure love."

"Wow..." Kyungsoo smiled. "I love it, man!"

"Your welcome," He walked away. 

"What's wrong with him?" Dahyun asked, looking at him who busied himself with birthday decorations. "Do you know anything?"

Kyungsoo shook his head. "He doesn't tell me either. I... I thought you know."

She shrugged. "No, I don't."

Seungwan pouted as they walked on the sidewalk. "Why is he like this? I can't believe it!"

"What is it?" Chaeyoung asked.

"It's already five P.M! Though Kyungsoo hasn't called me to go on a date or at least congrat on our anniversary!"

"He is busy," Byulyi said. "As an actor's future wife, you got to understand him."

"How do you know that he is busy?" The girl wondered. "Are you two having something behind my back? Is he cheating on me with you?!"

"Wow! Wow! Wow!" Dahyun stood between them, because Seungwan was nearly hitting the other. "Where did all of that come from?"

"Dahyun is right," Byulyi crossed her arms. "Cause there is no way he'd be my type!"

"What's wrong with my Kyungsoo?!" Chaeyoung grabbed the elder's waist to control her better. "Huh? Huh? What is wrong with him, you b*tch?!"

"He is short! I don't like short guys!" Byulyi replied.

"How dare you call my boyfriend short! Are you the Eiffel tower or the great wall of China?! You are just like one of Snow White's dwarfs!"

"Yah... unnie, quiet! We are in the street!" Chaeyoung whispered. 

"At least I am taller than you, you... you... you poisonous mushroom!" The other girl shouted.

"How dare you?" She grabbed her hair. "How dare you call me- ah!" She screamed when the other pulled her hair. "Let me go!"

"You let go of my hair first!" 

"Stop it!" Chaeyoung tried to control the shorter girl. "Please, Seungwan unnie!"

"STOP!" Dahyun separated them, smiling at the people who were gazing at them.

"Crazy b*tch!" Byulyi shouted at the other nasty walked away, fixing her bangs.

"Yah, yah... Byul! Moon Byulyi!" Dahyun ran after her and grabbed her arm. "What are you doing? We have a party tonight!"

She turned to her. "What is this ing party? I am her friend and Kyungsoo is her boyfriend of two years! But she doesn't trust me, nor that poor boy! Does this relationship work for them for real?!"

"Shhh!" She pleaded. "Please, stop it!" She pulled her towards the other girl. "Just stop this silly argument."

Seungwan was standing there with crossed arms as Chaeyoung whispered things in her ear. 

"Apologize... both of you..." Dahyun said cutely. "Apologize, hurry..."

Byulyi rolled her eyes. "Sorry..."

Seungwan sighed. "Sorry..."

"Now hug, hug each other! Hug! Hug! Hug!" Chaeyoung pushed the girl

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[After Like] Only Four days and Baekhyun will return! Enjoy this update!


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Nlnz2016 #1
Chapter 3: Baek will be back ! 😆
Chapter 3: Aigoooo, Jealous Baek is of an another level 😎
And also, Baekhyun is back in 4 days, soooooo haaaapppyyyyy 😊😊😊😊
Chapter 2: Awww, I feel sad for Baek 🥺
41 streak #4
Chapter 3: Omg.. really loved this chapter so much.. hehehe.. jealous baekhyun maybe one of the best version ..hahaha.. that made him finally realize and confess his true feelings for her to himself.. also it's rare to find a best friend like dahyun and friends who left the class only for him to support baekhyun from his teacher's unjustified decision.. they really did well.. awww.. it mist have broke baekhyun's heart .. glad cause it'll make him think deeply about her.. uwww... really love the whole gang.. about girl's fight, couldn't stop laughing... also loved their surprise part.. so cute and lovely.. chanyeollie is so cute.. also the rest ..hehehe... glad that junmyeon made a important role as a elder brother or colleague..he helped baekhyun to realize all these things and feelings..uww.. kyungsoo and me also in..hehe.. fighting for mission break up.. oops.. even though seokjin really a gentleman and lovely..they're cute together..but baekdah or dahbaek couple, they're the best together..soulmate maybe.. so curious what will be dahyun's reaction on baekhyun's confession 🤔 👀... really enjoyed reading this chapter..things are getting more and more interesting and tempting..thank you authornim for updating.
41 streak #5
Chapter 2: Feeling so bad for baekhyun... happy for dahyun cause she deserves happiness and someone understanding, caring, supportive and loving but I think that's maybe not that jin guy... baekhyun is already feeling alone and empty.. hope both of them realize their true feelings for each other and confess it... cause they are cute and sweet together...his acting part where he confess... that part was emotional and heartbreaking... will wait to read the development from friends to lovers..loved it authornim.
41 streak #6
Chapter 1: Baekhyun and dahyun's friendship is so cute... aww.. so thoughtful and protective towards his friend.. loved the way things have started... finally she got a date... but someone is maybe a little bit disheartened.. aww...was wondering why didn't baekhyun approach her instead...
41 streak #7
Uww... plot seems so cute already and also excited to read...
745 streak #8
Chapter 2: 💗🌹💗🌹💗

OMG! I loved the flashback as it gave more insight into her friendship with Baekhyun! 👏👍 Bullying is bad on so many levels, but sadly there is a lot of it going on nowadays and it's just horrible. But, Baekhyun was really brave when he stood up to them and defended her! That's what real friends do! 👏👍 And the promise he made to her is just adorable! 👏👍💗😍 And the fact that he is helping her prepare for the first date made me smile! That's like so cute and they are even going shopping! *giggles* Aw, they had a fun time at the mall! 😍 In the end she even thank him and I adore his shy response! 😍💗🥺

Aw, not only did he take her to her date, but he will also drive her home. Giving her advice and tips as well! 💗😍 Seriously, there is no need for yelling, but I get it. *chuckles*

Omg, Kyungsoo hitting him with a pillow was adorable! 😍💗 And funny! 😅😂

As much as he wanted to help, he now regrets it, or so it seems that way to me! I really do hope that he decided to take another step and go after her. By now, Baekhyun understands his own feelings and there is no point in running away!

Thank you for this lovely update! 💗🌹

Chapter 2: Baekhyun is such a good friend looking out for Dahyun all these years!! Jin and Dahyun relationship is blooming quite nicely but now Baekhyun realizes that he’s not the only man in her life and has become a little resentful it seems.. he hasn’t fully grasped his feelings yet, so he’s a bit confused on why he feels the way he does but I think he will come to accept it and fight for her later on 🥺
Great chapter! Thanks for updating!!
745 streak #10
Chapter 1: 💗🌹💗🌹💗

Ah, leaving letters is actually cute! *giggles* It's not always easy to come up to a person and say 'Hey, you. I like you.' It's easier said than done, so I can't blame him for that. Hehe. But I feel that Baekhyun is once again a funny guy and loves to joke! 😍😉

Ah, their time spent together with their friends, sure brings back many memories from my university days. It's always lovely to chat with friends about various topics. 😉 But for them, a lot happened! First, they were talking about relationships and who is with who, until they heard the commotion between Junmyeon and his girl! At first, I was like, what in the world is going on, and then BAM! He proposed to her in the cutest way! *chuckles and claps* 😍😉 Then we have Baekhyun who noticed Dahyun's tear and remembered something.

Baekhyun worries about Dahyun and the fact that no one has asked her out. *chuckles* For starters he can do that. *winks* But I loved kyungsoo reaction! 'I'll call Wannie! She knows what to do. She's an expert in that!' - or something along those lines, but I loved it! Hehe.

The girls have gathered and they are determined to help Dahyun! 😉 Things are about to get interesting! Hehe. And it was time for action! I loved the comparison with Cinderella. XD

WOW! *blinks* I didn't expect their fight, but on the other hand, it tells us more about Baekhyun and probably his feelings.
Not to mention that she was asked on a date!

I loved the chapter. Thank you! 💗🌹
