Chapter 1: Red Wedding

Winter Dahlia (Got7 Jinyoung X OC)



The soft warmth of sunlight streamed in through the paper and wood windows lining the wall of the large room dominated with books from one end to the other. Long golden rays fell onto a figure slumped over on the large desk in the little alcove carved out at the top of a short flight of stairs, illuminating dark brown hair and turning it a soft brown color. Lips parted slightly as the figure slept deeply despite his uncomfortable position, his arms folded in front of him as a makeshift pillow on top of a pile of documents and records. Soft footsteps approached the library from outside, and slender fingers reached out to silently push open the large paper and wood doors serving as the entrance to the library, one hand balancing a tray of clothes nimbly while the other closed the doors behind her. Fingers pulling up blue and green skirts to avoid tripping, a female figure stepped carefully over fallen books as she headed for the little alcove where its occupant was still sleeping away. A small smile crossing her face, one hand reached out and gently shook the young man slumped over the desk.


“Your Highness.” She called softly, “It’s time to get up.” The figure continued sleeping, seeming not to have heard the young woman’s calls. 


“Highness.” The woman called again, lightly tapping him on the shoulder, “It is already morning. You have to get dressed for the day.” The figure sighed softly, long lashes fluttering slightly as a golden pair of eyes opened lazily. Then, the young woman let out a soft yelp as a hand suddenly reached out and yanked her cleanly into his lap.


“You broke into my sweet dream.” Prince Jinyoung, the third prince of Assai, murmured softly as he kissed her cheek in greeting, “What should I do with you, Soeun?” The young maid, Soeun, smiled lightly and looked carefully around her before leaning down and kissing the young prince.


“Does that make up for it?” She asked. Jinyoung chuckled and reached out to pull her into a deeper kiss that left the maid gasping for air.


“Why are you still hesitant?” He asked, “We’ll be married soon anyway.” Soeun’s cheeks flushed slightly.


“Still, Your Highness-” She began, but Jinyoung cut her off with another kiss. 


“We’ve long confessed our feelings for each other, and my father has given his blessings.” He reminded her, “I only wish I could give you a higher position.” The maid smiled and caressed his cheek gently.


“I don’t mind.” She answered, “It’s already more than I could hope for.” Jinyoung pulled his fiance into his arms and closed his eyes as he savored the feeling of holding the woman he loved in his embrace. Soeun was only a maid in his palace, but he didn’t care. He had long given his heart to the talented maid that had caught his attention. If he closed his eyes, he could still remember the first day they had met.

Soeun had only been a simple laundry maid, one of the lowest ranked in the entire palace, but her actions the day they had met had drawn his attention immediately. Jinyoung had been walking by with a few scholars from the imperial academy when a maid carrying a large basket of laundry tumbled straight into him, her sight having been blocked by the mountain of sheets piled onto the tiny wooden basket. The head maid nearby had immediately begun to beat the young maid even as the girl had apologized profusely to Jinyoung, but before he could even say anything to stop her, Soeun had appeared and wrapped one arm around the young girl before using the other hand to grab the whip as it came down again. 


“His Majesty is a benevolent person.” She had challenged the head maid as the older woman had begun to seethe angrily at Soeun’s interference, “Isn’t it also right that you, as one of the leaders of the inner palace, follow his example? Or do you think that His Majesty’s example isn’t worth following?” At that moment, Jinyoung had been caught by the sharp shining gaze in Soeun’s eyes, her steady gaze refusing to wander even as the whip cut into her hand and the older maid screamed at her. Jinyoung interfered before things got worse, and took Soeun to his chambers to treat her hand afterwards.


“Why did you dare to stand up to her?” He had asked her, “The head maid of the laundry department is known to have a horrible temper. You’ll find it hard to live peacefully after standing up to her today.” Soeun had only smiled faintly and shook her head.


“She may be the head maid, but there are two things she did wrong.” She had answered, “One, she acted before you, the highest ranked master in the area even said a word. And second, she gave that girl no chance to repent for her actions. Under those circumstances, I couldn’t just stand by and watch.” Jinyoung’s heart had been moved by her words, and not long afterwards, he requested that both Soeun and the other young maid be moved to his palace. Soeun was appointed his personal maid, which led to several rumors floating around the palace as Jinyoung had never used a personal maid before, but he didn’t care. He was intrigued by the laundry maid with sharp eyes and a brave tongue, and nothing was going to stop him from getting to know her better. One thing had led to another, and in the four months she had been by his side, Jinyoung had fallen head over heels in love with her. A quick search on her background had told him she was a fallen noble from Comodo who had been sold to Assai as a slave, and it was only thanks to her quick wits that she had managed to secure herself a position in the generally overlooked laundry department. Despite her position, Soeun was inquisitive and knowledgeable, and often gave him ideas he had never thought of before. 


And now, she was finally going to be his wife. 


“Highness?” A finger tapped against Jinyoung’s cheek, and he blinked as he realized he’d spaced out. Soeun laughed softly as she leaned in and kissed his cheek.


“Where has your mind gone, Your Highness?” She asked as she hopped off his lap. Jinyoung smiled warmly as Soeun picked up his robes and shook them out carefully before holding them out.


“Just thinking about how fortunate I am to have such a wonderful wife.” He answered as Soeun helped him dress, her fingers nimbly tugging the silk cloth over his arms and tying a blue waistband around his waist.


“What nonsense.” She scoffed, although Jinyoung could see a small smile on her face, “If you keep talking like that, you’re going to be late.” Jinyoung leaned down and kissed her gently.


“There is nothing wrong with saying sweet nothings to my wife.” He answered. Soeun’s cheeks flushed slightly as she finished with his robes and gave it an extra little tug.


“If you keep that up, you’re really going to be late.” She repeated, “I don’t want the Crown Prince to blame me for keeping you too long.” Jinyoung chuckled and took the hat out of her hands to put it on himself.


“Alright, I’ll get going.” He said with an exaggerated sigh, “It is unfortunate, but it appears my wife wants me to disappear from her sight.” Soeun sighed.


“You know that’s not what I mean.” She answered softly. Jinyoung smiled and kissed her hand gently.


“I’ll see you later, beloved.” He said softly. Soeun waved him off, and Jinyoung headed off to morning court, a light skip in his step and a smile on his face. Soeun waited until he had left before letting the smile fall from her lips. She snapped her fingers softly, and there was a flurry of movement behind her as a dark figure leapt down from the ceiling where he had been waiting.


“Master.” He greeted. 


“How are things moving over there?” Soeun asked, her gaze shifting slightly to her right.


“News indicates that the Second Prince intends to set off in three days.” The man replied.


“You are positive?” She asked, and the man nodded sharply.


“More than one source indicates that this news is true.” He answered. Soeun reached into her sleeve and pulled out a folded sheet of paper.


“Here is a map of the palace and the surrounding grounds.” She said, “I’ve put all the hallways and rooms into it as well. Make sure our men are placed properly to prevent further resources from getting to the Second Prince once we make our move.” The man bowed as he took the paper.


“And one more thing.” Soeun added, “Minimize bloodshed at all costs. I do not wish to be called a tyrant.”


“Yes, Master.” The man answered, “I’ll make sure I send that message among our men.”  He hesitated as he turned to go, and Soeun sighed.


“What is it?” She asked, “Spit it out.” 


“If the Second Prince moves in three days…isn’t that the wedding date?” He asked hesitantly, “What will the Third Prince say once he finds out the truth?” Soeun sighed again. 


“I will deal with the matter.” She said, “Just make sure you all do as you’ve been told.” The man bowed again and silently disappeared into the early morning shadows. A soft sigh escaped the young maid’s lips as she reached down and began tidying up the messy desk that Jinyoung had been sleeping on.


“Just three more days…”



Three days later


The next three days passed quickly, and before anyone realized it, Soeun and Jinyoung were performing their traditional marriage rites. Although the bride’s status was lower than one would expect from the wife of a prince, the king ordered the ceremony to be a lavish affair for the one woman that Jinyoung had ever shown an interest in, and the celebrations continued long after the original ceremony had finished. Jinyoung and his new bride slipped away from the crowd as the night drew on, slowly letting the loud sounds of celebration and drunken laughter fade behind them. In their marital chambers, the newlywed couple drank wedding wine together, and slowly, Jinyoung reached out and drew his new wife into a sweet kiss. His body flooded with heat as he felt her respond in kind, their kisses growing more fervent as they drew closer together, and finally, the two fell onto the bed and into each other’s warm embrace.


After what felt like many hours, Jinyoung was drawn from his slumber by the sound of something breaking outside, followed by several screams of horror. His eyes flew open as terrified shouts followed, and he quickly sat up to see shadows belonging to servants rushing by the room, their frightened movements elongated by the shadows in the light of torches that seemed to be everywhere at once. Wrapping his robe tightly around him, Jinyoung reached over to the other side of the bed, but he felt nothing besides cold blankets. Fear gripped Jinyoung’s chest as he realized that Soeun wasn’t by his side, and a quick look around the room confirmed that she wasn’t even in their marital chambers.


“Soeun!” Jinyoung half leapt, half slipped out of bed as he rushed for the door, “Soeun! Where are you?” Chaos greeted Jinyoung’s eyes as he pushed open the door, his lips parting in shock at what he saw in front of him. The normally serene courtyard was filled with guards and servants running for their lives, and further away he could see the glow of torchlight that shouldn’t have been around at that hour of the night. The sound of smoke from something burning filled the air, and Jinyoung’s chest tightened as he realized that someone had started a fire in the palace. 


“You!” Jinyoung grabbed a random servant running by, “What’s going on? Where is my wife?” The maid that he had grabbed had a wide eyed frightened look in her eyes, her body shaking with fear.


“It’s the Queen, Your Highness!” She cried, “The Queen of Allegria has come to destroy us!” Jinyoung’s eyes widened in shock. He had long heard of the young queen of Allegria; she had a reputation for being one of the strongest warriors on the battlefield, with both a nimble body and quick mind to boot. Allegria had long ruled over Assai as a vassal state, and Jinyoung knew his father sent ambassadors every year with gifts to keep relationships peaceful. But what was she doing here? Why was she suddenly attacking them? 


“Where is Soeun?” He demanded, deciding that it was beyond him to figure out why his country was suddenly under siege. 


“I don’t know!” The maid cried and pulled herself free from Jinyoung’s arms before tearing down the hallway. Jinyoung’s heartbeat quickened as he hurried in the other direction, his eyes searching for the familiar figure of his beloved. Despite how much he looked though, she seemed to have disappeared among the chaos that had taken over the palace.


Then, at last, Jinyoung spotted a lithe figure standing with her back to him a few feet away, half shrouded with smoke. Long hair fluttered in a tightly drawn back ponytail, and white robes similar to the ones worn in Assai peeked out from under an outer layer of clothing. Despite the chaos reigning all around her, she stood calm and poised, almost as if she could neither see nor hear everything that was happening.


There she is!


Jinyoung’s heart leapt with joy for a quick second, and he was about to call out her name when some of the smoke cleared from around the female figure, and Jinyoung’s heart dropped again as he saw the woman more clearly.


Black hair.


Midnight black hair as dark as a nightless sky shimmered as it flowed down the young woman’s back, and as she turned her head slightly, Jinyoung noticed that she was wearing a thin set of armor and a cloth mask to hide her face. His throat went dry as he realized who he was seeing. In the entire continent, there was only one group of people who had black hair as dark as the night sky. 


The Adamir family, the ruling family of Allegria.


And among those who had survived the wars and rebellions that had happened before the current ruler took the throne, only one woman from the imperial family capable of physical combat could be standing here now.


Queen Soyoung Annalisa Adamir.


Jinyoung swallowed hard, and somehow he found the last bit of strength in his legs before turning quickly and running in the opposite direction. His flight was cut short though, as he suddenly found himself surrounded by soldiers.


“Is this him?” One soldier sneered as Jinyoung froze in place.


“No, this is the Third Prince. We have his portrait.” Another answered.


“Let us capture him anyway.” A third suggested, “I’m sure Her Majesty will be pleased.” The soldiers closed in on Jinyoung, sending the terrified prince stumbling back. Something hard connected with his stomach, knocking the breath from his lungs before sending him tumbling to the ground. His head spun as he lay on the ground, a dull ache coming from where he had collided with the wooden floor. The sound of laughter came from above him as Jinyoung curled into a little ball, pain shooting up his abdomen. He closed his eyes, preparing for the worst as he saw the gleam of silver swords lifted into the air. 




Then, Jinyoung felt as if a breeze suddenly rushed by him, and he heard a series of loud thuds as soft groans filled the air. Peeking his eyes open ever so slightly, Jinyoung saw the same young woman standing above him, her fists clenched tightly as the soldiers groaned on the floor in front of her. 


“Didn’t I make my message clear?” Jinyoung heard her growl, “No one is to lay a finger on this man!” 


“Your Majesty, please spare us!” The soldiers cried, “W-we just thought you’d-!” Their voices cut off in a terrified squeak, and a low voice spoke from the woman who was shielding Jinyoung.


“Get lost!” She growled, “I don’t want to see any of you ever again!” The soldiers quickly scrambled to do as she had ordered, and Jinyoung blearily watched as the woman turned to Jinyoung and knelt down next to him. 


“What am I going to do with you?” She mused, running a hand over his cheek, “I can’t keep an eye away from you even for a second, can I?”


“Who…are you…” Jinyoung groaned, darkness starting to close in on the sides of his vision. The woman sighed again.


“Forgive me.” She murmured as she leaned in towards his left ear, and Jinyoung jerked slightly as he felt a sharp blow at the base of his neck. Darkness rushed in from all sides and he felt his body slump forward on its own even as he fought to hold onto the little consciousness he had left.


“I’m sorry.” The woman’s voice spoke softly in his ear, and although he could barely hear it over the sounds of fighting coming from nearby, Jinyoung couldn’t help but think that the voice coming from below the cloth mask sounded awfully familiar.






“Jinyoung. Jinyoung!” Jinyoung’s eyes flew open at the sound of a familiar voice, and as his vision slowly cleared, he saw a familiar figure sitting next to him.


“Hyung.” He breathed in relief as he sat up quickly, only to fall back down again as dizziness took over his vision.


“Calm down.” Crown Prince Jaebeom gently leaned him against a stack of pillows, “You got hit on the back of the neck, so you’ll be dizzy for a little while.” Jinyoung clutched his brother’s arm tightly as he ran his gaze over his brother’s body, a soft sigh of relief escaping his lips as he saw that Jaebeom was uninjured.


“Where’s Father?” He demanded, “Did the Queen kill him?” Jaebeom shook his head.


“Father is fine.” He assured him, “Everyone except for Second Brother is fine, actually.” Jinyoung frowned.


“What do you mean?” He asked, “Brother, what happened? They say that the Queen of Allegria attacked us, but why would she suddenly…?” Jaebeom bit his lip.


“Even I’m not sure what happened yet.” He answered, “Everything was going fine a few days ago, but fighting broke out in the middle of the night and quickly spread over the palace. It seems like Second Brother started a rebellion on the night of your wedding, but that failed because the Queen was here. But up to now, no one knows when she came here or why. It couldn’t have just been a coincidence that she was here at the same time.” Jinyoung swallowed hard. Jaebeom was right, it couldn’t have just been a coincidence. A Queen didn’t just move around on a whim. 


“Brother…could it be that she instigated Second Brother to start a rebellion?” He suggested, “That way, she could control the throne of Assai directly. Or perhaps…she manipulated Second Brother and then him in order to improve her own reputation within Assai?” Jaebeom’s eyes widened, and he quickly clapped a hand over Jinyoung’s mouth.


“Don’t let anyone hear you saying things like that, do you understand?” He warned, “No matter what, she still rules over Assai. Moreover, people from her group are still wandering around the palace to clean things up. We don’t know when they’ll overhear something.” 


“A ruler should be able to own up to the things they’ve done.” Jinyoung muttered as he shook his brother’s hand away. 


“Fine, fine.” He said as Jaebeom gave him another warning look, “I’ll listen to you.” Jaebeom gave him another warning look before shaking his head.


“At the very least, the Queen arranged for aid and supplies to be sent here.” He added, “Without those, we wouldn’t even have enough with all the chaos that happened inside the palace.” Jinyoung frowned, growing more confused by the second. The Queen had arranged for supplies? But if she had instigated this, why would she have bothered spending resources on Assai?


“Jinyoung.” Jaebeom’s voice interrupted his thoughts, and Jinyoung looked back at his brother to see a serious look on the Crown Prince’s face. 


“Listen carefully.” Jaebeom said, “We still don’t know what happened or what caused Second Brother to start a rebellion. Because of that, once you get to Allegria, you mustn’t cause trouble before we discover the truth, do you understand?” Jinyoung frowned.


“Why would I be going to Allegria?” He asked. Jaebeom swallowed hard and hesitated for a long moment before answering.


“The Queen has chosen for you to be her husband.” He said at last, “I don’t know how she knew of you or why she chose you, but the official order has already come down. Father has no grounds to refuse.” Jinyoung’s eyes widened.


“I cannot marry her!” He protested, “I already have a wife! Brother, you know that!” Jaebeom shook his head again.


“That’s the thing.” He said, “There’s no trace of Soeun anywhere.” Jinyoung frowned in confusion, his heart beginning to pound nervously in his chest.


“What do you mean?” He demanded, “Did she get kidnapped by soldiers?”


“No.” Jaebeom answered firmly, “After the rebellion ended, I sent men to check and locate every member of the family, including Soeun. But no matter where we looked, she was nowhere to be found. Her belongings had completely disappeared from both your quarters and the maid chambers. I even checked the personnel records, and her name has been completely wiped from every page she had been listed on. It’s as if…she never existed in the first place.” Jinyoung froze in shock, his body slumping on its own as the news sunk in.


“But that’s…impossible!” He whispered, “She definitely existed. I know that for a fact!” 


“You and I both know that, as does the entire palace.” Jaebeom answered, “I’ll send people to continue searching for her, but in the meantime, there’s no avoiding the Queen’s marriage order. You must go, do you understand?” Jinyoung swallowed hard, but no matter how he gazed at his brother desperately, Jaebeom’s expression remained firm. Jinyoung sighed. As a member of the royal family, he knew that the status came with many undesirable features, including the inability to choose their spouse. He thought he’d gotten lucky with Soeun, but fate had decided to be cruel with him after all. Even if he ran away, the Queen would no doubt find him before long. Finally, he sighed and nodded.


“I understand.” 



Allegria palace, two weeks later


The sound of footsteps striding steadily across the carpeted floor of the most illustrious building in the entire capital sent servants scurrying to the side, their eyes cast down politely as they bowed to the young woman who was walking down the hall. Her eyes glimmered with barely suppressed anger, dark midnight black hair framing delicate features that had hardened with irritation. 


“The Queen has arrived!” Nobles hurried to their places as the tall figure stepped into the silver throne room, her booted footsteps echoing loudly on the gleaming tiled floor. With a flick of the cape attached to her shoulders, Soyung Annalisa Adamir settled onto her throne with well practiced ease, one hand resting on the armrest as she gazed out at the nobles bowing in front of her.


“Let’s get down to business.” She said, barely wasting a moment, “As you all know, I have been in Assai for some time in order to prevent a rebellion from happening. But while I was there, it appears that some of my soldiers have forgotten the most basic rules.” Surprised whispers rose among the nobles as they cast nervous looks at each other. It was clear what they were wondering.


Whose soldiers were foolish enough to disobey the Queen’s order?


As a ruler who came from a military background, everyone knew what the young queen expected from her army, especially when she took them out on a mission. While she left enough discretion with each man under her command, there was a bottom line that none of them were allowed to cross, and that was completely disobeying her order.


“Prime Minister Hyojun.” Soyoung looked down at the young man dressed in dark blue robes standing at the front of the gathered nobles, “Tell them about the results of your investigations.” Hyojun stepped forward, one white gloved hand crossing over his chest as he bowed before speaking.


“Certainly, Your Majesty.” He answered. He clapped his hands, the sharp sound echoing through the large room, and a few moments later a burly man was pulled in by several guards and dumped unceremoniously at the Queen’s feet. 


“How dare you!” He spat, his fiery gaze fixed on the young woman on the throne, “This is an insult!” 


“General Dragovic.” Hyojun spoke calmly as if the older man wasn’t hissing like a cat on the ground, “The Queen’s orders were to minimize bloodshed while suppressing the rebellion raised by the Second Prince of Assai. That order was spread to each member of the military forces, but you disobeyed and instead led a group of soldiers to attack civilians. Do you admit your crimes?” The general scoffed and switched his glare over to Hyojun.


“I did nothing wrong.” He answered haughtily, “Our goal was to shake the resolve of anyone who wanted to rebel against the great kingdom of Allegria. How would we do that if we presented the military forces as weaklings who were afraid to even shed a little blood?” A sneer curled up the corner of General Dragovic’s lip.


“Your father would agree.” He scoffed, “Unlike you, he didn’t limit himself to being a woman’s dog!” 


“You-!” Hyojun growled, but a flurry of movement from the throne drew his attention before he could say anything more. The clack of boots echoed against the tile floor as Soyoung strode forward, and without a moment’s hesitation, her fist collided with General Dragovic’s face, sending him sprawling to the ground. Another kick to the stomach sent the proud general curling into a ball, and Soyoung stepped purposefully over to the fallen man before crouching over him.


“Listen carefully.” She growled, grasping the man by the chin, “Those are my people, the same as every citizen in Allegria. Whether they live or die, fear me or not, and how or why they feel that way, is not up to the likes of you to decide!” Rising to her feet, Soyoung’s voice echoed loudly into the air.


“General Dragovic is stripped of all his titles and military authority.” She announced coldly, “He and his entire family are demoted as commoners and kicked out of the capital. As for the soldiers who dared to follow his orders to hurt innocents, they will be sent to the winterlands, never to return to the capital!” Soldiers rushed to do her command, and despite his situation, General Dragovic laughed loudly.


“You will regret this!” He shouted, “You are merely a cursed princess! What right do you have to rule the great kingdom of Allegria?” Whispers rose among the gathered nobles as the doors shut behind him, horrified at the disrespect the general had shown the queen. 


“Let him be an example to you all.” Soyoung said coldly as she returned to her seat, “Do you understand what I mean?” The nobles bowed politely.


“Yes, Your Majesty.” Soyoung swept out of the throne room without another word, Hyojun following closely behind her.


“Did you really have to give him such an extreme punishment?” He asked as they walked along the elaborate hallways, “General Dragovic still has the support of many members of the older nobility.”


“Like your father?” Soyoung answered simply, “Are you afraid of how he’ll react once you return?” Hyojun scoffed.


“It wouldn’t be the first time he’s made a fuss over your decisions, whether I support it or not.” He said, “My loyalty lies with you, not my father.” Soyoung smiled faintly at his response.


“If I truly had wanted to be extreme, I wouldn’t have spared his life.” She said, returning to the original question, “That man thinks he can do as he’d like just because he has several members of the nobility supporting him, including disobeying my orders as he’d like. He has the loyalty of several military factions so I’ve turned a blind eye to his ridiculous acts in the past, but this time, he’s crossed the line. It’s high time I taught him, and others who think the same way he does, a proper lesson.” There were still many members of the nobility, military or not, that didn’t like how the throne had fallen into Soyoung’s hands; she was well aware of that fact. While she couldn’t get rid of all of them, there were certain things the young queen had realized she could do to keep them in line, and heavily punishing those who crossed the line was one of them. It was a delicate balance between ruler and subordinate, and Soyoung had no intention of disrupting it.


“The nobles might begin making a fuss.” Hyojun warned, and Soyoung sighed.


“Which is why I brought representatives from the noble families into the palace today.” She said, “I wanted them to see with their own eyes what happened. If they’re smart, they’ll keep their mouths shut instead of defending someone who broke the rules. And besides…” She clapped her hands on Hyojun’s shoulders, making him jump.


“I have you to help me clean things up if needed, don’t I?” She said with a small smile, the type she had on when Hyojun knew he was in no position to refuse, “Prime Minister.” Hyojun sighed with a knowing expression on his face.


“Yes, Your Majesty.” He answered, “You do.”


“Excellent.” Soyoung answered as she pivoted smoothly on her heel, “How are preparations for Jinyoung’s arrival coming along?” 


“Prince Eunseong will be bringing him in a week.” Hyojun answered, “There will be a banquet to welcome the future prince consort to our country, and the wedding will be held a few days afterwards. Your Majesty’s wedding dress is almost complete.”


“Perfect.” Soyoung answered, “As always, I know I can rely on you, Hyojun.” 


“Still, it’s odd.” Hyojun noted, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you take such an interest in a man before, Your Majesty. You’ve only known him for a few months, while other suitors have been presented in front of you for longer than that.” Soyoung scoffed.


“Those suitors were all pushed forward by their families in order to raise their own positions in high society.” She said flatly, “I have no interest in men like that. As for Jinyoung…” A small smile turned up the corner of her lip as she thought back on her time with the young prince.


“He’s different.” She said at last.


“Your Majesty…” Hyojun started speaking before trailing off, a hesitant look on his face.


“Just say it.” Soyoung said firmly. 


“Are you in love with the Third Prince?” Hyojun asked after another moment of hesitation. Soyoung’s feet paused slightly before she continued walking.


“Love?” She repeated, a slight scoff to her voice, “What right do I have to say that I love someone?” 



Jinyoung was given a few weeks to rest before making the journey to Allegria, but those few weeks were more than enough to convince him that the queen had played a sizable role in the chaos on the night of his wedding. He began wandering around the Assai capital after a week, and it was only then that he realized the full extent of the damage that had been wreaked on the city. Streets of homes and stores had been destroyed, and the rescue station was filled with sick and injured citizens. A few braver citizens told him that it was the Allegria army that had caused the destruction, and although Jaebeom had told him to be cautious, Jinyoung found no reason for them to lie to him. The survivors from inside the palace gave him mixed accounts, some saying it was the Second Prince who had attacked while others swore that it had been the Allegria army, led by a masked woman with midnight black hair. In the end, no matter how Jinyoung thought about it, there was only one conclusion: the Queen had been the main mastermind behind the attack. And once he received her confirmation of that fact, he would convince her to let him return to Assai. Surely, she wouldn’t want a husband who had already had a woman before, right? He, for one, knew that he didn’t want to be married to a woman who had orchestrated an attack on his country.


A few weeks after the attack, Jinyoung was led out to an elaborate carriage where another young man was waiting. Jinyoung took a moment to survey the person who was waiting for him. By his dress, he was at least a nobleman, and a high ranking one at that. The young man was dressed in a blue and white suit typical of the style seen in Allegria, the soft white fabric adorned with delicate silver threads. A light blue sash crossed from his right shoulder to his left hip, and a dark blue cape swung lightly in the wind from where it had been attached to golden epaulettes on each shoulder. The most striking part of him though, was the tousled black hair that moved slightly in the breeze and framed a pair of dark brown eyes. Jinyoung gulped as he realized who was waiting for him. There was only one young man left in Allegria who could have hair of that color.


“Greetings, Grand Prince Eunseong.” Jinyoung greeted as he came to a stop in front of the young man, “It is a pleasure to meet you.” White gloved hands immediately reached out and lifted Jinyoung up.


“You are too kind, Brother-in-law.” Jinyoung’s chest tightened slightly in irritation at the greeting, but pressed a smile to his face as he looked carefully at the prince in front of him. Eunseong Leandro Adamir was widely known to be the Queen’s twin brother, and the only surviving prince from the rebellions before the Queen had taken the throne. Well protected by his stronger older twin sister, Eunseong had a reputation for being a gentle healer, and had been appointed the head of the Medical Bureau upon the Queen’s ascension to the throne. 


“Brother-in-law?” Jinyoung blinked as he realized he had been staring, and he smiled faintly and shook his head. Looking at the Grand Prince’s kind smiling face and soft tone, it was hard to believe he and the Queen were twins. 


“Jinyoung.” He turned at the sound of Jaebeom’s voice.


“Brother.” He answered softly. 


“Take care of yourself on the road.” Jaebeom said softly as he gently squeezed Jinyoung’s shoulders, “I’d you myself, but…” Jinyoung shook his head.


“There’s too much for you to care about here, Brother.” He said softly, “I understand.” Jaebeom sighed and pulled Jinyoung into a firm hug.


“I’ll be waiting for you to return.” He whispered softly in Jinyoung’s ear. The young prince nodded, and he held tighter onto his brother’s protective grasp for another moment before pulling away and following Grand Prince Eunseong into the carriage. The long caravan set off, and Jinyoung watched as the world he knew sped by before his eyes before quickly fading into the green wilderness outside of the capital.


“You’ll be able to visit.” Eunseong said, his soft voice breaking into Jinyoung’s thoughts. The prince bit his lip and hesitated before answering.


“Why does the Queen want to marry me?” He asked, “We haven’t even met before.” Eunseong looked at Jinyoung for a long moment before laughing.


“Are you sure about that?” He asked, looking amused, “It was my sister who left you with me in the infirmary that night.” Jinyoung’s brow furrowed in confusion. 


“But…why would she save me?” He mused, growing more confused by the second, “And even if she did, what ruler chooses a husband merely after saving him once?” A mysterious smile lifted the corner of Eunseong’s lips. 


“You will get your answers once you meet my sister.” He answered simply, “She’ll tell you everything.” Jinyoung pursed his lips in frustration.


“Then do you know why the military attacked the civilians?” He asked, “Surely as the Queen’s brother, you know that much, don’t you?” The smile disappeared from Eunseong’s face, and Jinyoung felt a shiver run down his back as a cold look settled over Eunseong’s soft features. When he smiled, he was like the warm sun, but when Eunseong’s smiles faded, he reminded Jinyoung of a dangerous wildcat ready to pounce at a second’s notice.


“Prince Jinyoung.” Eunseong leaned forward to gaze directly at Jinyoung, his eyes firm, “I don’t know who you’ve been listening to, but I’ve been with my sister ever since we were born, and there’s two things I know she would never do. The first is, there is a reason underlying every step she takes. And the second is, she never slaughters innocents. Even during the height of the wars surrounding her ascension to the throne, she always gave orders to move innocent civilians out of the way before making a direct attack. Do you understand?” Jinyoung gulped and forced himself to avert his gaze.


“You trust the Queen a lot, don’t you?” He commented. Eunseong smiled faintly, the frigid air disappearing with his smile.


“Of course.” He answered, “Without her, I wouldn’t have survived up until now. There is no one I trust more than Soyoung. With time, I hope you can also trust her that way.” Jinyoung forced a smile to his lips.


“I’ll try.” He lied.


The trip to Allegria was relatively uneventful, and as soon as Jinyoung took one step outside of the carriage, he was immediately swept off into a whirlwind of activity. Everything had been arranged for prior to his arrival, from a crash course on Allegria etiquette to the local style of speech to getting measured for an entirely new wardrobe of clothes. On top of it all, Jinyoung was told there’d be a banquet in a week’s time to welcome him to the palace and officially announce the engagement to the Queen, which meant he had to learn how to dance. Between all the book lessons, Jinyoung was half dragged around a large ballroom by a dance teacher for hours, and each night he went to bed with feet so sore he swore he wouldn’t walk again. 


Still, he found one thing to be strange. He had already been in the palace for some time, but the Queen had yet to call him for an audience, nor had she come to his rooms to see him. Given her insistence on marrying a man she barely knew, Jinyoung thought she’d be more interested in getting to know him before the wedding, but there was no sight of the young ruler. When he asked the maids, they only smiled politely and answered that the Queen was a busy person, and it wasn’t their place to guess what she was thinking. Jinyoung could only sigh, but didn’t press the matter. It wasn’t like he was particularly eager to meet the woman who had not only plucked him out of the only life he knew, but also ordered an attack on his people.


The day of the banquet arrived, and Jinyoung was pulled away from his afternoon lessons to prepare. He never imagined there’d be that many things to prepare for one dance, but the maids only chuckled and told him to just stay put and do as they asked. The servants washed him from head to toe and carefully dressed him in a red, white, and gold themed suit. The tight fabric still made Jinyoung uncomfortable, and he would much rather prefer the loose fitting robes he had worn in Assai, but he was in no position to refuse. When the entire ordeal was over, the servants turned him to a mirror.


“Your Highness will certainly be the most handsome man in the entire ballroom today!” The head servant declared, and the other servants nodded, looking quite proud of their work. Jinyoung suppressed another deep sigh as he looked at himself in the mirror. He could barely recognize the reflection staring back at him. The young man in the mirror had short brown hair and pursed lips, a slender frame and a straight back that was covered from head to toe in one of the finest pieces of clothing money could buy. The gold on the suit sparkled along with the reflection’s golden eyes, emphasized more by the candlelight lighting up the room. 


Is this really me?


“Your Highness, it’s time you get going.” Jinyoung took a deep breath, then steeled himself for a moment before following the head servant out the door. He was led down a plethora of hallways that he still couldn’t tell apart, trying to ignore the curious gazes following his every step. At last, they came to a stop in front of a large set of white marble doors, just beyond which Jinyoung could hear the faint strains of music and chatter. The head servant waved a hand to the servants by the door, who rushed to open the entrance. The sight that greeted Jinyoung’s eyes was dazzling. The massive ballroom was filled with noblemen and women of all ages, all dressed in a dazzling array of colors and sparkling jewelry. It was a sight that Jinyoung would have never seen in Assai. 


“His Highness Prince Jinyoung of Assai has arrived!” The servant announced his arrival loudly, and immediately, all conversation faded to a murmur as heads turned to gaze at the newcomer. Jinyoung felt his throat grow dry as he took in all the stares. It wasn’t hard to guess why they were staring; Queen Soyoung had held off on marriage for years, and now she had suddenly announced she was marrying a foreign prince who wasn’t even widely known among the public. Naturally, they’d be curious about what he was like.


“Your Highness?” Jinyoung snapped out of his daze as the head servant called out to him, and he turned to see the man beckoning at him to move forward.


“Please go inside.” He said, “Her Majesty will arrive soon.” Jinyoung gulped, his heart pounding loudly in his ears. 


Here goes nothing.


The music continued as Jinyoung walked into the ballroom, the sound of the uncomfortable leather shoes on his feet sounding impossibly loud in his ears. He stood awkwardly in the center of the room, unsure of what to do. Then, a few minutes later, the announcing servant’s voice filled the air again.


“Her Majesty, Queen Soyoung, and His Highness, Grand Prince Eunseong!” The music stopped abruptly, and all eyes turned towards the heightened platform near the front of the room. Two tall figures appeared from a separate door, and all the people in the ballroom immediately sank down in greeting. 


That is, everyone except for Jinyoung. 


The two figures moved quickly but elegantly into the light, and before long, Jinyoung’s gaze fell on the woman who was to be his wife for the first time. As her features became illuminated by the bright chandelier lights, Jinyoung felt his heart stop. 


How could that be?


The color of her hair was different; what had been long, dark reddish brown hair was now a pure midnight black wave that fell effortlessly down its owner’s shoulders and back. But beside that, nothing was different.


He knew that woman’s face.


More than just knew it, in fact. 


How many times had he cupped that face in his hands, pressed his lips to her skin in a gentle kiss, and smiled as a shy blush spread across her cheeks? 


How many times had he held the owner of that face in his arms as they lay on the hill behind the palace, watching the sunset and content to be only in each other’s embrace?


No matter what happened, he’d never forget that face.




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2035 streak #1
Hey there, remember me? I just saw your sequel (sorts) post in Phoenix Aurora and here I am! And looking at the forword, I see many familiar characters. But I assume this is from an alternate universe and hence, the storyline is different? Anyway, I'm looking forward to reading the story. But will be back later to do so ^^
Jamess #2
nice 😄