What it takes to be a real man

The secret
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“Hi, handsome,” Mama greets me lovingly, “What are you doing for today?”

“Uh, probably just play with Desire,” I reply to her, “Why?”

“I’m just asking.” She bops my nose. “You’ve been quiet these days. Usually you would ask for us to go on vacation.”

“Oh,” I choose my words carefully, “It’s because you and Mommy are busy looking for Yerim’s school.”

“Aw… you’re the best little brother, aren’t you?” Mama coos and ruffles my hair. Okay, I lie – well, not entirely. That’s not the reason why, but I can’t tell her the truth. “Is it okay if I go with your sister again today?”

“Or you can join us though.” Yerim comes to the living room, approaching us.

“No, I will just play with Desire.”

“Are you sure? You won’t feel left out?” Mama asks in concern.

“Of course not, Mama,” I smile. “Buy you can give me money?” I suggest with an innocent grin.

“What do you need money for?” Yerim squints her eyes.

“Uh… ice cream?”

“We have like two to three buckets in the fridge.” My sister reasons.

“Well yeah, but it will melt if I take it outside.” I state the obvious. Mama chuckles and then caresses my head. She takes out her wallet from her purse and then hands out money for me. “Thank you, Mama!” I hug her.

“Oh, wow, you gave him ten dollars just like that.” Yerim says sarcastically. “No lecture about eat unhealthy street food costs you your life.” She continues being dramatic.

Mama hums, “If you haven’t noticed, Mirae is a very picky eater, unlike you.” She pinches my sister’s nose this time. “If he says he wants ice cream that’s the only thing he will get.”

“Is this your way of saying I’m fat?! Wow, Ma, I’m hurt.”

“Honey, no… I’m just saying you have big appetite and you love trying various food, but Mirae? He will literally get sick if he eats something that’s not my cooking.” Yes, that’s true. My Mama just has this magic touch on her foodies. Sometime I want to try junk food like my friends, but I get sick after one meal. Mama told me I have been like this since I still inside Mommy’s belly.

“That will be a lie if people say you’re fat, Yerim.” I tell my sister. “You’re skinny.”

“Aw, thanks, Squirt.” She grins, “Am I pretty too?”

“Well, yes of course,” Again, I state the obvious because my sister seems oblivious today. “You, Mama, and Mommy are beautiful just like I’m handsome.”

Both my sister and my Mama giggle, “Alright handsome boy,” Mama says. “We’ll get going now. Be careful, okay? Don’t –”

“Go to the main road,” I cut her off, “I know, Mama.”

“Well okay then,” She kisses my cheek, “Have fun with Desire and buy him ice cream too. It should be enough for two serves of ice cream.” She refers to the money.

“Will do!” I send them outside and watch until they get in the car then leave. After that I go back inside the house, heading to my room. Grabbing the walkie-talkie, I call Desire – yes, Mama gave it back to me!

“Squirt!” Desire answers me. “Are they gone?”

“Yep,” I tell him. “And I got the money.” Hold on… why do I sound like a bad villain in a movie?

“Nice,” Well, apparently Desire thinks differently. “I’ll be there soon.” He says. “Is Aunty Hyun cooked something?” I can’t see him but I know he’s grinning widely by the sound of his voice. He loves my Mama’s cooking just like me. I mean who doesn’t?

“There’s still peach cobbler pie left if you want.”

“That’s awesome, buddy! I’m out now.” The line goes dead after that. I sigh and look around my room. Packing some stuff in my backpack and then head out.

You’re curious what I’m doing, huh? Technically I can’t tell this to anyone because Renjun said ‘whatever happens at the tree house stays in the tree house’, but let me tell you something… it’s a process of being a real man – at least that’s what they said.

We read some magazines and it wasn’t just any magazine. It contains pictures for adult. You know, y girls in bikini with daring pose. If I’m being really honest with you, it did something for me – I feel like my inside was burning. The more we read the magazine the more people disappeared one by one. The older boys took turn to leave and Nick said they ‘’.

I don’t know what ‘’ means, but I think it’s something good, because when Renjun, Jim, and Dan were back, they had this goofy smile on their face. Guess what? They will show us what ‘’ is today! They also said the first time was free but we have to pay for the second time and so on. That’s why I need money.

I hear the doorbell rings and I know it’s Desire. I open the door and he barges inside. He walks to the kitchen and rummages through the fridge, looking for that peach cobbler pie. It’s normal for me. Mommy said Desire is more like ‘Ty Joy and I can say it’s true. My aunty is also like that – she loves marching around the house or Mama’s restaurant without permission.

“What do you think they will show us today?” Desire asks as he munches the pie.

“I don’t know. There’s only one way to find out, right?”

“Right…” He grins. “Do you… feel something different, like did something happen to you?”

“I don’t think so.” I shrug. “I just feel the same and nothing happens.” I see him and gasp, “Something did happen to you!”

He blushes, “Nothing amazing, just…”

“Just what?”

“I don’t know, Squirt!” He huffs. “It’s just my got stiff.”

“Oh… uh… ew?”

“Ew, really? Is it something bad?!”

“I have no idea!” I tell him.

“We can ask them later.”

“We should ask them.” I correct him. “We better hurry.”

“Sir, yes, Sir!” Desire says and then chews quicker. We leave the house after that, riding our bike to Renjun’s house.

The guard allows us to come and Renjun tells us to go ahead to the tree house. We climb up and sit there, waiting for Renjun. “Yow, dudes,” He’s finally here. He sets up his laptop and I peek curiously at it. “Did you bring money?” He asks.

“Oh, yeah,” I take out the money Mama gave me from my pocket. “Is this enough?”

“Well, damn,” Renjun smirks. “If I’m the bad guy I will say it’s not enough and ask for more. But nope, with that money you can come here ten times.”

I grin, “Really? Desire too?”

“Oh, it’s for him too?” He asks and I nod, “Five times then.” Okay, it’s not that bad, right? It means I have to pay a dollar per visit. Hey, I told you I can do math. I just don’t like it. “Are you ready, boys?”

“Yeah, but I need to ask you something.” Desire says.

“Go ahead,”

“Uh…” Desire looks at me and I nod giving him courage, “So, what’s ?”

Renjun laughs, “Oh, that? I will show you later after you watch this.”

“Where’s everybody? We don’t wait for them?” I ask.

“Nah, we good.” He says. “Ready or not, it’s starting.” Renjun clicks the play button on screen. What is it, a movie? There are an adult man and woman, one minute they’re talking with each other and the next they take their shirt off until they both .

I know I shouldn’t watch this but I got mesmerized by it. I never pay any attention to a woman chest but this woman has huge s! Her is round and… is that a supposed to look like? It’s… cute – very different from my .

Speaking of … what is she doing? Oh God, why is she that man’s like a lollipop? “Ew…” I unconsciously make a sound.

“You don’t like it, huh?” Renjun asks, chuckling mockingly.

“Does it hurt?”

“Not at all,” He says. “It’s awesome, dude!”

“You’ve done th

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1052 streak #1
Reread!!I miss them🥹
Chapter 13: Aaww...your stories are always the best.❤️‍🔥i want to reread strip the law but it wasn't there🙁 i will wait for you to reupload it 😋
917 streak #3
Kang Mirae I miss you my trouble maker!! I'm gotta reread this 😍
soncelfeu #4
Chapter 13: omg i love this! actually i was planning to re-read strip the law but then i found this. thank you for such a great story (again)!
Chapter 13: I've read this many times and never get tired of reading it again until there is a new update from the author. This is the best family fanfic I've ever read.
Tangene1 #6
is there a christmas story in the kang household? i wonder
lacielbleue #7
I really have a soft spot for this family. 😭
RevelHart2 #8
Chapter 13: can we also see seungwan scolding the 2 boys? haha
Amakabogera_sonbae #9
Chapter 13: I want want their family have.🥺❤️
I can’t wait for more on this!