Chapter Eight

Still You
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The ride back to Seoul was silent, Donghae had almost fallen asleep clinging to the alpha as it drove through the still deserted streets. He left the omega at the latter's apartment and then headed for his own. 

 A little later they met at the college and when the two crossed paths, Donghae ended up winking mischievously at the alpha who denied it with a laugh. 

 Each in their own circle of friends, they watched TaeSung and TaeVin walk around as if they were total strangers, Hyukjae quickly approached the omega. 

 Hyukjae : TaeSung, how was the trip? (smiled)

 TaeSung : It was good (smiled sadly)

 Hyukjae : Did something happen?

 TaeSung : TaeVin... him 

 Hyukjae : It's always TaeVin (rolled his eyes) Forget this idiot (the other said nothing) Let's get out of here (gently pulled this one's hand)

 TaeSung : But what about class?

 Hyukjae : What's the problem? Missing once won't kill anyone 

 TaeSung : Eunhyuk.... 

 Hyukjae : Let's go (encouraged him)

 TaeSung looked around and landed his gaze on his boyfriend, who was only paying attention to his friends, so he eventually nodded. 

 TaeSung : Are we going on a motorcycle?

 Hyukjae : Afraid?

 TaeSung : I have never ridden one (said shyly)

 Hyukjae : There's always a first time 

The omega nodded and put on the helmet he was given, he mounted on the bike behind the alpha and for a few moments he felt an angry look upon him, when he looked around he found nothing, he shrugged his shoulders and felt the larger drive the vehicle.

 The afternoon went by, Eunhyuk and TaeSung talked so that they could get to know each other more, but somehow the alpha felt that around the two of them something else was missing and his thoughts got away a little to the weekend he had with Donghae, but he continued to communicate with the omega. 

 Near the end of the afternoon, Hyukjae parked his motorcycle in front of the workshop where he worked part-time and was amazed to see Donghae sitting on the hood of a car while reading something in his notebook. He knocked lightly on the door to attract the minor's attention without scaring him. 

 Donghae : Finally!

 Hyukjae : How did you kn

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Chapter 12: Great start of the chapter with the car, that was do good! And wow a baby, I wasn't expecting this but that's so nice. Their reactions at the news and talks were so fun to see heheh. Thank you so much b for the update <3
1455 streak #2
Chapter 12: Wow. What a bonus: a babyyy!!! Sweet! Thank you for this! ^^
970 streak #3
Chapter 12: Great! A baby!
Chapter 11: Aww wait is this completed now, did we already reach the ending? ㅠㅠ this was so sweet , especially when Hae asked if he'll have to share hyuk's attention and Hyuk saying "my attention is all yours" awww loved that!! Thank you so much for writing this wonderful story, it was so fun and I really enjoyed it!
1455 streak #5
Chapter 11: Awww loved how it ended ^^
1455 streak #6
Chapter 10: This is soooo goood. Omggg. Looking forward for more ^^
1455 streak #7
Will be starting to read this ^^
Chapter 10: "donghae is waiting for me on my bed "
"Donghae and i have a history"
"And i am building one with him"
Just some iconic lines in this chapter!! Gosh this was so good, i loved it!!
ldh2013 #9
Chapter 10: Ok. I can usually figure out what's going on but what is meant by "swim?" Taesung clung to Hyukjae even though he knew Hyukjae and Donghae were in love? Even to the point of keeping them apart but then says "go get him?" ummm. what? Is he bad or is he good?
Chapter 9: Finally Hae took the exam, so sweet how Hyuk was waiting for him and being there for him.
That "I'm not a vampire to kiss your blood" had me rolling hahaha >< this is really cute!