Finish Line
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Lisa left the circuit, Dr. Johnson was there so they didn't need her much. She had another patient now, Ryujin Jung. She went to the Dubai fountain, because once Ryujin has told her that she ready liked the place. Her eyes searched for the racer and found her sitting on a bench. She went closer and took a seat close to her. "Welcome to the real world."

She turned to her. "Huh?" 

"This is it," Lisa crossed her arms. "Men only see us in the kitchen, wearing an apron and carrying their babies."

"Not all of them, my boyfriend loves to see me race," She smiled proudly. "He supports me for real."

"You have a boyfriend?!" The elder girl asked excitedly.

"Yes," She giggled, wiping her eyes. "His name is Daniel. He is a dentist."

"So he is not Korean?"

"He is, he was just born in America. He lives in Australia now."

"Oh..." Lisa smiled. "You must be too in love to stay in a long distance relationship."

"We are," She mumbled. "What about your boyfriend? Does he think like other men?"

She grinned. "Sehun is a treasure. You can barely find the man of your dreams, but I declare... I found mine."

"Wow... is that so?" They laughed. "Though Sehun oppa is a good man. I can say that by just looking into his eyes."

"He was the one who took me into Mercedes, or else I was working in a hospital with a lower pay," She bit her lower lip. "Even though now I receive less than Dr. Johnson."

"Less than him? Why?"

"Women's payments are different from men," Lisa said. "Didn't you know that?"

She shook her head. "Not at all..."

The doctor nodded. "Even Baekhyun earned more than you when he was a rookie," She informed. "Suzy earns less than Jongdae even though their jobs are the same and they have the same experience," She sighed. "It is worse about Irene! She is a single mother trying hard to bring up her son-"

"Wait a minute, she has a son?!"

She nodded. "Yeah, her boyfriend got her pregnant at the age of twenty and left her."

She frowned. "That's really sad... how could he?"

"I don't know. She never talks about it, but the point is that she receives less than Sehun and Johnny when she needs more. This is the bitter truth of this society, it is unchangeable."

"I'll change it," She said with a serious face. "For her..."

"I tried, it didn't happen..." She sighed. "Though if you are going to do it, I'll support you."

"They can't ignore me, I am their racer. They need me," Ryujin put her hand on hers. "I'll do it for us."


Baekhyun walked in the garage and looked at Lucas silently. "Do you need my help, sir?"

"Ah... no, I just," He bit his lower lip. "I just wanted to know what the problem was."

"It was a minor problem, but it affected the whole system. Why? Because sometimes the minor changes are more important than what you've thought."

He sighed. "Have you checked Bambi?"

"I have," He replied, not taking a glance at him. "Why? Because you are the team's priority."

The racer chuckled, but his smile faded away immediately. "I... did I break her heart?"

"Once I fell in love, with whom? My mother's student. When? I was around twenty one. What happened? I understood that she had a boyfriend. What did I do? I went through my mom's papers, which was seniors' final exam, and took hers. Then? She failed," Lucas raised his head and sighed. "She failed and..."


"No one knows what happened to her. Why? She disappeared. I never saw her after that day."

"I'm sorry about that," He whispered and suddenly, realization hit him. Lucas knew it. He knew he liked Ryujin and he knew Ryujin had a boyfriend. But how? "You know that I-"

"People say I have a sixth sense for love. How? I just pay attention to people's actions," He turned to him. "You are obvious if someone cares."

"But..." He pressed his lips together. "But I can't... It hurts to see her in love with someone else, so I want to hurt her too. I know it is crazy but..." His eyes got teary. "Lucas, I just..."

"It is ok..." He hugged him and caressed his back. "I know how you feel exactly, though... seeing her in pain will hurt you more, believe me."

Baekhyun nodded. "My heart aches more now... It hurts so bad to see her cry."

"I know buddy..." He whispered.

Baekhyun's eyes widened at his touch and he pulled away. "You... touched me with those gloves?!"


" you!" He cried. "You destroyed my shirt!" The racer left the garage angrily. 

"Why does he always wear white shirts?" He whispered. "I don't know... how should I know?" He shook his head and went back to Ryujin's car.


"Haven't you two talked since yesterday?" Suzy sat next to Ryujin who was staring at the cars emotionlessly. "Ryu? You ok?" 

"We haven't talked," She whispered. "I feel like I-"

"Hello..." A woman sat next to her. "You are the girl with Mr. Byun, aren't you?"

"Ah..." The racer looked at the arab woman and tilted her head. She knew she had seen her somewhere, but she didn't know where. "Do I know you?"

"Not exactly," She giggled. "I am Sama, Mr. Byun's friend's wife."


"He is a receptionist in-"

"Ah! Ah!" Ryujin clapped. "I just remembered. How are you?"

"I'm excited!" She said. "It's my first time in a circuit," She looked around and started waving. "Oh! Hassan! I'm here!"

 The man walked to them. "Why are sitting here?"

"She is your friend's friend," Sama pointed at the girl next to her. 

"Ryujin Jung!" He sat next to his wife. "Why are you here? Aren't you a racer?"

"Well... I didn't succeed at joining the ten racers lineup," She lowered her head. "But Baekhyun did, he is the pole sitter."

"Don't worry, it was your first time after all," The man smiled. "You'll do better next time."

"For sure," She smiled back.


"The first Grand Prix and the first winning, yes!" Sehun said as he walked in the airplane alongside Baekhyun. "Who is the best?"

"Mercedes!" The team chanted and the engineer laughed. 

Baekhyun sat next to Ryujin. "You ok?" She didn't answer, pretending to be reading her book. "It is ok to be angry with me, but you have no rights to stop speaking to me."

She closed the book and turned to him. "And why is that?"

"Because," He bit his lower lip. "Because... because we are teammates and teammates are like family members. We fight, we curse, we even hit and kick each other, but at the end... we are strongly related, aren't we?"

"Though you-"

"Ryujin," Jongdae called and they both turned to him. "Uh... Lewis has sent you a video. He actually said... it is for both of you."

"Really?" Baekhyun got the phone from him and took a look at the screen. 

"Play it."

He touched the screen and Lewis started speaking. "Hey Baekhyun! Hey Ryujin!" He waved at them with a smile. "How are you guys? I hope you are fine. About me, I am getting better..."

"Thank God..." Ryujin whispered. 

"Baekhyun, bro! I saw you! It was crazily good! You are awesome! Made me proud like every other race. Good job, Byun," He gave him a thumb up, making him smile widely. "About Ryujin," She turned the phone to herself. "I saw the qualifying race and I talked to our engineers. You were not the problem. Did you hear me, Ryu? You. Were. Not. The. Problem," She nodded her head. "It was theirs."

"But I lost..." She whispered, feeling like crying.

"I always say, there is more to learn when you have failures. That is where the biggest growth comes from," Tears rolled down her face. It was amazing that he had guessed how she was feeling and he sent a video to calm her with those words. Lewis Hamilton was an amazing person. "Look, you are a girl... after all these years, a girl is participating in Formula one championship. There are girls and women all around the globe who are admiring you, they are looking up to you... do it for them, Ryujin Jung."

"Yes senior," She sobbed.

"Become the legend of this year's championship," He said with a smile.

"Yes senior."

"You'll do it, right?"

"Yes senior," She sniffed. 

"What do you say in Korean?" Lewis thought for some seconds. "Aha! Fighting!" He raised his fist.

She nodded, raising her fist. "Fighting."

"Hope this video helped you two, don't fight and take care," The video ended.

Baekhyun looked at her. Her face was wet with tears. He went through his small bag and took out his red handkerchief. "Here..." She didn't get it and took her book. "Oh God... didn't you hear what he said? No fighting!" He turned her face to himself and started drying her cheeks slowly. "You want to seem strong... but you cry too easily," He smiled and took her hand to put the handkerchief in it. "It is yours."

"What is it?" She looked at it, it had a heart and a four-leaf clover sewed on it. "What is it for?"

"My half sister sewed this for me two years ago. She said when I'm sad, that will make me feel better,"

"Then... why are you giving this to me?"

"Uh... because now I found another thing to make me feel better," Baekhyun whispered. "And you need this. Please... keep it with yourself."

She nodded. "You are strange. One moment, you are a crazy misogynist. One moment, you are better than a best friend," She giggled. "But thank you..."

He nodded. "You're welcome."

"What are you looking at?" Johnny asked, looking at a magazine. 

"What are they doing?" Suzy asked, staring at the racers of the team. 

"Who?" He put down the magazine. 

"They..." She whispered. 

"Uh..." He saw the place she was looking at and found Baekhyun and Ryujin, he was drying her face slowly. "They are obviously in a love-hate relationship," He chuckled at what he just said.

"Huh? Really? How, how do you say this?"

"Can't you see, Suzy?" He asked. "Now they want to cut off each other's head," Johhny explained. "The other moment, they are willing to die for one another. I've heard things from Jongdae."

Suzy nodded and bit her lower lip. She didn't want it. The man that was once hers, now was laughing with another girl. That hurt so bad.


"Japan!" Baekhyun said happily and raised both of his hands. "This country is amazing!"

Suzy smiled at his childish behaviors. "I've never been here..." 

"Me either, I don't know much about it," Ryujin said excitedly. 

"Come on, I'll show you the beautiful places," Baekhyun held his hand towards them. Suzy's heart leaped as she raised her hand to take his, but he took Ryujin's hand instead and they ran to baggage reclaim while laughing. 

Suzy stayed still there, she has to accept it. Everything was finished between the

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[Finish Line] 17th chapter is here, everyone! Please make me happy with comments and ideas!


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736 streak #1
Chapter 24: 💗🌹💗🌹💗

Before I comment on the chapter in general, I must first say that I love Baekhyun in this one! He is a sweet boyfriend who always tries to complete his girl and make her smile! 🌹💗👌👍

Now, back to the topic. I will start with Irene and Yixing! I always found women who confess first to be brave because honestly, I would never be able to do such a thing! 👍👌😉 Either way, the cat was out of the bag, and for a moment Yixing was surprised. But after talking with his friends, he decided to follow his heart! 💗🌹👍👌😉😍

As for the media, media will be media.

In terms of Ruyjin and Baekhyun, I think they need to talk about what happened. I understand her as well, but Baekhyun meant no harm, so hopefully, they will talk it out.

P.S. - I'm sorry that it took me this long to finally read this chapter and comment. Life is keeping me busy. 😥😣

Chapter 10: I knew it that her boyfriend was cheating on her.
Could it be that Park Jungsoo is going to be the villain in this story?
31 streak #3
Chapter 24: Woah... glad that the racers are back to track again... so happy for them...baekhyun's rare cute boyfriend version...hehehe..cringe but still cute.. wow.. finally yixing-Irene and Johnny-Suzy couples..so happy for them....loved that the couples gave each other second chances... aww.. felt so bad for Ryu... she's really suffering and going through tough time... it's a hard time for her.. but maybe that's why baekhyun's trying his best to cheer her up...he maybe got emotional cause of that... hope they talk to each other about it... also everything goes well for them... so curious about yixing's mother's and ryu's father's reaction.... thank you authornim for updating....
Chapter 24: I understand why Ryu is doing that, but she should move on, she's hurting Baek at this point
736 streak #5
Chapter 23: 😍😍😍😍😍

This chapter was heartbreaking, there was no doubt about it. :(
It's not easy when one loses a baby, but Baekhyun was so sweet and stood by her side! ^^ There were even some funny moments between them and I loved the 'Bacon' part! *chuckles*

Love the chapter!

31 streak #6
Chapter 23: Aww.. knew it but wasn't ready for the sudden incident.. one of the heartbreaking moment of the story...hope they get to have ten more babies in future together... loved the way baekhyun comforted her and handled things so wisely.. it was also hard for him though.. felt bad that they had to go through such situation.. maybe it'll make their relationship more stronger and better than before...that was so unexpected from him maybe earlier but it was a rather new person..and it was so heartwarming...woah.. he declared it publicly..yea.. congrats to both of them.. I think ryu's father saw but didn't want to make it hard or uncomfortable for her to confess it at that moment... maybe he'll wait for them to confess it together at the right situation together... hair dying part was so cute and hilarious.. haha.. woah.. Irene go girl girl.. hope it turn out well.. and we get to witness double or maybe triple dated.. haha.. baekhyun-Ryu, Irene- yixing, Lisa-sehun..hehe... that would be more fun and more interesting... also woah Suzy really surprised me with her answer..but glad that she showed maturity and not the typical villainous aura.. I'm rooting for the couples..hoping for the best... thank you authornim for updating ❤️
Chapter 23: Oh no, the baby 🥺
Also will it be a disaster if Ryu's father knows about their relationship?
Thanks for updating ☺️
736 streak #8
Chapter 22: 😍😍😍😍😍

This chapter was an emotional rollercoaster there is no doubt about that! 👌🥺 First, we have Baekhyun and his sister who are visiting their mother and for sure, Baekhyun feels confused about all of it. His sister told him some details and that their mother would watch him from afar, so in general Baekhyun was able to learn something that he didn't know before. Sadly by the time they arrived, she was gone... *sighs* Then we have a video she felt for him, telling her side of the story and that was also something good, but emotional. 🥺

On the other side of the world we have Ryujin who is happy about the news of being pregnant!... but the ending scene... I really hope everything will be fine!

Amazing chapter!

31 streak #9
Chapter 22: The Ecole chapter was full of emotional ride of Rollercoaster.... glad that atleast baekhyun came to know about his mother's hidden real truth, secrets and finally about the baby... I think park jungsoo was behind all these.. so emotional, heartwarming but definitely heartbreaking chapter.. it totally broke my heart... specially the last part.. please not the worst.. both of them had gone through so many things and problems.. the baby was the only happiness they got after all these.. hope good miracle happens with the couple..they really deserve the happiness together with their baby and his whole family members... 😮‍💨😮‍💨😭😭😭😓😓😔😔😔😪😪🤧🤧🤧💔💔💔💔💔💔😔😔🥺🥺🥺😖😖😫😩😞😓😣
736 streak #10
Chapter 21: 😍😍😍😍😍

Baekhyun and his girl are just adorable, there is no doubt about that! They are getting to know each other little by little and I love Baekhyun's answer about where he sees himself 10 years from now! It's adorable! 😍😉👌

As for his mother being in the hospital... we'll see what happens!

I enjoy this chapter and Irene is just hilarious, I swear!
