JONGTAE — Nights Into Days {AF}

SHINee One-Shots


Taemin's puffed cheek pressed against his pillow as he turned his cellphone screen on, then turned it back off again when he didn't see any messages he wanted or expected. He did it again a few minutes later, sighing out as the cycle endlessly continued.
Just then, his phone buzzed in his hand and it let off a chipper ding! to alert him that a new notification had arrived.
His heart began to race, his eyes began to sparkle; could it be...?
But no. It was just another text from one of his bandmates, Kibum, asking what he wanted for dinner.
The younger man groaned, swiping the message out of his way to reveal a vast screen of nothingness, and he buried his face in his warm pillow.
He wanted to hear from his bandmates for sure – he had a bond with them like with no one else, since they all stayed in a dorm together for quite a few years now. However, there was just one he wanted to hear from right now in particular.
Jonghyun, his favorite hyung.
It wasn't just because he wanted to know how much fun the elder one was having in Paris for his solo concert right now, or what gifts he might bring back (although those were wonderful perks Taemin wouldn't mind knowing about), but he also wanted to know when he could possibly be home, and more importantly, if he was thinking of Taemin as much as the younger man was thinking of him.
They'd always been closer than most – though Jonghyun's bond with Kibum was something Taemin usually felt paranoid about – and their relationship only grew stronger as the years went by. It was apparent from the start that Jonghyun had a soft spot for the youngest of the SHINee group, and Taemin didn't hesitate to show how much that delighted him. In truth, he had a certain soft space for Jonghyun as well, which was why they were dating at the moment. Jonghyun's romantic and playful advances on Taemin weren't lost on the younger one, and he reciprocated so often that his hyung found it hard to resist him eventually. That was when Jonghyun had asked Taemin to be his boyfriend, and of course, the answer was a clear yes.
But being together when they were both famous was tricky.
Not only did they have to be extra careful since they were in the same group and rumors of a couple within SHINee were already swirling around, but they also had to deal with being apart very often to fulfill their solo deals and commercials. A day or two was something they were used to, but Jonghyun had multiple shows he had to perform in Paris, which meant he would be away for approximately two weeks with little to no communication with his boyfriend. This didn't sit well with Taemin, so he was sulky most of the time as he skulked around in their shared bedroom or ate his meals with barely any enthusiasm. He was cranky, but the SHINee members expected and understood it, although they found it a bit irritating at times, so they mostly gave him a free pass until Jonghyun would return.
"Yah, why didn't you respond to my text? I don't ask you what you want for dinner just to be nice, you know. I do it to make sure you'll eat. Fussy eater!" Kibum's voice came from the doorway, startling Taemin enough to make him lift his head to glance at the elder one before dropping it into the pillow again. He didn't feel like dealing with anything today, except maybe just the fact that he was alone when he craved his boyfriend's touch and affection.
"I was busy," The younger man complained, muffled by his pillow.
"With what? Being miserable like some old person that has no reason to live? Come help me with dinner,"
"I don't want to,"
"I don't want to!"
Now, the two of them were glaring daggers at each other.
Taemin knew his behavior was unacceptable, but he missed Jonghyun so much, how could he even think of chopping onions or peeling potatoes in this state of mind? He couldn't even bring himself to get up and wash up for dinner!
"Fine," Kibum sighed in agitation and resignation before coming over to sit next to the younger man, "I know this is hard and you miss him a lot, but he'll be back before you know it. I know he misses you like crazy at the moment. Don't you think he'd want you to do some activities that could take your mind off things, though?"
Taemin knew his hyung was talking sense right now, and he understood what Kibum meant. Doing things would surely help, but...
"But I just want him home. I miss him," These words couldn't even begin to explain how Taemin truly felt – it wasn't just that he wanted his boyfriend to come home, he needed him to come home. Jonghyun was much more than just someone Taemin liked and loved. He was a safe space, someone the younger man could come to when he needed to cry, laugh or vent. He could express his feelings openly with Jonghyun without any fear of judgment, and that was what he missed the most. Aside from their breathtaking makeouts or wild , of course.
Jonghyun knew Taemin's heart and mind so well, always listening to his ideas or plans or thoughts, helping him calm down when he got too emotional, and just being someone Taemin could rely on for help of any kind. He missed it, and he needed it back.
He let out a soft sob, his heart stinging at how it felt like he lost a part of himself with Jonghyun going away. Then he grimaced; he was acting like a baby and for what? Just for two weeks?
Still, his heart hurt, and if there was anything Jonghyun had taught him, it was to express his feelings no matter how silly they seemed.
Kibum looked at his friend with a soft gaze, gently pulling him closer to hug him.
"I know it hurts, but let's be strong until he gets back, alright? He'll be so proud of you," Kibum said in a motherly tone, and Taemin nodded as he gulped against the lump in his throat. Although it felt like his heart was wrenched out of his chest currently, he knew Jonghyun wouldn't want him to mope around like this waiting for his text or call all day. The elder one was busy with his promotions, so why couldn't Taemin keep busy as well? He needed to follow the other man's example.
He helped Kibum around the house with chores or cooking, and it kept his mind busy thankfully, but it was torturous at night when there was nothing for Taemin to do except lay in bed and wonder how Jonghyun was doing. He tried his best to contact the younger one, but the connection wasn't all that great, so their calls often got cut off and texts went undelivered. Still, Taemin counted down the days to when they could be together and happy again.
Taemin had the other members for company, but he still felt awfully lonely without his boyfriend by his side. He couldn't ramble his song lyric ideas to the others, or practice his vocals – the others were supportive, but none of them could help as much as Jonghyun could to develop Taemin's skills.
He brought out the child in the younger one, always entertaining his thoughts or spoiling him rotten, and things felt awfully empty without Jonghyun here. There was no one to tell Taemin what a good job he'd done for the day, even if he hadn't done much, and there was nobody to gently guide him on the right path when he had been disrespectful or done something wrong. The others cared about him, he knew, but they didn't care as deeply as Jonghyun did, and it was apparent every day the elder man was gone.
"You'll be back soon...I can't wait," Taemin said one night as they Facetimed, finally getting a stable connection and enough time to talk.
"Me too. I can't sleep well these days," Jonghyun responded from the other side as he ruffled his fluffy black hair.
"That's because I'm not there with you to cuddle!" Taemin giggled a little as he hid half his face underneath the covers with only his eyes and hair peeking out.
"That's true. I miss you like mad. There are a lot of things here I wish I could experience with you. The food, seeing the Eiffel Tower, the'd love it, I know," Jonghyun smiled, thinking of how many things Taemin would want to look at or how many meals he'd like to try. He loved how spontaneous the younger man was, and how excitable he could be over discovering new things. His emotions were heightened more than most, but Jonghyun loved that about him – his exuberant happiness, how joyful he could be, and even when he just wanted to be extra affectionate and cuddly. Knowing he could buy or gift things to his boyfriend that would make him even more blissful made Jonghyun feel just as happy, which was why he always gave presents to his boyfriend. He knew Taemin loved to cuddle or hold hands or kiss, which was why Jonghyun always laid the affection on thick. And really, what was better than knowing his partner was as happy as he was?
"Can we go together one day?" Taemin asked with soft eyes.
"Of course we can. I'll take you on a private jet if I have to," Jonghyun laughed, and his boyfriend's melodic giggle chimed in as well.
It was a Saturday when Jonghyun returned, and Taemin's delight was palpable. It was as if the whole dorm's mood suddenly shifted to something brighter as the two of them embraced each other, kissing and hugging and occasionally sobbing as well. The two lovebirds were reunited! Their struggle was over! It was about time to make up for all those lost days while they were separated.
Such behavior didn't make sense to the others, but that didn't matter to Jonghyun or Taemin; their hearts, souls and minds were finally connected again, and that was all that mattered. There was no denying that they were each other's halves to a whole; without one, the other wouldn't be the same. They completed one another inside and out, and they wanted it to stay like that from now until forever.
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970 streak #1
Chapter 3: Ah, the sweet reunion of two hearts that truly belong to each other.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Last story was actually KeyTae!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #3
Chapter 6: Changing room - be still my heart - plus I love the reference to Taemin's outfit...
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 5: I wish Jonghyun was still with us...
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 4: This is so sad too - I could never have an open relationship - I would have the same thoughts as Taemin - why am I not enough??
Beau1996 1380 streak #6
Chapter 1: Thank you for the 2min but it was so sad! 😢
Beau1996 1380 streak #7
I need my 2min please
970 streak #8
Chapter 1: Sweet!
So, they will continue to make good music together!
Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 1: This is sweet! Aww 🥺
meerable #10
Chapter 1: Jinki is mute. But his attitude make us rock and roll inside. Dumbidoobidoo doo alallalala