Chapter 2

Karma Butterfly
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The rest of the Sunday was spent with girls talking about every topic that there was to discuss. Evening came faster than girls liked it. None of them wanted to go to school the next day though they didn't have to worry about a single thing since both of them were considered as royalties of  the school, Jessica earning the title of Ice Princess due to her diva like attitude, meanwhile Tiffany was queen  of press, pen and paper always in her pocket just in case something interesting happened. 

Writing was Tiffany's passion, she knew her way with words, every story of her captivating the readers attention, even though she was writing about as simple things as school rumours and incidents. In most cases the mentioned ones didn't like what was written about them but it was their fault. If everybody in SM high acted like angels Tiffany would have ran out of material. 

Speaking about writing, Tiffany was on the verge of panic. Tomorrow is Monday and students were waiting for newest articles. No one would say it out loud but Tiffany's blogs were one of the greatest pieces of entertainment that you could find. 

The thing is nothing worth mentioning happened this week. Usually Tiffany had way too much information to put into the blog. This week- nothing, not even the slightest rumour or mischief, not even as simple as cheating on a test or stealing a candy from a child.

"Why is nothing happening?" Tiffany sulked. 

"Don't worry, Tiff, I am sure you can think of something." Jessica attempted to calm her down.

"Like what?" Tiffany asked. 

"Well, Jinsuk ate his boogers again to the point of nosebleed." Jessica scrunched her nose in disgust. 

"No, that's not what I need. I need something spectacular, that would make readers mouths fall wide  open."


"And ruin some lives as well." Jessica added.

"Don't be so harsh. I am just telling the truth to people, it's their own fault for being so reckless and allowing me to have things to write about." Tiffany said, clicking her long pink nails against the wooden table. 

"As you say." Jessica replied, putting her hand on her friends shoulder. "Don't worry, your readers can do fine with one day without any news."

Tiffany shook her head. " You don't understand , writing is my passion, if I don't write anything tomorrow , my readers will leave. Without readers, there is no reason for me to express my passion." 

"Maybe go to the beach and write about weather or something. You can make everday occurrences into an amazing story."

"No, no, no, readers will hate that. They want something hot and spicy, you know how people are." Tiffany said with sadness,showing how much she was attached to her blog. 

Only thing that Jessica could do was to look apologeticly at her friend. "Then they weren't fans of your work, they were just in there for drama. "

Even if the statement was 100% correct Tiffany didn't care. She couldn't afford to lose that one precious thing that mattered so much to her. But she could use the presence of a beach. The beautiful scenery gave her so much needed inspiration and refreshed her mind that was always full with ideas. 

" Thank you , Jess. Beach is were I will be heading." Tiffany gave her friend one of her biggest smiles. 

"Just be careful. What if there are a murderer lurking around." Jessica joked. 

"Hey, don't steal my jokes." Both of the girls laughed at a playful remark. 

After exchanging hugs and waving bye to Jessica, Tiffany left in a hurry, trying to reach the beach before it got totally dark and trying not to break her shoes heel.  Jessica was right, there could be any kind of creeps at such late hour. 

When Tiffany arrived at the beach, sunset was already setting in the sky, painting the sky in a blue tint. 

Amazed by the beautiful sight in front of her, Tiffany sat down in a warm sand and played with it, letting it slip from her fingers. For a secod all of her problems disappeared. Just for a second. The next

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746 streak #1
Chapter 2: Another great chapter where there is more insight into Tiffany and her life. What happened 14 years ago is surely sad. I am in love with it! That's for sure! I like her character as well and I love how the girls interact with each other and help each other out! <3

Thank you for the update and I and I can't wait to see what happens next! <3
Uchie_0903 #2
Chapter 2: Oh god.. Taeny cute
CrissYoung #3
Chapter 2: Oh men.. cliffhanger again.. can't wait for the next taeny episode haha
Chapter 2: I love this chapter! Cute Taeny always make our heart beats lol
Soneisa #5
Chapter 2: Hehehe cute. Though I’m not into high school cliché, it is still cute
CrissYoung #6
Chapter 1: TAENY!!!! ✓✓✓
746 streak #7
Chapter 1: I love how you started off the chapter with Jessica and how you presented her. She reminded me of myself in a way. I hate morning lol. Workday or not, I hate them. I also like her sister and the interaction they had together. It was cute, funny, and sibling-like. Adorable. It was easy to imagine the whole situation and enjoy it! <3

Then we have Taeyeon and Sunny. Aw, Sunny is nervous about the upcoming dance battle! I can't wait to see what happens then! <3
Aw, poor Yuri. She is having crush problems.

I loved the chapter and can't wait to see what happens next! <3

Thank you!

Keep up the good work! You are doing a great job! <3
746 streak #8
I am loving the plot already and how all of them have their own story to tell! Let's see what happens next. :D
Chapter 1: Love the short interaction with the jung sisters <3 Yulsic is cute as always and I liked that you put both sides of the couple, made it interesting. Hope Taeny will soon appear.