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The Puppeteer
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Definition of terms A-Z Definition Race/Species, Character Traits, Anatomy, etc


Mutant species; specializing in Mind Protection 

Subtype: Controller

Connection Term for a relationship between a mutant and partner, the term relationship is not used among mutants Controller

Mutant species; specializing in Mind and Body Control

Death Catcher

Mutant species; specializing in reading the last thoughts of dead mutants or human

Subtype: Mind Reader

Hard Driver

Modified mutant or human; specializing in storing and processing data simultaneously, but cannot analyze it during or after storage.

Subtype: Saver

Lead Part

The dominant part of an established mutant connection; the one who does the marking; driven by the urge mechanism; hardly controllable when the genetical instinct to protect his submissive part is triggered

Lum Lead urge mechanism is a behaviour of a lead part in an established connection towards other humans or mutants to treat his/her submissive part appropriately and can be controlled by a submissive part; the Lum remains to a certain extent in a terminated connection and is not tied to the previous dynamic. A previously submissive partner can also have a Lum.  Marking

The establishing of mutant connections, performed by the Lead to the Submissive part after being given the permission. The Marking is based a genetic factors and an essential part of the dynamic of mutant´s connection. 

Mind Protection A mutant ability to block their own thoughts as well as others within close proximity Mind Reader A mutant species that can read the minds of living humans and mutants within close proximity Num Null Urge Mechanism; exists between mutant-to-human connections where the human counterpart can only counteract an active Lum by giving verbal/
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0 points #1
Chapter 20: The date ended unexpectedly. But I sincerely hope that things between Jisoo and Jeonghan will be Allright.

Mingyu on the other hand is having a great start. Wonwoo is falling for him even if his subconscious disagrees.
Chapter 18: The date is going well for Jisoo and Jeonghan. Now I can only hope that the same will be for Mingyu and Wonwoo. As the younger literary got so much information dumped on him, his minds seems about to explode.
Chapter 17: It is funny and interesting to see how frustrated and Flustered they become. Their dynamic has changed, they are no longer enemies but good friends, even couples.

Hopefully Wonwoo is alright. He is my favorite character in this story, his troubles, curiosity and love life has me hooked.
Chapter 15: Yaya, Mingyu will have another chance to get Wonwoo's heart. He is trying to think and act humanly. That has impressed Wonwoo who can't deny that the Mutant has become someone important in his life.

Excited for the date and have fingers crossed that none of them mess it up!
Chapter 14: Hendery talked some sense into Wonwoo. Now he will act differently and will try to understand his teammates.

Ar those feelings blooming in Wonwoo's heart? Maybe he acted way too fast by rejecting Mingyu.
Chapter 13: It was sad that Mimgyu got rejected and now he will spend decades being sad about it. Maybe if he had been bit more romantic, maybe then Wonwoo would at least consider their connection.

At least Jisoo and Jeonghan are doing a bit better. Jisoo has his chance to prove himself

I really hope that Wonwoo didn't mess up on purpose. Something sketchy is going on. Wonwoo betraying them would be awful, especially after finding out how much he meant to the team.
Chapter 12: Mingyu shows that he really cares about the Saver by allowing him to see his thoughts. That is also a great chance to talk about their connection.

While I do feel bad for the new Saver, it is understandable that wonwoo would be mad. Even with best intentions, they managed to hurt him.
Chapter 11: Wonwoo should not push himself too far or it will end much worse than the situation now. Luckily, Mingyu was there to help as much as he could.

It is ironic how both Jisoo and Mingyu have found the connection with someone else but still are ready to unleash their anger on one another for that.

Hmm, just a guess but maybe Taeyong is involved. Not a killer but someone to cover the tracks.
Chapter 10: Wonwoo's plan might be a bit risky and crazy but it got them results, hopefully. Any information will be useful, even if it is just a small file or a photo of some random object.
Chapter 9: The guys are right. Wonwoo needs rest, it is obviously taking a toll on him. His first official case is full with unpleasant surprises.

The numbers are a great lead. At least they have something rather than nothing.

Mingyu showed the most care to Wonwoo which is awesome as their bond grows deeper day by day and both of them don't even notice it.