The Poisonous Betrothal
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She was right. 

After that day of our encounter in the snowy courtyard, rumors spread like wildfire. 

They say I met her secretly in the palace walls. 

They say we both sneaked out of the opera house just to meet each other.

They say we exchanged flirtatious glances and sweet promises.

The court bursted into discussion, wondering how long our secret relationship had been going on.

They wondered if our relationship was related to the cancelled betrothal between Kang Minhyuk and her. 

I knew all of this, because our encounter was written on the headlines of the newspapers.

"Scandalous! The heart-breaking Marquis and the blossoming winner of Ms. Elantris."

I don't read gossip, but Ravi heard some when he came to work. He passes me the headlines with a darkened look. "My lord, do I need to remove the sources?"

I shake my head. "It's fine. Leave it."

He suppresses the flicker of surprise through his eyes, then bow and retreats in silence. 


"The Marquis and Lady Son?" Gasps filled the air.

"Are you sure? There's no way they would have any connection with each other."

"They were holding hands in the courtyard!"

"They sneaked out of the opera together!"

"They were barely inches apart and whispering in each other's ears..."

"No way..."

"I've heard that the Marquis even gave her a beautiful smile..." Someone swooned.

"How long have they been meeting?"

"Are they really in love?"

"But Lady Son's engagement had just been called off!"

"Is it because of the Marquis, that's why Viscount Kang called it off?"

"Apparently Viscount also has a woman he was hanging out with though. The Duchess said it at the ball last week."

"I mean, if I were Lady Son, of course I would choose the Marquis!"

Hearing all these voices from the courtyard afar, Krystal shared a look with Hayoung. 

"Unnie, where did those rumoes come from? I'm pretty sure Naeun unnie doesn't have any relationship with the Marquis. They hardly even know each other!" Hayoung exclaimed. 

Krystal nodded. "Naeun wouldn't be happy if she hears these ridiculous rumours." 

"Let's not tell her about it then. I'm pretty sure she wants a break from the court already - after that ridiculous ball last time."

They turned away from the cluster of ladies, until a snicker echoed behind them. 

"I wonder how Lady Bae feels."

"Lady Bae? Why?"

"She favours the Marquis! Did you not know?"

"Serves her right for being spiteful."

Hayoung stifled a laugh, while Krystal raised a curl on the sides of her lips.

"It'll be funny if Lady Bae hears this." Hayoung raised an evil grin. "Can you imagine her face twisted in fury?" She said excitedly. 

Krystal smirked. "It'll surely be entertaining." She turned and glanced at the clear blue sky, then pulled her friend by the sleeve. "Come on, let's go. We need to get Naeun's present before it gets too late."



While our scandal spreads like wildfire, I'm busy getting my part of the deal done. 

I'm back in his chevron wood panelled office. This time, instead of testing each other out, we're sitting peacefully across each other. 

"Hold out your wrist." I say. 

He shakes off his wrist from his sleeved blouse and places it on a small cushion. I stretch out my two fingers and press it gently on his cold skin. 

I close my eyes, and a familiar image of chaos emerges. 

The poison was a battalion of sentinels, firing towards a bunch of defenceless citizens and annihilating the whole city. 

I in a deep breath. 

His body is in a turbulent, savage swirl of violence and pandemonium. 

"How long has this been going on?" I ask.

"A bit more than 3 months." He said.

And you're telling me he went through all of this for the past 3 months?!

I snap my eyes open and stare into his. "How are you still alive?"

The corners of his lips twitched. "Congratulations, you've got yourself a living fiancé instead of a dead one."

I ignore his sarcastic remark. "Do you not feel any sort of pain?" I ask him incredulously. "Or do you mind-control yourself to make it feel painless?"

He chuckles dryly. "We can't mind-control ourselves."

I feel a surge of curiousity rise up in the back of my throat. I really want to ask who poisoned him, but then again, we're just deal partners, and some things are meant to be confidential. 

All I have to do is cure it, not to ask where it's from. 

I furrow my brows. To derive a cure, I have to dissect and pick out every single plant that's packed in this tangled mess. Immediately, I pick out a dozen of the obvious ones first. 

"Do you have a pen?" There's too much toxins in his blood, and I need to list them out. 

He passes me a pen and a notepad with his free hand. I take it and scribble down a dozen already. 

Oleanders, nightshade, foxglove, hogweed...

I take another deep breath while my hands get busy. I press on his wrist with my left and scribble with my right. 

His breathing remains steady, but my heartbeat only gets louder and louder. 

It feels like eternity has passed when I huff out the breath I've been holding. 

I've noted down 67 types of plants. 

He has 67 types of poison in him. 

And those were only the ones I know of. I can make out almost another dozen that's out of my field of knowledge. I'll have to deal with these ones first, then go back to district 4 to find out the unknown plants. 

I am astonished, but my patient doesn't faze. He glances at the list then nods, as if 67 types of toxins are what he expected. 

"You have 67 toxins in you, and maybe more." I tell him with a solemn expression, like how a healer tells bad news when they can't heal their patient. 

"I don't see how you're still sane." I shake my head.

A smile ripped out of his lips. 

It's a difficult challenge, but with time, I know I can do it.

I can cure him. 

"I need some time to crack down the poison. Maybe I'll even need to go back home to get some extra information." 

He nods.

"Your body is strong. Your own defences are still trying hard to suppress the poison, so I guess you still have some time."

"So, Dr. Son," he asks with a teasing smile on his face. "How long do I have left?" 

I return him with an emotioness stare. 

"Less than a year."

The curl on his lips vanishes, and darkness appears in his gaze. I think he finally gets how bad the situation is. 

Well, but I'm not a person that gives bad news. 

I rise up from my chair and pat his shoulder with a smile. "That's why you did a great job in choosing me as your personal healer." 

He forces out a chuckle as he rises up. "You better do your job well." 

"Of course. My family's life is on you." I turn towards the door. 

Suddenly, a blink of thought passes through my mind and I turn sharply back to him. "Wait. Will you be engaged in any ual activity?"

It's rare to see him widen his eyes in shock, but in a blink of an eye, he tones it down to merely a raise of his brows and a twitch on his lips. "Why? Scared that your temporary fiancé will cheat on you?"

I roll my eyes. I don't care if he has a mistress or whatever lady he's interested in. That's none of my business. "Your poison can be transmitted through bodily fluids, and so if you have ual activity before you get cured, you'll literally end up killing the woman in bed."

"Ah." He raises his brows and nods. "That sounds like a nice way of murder." 

He tilts his chin in analysis. "Considerable, though it sounds like a lot of hard work." 

I give him a levelled stare as he nods to himself. "I prefer using my mind instead of my body - its more efficient." 

Sometimes, I think my temporary fiancé is quite bizarre. I'm literally talking about desire and romance, while his only focus is on the best ways to kill people. I wonder how many people the King had got him to kill, for him to think like an executer. 

Surprisingly, he escorts me out of the office. Before he turns the door knob, he turns to me. 

"Let's announce the engagement tomorrow." Things will come in handy with the rumors spreading onwards. 

I nod. "Sure. I'm ready."



"Your majesty." I bow.

The King has called me in before tomorrow comes. Usually, if it's this sudden, it'll be about the uprisings of the districts, or other dangerous threats that will affect his throne. Although this time, it might be about something else. 

"Marquis, I've heard some news of yours." The King gives me a smile. 

"Yes, your majesty."

"Is it true? That you and Lord Son's daughter have feelings?"

Bingo. If the rumors had already spread to the whole capitol, the King for sure had already heard about it a while ago. 

If the lady's visions are true, then the King actually wants to select her as Princess. 

But I am the cheat key, and I took his best choice.

"Yes, your majesty. I apologise for not telling you beforehand." I bow again. 

He lets out a chuckle, then glances out the window.

"It's a shame." He says nonchalantly. "I was planning House Natura for something else."

Again, bingo.

"May I ask what it is, your majesty?" I make myself clueless and force out a smile.

"I was thinking of getting Kai a wife." He answers. "Myungsoo is getting restless, and he seems to be ready for trouble. I want to get Kai an alliance, a family that would back him up, and a Princess consort." 

He pauses to turn back at me. 

"A future Queen." 

I must say that her vision is actually quite accurate. 

She predicted her own doom and death. 

"I even planned for that District 6 boy to cancel his betrothal with the lady, just so she could be available for Kai." He sighed. "I pulled some strings so Myungsoo's spy could see what he saw." 

"This is unfortunate. I thought she would be available for my son."

This is surprising. Lady Son couldn't predict this part. 

I don't know the truths behind Kang Minhyuk's cancellation, but I've always thought it's related to Prince Myungsoo, since he's working for him. It turns out that the real culprit in killing my fake fiancé's family, is the King.

Even I hadn't thought of that, but then again, I underestimated the powers of the King.

I wonder how many spies he has, how big his own chessboard and his own game is, because he has everything in the palms of his hands.

Well, everything except for me. The King knows everything about the lands, yet I know everything about him. 

Including the fact that he favoured the plant lady for his choice of princess.

I think of all the ways to reply him, with all sorts of answers popping out in my head. 

"I'm sorry for disrupting your plans, your majesty."

He sips his tea, waiting for me to oblige. 

But this time, I won't.

Because I've got myself a deal.

I narrow my eyes in analysis. "District 1 is the Queen's family, so they're out of the question. 2's are too ambitious, so it wouldn't be great to give them more power. The daughter of district 3 is older than the Crown Prince, and she's already betrothed."

"District 4, on the other hand, is in charge of all life and food of the capitol. House Natura is a strong family and they are only loyal to you, your majesty. The daughter of 4 is indeed a good choice, your majesty." I smile. 

He nods, expecting me to give up the lady at any point soon.

"But..." I bend down to a bow. 

"I'm sorry, your majesty." 

I've agreed to her deal of keeping her family safe, so I can't let her become the Princess.

I've never really gone against the wills of the King for years, even if I did, it would be to the King's advantage, not mine. A part of me trembles. I know how to calm him down, but a part of me still shivers inwardly, hoping he doesn't react badly. 

I curse inwardly at Son Naeun for forcing me to go against the King for the first time in years.

He raises his eyebrows and takes another sip of tea.

The only thing that could interfere and confuse his chessboard would be emotions. And I would use this method to get around this barbaric King.

"I am afriad that I cannot do as you may please, your majesty." I pretend to steal a glance at him and gulp. "Naeun and I truly love each other." 

This is where the rumors get in handy. I guess I have to thank her later for coming up with this idea. They say we were flirting and sharing loving gazes right? So why not fabricate the rumors into a lie?

He stays silent, while I continue.

"I offer my sincerest apologies, your majesty." I let out a quiver in my voice. "I am grateful for what you've given me, your majesty. The position of Marquis, and as head of cabinet. But... I found a woman that I love, your majesty."

I don't really know what love means, since I've never bothered exploring or experiencing romantic love. But I'd assume it will be a good excuse. 

At least good enough for the King to let her go. 

"I...I.... It's the first time since I've met someone as... great as her..." Although the King looks like he isn't watching, but I still fake a soft gaze in my eyes. "I have already lost a member of family...so... I hoped I wouldn't lose her, too." 

I see a brief flinch in his gaze and I bow again. 

"I'm sorry, your majesty."

He brings down his cup, then chuckles. "I'm glad that you've met the woman you love, Marquis."

He sighed with an unreadable smile. "I guess I can't snatch that lady from you, then!"

He looks like he's going to let this off, but I know he wouldn't Things never come easy under his hands. I pretend to let out a sigh of relief, while I keep myself on edge, preparing myself for the next attack. 

"Don't worry, I'm sure things will work out, won't they?" His eyes twinkle.

"I will find a suitable family for the crown Prince, your majesty." I send him a look of determination.

He nods and stretches out of his chair. "I'll leave it up for you." He comes over, and I feel myself tense up. The last time he came this close to me was when he poisoned me. I don't have good experiences with that. 

All he does is pat my shoulder lightly, but his smile is as sharp as a knife. "You've never let me down, and I'll expect the same this time as well." 

I obey of course, sending another bow towards his way.

A brief pause of silence follows, and I know the King is up to something. 

Probably something to test me out again. 

He sits back on his chair with unreadable eyes. "When's the wedding?" He asked.

I freeze for just a millisecond. This was not what I expected coming out of his mouth. I cover the flinch by squeezing out a shy smile on my face. 

"We haven't decided that yet." I settle for the most logical reasons. "I need to invite her parents and mine for that."

Now I get it. The King doesn't believe that I have fallen in love with Son Naeun. He thinks I'm a man incapable of being emotional, since I've been only showing my emotionless and guileful side to him.

A sense of unease creeps through me. I gue

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HELLOOOO!!! NEW CHAP IS UP!!! Sorry for making everyone wait so long and I just realised it's been almost A YEAR? 😭 I'm extremely sorry -- hope this new chap will make up for it and I promise I won't make you guys wait too long next time!!!


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changjo95 0 points #1
Chapter 25: This is so good please update soon ( don’t keep us waiting for so long ) thank you for your hard work 😊
6v6_francella #2
Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Oh, and god, did this Taemin make me blush and giggle! <3
6v6_francella #3
Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Wah...Chapter 25 on May 25th! Lol, jokes aside, I LOVE how this chapter ties so many loose ends and creates such a strong foundation for the . I have fallen in love with both your writing and how Naeun seems so oblivious to how much she adores him. You've written the female protagonist so well tho - she's so strong and smart, and uh! perfect....💖
Chapter 25: Thank you author nim, love your update <3 hope taemin and naeun can make up soon :"(
samz02 #5
Chapter 25: authornim welcome baaaaack 😭🥹 planning to re-read the story because I have a goldfish memory and forget easily lol, thank you for updating and looking forward to what’s to come!
Chapter 25: FINNALLY 😭😭😭😭
Chapter 25: OMG FINALLY AN UPDATE😭😭😭😭😭
Thankyou so much authornim, anyway Happy SHINee Day✨💎
Pingkans15 #8
Chapter 25: Thank you for updating🥰
Happy SHINee Day
changjo95 #9
Chapter 24: This story is so good please update it soon
Pingkans15 #10
Chapter 7: love the story, hope for the new chapter.