Chapter Five

The Walk Back Home


Author’s Note: This story is set in an alternate universe, in an imaginary town and country, and during an ambiguous time period.


Yunho knew he already held a bias against Jaejoong’s friends. 


This dislike, which verged on contempt, had nothing to do with them as individuals, but because of their association with Jaejoong. 


Realizing that Jaejoong had kept on living his very best life after doing what he did to him, basically annihilating his own social life, made him dislike all of his friends. And the fact that he felt like he was constantly surrounded by them — and he knew he was being petulant, because they were not in the same grade and in the same high school — did not help him with controlling his emotions. Still, he tried to keep an open mind, and well, just ignore them. 


Yunho was trying to be mature. 


He had been doing a great job staying away from Jaejoong and his friends until Wednesday afternoon, during his last period of the day, gym class, when he decided he truly did not like Jaejoong’s friends, and not because they were friends with Jaejoong, but because they were sort of ty people.


Kimberli had not been wrong in her assessment of Jaehyun and the rest of Jaejoong’s friends.


Yunho was routinely changing out of his sweaty gym clothes, mind far away from Green Meadow, when this kid, a Junsu, slid up next to him and said in a totally inappropriate jovial, clipped tone, “You’re not hard.”


“What?” He looked up at him with a frown, startled by both him talking to him and what he had said. He was filled with disgust at his inappropriate remark.


He flashed him a pleasant smile, and gave him a haughty look of inspection. “Well, you’re gay and is in a boy’s locker room.”


“What?” Yunho pushed his body up from his position on the bench and towered over the vermin, forgetting about taking his left shoe off. He gave him a cold glare from slitted eyes. He felt his temple beginning to pound. He felt his body heating up, blood rushing to his ear. Yunho wondered if this would end up being his first fight. But, he couldn’t. He could not do this to his grandparents. He fell back a little and felt his heart race slowing.


Just as carelessly as he had been, Junsu said, “Maybe the rumors are wrong?”


“What rumors?” Yunho asked, alarmed. He realized how his tone sounded and tried to relax his body and appear unfazed. He knew he couldn’t lose control.


“What rumors?” Junsu said and gave him a hard look. That’s when the clueless teen noticed the tension, Yunho’s barely restrained anger, and took a slight step back, smiled still on his lips and busied his hands with his shirt. He shrugged impetuously.


Yunho wondered if he still did not understand the gravity of what could happen to him if he said the wrong thing. He loved his grandparents, but he was still new at this maturity thing.


“Yes; what rumors?” Yunho was proud of himself for sounding so clear and innocuous.


Junsu gave him a curious look and said in a blase tone, “You’ve really contracted dementia.”


“That’s not something you contract.”


“Then how did you forget everything?” He stopped moving and openly stared at Yunho. He returned his stare.


Yunho shrugged. “I didn’t. I just forget unimportant and insignificant things. Green Meadow is one of them.”


“So you’re not gay?” A different voice asked. 


Yunho frowned at the teen. The infamous Jaehyun, which Kimberli had pointed out to him later the day she and Kevin had a meltdown in the cafeteria. “Who are you?”


A half Jaehyun made his way toward them and smiled at Yunho.


“Jaehyun. You’re not gay?” He asked again.




He shook his fingers through his damped hair. “You’re telling me you’ve forgotten about tonging Jaejoong down in his closet back in the sixth grade?”


“If I have managed to forget you, apparently so?” Yunho refused to let his irritation appear on his face. He returned Jaehyun’s languid smile.


“No. You would not have remembered me. I wasn’t in Green Meadow yet. I moved here that summer. But I remembered the rumors about ‘Jaejoong’s best friend’.” He laughed and clapped Junsu on the shoulder. “It’s obvious you two were very, very “special” friends.” He winked at Yunho. Junsu let out a nerve-grating hoot of laughter. 


Before Yunho could say anything, he looked away from him as if he was an insignificant little fly that had just been dismissed and said to Junsu in a mocking voice, “I think Jaejoong is gay, too.”


Junsu just continued on laughing and nodded, welcoming the high five.


Yunho felt his grip on his self control slipping.


These were Jaejoong’s “friends,”huh? Who needs enemies with friends like this. But a dark part of Yunho was happy, because this was clearly karma for what Jaejoong had done.


“Ooh. Are you jealous or something, because…I am sensing, you’re wishing for Jaejoong to be gay or something?” Yujnho asked, smiling.


Jaehyun shrugged. “No.” And then he laughed. “If he were ... .I think he would still want you, his little lover boy.” 


“Good one,” Junsu said, clapping him on the back.


“What the hell?” Yunho snapped, seeing red.


Jaehyun looked at him critically. “If you two were to have dated, who would have been the girl? None of you look girlish.”


Yunho had to laugh. This was ridiculous. These two didn’t even know him and here they were out to ridicule him or something, and they were talking smack about someone they go around touting as their good friend.


This was beneath him and not his battle to fight. Jaejoong.


“What?” Jaehyun gave him an open-eyed look. He was being serious. 


“Are you sure you’re not gay?” Yunho said. “You’re too interested in what gets me hard.” He arched an eyebrow, smirking.


Jaehyun blinked hard, annoyance clouding his previously easy going countenance. “ no! I don’t like holes.”


“Okay, nice to know; to each his own.” He told him with a sweet smile as he shrugged. “Gents, if you do not mind, I would like to change in peace. I have places to be at and you two are feeling very predatory.”


“Eww. Gross.” Junsu said.


“You’re a homo,” Jaehyun said with complete disgust and superiority, as if he had just beaten him into a pulp.


Yunho shrugged, grabbing his stuff and walked away.


Green Meadow.




He heard the light even steps, and felt the table shake a little when the chair opposite from him was pulled and someone sat down. The person had ridiculously large hands and firm forearms. Obviously an athlete. The stranger cleared his throat. 


The overpowering scent of citrus and apple cider was the only clue Yunho needed to know who the person was. In spite of that — no, because of that — Yunho refused to look up. He wanted to enjoy his library time.


Yunho was finally freed of the four minions that had decided he was now their best, best friends of all time. He wanted to enjoy his free, quiet time, and he was annoyed that it had been short lived.


Why couldn’t he get any free, alone time!


Yunho held strong, keeping his head and eyes down. He refused to speak or look up, instead he flipped a page in his textbook and dragged his pencil under the line of words. He was not really reading. He could barely focus on anything other than the person sitting across from him.


The silence was deafening. Yunho heard his labored breathing and felt each beat of his heart. He willed his hands not to quiver.


“Are you going to ignore me?” His voice was throaty and light. It was completely different than what he had imagined he would have sounded like. When they were younger, his voice had been high-pitched. Now, he an adult. No, not quite an adult, just older. Mature. Different.


Yunho had been shocked when he first heard him speak in class. That slight change had been another proof that they were now completely different people. Time changes people. And he was fine with it. He expected it.


He felt an ocean between them now. Yunho felt a pang. They were different now. Strangers now.


“I am trying to.”


He sighed loudly; his breath smelled minty. “Okay, I deserved that.” 


Yunho was hoping his obvious rejection would make him go away, but he didn’t. Instead, he stirred in his seat, got comfortable, linked his fingers, parted them, and then intertwined them again in front of him before he finally said in a meek, quiet voice, “I am sorry.”


Gripping his pencil, Yunho steeled himself and looked up at him. Jaejoong. His heart quivered and his stomach promptly started tying itself up into tight, painful knots. Being this close to Jaejoong was so much different than looking at him from afar or in passing. He was right up in his personal bubble. He could see the boy’s pores.


Taking a deep breath, Yunho stared hard at Jaejoong. “What?” He muttered, his jaw set like steel. 


It was happening, what he knew he deserved. However, he hadn’t really thought it would happen, and suddenly, all of his preparations for this moment were flying out of the window. He knew he needed to add more to his statement, but his word box had dried up.


Jaejoong offered him a soft smile. his bottom lip, he said, “Yunho, I…I am so sorry.”


Yunho was angry, that’s what he did know. He was livid.


Yunho was not necessarily as angry at Jaejoong as he had been yesterday, after his encounter with his so-called friends. Then, he wanted to make Jaejoong. The encounter, the jeers, the snide remarks had all happened because of him. Because he couldn't keep his mouth shut. Because he was a coward. Jaejoong had thrown him under the bus like he had not been his so-called best friend. Yunho had trusted him. He had had his back and would have always had his back, but Jaejoong had repaid him by betraying him right to his face and expected him to just forgive and forget about it all.




But, yesterday’s unfortunate meet-up with his friends made Yunho realize that Jaejoong was getting his karma. It served him right to end up with friends who sounded more like enemies and haters than friends. People that were exactly like him. They were giving him as much as he had given Yunho when he had been his friend. He had been a real, though, a true friend. But Jaejoong had never been a real friend. He probably didn’t and still doesn’t know how to be a friend, Yunho thought, feeling sad for Jaejoong. But not too sad. Jaejong was a blackguard, after all.


Jaejoong’s choices in life and in his friend selections had nothing to do with him. 


Jaejoong's little friends would not disrespect him. That Yunho knew. He would get them back as good as they were clearly trying to get him.


Staring at Jaejoong struggling to hold his gaze, Yunho tried to find within himself a slither of maturity to simply tell him to leave him alone without cussing him out.


Over the years, Yunho had tried his best to not think about how angry he was at Jaejoong. In fact, he had tried his best to not think about Jaejoong at all. That had clearly been a failure. He was the first person he had thought of when his mother told him he was going back to his old hometown. Even after almost half a decade he was still hurt. And that was what made Yunho the most frustrated. Why couldn’t he move on, be indifferent, get over the hurt of the betrayal? That’s what hurts, and Jaejoong could never know he hadn’t moved on. Forgotten him as he had portrayed.


The feeling he got when his mom told him he was going back had filled him with dread and anger. He hated how relieved he felt at the thought that he would be in the same town as him and he could finally get his revenge. That he would get a second chance. A chance to finally set this old ‘best friend’ of his straight.


Jaejoong had run him over, betrayed his trust, and had carried on with his life as if nothing had happened. Yunho never got to tell him how gutted he had been. He wanted to hurt Jaejoong as much as he had hurt him.


But, there he was, popular, well liked by his peers, a jock, and extremely good looking. He was living his best life. He did not deserve to. Not after what he had done to him. Yunho knew he was being petty.


“I am sorry.” Jaejoong repeated again when Yunho still hadn't said anything. He held Yunho’s gaze for a fraction of a second, an anticipatory look taking over his handsome face. Then he dropped his gaze, twisting his fingers around each other again before he released them. He was nervous. Served him right.


Yunho snorted. Finally finding his voice, he said, “So?” 


Jaejoong did this all the time when they were younger and he hadn’t changed. 


He loved to use his ‘I am sorrys’ to get whatever he wanted. He knew Yunho would always forgive him and let him off the hook. Not because he thought the apology was sincere, he could never tell with Jaejoong, but because he felt he had to. Jaejoong was his best friend and at least he had apologized, right? Even if he had been prompted to do so by Yunho and his anger and hurt feelings. That was manipulation, however, and both boys knew that. 


Jaejoong could not manipulate him anymore. They were not best friends anymore, so he had no reason to forgive him after he did what he did. 


Yunho was a different person, too. Jaejoong wasn’t the only one that had changed. Jaejoong had never been a friend. No best friend would put his friend in the position he had put Yunho. He knew that now. It gave him the courage to hold Jaejoong’s gaze.


“No, thank you.”


Jaejoong blinked in surprise. He sighed again and looked down, his sooty, inky curly lashes mangling. “I am sorry. Truly. I know you probably will never forgive me, but… I am sorry. And I am sorry that I never got the chance to properly apologize.”


“I have been here for almost two weeks now?”


“Yes, I know.” He looked up, flinching at his hard tone. “But come on, Bro. I was twelve.”


Yunho leaned back in his chair, the corner of his lip lifting cynically. “So was I, Jaejoong.”


Jaejoong pulled back too, mirroring his position, and slipped his hands off the table. “I know. I know. I do know, Yunho, and I feel like . Does that count for something?” His voice broke, sounding frail, as if he was on the verge of tears.


Yunho didn’t care. He cried enough for both of them at this point.


Inhaling, Yunho felt his ire sparking to life. Exhaling slowly, he ran his fingers through his hair. Biting his bottom lip, he tried his best to glare Jaejoong down. He was being ridiculous. “Listen, you do not have to make nice because you’ll be starting work at the farm today.”

Jaejoong blinked in confusion at his accusation before what he just said dawned in. “What, no? No, Bro. I am sincere.” He pleaded, placing his hands on the table, he sprawled his fingers apart and leaned in. “I will be working there, yes. But this is not why I am doing this. I—” He stopped and started chewing on the inside of his bottom lip, his thick eyebrows drawing near. “It’s kind of been eating me up inside and I just wanted to….” Staring at the back of his hand, counting his long fingers, he said, “I’ve….” He paused, a silent war waging in his head. He sighed, looked up, and made eye contact with Yunho. With a determined tilt of his chin, he said, “I’ve missed you.”


Long, cold fingers shredded through Yunho’s chest and squeezed his heart. 


That, he hadn’t expected. Yunho looked at him, completely mute, frozen like a deer-in-headlights waiting for the car to crash into him.


Jaejoong was not done. He had no shame. “I mean, I know, that what I did was…not cool. It was—”


“Cool. Thanks,” Yunho said sharply, his cheeks heating up. He tried to rein in his emotions. Reminding himself that Jaejoong did not deserve anything from him, not even forgiveness. He would do everything on his own terms.




“No.” He stopped him, rubbing his forehead at the prick of a headache coming. “Stop. Jaejoong, it’s over.”


“No! Bro., listen, I—”


“Call me ‘Bro.’ one more time and I am going to flip.”


Jaejoong looked at him in stone cold silence. He looked bewildered, as if he didn't know if he should laugh or continue on with his vexing apology. He settled on the latter. 


“Okay. Sorry. I won’t. But, listen, Yunho, in my defense — mind you, I know I have none,” he quickly assured. “But, you did not…” He trailed off, momentarily pressed his eyes shut, those ridiculously showy lashes off his fanning his smooth cheek; after, he opened his eyes and took a hard look at Yunho. “You left without even saying goodbye.”




“No. I mean, I meant to find you and apologize, but—”


Yunho interjected. “I left before you could have invented a time machine to take you back in time to undo what you did?”


He sat with his mouth gaping like a dying fish out of water. He looked genuinely hurt. 


“No! That’s not what I am saying. I went over to….You left before I could apologize, okay!”


Yunho snorted. “And you expect me to apologize for that?”


Jaejoong morosely shook his head. “No,” he said, looking contrite. Looking in Yunho’s eyes, he turned back into the Jaejoong Yunho once thought he could trust. The one he had called his friend. “You were my best friend.”


Whatever facade Jaejoonghad been trying to present to Yunho was gone. He was no longer the jock with the easy smile and vebrado. He was a sixteen-year-old boy that was hurt that his best friend in the whole wide world moved and never called and was telling him that he forgot about him and never spent a second missing him. And he was to blame for it all.


“Was I, Jaejoong?” Yunho said, tired.


“I missed you like crazy.”


Yeah, that hurt, Yunho though. Trying his best to inhale delicately, he tried to release the breath the same way before he said, “You told everyone I assaulted you.”


“I was stupid and scared. And very, very stupid.”


“Jaejoong, you told everyone I assaulted you,” he repeated in a rasp.


“I was a stupid twelve-year-old boy!” he hissed, leaning in towards him, dark eyes fiery.


“You’re not anymore.”


They said simultaneously: 


“Yes, and that’s why I am—”


 “Have you told the whole town you’re gay?”


Jaejoong froze. The look of shock and hurt did not deter Yunho.


“Thought so,” he scoffed, giving him a derisive grin.


“I am not!”


“You’re not, huh? Let’s see.” Yunho tapped his chin and took on an inquisitive look and in a mocking tone said, “You kissed me—”


Jaejoong swiftly interrupted. “I did not!”


“I wasn’t done yet. And you told everyone I kissed you. Yes, you did. Now you’re revising history.”


“No.” He lowered his voice to a harsh whisper. 


“Here you are saying you want me to forgive you,” Yunho muttered, making his disgust loud and clear. 


Jaejoong flinched. “I..We kissed. It was a combined effort.” Jaejoong pointed to his chest and then Yunho’s.


“Okay. Now you’re telling the truth. I still do not see how I assaulted you, though.”


Jaejoong’s features clouded again. “You never assaulted me, Yunho. And I did tell everyone that. I ed up, dude.”


Yunho solemnly nodded. “That I agree with you on.”


Yunho and Jaejoong stared at each other in complete silence for a few seconds that felt like hours. They could hear the soft murmur of the librarian with a fellow student in the distance.


“You know what makes no sense?” Yunho said, smoothing his sideburns with his sweaty palms. “You started all of it, and then you went on to say I assaulted you. Hilarious.” His voice lacked humor.


“It’s not like you ever pushed me away or told me to stop!”


“Aah. So you admit you kissed me.”


“I admit nothing!”


“Right! Because you’re a petulant, spoiled brat who always got what you wanted, and this is not about that!”


Jaejoong pressed his lips together and returned his frustrated glare.


Finally, Jaejoong declared, “I am selfish.”


“Yes, you are,” Yunho agreed, as if Jaejoong had asked a question. The jock flinched. 


The bashful look returned to Jaejoong’s face. “Yeah, you’re right. I am sorry. It’s all my fault.”


Yunho nodded. It really was. “Jaejoong, I am not going to…feel bad for you because you’re admitting the truth.” 


He nodded. “You’re right,” he said softly. “But I hope you know, Yunho, I did tell everyone that nothing happened.”


Yunho rubbed his forehead again. “Jaejoong, that means nothing.”


He knew he said he didn’t feel awful for how he was treating Jaejoong,  but the truth was, Yunhio had always carried blame for how everything happened. It was his fault, too — a little bit. He should have never allowed Jaejoong to win him over. He had been too much of a pushover. A follower. That was his penance.


It happened during Jaejoong’s twelve birthday party. They had had a pizza and coke dinner and were playing spin the bottle. It was not a big deal when it spun on Jaejoong and Yunho. Yunho had just grabbed the bottle and made to spin it again. Even if they were best friends, they were both boys, and it just would not work out. But everyone thought it was hilarious. Two boys! What a hoot. 


They grew up together, becoming friends in the third grade. They had so many playdates and were as close as brothers. Spin the bottle was nothing to them.


They were giggling like crazy and found the whole thing humorous, too. They were immature twelve-year-old boys. Of course they were going to go in the closet and they would make a scene of it. They were both boys, no one expected them to kiss. 


However, the fact that they put up no fight and readily went into the closet made all of their friends see them as a good sport and cheered that they had to kiss—they did not mean that, of course. They were acting their ages and being little boys and girls.


In the closet, Jaejoong had done what he had always done. He leaned in and kissed him. Yunho had thought it was a bad idea and told him so. Their friends were right outside that door. They were playing with fire, and even Jaejoong in his infinite lack of wisdom, discernment, and self consciousness knew that. But still, he wanted to do it and he would do it.


Jaejoong sweet talked him into relaxing. It was fine, he said. They were not doing anything they did not do in their bedrooms for three weeks now while their families were out there in the house in different rooms. It would be fine. It was innocent. It was a kiss. It was nothing serious or forbidden.


In Yunho’s infinite wisdom as a twelve-year-old, he listened to him and was about to relax into his kiss. Just then, the door was pulled open and Jaejoong pushed him down and screamed that he had forced a kiss on him. They could have played it off and acted like they were playing, but Jaejoong freaked out and overreacted. 


Yunho, scarred for life, feeling as if his heart was beating outside of his body, as if the world was coming to an end, promptly left the party on his bike, leaving the backpack he had packed for the sleepover at Jaejoong’s house.


The world felt as if it was ending that night.


Jaejoong never mustered up the courage to return his backpack or apologize before he left town. And it went on record that he assaulted his friend at his birthday party and that he was gay. A shocker, because everyone swore he was straight. Especially all the girls that had a major crush on him. What were his parents doing to him to make him gay?


A week later he left Green Meadow.


Yunho was not even sure if people still remembered the event or saw him as being gay. He knew some poeple did recall the story, ala Changmin and his friends, but he was not sure if the whole town thought he was the only child in this small town that unfortunately turned out gay. He knew his mother probably would be blamed for that, too—as if uality was something you were supposed to blame people for. 


Jaejoong seeking him out was not going to help him avoid these rumors coming back or being remembered by the mass. He was just fanning the dying embers at this point.


They were never going to return to what they once were. It was over and dead.


Remembering the past and his mother had a cooling effect on him. He felt his anger cooling down.


“Jaejoong,” he said softly as he closed his textbook and notebook and reached for his backpack, he had dropped it on the chair next to him on his right, “I do not care about what happened years ago.”


“Okay. I understand but, wait, listen—”


Yunho flashed him a smile, freezing him in his spot. “I’m gay.” He shoved his textbook with the notebook on top of it in his backpack.




“It’s fine, you do not have to apologize anymore. Can you leave me alone?” He zipped his backpack and threw it on his back, slipping his arms through the straps.


“No. Stop.” Jaejoong stood up and reached for his arm. They both looked at where he was holding Yunho’s arm. Jaejoong pulled his hand back, squeezed his fingers with his other hand, and quickly issued an apology. “I don’t care if you’re gay or not.”


Yunho arched a quizzical eyebrow. “Then why are you whispering?”


Jaejoong blinked, embarrassed. “We’re in the library, I am trying to be—”


Yunho cut him off. “ I am gay; that’s an undisputed fact.”


“Yes. Sorry. What I meant is, I'm sorry for all that I did, and that I...I still want to be friends — regardless of your uality.”


Yunho gave him a pitying smile. “Aah. Thanks. No.”


“Yunho, I am sorry. So, so sorry. I...Please?”


Yunho exhaled. Jaejoong was making him feel bad and embarrassed. “Jaejoong, dude, we’re chill.”


“No, we’re not!” He briefly closed his eyes and grabbed his bearings and lowered his voice to say in a near-whisper, “You’re not. Say you forgive me.”


No. Not yet.


Yunho rolled his eyes and exhaled. “Jaejoong, we’re good.”


Jaejoong reached out and grabbed Yunho’s elbow, this time he tightened his grip and did not pull back.


Yunho frowned at him. “What are you doing?”


“Say we’re friends and you forgive me.”


“I can’t. We’re not and I haven’t. I just...don’t care.”


“Then we’re not chill.”


“Yes, we are.” And he pulled his arm free of his grip and stepped back to avoid his searching hand. Just then, there was a hushed laugh, a soft whisper, and four teens walked around a bookshelf and they stopped when they saw Yunho and Jaejoong.


Yunho recognized three of the quartet: Junsu, Jaehyun, and Jaejoong’s pretty girlfriend, Aki. 


Junsu and Jaehyun shared a knowing smile. Jaehyun directed at Yunho a sneaky, sneering grin.


Yunho hated him.


He felt gross. His anger doubled. He could not bear to be there anymore.


When Jaejoong had done what he had, he had written into history that Yunho was nothing but a living stereotype of a scary, predatory gay man that felt the need to attack fellow males because he had no self control. That had not been true. That was not true and would never be true. Though innocent and thoughtless on Jaejoong’s part, bigots did not care.


Jaejoong did not even look like he understood the gravity of what he had done.


Yunho was tired of his .


 “Jaejoong, what’s up?” The tall kid with the smooth bald head said, his smile stretching from one corner of his face to the other. Yunho could not place him and his name, but he knew they shared a class. Composition, he believed. 


He probably was part of the group of annoying kids that sat at the back of the class and never shut up. The teacher was beside himself and had stopped telling them to keep it down. Why bother? They did not listen and didn’t care. It was clear. He has just been teaching over the needless, incessant chatter.


Those were the kind of friends Jaejoong made. What a guy.


Jaejoong dropped his hand, gave Yunho a pleading look, and nodded at his group of friends.


Yunho gave him a look that said it all. He thought so. Jaejoong was still a coward. Turning around, gaze focused, he started walking away.


“Guys, you remember Yunho, right?” He heard Jaejoong saying to his friends. He refused to stop walking. Instead, he added speed to his gait.


“Yeah, wasn’t he…”


“Hey, he’s walking away,” Aki said.


“What a ,” he heard the voice of the baldheaded guy saying. 


“More like he likes ,” he heard Jaehyun say in a way too loud voice and laughed. He wanted Yunho to hear him say that.


The boys laughed.


“Not funny,” he heard Aki reprimanded in a haughty voice.


Yunho wanted to turn around and hurl cuss words at them, but he controlled himself.


He missed what Jaejoong said to them, but he heard Jaehyun telling Jaejoong he was ‘just joking.’

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Thank you!
The story is almost over! I’m so sad bc this was my slice of leave and now I’m going back into hiding bc I’m going through a two years long writer’s block🥹🥹🥹


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Reader00071 #1
Chapter 27: I loved the story, it was interesting.
Reader00071 #2
Chapter 22: It must be so difficult to have feelings for a friend, the friendship can never go back to it’s initial state if both friends don’t have the same feelings.
Reader00071 #3
Chapter 15: Your story is so good, i cant put it down. I love how the injured friendship is slowly healing, I love how YH stands his ground sand doesn’t let JJ totally manipulate him. Thumbs up to you, very good story.
Reader00071 #4
Chapter 9: YH is too easy, I would have never trusted a traitor friend. JJ could have just manipulated you right now. I hope JJ has really changed.
Reader00071 #5
Chapter 8: This is getting more and more interesting as the story evolves. Great writing dear author.
Reader00071 #6
Chapter 3: Wow, love this high school drama, poor YH he hates everything yet I think deep down he likes everything.
Reader00071 #7
Chapter 1: Poor teenager YH, growing pains. The story is quite interesting so far.
leanonme #8
Chapter 27: This is super cute, their dynamic is to die for! Thank you for sharing this story ❤️ truly warms my heart !
Brownsugar40 #9
Chapter 27: I loved this story
NinePlusOne #10
Chapter 27: Thanks for returning to Yunjae even for a bit! It was a fun read!