what is a tease?

Behind the Façade
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“Are you sure we can just leave like this?” Taemin said as they were taking the elevator downstairs to the parking lot.

“My company.” Minho replied dryly with a smirk and the opening door granted them a way out.

Taemin followed, despite not being entirely sure if this was fair to his hardworking co-workers.

The car ride was quiet at first but at some point, Minho started asking the most random questions, hoping to get to know the other better. It resulted in conversations about elephants falling form the sky and what their reaction would be if it happened right this instant.

What seemed like a fun topic mostly served as a substitute to more serious topics such as their families or past relationships. It didn’t change the fact that both were enjoying themselves though, arriving at their destination a lot sooner than either of them had expected.

Minho had taken him to a large body of water near Ucheon-Ri where Han-Gang met with Bukhan-Gang. It was a place Taemin had never been to and never had the plan on going. In fact, he wasn’t aware that such a place even existed.

“Strange to think that Bukhan-Gang has its source in North-Korea.””

“It really is.” Taemin answered, looking at the stream deep in thoughts.

“Did you do your military service already?” Minho asked, facing the younger man while the latter kept staring into the distance.

Taemin shook his head. “Who would have taken care of Chanho? My family never wanted anything to do him. And honestly, I wouldn’t let them near my son anyways.”

“Is there an exception for single fathers?”

“There isn’t. I have tried.” The younger answered with a heavy heart before facing Minho. “Let’s walk to the park over there, I suppose we can leave the car here?”

“hmm.” The older hummed, still deep in thought.

“So, what are your plans?”

“Wait until the very last moment. He’ll be 10… If I can become a social worker, it’s only the three months of basic training that I am away. I’ll have to have something arranged for those – also something I should be saving up for.”

Minho didn’t reply, feeling deeply conflicted about the situation Taemin was in. From the moment the other had first opened-up about his hardships he had known that there was a lot on the young father’s mind but only after spending time with him, he actually started to grasp the number of sacrifices Taemin had to make. The number of things that were on his mind each day, worrying about their existence, worrying about money and their future.

“Can we talk about something else? We were supposed to go on a date right?” Taemin said, scratching the back of his head and Minho nodded.

“Can I hold your hand?”

Instead of answering, the younger held out his arm and Minho didn’t waste a second, his fingers intertwining with Taemin’s as he held onto the other’s hand tightly.

It felt foreign. Foreign, but not bad Taemin decided, squeezing Minho’s big hands just a little to reassure the taller that he liked it.

Hand in hand, they took a walk, stopped for coffee in a small coffeeshop near the water and talked about their interests and thoughts about work or public issues such as the recent demonstrations regarding gender equality.

It was going well and Taemin could feel the tension of today’s date slowly diminishing until it was replaced by a feeling, he couldn’t quite name. One thing was sure, he was sad to see that feeling disappear when they were in the car, on their way back to Seoul where reality awaited him. Reality…. and Chanho he realised, a smile forming on his lips at the thought of his kid.

“To the day-care?” Minho asked and Taemin nodded. He already recognised the area, knowing it wouldn’t be much longer until they arrived

“Was today alright?” Minho asked after a few minutes of complete silence.

“I think it was, yes. But next time let’s not do it during work hours.”

“Sure. Instead, will you introduce me to Chanho?” Minho smirked and looked at Taemin as they were waiting at a red light.

“You already know him – why would I-“

“I mean properly, introduce me as your boyfriend.” Minho interrupted and the younger swallowed hard.


“I thought we established that we both wanted to be in each other’s lives in a way that is more than just friends, haven’t we?” Minho said, stepping onto the gas as the light had turned to green.

“I guess we did.” Taemin answered, not quite knowing where this conversation was going.

“Is there something wrong?”

“It’s just that I have never really done this before. I might be further than people my age in regard to raising a child but when it comes to relationships, I am pretty much a teenager.” Taemin admitted, unsure if a car ride was the appropriate moment for such an important conversation.

“If you are worrying about that: I gotta tell you I am just as clueless when it comes to proper romantic relationships as you are. My experience when it comes to being with another man is exclusively ual.”

Minho kept speaking, talking about how he worried he wouldn’t give Taemin enough attention while the latter’s mind could barely register anything after the revelation that Minho had apparently been sleeping with several men throughout his life. He didn’t know why it surprised him or why he was suddenly feeling so insecure about his own lack of experience, but Taemin didn’t like it.

was foreign to him – the one time he had had , back when Chanho was conceived, wasn’t something he looked back to with pride. More so an experience he would rather forget. It had been awkward, sloppy, barely pleasurable, and definitely nothing he had ever felt the desire to do again – not that he had gotten the chance ever since his son had been born.

ion has become more of a chore than a pleasure, usually done in the bathroom because jerking himself of in bed next to his sleeping son was definitely nothing he even wanted to think about. Touching himself felt good but the lack of time and comfort usually ruined the fun.

Choi Minho was way out of his league in more ways than not, his ual experience only one point on a long list. Nevertheless, it seemed like one of the heaviest.


“Yes?” said male replied immediately, realizing he had spaced out.

“We are almost there.”


Minho turned right into the street of Chanho’s day-care, parking the car by the side of the road.

“Thank you for driving me here Minho-ssi.”

“It’s the least I could do.” Minho was looking right into Taemin’s eyes, making the younger’s heartbeat faster.


“Soo…” Minho repeated with a soft smile on his lips in a teasing tone as if he was waiting for Taemin to say or do something.


“You are pretty clueless, aren’t you?” the older teased and Taemin shrugged his shoulders.

“More like pretending to be clueless to avoid certain things.”

“And by certain things you mean kissing me goodbye?”

“Yeah, kinda…” Taemin admitted and was about to elaborate with an explanation when Minho suddenly leaned towards him, one hand on the glove compartment while he reached for Taemin’s head, placing his big hand gently on its side.

The air around them stood still and Minho was silently asking for Taemins permission by slowly blinking his eyes, waiting.

It didn’t last for more than a second, Minho’s soft, round lips pressing gently on Taemin’s full ones after the younger nodded gently. It left the young father with his lips slightly open, chasing the feeling of the fleeting kiss even when Minho already pulled away again. Slowly he opened his eyes, regaining his senses.

The actual kiss wasn’t what left him breathless, it was the sudden release of the built-up anticipation that made him exhale loudly.

“Say hi to Chanho for me. And don’t forget what we talked about.” Minho said, his eyes sparkling as if he were a teenager.

“Hmm. See you tomorrow.” Taemin uttered under a breath before taking off his seatbelt and getting out of the car.  He would have to get used to it too – but that was probably very obvious.

While he was entering Chanho’s day-care, Taemin was feeli

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I'll be updating this semi-regularly.
looking forward where this goes ><


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Chapter 11: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1513090/11'>“Ever heard of a DILF?”</a></span>
I thought it's his fault to keep the baby but it's relieve to know that it's the girl's decision in the end. And everything's worth it 💕

I love how Minho help him realise that he should think about himself first as much as I love his way protecting what his. And ofcourse, I love how Minho being so small in the I.didn't.know.that! It's hilarious 😂

Thank you for writing this beautiful and heartwarming story. Looking forward for your update 💕
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 11: You need to update this ! I missed this story too! :)
nekochii00 #3
Chapter 11: You're bacccck
Chapter 11: I am looking forward to the next chapter. Thank you for writing
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 11: Minho is now his favorite person. I got a hard time believing that Taemin will let Chanho go on that boat with Minho alone. Looking forward to next chapter. :)
Beau1996 1381 streak #6
Chapter 11: Damn - Taemin has will power not to jump Minho every chance he gets!!
Chapter 11: Because you whipped out that beautiful story... you are forgiven XD Soooo glad you can't see how many times I've read it * sweats *
970 streak #8
Chapter 11: Why is Taemin afraid of the boat ride? Or is it the open sea?
I love whale watching. In Bohol, we had to wake up early to see them. In another place in the south, I forgot where, we saw them despite the later time.
Thank you so much for the update. I am running out of things to read.
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 10: I'm so happy Minho came out to his parents... I still don't think that will stop them from setting him up with girls, but that shows his commitment to Taemin and that will finally free his mind from something he had wanted to do for a long time. I like how progressively Minho is becoming part of the family. So funny that Chanho is spilling all of Taemin's secrets to Minho! lol ;)
nekochii00 #10
Chapter 10: So nice