
Behind the Façade
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Chanho was especially hard to handle that morning. Taemin was supposed to have him ready for school 10 minutes ago but the 7-year-old was pretending to feel sick so he could stay home. Lately, it happened a lot and it pained the young father to send his son to school where he would once again be the target of all the teasing he had endured ever since he started elementary school. Taemin had thought of transferring schools many times. But he just couldn't handle moving at the moment when his work was expecting the most from him and he really couldn't lose that job.

Even now, they were anything but financially secure, the little money he made used up for only the most basic necessities. The thought of having to pay for a moving truck, possibly new furniture and the bureaucracy fees for a school transfer were just not something he could afford at this point in time.

It pained the young father to see his son struggle though school because of the mistakes he had made. They called him unwanted. They told him he was so worthless, that his mother didn't even want him. And the worst part about it all was, that Taemin couldn't even deny it.

He couldn't tell his son that his mother loved him because that would be a lie. The day she had told him about the pregnancy was still vivid in his mind - he thought about it almost every single week. She wanted to abort "it" instantly. Her family urging her to go through with it too as they were disapproving of the early, premarital pregnancy.

Even back then, he had felt a connection to the unborn child, so he made a deal. She carried out the pregnancy and in return he will take care of the baby, not contacting her ever again. He never regretted having Chanho. But he did regret never finding a woman to be a mother to his son.

He had tried, but what girl in her early twenties would want to be with a single father? Additionally, Taemin hadn't been able to muster up feelings for women ever since he could remember.

The girl who gave birth to his son hadn't been more than a girl he met up with because of the pressure in their friend group. Him being interested in men was one of the most protected secrets of his life.

He would rather stay a single forever than having his son go through even more bullying because his father was a homoual.

His family didn’t know either. They weren’t on best terms anyway. They did support him financially the first two years after he moved out with his son and could only take up so many part-time jobs. Most of them had been online jobs he could do from home, proofreading documents, entering numbers into spread sheets.  Nevertheless, they had pretty much refused any contact, not interested in getting to meet him or the baby who had by now up into a smart young boy.

Life hasn't always done him good, but Chanho made it all worth it.

Even now as he looked at his crying son who was refusing to go to school, terrified of the other children and their

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I'll be updating this semi-regularly.
looking forward where this goes ><


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Chapter 11: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1513090/11'>“Ever heard of a DILF?”</a></span>
I thought it's his fault to keep the baby but it's relieve to know that it's the girl's decision in the end. And everything's worth it 💕

I love how Minho help him realise that he should think about himself first as much as I love his way protecting what his. And ofcourse, I love how Minho being so small in the I.didn't.know.that! It's hilarious 😂

Thank you for writing this beautiful and heartwarming story. Looking forward for your update 💕
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 11: You need to update this ! I missed this story too! :)
nekochii00 #3
Chapter 11: You're bacccck
Chapter 11: I am looking forward to the next chapter. Thank you for writing
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 11: Minho is now his favorite person. I got a hard time believing that Taemin will let Chanho go on that boat with Minho alone. Looking forward to next chapter. :)
Beau1996 1381 streak #6
Chapter 11: Damn - Taemin has will power not to jump Minho every chance he gets!!
Chapter 11: Because you whipped out that beautiful story... you are forgiven XD Soooo glad you can't see how many times I've read it * sweats *
970 streak #8
Chapter 11: Why is Taemin afraid of the boat ride? Or is it the open sea?
I love whale watching. In Bohol, we had to wake up early to see them. In another place in the south, I forgot where, we saw them despite the later time.
Thank you so much for the update. I am running out of things to read.
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 10: I'm so happy Minho came out to his parents... I still don't think that will stop them from setting him up with girls, but that shows his commitment to Taemin and that will finally free his mind from something he had wanted to do for a long time. I like how progressively Minho is becoming part of the family. So funny that Chanho is spilling all of Taemin's secrets to Minho! lol ;)
nekochii00 #10
Chapter 10: So nice