Kim Minju.

Soulmate Rings [a jinjoo special oneshot]

(A/n: Some of y'all weren't quite satisfied with the ending in the first part. Apologies for that~ Well since I love you all very much, why not make a sequel?)

Kim Minju. She was known to be very gorgeous and beautiful. Her beauty was pure.. and innocent. The said woman also has a lovable, clever, and humble personality. That makes a lot of people adore her.

She came from a middle-class family with one eldest sister and two older brothers. She also dreamt of becoming an writer someday

She's a magnificent woman.. really..

But something was definitely happening behind closed doors.

"Hey.. don't think much of it, okay? I'm here, just talk to me if you need any reassurance." Minju snapped out of her thoughts as soon as she heard the comforting voice of her bestfriend.

Minju smiled sincerely, "Thanks, Wonyoung-ah."

The girls were found inside the aspiring writer's room, having their casual hangouts every Thursday. This time though, they plan on spending time inside Minju's room since the latter isn't in the right mood to go out, thankfully, Wonyoung agreed on staying indoors.

Right now, Minju was seeking out to Wonyoung because of this.. little conflict going on in the Kim's household. It's the very first time she opens up to her best friend, but it's been happening for quite some time already.

It was silent. Minju was gazing around her room, feeling a bit bored

Not until she unintentionally glanced at her right hand, showing her ring. It flashed a very pearly White color. She smiled and started turning her hand around so she can see the full circumference of the ring.

She hummed, absentmindedly grabbing the attention of Wonyoung who was looking at their backyard pool from the window.

Wonyoung saw her best friend who has this genuine smile on her face, she can't help but smile also as well.

Minju also has this attachment to the ring. Not like others, she was intrigued by it, still mind-blown on how the way it works.

"You seem pretty delighted" Wonyoung suddenly spoke.

Minju broke her trance as she shook her head lightly, "Duh, it's very rare for this color to flash. My soulmate is always angry like- I don't know what the hell's their problem"

Wonyoung snorted, "Sheesh, your soulmate probably has some grumpy issues" she teased, earning a glare from Minju "Hey-"


The both of them froze as Minju pursed her lips in embarrassment,

Wonyoung widened her eyes, clearly stunned because of the noise "My, my—seems like someone skipped their meal~" she expressed

"Oh shut up, c'mon, let's eat outside" Minju stood up, ignoring the comment from Wonyoung earlier, as she grabbed her from the arm before dragging her outside of the room.


"Bye, Wonyoung-ah! See you next week!" Minju bid her goodbyes cheerfully to the said girl, casually standing between the door frame of their front door.

After eating outside, they went back to Minju's house immediately. They just basically went outside just to eat.

Wonyoung smiled then waved, walking towards her car. She opened the door and nodded slightly. She mouthed a soft 'Next Week' before entering the car.

Minju heard the engine start as Wonyoung started to drive away.

And that's where her smile faded.

She waited for a while before sighing, returning inside the house as she closed the front door gently.

Her hand remained on the door for a while, trying to process her thoughts.

Not until she felt a heavy impact, causing her to forcibly fall down to the ground, hitting the dining table nearby with her lower back. But she refused to let out a pained grunt.

"Freaking .." She muttered to herself as she looked at the culprit,

It was her first older brother, Joohwan.

"Aish.. give me a break" Minjoo was about to stand up but she suddenly felt this pressure on her scalp, making her hiss in pain.

"You sure do get lucky on Thursdays.. your 'best friend' is always here" He growled on her face.

"Yah, Joohwan, go back to your room. You also, Minju" The Kim's firstborn daughter, Eunjoo was seen going down the stairs, visibly not surprised with the situation she saw.

Joohwan scoffed before aggressively letting go of Minju's hair, stomping away.

Minju immediately stood up, checking her limbs if there were any minor injuries

Not until she stretched her back

"Ow- okay, not doing that anymore" She gritted her teeth

She was about to go back also, but her sister's voice stopped her from doing so

"No thank yous?" She asked sassily, placing some apples in before chewing on it

"Thank you" Minju said sincerely, running off to her room

"Yeah, whatever"


Minju wanted to be a writer.

If you think about it, there's not much of a problem—I mean, it's the girl's dream anyway.

But the problem was her siblings.

You see—Minju had this close relationship with her brothers and sisters before. Not until they parted away from each other after learning that Minju wanted to be a writer on her 20th birthday.

The said woman was 24 years old now, and still living with her parents, among with her siblings since they don't have their own families yet. Plus, they'd rather stay close to their parents for the meantime.

Minju didn't exactly know what's their problem and why are they behaving like this, but she shrugged it off for a few weeks since it happened.

But suddenly, it started to get physical. Her siblings—most likely, her brothers Joohwan and Juwon started to 'unintentionally' harm her. Only minor things though, pushing her around the house this and that.

Her parents didn't know about her siblings technically 'bullying' her, yet she didn't speak to them about it. She believes that some misunderstanding happened that's why they acted like that.

But Minju was confused.

However, once she tries to confront her siblings about their behavior, they always say; "It was an accident" or something like "I didn't mean it"

But Joohwan's actions today made Minjoo believe that her siblings hate her. She didn't know the reason why though.


Minjoo was found chopping fresh Limes in the kitchen for her refreshing Lime juice. 

It was about 3pm in the afternoon, and she suddenly craved for Lime juice. Luckily, there are freshly new Limes in the fridge so she won't go outside anymore to buy some.

Ignoring those abnormal footsteps behind her, she continued to chop the Lime.

She surged the knife with pressure, but at the same time, she felt herself being pushed. Resulting her to slice some of her skin off, wincing in pain quietly.

This time she felt herself snapping off "Hey, didn't you see that I was!—"

"Pfft- sorry bout that" Minju's second older brother, Juwon entered the kitchen, swiftly grabbing himself a can of soda after 'accidentally' bumping into Minju on the hip while she was holding a knife.

Which was very dangerous.

He took a sip before slightly chuckling "Oops~ sorry lil' sis, you got yourself a little bleeding session there" He commented sarcastically.

She aggressively let go of the knife and the Lime before scoffing, not saying a word and went upstairs after hearing her brother snorting.

She shut the door very loudly, locking the door before grabbing herself a band-aid. Of course— she sanitized her cut first before putting on the band-aid.

The whole time she was assisting herself, she was resisting her tears from falling

She just felt so.. betrayed?

It felt like she wasn't part of the family anymore.

After dealing with it for many years already, this is the first time she got angry. She has been confused all the time that she only felt sad whenever those 'bullyings' coming from her siblings happen.

Now it's the first time she felt this emotion.

Kim Minju's definitely angry.


The twenty-four year old woman was found again inside her room, writing something on her notebook.

Her parents knew her interests of course. They didn't fully support her dreams of becoming a writer, but they're trying.

Speaking of her parents, they were out of town. That explains why her brothers kept on bothering her out in the open.

Minju suddenly stopped writing at the thought of her parents.

Are they disappointed in her?

No, no. That's the very least thing she wants to do. Even her parents giving her minimal support for her dream, she doesn't want to disappoint them.

That's when she felt this tinge of fear triggering her emotions.

She doesn't want to be a disappointment.

Minju gulped, flinging her hand to as she started biting her nails. A habit she can't quite get rid of while overthinking negative things.

The woman was frozen on her seat, trying to think. But her quiet time was disturbed by an aggressive knocking on the door.

She sighed frustratingly, "What?" She asked, trying to hide the fact that she was annoyed.

"Dinner's ready," Minju heard her sister's voice through the door

"I'll skip." She replied shortly. She didn't hear any response anymore so she shrugged it off.

'A good sleep is what I need' The woman thought to herself.

Before standing up from her chair, she glanced at the well-known jewelry wrapped around her finger.

It was showing this shining, bright, and happy Yellow color which made the writer grin.

"Pretty happy today, huh?.. Lucky you.." Minju muttered to herself, slowly losing her smile.

She didn't notice that she has been staring at the ring for 5 minutes already. The ornament didn't change color though, making Minju smile in relief.

She hummed lowly,

"When will I meet you?.."


The next day—or night, Minju decided to come down for dinner. She was actually pretty afraid since her siblings might do something again.

But she's trying to look for answers.

Right now, the young woman was seen going down the stairs very slowly and quietly.

She's hearing her sister and her first older brother talking in the kitchen while preparing for food.

"We should stop this treatment towards her, Joohwan" She heard her sister start.

There was a moment of silence before her brother replied, "Why is that? You were the one who started all of this and now you just want to stop?"

She heard a sigh coming from her sister "We can't continue this anymore. Mother and Father might find out and they would hate us more than now."

"Now you're scared of Mom and Dad knowing? Then you shouldn't have started any of this." Minju sensed this sarcasm on her brother's tone.

"Nothing changed, okay? Minju's still Mother and Father's favorite. Even if we continue doing this, it wouldn't change a thing."

Minju gulped at the sudden mention of her parents.

She was slowly backing away and was deciding that she would just eat tomorrow. She just lost her appetite after what she heard in the kitchen.

She has never felt so betrayed by her siblings.

She sighed in relief once she arrived at the 2nd floor. She was still moving backwards though, so she can't quite see what's behind her.

Until she bumped onto something,

She froze, slowly turning around.

As soon as she saw what she bumped onto, she felt her heart beat increasing.

It was her second brother, Juwon.

"Hmm.. eavesdropping aren't we?" He grinned mischievously.

Minju shook her head lightly, "D-don't tell them please. I'll stay in my room, I promise" She was about to walk away, but Juwon grabbed her arm.

"I'm sorry but I can't do that"


"Found her upstairs eavesdropping on you both" Eunjoo and Joohwan turned around, revealing Minju who was help up by the arms by Juwon.

Joohwan looked at his sister who was frozen in place. He snorted since Eunjoo wasn't responding.

So he decided to be the one talking

"Let go of me—"

"Let her take a dip in the pool."

Minju froze, "Y-You know I can't swim"

"Stop it, Joohwan."

Joohwan shrugged at his sister, "A call's a call"


"Please, Juwon. I can't swim.." Minju pleaded, resisting her brother's grip.

"I accept the punishment.. please just don't push me off at the deeper part" She asked, her voice breaking at the end.

"Welp, take a deep breath then" Minju didn't have the time to process what her brother said and felt herself going forward and eventually sinking.

She felt herself panicking, using all of her limbs and strength just so she can get herself up top

Fortunately, she succeeded.

She was about to grab onto the edge but Juwon decided to push her in the center.

Once she got a steady position, she noticed that no one was there.

Minju panicked, feeling her arms and legs getting sore.

"Eunjoo unnie!"

"Help! Please!"

She took a deep breath and let herself sink so she can give her arms and legs a break.

She went back on top again, resisting the urge to cry

"Please.. I'll drown!.."

"Somebody, please.."

Minju whimpered, feeling herself sink even more

2 days later

A young photographer was seen in her room, using her computer to entertain herself.

She was bored

Like— bored, bored

Not until something caught her attention.

'A twenty-four year old young woman was found dead not more than after 13 hours, after drowning in their backyard pool'

She squinted her eyes a bit, reading the headline

But her phone suddenly rang,


"Jesus Christ!—" She jolted as she anxiously felt the table, looking for her phone.

Eventually, she found it, looking at the ID

Kang Hyewon (daepyonim)
is calling you..

She fixed herself for a moment before answering,

"Yujin speaking,"

That's when Yujin found herself being lectured by her boss, as she glanced at her ring finger.

But the ring was nowhere to be found.

She then sighed and gazed at her computer monitor, showing the news article that she clicked on just earlier

Yujin wasn't that interested in news or announcements, but she felt like something was different about this one

"Do you even understand what I'm saying, Yujin?" She heard her distressed boss over the phone.

"Yeah, yeah, I hear ya' boss-nim."

"I surely do.." She muttered then studied the news article



A/n: I hope this makes up the cliffhanger from the first part😭😭😭😭😭

OH- and, yes, sorry but no happy ending for this one:<

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1761 streak #1
Chapter 2: what!???!??!?!?!?!??! very disappointed in minjoo's siblings. i hope they feel really guilt and confess or whatever. their conscience( this that even right) eat them up!
1761 streak #2
Chapter 1: dang that hits hard!
yeonniestan94 #3
Chapter 1: What what what???

We have enough of angsty jinjoo...

We need Minju's pov.
What happened to her?
i just read sad on the foreword, i wanna back out... jk.