Chapter [15]

Call My Agent


« Shuhua, what are you doing here? I think I see you more often at the office than some people who actually work here. »


Shuhua shyly tries to laugh off Yuqi’s comment. Her eyes are searching for someone in particular, but it seems as if the person in question isn’t here today. Maybe she should have texted her to tell her she was going to be at NYA today.


« I had a PR meeting with Miyeon. »


« Ah yeah. That’s true. How did it go? »


« Fine. Do you know where Soojin is? »


Yuqi looks longly at her actress. Shuhua continues to look around the floor. The lights in Soojin’s office are still , so the agent shouldn’t be far away.


« Soojin is in Minnie’s office. »


« Oh… Do you think she will be done soon? »


« … Why? »


« I wanted to know if Soojin wants to grab dinner with me. »


Shuhua tries to be relaxed about it, but her heart is beating excitedly. The idea of spending time alone with Soojin always puts her in this state. There is something so pleasant in being in the company of the agent.


« Is there something that I should know about Soojin and you? »


« What? What do you mean? »


Yuqi squints her eyes, clearly suspicious of the two women. Shuhua smiles innocently, hoping to persuade Yuqi that there is indeed nothing else than … friendship? between the two of them.


« I don’t think Soojin and Minnie will be done before a while. The two can talk for hours when it comes to work. »


« Oh… Well, I will be going then. »


Yuqi tells Shuhua to take care before walking back to her office.


Shuhua looks more like a pitiful puppy than a human being, and Yong notices her from her office. The assistant discreetly makes her way to the woman before the elevator doors open.


« I can get Soojin for you if you want. »


« Really? »


Shuhua looks at the woman with expecting eyes. Yong smiles, and nods.


« Consider this as a favor. You will have to give it back in due time. »


« Okay! »


« Wait for her in her office. »


Yong walks to Minnie’s office while Shuhua goes in Soojin’s and sits down on the couch with a happy smile on her face.


It only takes a couple of minutes for Soojin to be on her way to her office. Shuhua happily greets her, walking to the woman and attempting to hug her but Soojin puts the office between them. It doesn’t break any of the energy of the actress who sits in front of Soojin.


« What do you want Shuhua? »


« Hi to you too. I was wondering if you would like to grab dinner with me. »


« Now? »


« Yes. It is already seven, and since I was already here I thought it would be nice to eat with you. »


Shuhua is as ever smiling at the agent. Soojin longly looks at her. From her office chair, standing upright with her suit opened, the agent looks very much imposing. Yet Shuhua only sees how beautiful she is.


« Okay. But I have a few papers to take care of before. Can you wait a few minutes? »


« Yes! »



« This is delicious! »


Soojin watches as a hungry Shuhua eagerly devours her food. The girl’s chopsticks are moving constantly, and the agent is almost scared she will end up choking on her food as she doesn’t seem to be chewing.


Soojin isn’t very hungry, she ate a bit of her food before leaving it on the table and focusing on Shuhua instead. The actress has been very busy this week, meaning she did not have the time to drop by Soojin’s office for a chat like she usually does on her day off. Soojin too has been busy as Minnie has been slowly dropping more responsibilities on her shoulders. It isn’t impossible to juggle being an agent and being a CEO, it just requires more work.


It may explain why Shuhua is so happy to be spending time with her.


« Have you not eaten anything today? »


« I only had breakfast. Didn’t have time for lunch. »


Shuhua puts more rice in and smiles at Soojin. It makes her laugh, Shuhua is just very adorable like this.


« I leave you alone one week and you forget to eat. »


Shuhua mouthes a “sorry” before going back to her food. Soojin’s smile doesn’t leave her lips.


Soojin looks around the living room – it is neater than the last time she came. There are a lot of plants here too like Shuhua is trying to create a jungle in her apartment. There is a lot of green in general in Shuhua’s space. From the couch to the walls, a lot of earthy tones which makes her place look cozy – Soojin likes it a lot.


« I am going to the bathroom. I will be back. Don’t chock on your food while I am away. »


Shuhua shows her tongue to the agent, which makes her laugh.


Soojin doesn’t really need to use the bathroom, she still stops by to clean her hand and arrange her hair before walking out. Shuhua’s room is facing the bathroom and the agent can’t help but walk in. The bed is as always undone, and piles of books decorate the floor. There is a big window and Soojin looks at the horizon; the day hasn’t set yet but the orange light is a clear sign it is soon to be the end.


« What are you doing in my room? »


Soojin turns around and finds the actress looking at her questioningly. She isn’t upset, just curious why Soojin didn’t come back to the living room with her.


« I am just curious. »


« Do you think… You could sleep here tonight? »


Soojin rolls her eyes, she walks out of the room without even answering, with an excited Shuhua on her tail.


« Come on. I would be very happy if you say yes. »


« Will you be unhappy if I say no? »


« Yes! Terribly. »


Soojin sighs at the dramatic ways of the actress.


« I will think about it. Are you done with the food? »


« Yep! It was delicious! »


Soojin starts to gather the trash around and cleans up the living room. Shuhua watches her from the couch. It feels strange to see Soojin cleaning up around her house, the agent seems to know where is everything, like she lives here…


Shuhua’s eyes refuse to leave the woman moving before her. A unique feeling flows through her body, it is nothing like she has experienced before. It is similar to electricity, but it doesn’t hurt, it gives her energy and makes her happy.


« What do you want to do? It is only 9. »


« Maybe we could watch a movie? »


Soojin analyzes the answer for a long moment. Shuhua lets her think; as often she stays quiet when Soojin has her long thinking moments. Eventually, the agent agrees and sits down on the couch next to Shuhua. Finding the distance between them to be too big, Shuhua comes closer.


« Let’s watch Lilo and Stitch. »


Soojin doesn’t oppose any resistance and lets the woman choose whatever pleases her. It starts, Shuhua throws a cover over them and comes even closer to Soojin. It is the end of Spring already, but a movie always calls for a cover.


« Don’t you feel tired? You had a long week. »


« I feel just fine. »


« Is everything going well? »


« You mean since Jules? »


Soojin looks at Shuhua next to her. The woman takes a moment to respond and it worries Soojin so much she decides to take one of Shuhua’s hands in hers. The actress immediately responds by squeezing Soojin’s hand. Her hands are almost the same size as hers, and soft.


« Everything is going fine. The cast has even been quite supportive. »


« But? »


« But… I don’t really like this production. I prefer working on Jiwan’s movie. »


Soojin doesn’t respond, Shuhua thinks the agent is watching the movie but when she turns her head she sees that she is instead looking at her.


« You know, you can tell me if there is anything wrong going on. Yuqi and I are here for that too. »


« Thank you. »


Shuhua adjusts her hold on Soojin’s hand and puts her head on the agent’s shoulder. Soojin doesn’t make any comment about it, Shuhua finds it so interesting how Soojin is always so careful with her. It isn’t recent, it has always been the case, but she has only realized it now.


« Are there often talents who have problems? »


« … NYA does its best to protect all of its artists. That’s all you need to know. »


« Okay… »


Shuhua sees how the question made Soojin uncomfortable. She wonders if it reminded her memories, or if maybe something happened to her too. There is so much she doesn’t know about Soojin, the agent rarely talks about herself, and it isn’t Shuhua who will push for the agent to reveal her past. It would mean sharing her own past in return and she isn’t ready to do so.


« Nani reminds me of you. »


« How so? »


« She does everything for her little sister, and yet people don’t see her efforts or understand her intentions. They think she is reckless and doesn’t take good care of Lilo. »


« And what does that have to do with me? »


« You do everything you can for your actresses, and you have very good intentions. Yet, many people in the industry think you are mean and scary. »


Soojin takes her time to think about Shuhua’s analyze of the movie. Shuhua watches Soojin think. How her cherry lips come together to form a pout, how her eyes look around before finishing their course on her face.


« I think Nani has better intentions than me. You have too much faith in me. »


« I disagree. »


« Well. I am just warning you. You shouldn’t trust me so much. »


« You… Why? »


« I am only doing my job. Nani loves her sister. I am doing this for money, while Nani does it out of love. »


« You don’t love your job? »


« That’s a tough question and it is late. »


Shuhua holds Soojin’s gaze, and it annoys her to not be able to tell what the agent is thinking. There are dozens of arguments on Shuhua’s tongue, but she is scared that if she pushes it too much Soojin will leave. Instead, she focuses back on the TV where the end of the movie is playing.


« I should be going now. »


Soojin makes an effort to rise from the couch but Shuhua puts her body over the woman. She circles Soojin’s waist and makes a grunt when the woman tries to push her away. Soojin tries a few times before sighing loudly.


« Shuhua. Let go of me. »


« Please, sleep here. »


« … »


Shuhua doesn’t let go of Soojin, waiting for a positive answer from the woman to move away. Soojin puts her fingers in Shuhua’s hair, and gently massages her scalp.


« Why do you always want me to sleep here? »


« … I like being with you. »


« Is that the only reason? »


« … I sleep better when you are with me. »


« Let’s go to bed then. »



« Can I come in? »


Shuhua sits up from the couch, before shooting a positive answer to the door of her caravan.


Soyeon, the director of the drama, enters with two bowls of food in her hands and a small smile. Shuhua can’t fight the excitement of seeing food coming her way – it is already way past noon. The director hands the actress one bowl before sitting with her on the couch.


« Thank you for the food. Not that I don’t appreciate it… But why are you here? »


« Well, ever since this morning you have been having a long face. So I thought I could cheer you up. »


« Aren’t you busy with filming? »


« I believe I am allowed to take a break once a day. »


Shuhua nods to herself, she feels a bit stupid – of course the director takes breaks too. Soyeon isn’t really eating her food, she is looking at her actress attentively. Shuhua is like a little a treasure box, she immediately knew there was something with this girl, but she wasn’t really sure what it was. Filming this drama with the actress shown her a lot about herself, and about the world around her.


Soyeon admires the simplicity of Shuhua, in her world everything seems to have a solution. The actress understands and grasps the world so differently from her, and it touches her to her core. This is the word: Shuhua touched her heart.


« Your time on the set with us is almost over. »


« Yes. It is my last week. … I must confess, I feel relieved. »


« You didn’t like working with me? »


Shuhua opens her eyes big and even puts down her bowl of food, completely panicked. Soyeon looks at her with a teasing glimpse in her eyes but the other woman doesn’t notice it.


« No no no! I liked working with you. You are great! »


« Then? »


« … I don’t want to hurt your feelings but it wasn’t the most interesting project. »


« I think… We are both doing this drama for the same reasons. »


Shuhua squints her eyes at the producer. Soyeon puts down her bowl as well and leans on the couch so she can rests her chin in her hand. Shuhua imitates her without realizing.


« You need a little push to your career, something to put you on the map. And so do I. We need our names to be out there so we have more freedom to work on more interesting projects. »


« That’s exactly what Soojin said. »


Soyeon chuckles. Obviously. The agent is good.


« Did Soojin and you used to be close? »


« … I like to believe we were. »


« How close? »


Soyeon lay back on the couch, distancing herself with Shuhua – they have been getting closer to each other without realizing. Shuhua waits for the answer with great interest.


« The closest I have ever been to anyone. »


Shuhua opens , but closes it before saying anything. The actress looks around the room, searching for some clue to Soyeon’s answer. She eventually focuses back on Soyeon.


« … But you aren’t close anymore? »


« I think it is quite obvious. »


« It is obvious how Soojin always avoids you. »


« Ah… You noticed too. »


Shuhua chuckles at Soyeon’s weak answer.


« What happened between you two? »


« Why are you so interested? »


« I just want to know. »


Again, Soyeon notices how Shuhua is only speaking her mind. There is no hidden intention in the pupils of the actress. Maybe this is why she feels like telling her the truth, telling her more than she should. The thing is Soyeon has a weak spot for Shuhua, the actress touched her and she doesn’t know how to put a limit to her adoration for the woman.


« Our relationship ended abruptly. It wasn’t my decision. »


« What did you do when it ended? If it wasn’t your decision did you fight for it then? »


« … I did nothing. I think I cried… Or I was very angry? I don’t remember. »


« You didn’t fight? »


« … I didn’t think of it. »


Shuhua frowns. Soyeon notices, but she doesn’t comment on it, too busy thinking about Shuhua’s words.


« So… Soojin was an important relationship in your life and yet, you didn’t fight for it when it ended? Why? How? »


« I just knew. »


« What did you know? »


« It was over. I think… I know there was no point fighting for. Soojin had made her choice. »


Shuhua looks at Soyeon, as if something will pop out of her head if she keeps staring at the woman. Something that will clarify the whole situation. Something that will make sense.


Shuhua refuses to understand such a silly situation. If you value something, you should pursue it without stopping. You should always pursue what’s your heart is telling you, and Shuhua has always lived by those words. Her hear guides her, and she listens to it. When her heart tells her that this is Soojin she needs, she listens and searches without ever stopping for the woman, even when Yong is telling her Soojin is too busy to see her.


« I don’t get it. If I have someone so important to me, I would have never stopped pursuing them. »


« … You think I was wrong letting her go? »


Shuhua nods, too shy to admit it vocally. Soyeon chuckles, she doesn’t feel insulted by Shuhua in anyway. She likes how the woman think so purely.


« Let’s look at it differently. Do you think Soojin is happy now? »


« … I don’t know. I have never asked her. I should. »


« You can ask her, but I will tell you. Soojin is very much happy. It may not seem like it, but I know her… »


Soyeon loses herself for a second, thinking about Soojin. How much she can tell about the agent with only one glance, how she knows each of her movements, how she can tell the hidden meaning of her words from her tone of voice. There is so much she knows about the woman, and yet, there is also so much she doesn’t know about her anymore.


« … Soojin loves her job. She loves what she does, and she is proud of each of her talents. I feel happy, and … warm to see her blooming. And so, I believe it means she doesn’t have any regret. I was right not fighting for her, because she knew what she wanted. It wasn’t me, and that’s okay. »


Soyeon smiles, but the words hurt . Shuhua looks at her like she is crazy. The actress leans forward, she puts her arms around Soyeon’s neck and brings her close to her. Soyeon lets herself bu hugged by Shuhua, it is just like the actress, pure. There is only compassion for her situation, and no pity like Soyeon would have expected.


Shuhua starts to caresses Soyeon’s hair through the hugs.


« I am okay, Shuhua. »


« I think you need a hug. »


« Fine. »



« I know, you told me already. … I know, I know. … What? Tonight? I have- … Fine, I will tell Yuqi about it. Shouldn’t she be joining us? She is your agent, you know. … Yes. Yuqi and I will come get you. … We have one last meeting and then we will be here. Don’t be dramatic about it. … Yes, Shuhua. … Yes. … Shuhua, I have to go. … Yes. Bye. See you later. »


« Where are you going later? »


Remy’s head pops from the corner of Soojin’s office. The agents rolls her eyes at the tone of her friend. She turns around and reach for a binder on her shelf. Remy walks in, he sits down in front of Soojin, a smirk present on his lips.


« So… »


« So what? What are you trying to make me say? »


« I don’t know Soojin. What is it to say? »


« Stop playing this game. »


Soojin gives him a warming look, before going pack to her work. Remy gets the hint, and changes his approach.


« You… and Shuhua… Maybe we should talk about it? »


« Talk about what? »


« Your relationship. »


« Yes? What about it? »


« Come on, Soojin. Are you blind? »


Soojin drops the pen she has in her hand and looks – annoyed – at Remy. The man isn’t fazed by the glare he is getting.


« Go straight to the point. »


« Shuhua and you have something going on. And! »


He puts his hand up to stop Soojin from interfering before he is finished.


« And. I think it goes beyond you being her agent and her being your talent. I think you two may have a perception of each other that goes beyond work appropriate and even beyond friendship. »


Soojin takes a deep breath, but she doesn’t respond. Remy observes his friend, how she frowns before relaxing her eyebrow, how she looks everywhere but at him, and finally how she turns around, showing her back.


« Soojin… I don’t know how you feel. And I don’t know what you are thinking about right now. Yet, I want you to know, that you will always have my support, and that when you will need to talk, I will be here. »


« I know. »



« Where is Soojin? »


« She wasn’t feeling good, she is really sorry because she knows how much you wanted her here. »


Shuhua’s entire face drops down.


« She said she would come… »


« She… Soojin couldn’t. »


« Why? Is she sick? »


« No. She… Soojin… It just happens sometimes, and she… She… I… I know you are disappointed in her right now. But it isn’t Soojin’s fault, sometimes she has to take care of herself. »


« Fine. Just drop me home, please. »


« Have you said bye to everyone already? »


« Yes. I was only waiting for Soojin and you to come and get me. »


Shuhua follows Yuqi into the car. It is the agent’s own car, which she drives very rarely, but since Shuhua has all her stuff packed with her since she will no longer shoot for the drama, it felt more practical to do it this way.


The whole time they are driving, Shuhua looks at the window, not even saying a word to Yuqi. Yuqi doesn’t try to start a conversation, instead she puts a gentle hand on Shuhua’s leg. Shuhua covers it with her own, grateful to know Yuqi is here.


« This isn’t the way to my apartment. »


« I know. I just need to drop off a package quickly. »


Shuhua nods, her eyes still focused on the outside world to escape her own thoughts. She doesn’t know why it is so important for her that Soojin didn’t come. Why it is making everything around her so gloomy. And why she doesn’t want anything anymore. She just wants to go home, to hide under her covers until she has to go to work.


Shuhua turns her head to look at Yuqi. The woman is focus on driving, her hand still resting on Shuhua’s thigh and gently rubbing it to comfort her. Yuqi has always been the same with her. Not very comfortable with big physical contact, but trying her best since Shuhua likes it so much. She tries to always be here for her, especially in part of Shuhua’s job where the actress doesn’t feel very comfortable doing. Yuqi always listens to her, and she wants the best to Shuhua, even if sometimes the two don’t see alike.


Shuhua considers Yuqi as an older sister, with flaws and qualities. She knows she can tell her everything, and the agent might over react at first, but she will always finds a solution. And she couldn’t wish for a better agent.


« It is here. I don’t have the time to park. Can you go in for me, please? »


« Really? »


« Yeah, come and gives this envelop to the front guy. Please. »


Shuhua doesn’t complain, she takes the envelop and gets out of the car. She enters the building Yuqi indicated and walks to the front desk. She greets the man and hands him the envelop but he shakes his head and tells her the person she is looking for is at the fifth floor.


« Seriously? »


Shuhua walks to the elevator and rides it to the fifth floor, but not without displaying an annoyed pout. Once she gets here, she realizes there is only a coffee shop, which isn’t that unusual in Seoul. She walks in, hoping to find the person fast but the place seems empty.




Shuhua turns on her left and gasps in surprise when she sees Soojin waiting for her to come in her arms while standing under a banner displaying the word “Congratulations”. Shuhua runs to her, and hugs her, dropping the envelop in the process. She sighs happily when she feels Soojin’s arms locking her against the woman. Again, the clean, and flowery perfume of Soojin surrounds her.



« It was your plan all along? »


« It was Yuqi and I’s plan. »


Shuhua looks at Soojin with stars in her eyes, completely smitten with the turn of events.


Yuqi and Soojin, both very aware of how Shuhua didn’t enjoy working on the MBC drama, decided to throw a little party to celebrate the end of it. They wanted, and needed for Shuhua to be in her best mindset for the filming of Park Jiwan’s movie. They invited some of the people they knew Shuhua appreciated, such as Remy, Jung Yiseo – who has been becoming quite close with Shuhua those past weeks after they both went to an event together –, Song Kang and Sangmin – Shuhua’s costars from her past drama –, there are also Shuhua’s future costar from Park Jiwan’s movie and finally Miyeon and Minnie are here too.


Miyeon asked Soojin if she could help. Ever since she had given Shuhua PR basics, she has taken a liking in the actress. Minnie only followed her fiancée.


« Thank you so much. You are… »


Shuhua doesn’t finish her sentence, she doesn’t know herself what she wishes to say, so it is for the best that she wraps her arms around Soojin to give her another hug.


« You should have seen her face when I told her you couldn’t come. »


« Oh? »


« A real dramatic child. »


Soojin chuckles, she tries to check Shuhua’s face to see if Yuqi’s imitation is true, but the actress is hiding against her chest. The agent gently pets her hair and tells Yuqi to get her a drink rather than annoying the actress.


Shuhua stays attached to Soojin. She is happy to see so many people came to congratulates her and to cheer her up. Sangmin takes Shuhua away from Soojin for a moment, and Soojin watches from afar how happy is the woman to see Sangmin and Song Kang. They take pictures together, and spend a good moment chatting among themselves.


« You really like this one. »


Soojin doesn’t have to turn to know it is Jung Yiseo, one of her talents. Surely one of her favorite talents, she often visits her on set, and even went to her place for a meal once. Yiseo always has a birthday gift for her, despite Soojin telling her not to bother with that.


« And she really likes you too. »


« She told you that? »


« I didn’t need her to tell me. But yes, she did. »


Soojin sips on her glass, it is rosé. Not quite Soojin’s type, but there is nothing else.


« At the beginning, it was hard to know that I would have to share you with others. »


« Share me? »


« I understood one day that I wasn’t special. You are like this with all your talents. You care for them, you make them feel special, because it is your job. »


Soojin nods, she couldn’t agree more. Yiseo looks in Shuhua’s direction, the actress is saying goodbye to her past costars as they have to leave. Soojin is busy inspecting her glass but Yiseo just knows she is also watching over Shuhua from the corner of her eyes.


« You didn’t have to do all of that for Shuhua. I thought the reason was to make her feel special. But it isn’t it. She is special to you, already. »


Soojin turns to Yiseo. The actress is looking at her without any lingering feeling. Obviously, she has accepted the truth, and she knows there is nothing she could do. She will always be, just one of Soojin’s talents and nothing more.


« I think you are wrong. You are special to me too, Yiseo. »


« Sure. But you never looked at me like you look at her. »



« What’s going on with you, Jinnie? »


Soojin shrugs. She wishes she could wrap her arms around Miyeon and stay like this for a moment, but they are in public and there is no way in the world she would show anyone this side of her. Instead she takes another glass of rosé.


« Shuhua seems to be loving your little surprise. What is it that bothers you? »


« Do you think I am being unprofessional with Shuhua? »


Miyeon frowns, she looks between Soojin and Shuhua – who is talking animately with Yuqi and her fellow costar from Park Jiwan’s movie. Soojin’s eyes don’t leave Shuhua.


« I think you are doing your job very well. But I also know, this project is important for you. You want it to be executed in the most optimal conditions, and this is why you put extra efforts for it. This project is why you came to Korea, and what drives you every day. Soojin, you are doing more than great. »


Soojin nods. She forgot, but indeed, she is doing all of this for herself. She is giving so much of herself to Shuhua because she needs the actress to do her job perfectly. This is personal gain, and she isn’t being unprofessional, she doesn’t have a sweet spot for Shuhua, she is just doing her job her way.


« Thank you, unnie. »


Miyeon looks around for Minnie, and finds her talking with Remy on the side. The two are quite casual with each other, laughing and sharing smiles. It always reassures Miyeon to see her fiancée being surrounded by the right people. She too trusts Soojin and Remy. She is the one who finished to convince Minnie to give more responsibilities to the two agents.


« Don’t worry so much, Jinnie. »



Bonjour :):

Do you think Shuhua is aware of her feelings for Soojin? Do you think Soojin knows Shuhua likes her in such a way? And do you think Soojin has good or bad intentions? Does she only want to accomplish her dream or is she genuinely like this?

Also, we had a first. Soyeon and Shuhua having a long talk. Which never happened before. What do you think of them?

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Thank you!


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_Saotome_ #1
Chapter 17: I come back to this story almost every week just to see if u uptated, and you did, thank u! I love this story and how you made Soojin's character, i really like it
Mikotovich #2
Thank you for the update despite your busy schedule ! I really love your story and hope you will keep writing it!
I love how story develops, emotions of characters described so well <3 please keep writing ✍️
moomooradish #3
Chapter 14: Thank you for continuing this story despite your busy schedule. Best of luck with uni! It's nice that Soojin and Soyeon have some closure and that Soojin might be realizing her feelings for Shuhua. As for the scenes that might not be necessary, they're still fun to read and I do appreciate them
Chapter 10: Love this! Can't wait for more!
Chapter 9: This is why I normally wait for stories to be done before I read them cause now I'm hooked and I need more.
Chapter 9: do love your story
Chapter 6: oh my soft soojin
Uqi_22 #8
Chapter 5: Me gusta lento pero me intriga, espero que puedas actualizar pronto!.