The maiden’s sacrifice

Let Me Tell You a Story
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Act 2 : Sakura backstory 






The long drawn out breeze brought comfort to the lonely maid, the rustle of the branches came accompanying the melodies of the cicadas singing in this summer heat. 


With the long swipes of her wooden broom, the maid couldn’t even heave a sigh, simply closing her eyes for a brief instant to enjoy this short instant of peace. The stillness of the picturesque scenery was calming, almost lulling her into a short trance.


“Sakura !” The voice of the old man broke her reveries. Holding her broom tighter she smiled at the sight of her father. 


“Father.” She replied politely with a bow.


“The shrine is always so empty. Yet, I find you sweeping the floor like every day.” The old man scolded lightly, the warmth in his eyes of a protective figure.


“It is my duty as the maid of the shrine.” Sakura answered dutifully, looking at the old, almost deserted building. Dusty and dull looking. 


“And I tell you, the shrine won’t crumble without you. Enjoy life a little, when was the last time you visited the town ?” The man said with a worried tone mixing with the gravity of his old age.


“But-” Sakura was quick to rebuke but was cut off by the disapproving words of the man.


“I’m telling you, take the afternoon to visit the town that I myself haven't seen in decades. By tonight, I want you to tell me the tales of the downtown places as no visitors come and sing them to me anymore.” The man’s voice was light, almost playful but a graver sadness hidden in his words made Sakura flinch.


The cat-shrine (Neko Jinja) was standing and bustling for decades but as time went on, the people started forgetting this lonesome place hidden in the mountains of the island. The people of the small town near the coast used to come by the shrine but it has been years since the last celebration and weeks since the last visit. From being an important and venerated place to this isolated dusty shrine, many maidens have left from old age and passed away.


Now it was only Sakura, 20 years old and the last maiden of the lonesome Nekojinja.




Years and years, it was now winter all over again. Sakura repeated the dance she was taught long ago, by the previous head maiden who passed away 6 winters ago. After her death, many of the shrine maidens have left as well and so here she was as the sole maiden left looking at the fire dancing, graciously, harmoniously and dangerously.


This winter is troublesome, many fishermen have disappeared in the sea and the people are starting to worry. The fish is rare and the silk production is also in a dire place. The maiden heard of the war on the bigger continent which was the reason for the misery settling itself in town. Yet, she couldn’t tell this to her father who longed for tales of the downtown place, the bustling of the town and stories of sea monsters. The man has already too many worries for the future of the shrine, she couldn’t bring herself to tell of the misery.


This has left a heavy weight on the poor lonely maiden as she danced again and again until her feet started to hurt. 




Sakura was diligent, always tending to the shrine's needs whether it was cleaning or training. Yet, she still could enjoy herself a few moments alone, under the shades of a tree and breathing in the cold breeze of the mountain in winter. The sun was generous in sunlight but the lack of warmth made her shiver slightly. Her trained eyes observed the forest, trees bare of their leaves that were laying on the ground, covering the forest in a layer of yellow and orange shades. 


A Rustle.


Her gaze locked itself on a small black figure. The cat looked at her with big calculating eyes, as if asking her what she was doing. 


“I’m resting a little. What about you ?” The maiden said, as if answering the cat’s questioning eyes. 


It was said that many cats lived here, coming from the city to the mountains when the fishing season was over.  However, for as long as she lived, she never met a single cat in these woods.This was a first. Its fur was pristine black, neat and clean. It was hard to believe it was a wild animal. 


“Come here, I wouldn’t mind some company.” She gently called, extending a hand towards the beast who blatantly ignored her. 


It sat just in front of her, his back facing the maiden who chuckled at the attitude. 


“Are you really going to ignore me ?” She spoke up lightheartedly, faking annoyance. The cat however turned its head at her, as if judging her with its two slitted eyes. The black mass stood on his feet again, approaching the maiden with a glare.


“I’m joking, I’m joking. Even a cat can show attitude Uh… though I guess as the guardian of this shrine you do have your rights.” Sakura gulped at the almost blazing eyes the animal was giving her before returning to a more relaxed tone. Her hand remained outstretched as the cat closed the distance.


It looked at the hand, scanning it before hissing and dashing away back in the safety of the deep woods, leaving a chuckling maiden under her tree as the wintry wind caressed the soft features of her face.




She repeated the same routine, cleaning the shrine, training and resting under the same tree a little aback from the main entrance. The place was high, high enough to overlook most of the empty entrance. The days have grown cold but the sun was still shining on her but it seems to do nothing to the impending chill travelling along with the breeze.


“Oh, you’re here today as well.” Sakura smiled at the black figure, looked intently at the maiden with seemingly scolding eyes. Since their first meeting, Sakura has seen the cat more often, mostly from afar as if observing the shrine. Yet, during her only break of the day, the cat finally approaches her though still keeping a certain distance between them. 


“Oh come on, you must have noticed that I’m the only maiden here. As much as I love the shrine, I can’t possibly attend to all the duties without a rest.” The maiden’s voice wasn’t anywhere near complaining, she was saying all of that in her soft voice with a sweet giggle at the end. 


The cat meowed gravely, or at least it seemed like it while Sakura closed her eyes for a brief moment. Taking a deep breath in the scent of the dead leaves covering the mountain as the barren trees let the sunlight warm her face. 


She felt a weight next to her and she opened one eye to look at her right, the cat had sat next to her and looked away, avoiding her eyes. 


‘It’s nice.’ She thought while closing her eyes again and enjoyed the brief moment in this silent winter. 




The maiden was humming to herself, the afternoon was still young and she had quite the amount of cleaning to do. Her thoughts were cut short when a small black cat appeared in front of her. She hadn't noticed it coming and was slightly surprised to see it standing tall in front of her with urgency.


It meowed once, twice and bolted forward before suddenly stopping, looking backwards at her and waiting. For some odd reasons it seemed as if the cat was telling her to follow him.


So she dropped the broom and broke in a small jog, looking at the cat as if chasing a distant star in the night. 


The maiden panted a little, smiling and giggling when she recognised where they were. 


“Urging me to take a break ?” Sakura said to the cat who had sat down and looked at the entrance as if awaiting something.


The maiden took her place under the tree like she would everyday, heaving a sigh and closing her eyes. No birds were singing, no cicadas playing their melodies, only the wind and its melancholic lullaby was here filling in the silence. The slowness of the winter had gotten the best of her and before she knew it her consciousness had left her.




“Why do you care so much ?” A voice called out, she was in the middle of nowhere, trees around her looking as familiar as foreign to her. A strange uncanniness to the surroundings made her shiver as the fog engulfed her. As broad the question may be, she had an inkling on what the voice was referring to, as if knowing without understanding.


“It’s my only home, my only family… my only hope.” She replied earnestly.


“It’s dying and if you stay, you’re going to suffer the same fate.” The voice called out in an unspoken anger.


“It’s fine, all I have is faith. All I have is god.” Sakura smiled sadly. 


“I see..” the voice disappeared just like the fog.




The maiden woke up to the incessant cries of her friend. The cat was calling her and once he was sure that the maiden was awake it turned its head toward the entrance of the shrine and glared with its usual strong flaming gaze.


A visit at last ! Sakura smiled at the sight of the haggard looking man who entered the shrine looking for a priest. From her place she could tell that her father had met the man.  


“Isn’t it great ? The shrine isn’t forgotten, the people are coming back.” Sakura beamed at the cat, her voice betraying her joy. After all, as long as there are visits, the shrine will continue to live on. 


“If we’re lucky, tomorrow more of them will come.” Sakura extended her hands to the cat who had grown quiet, perhaps listening to the words spoken by the visitor. Upon touching the black soft fur the cat hissed and reflexively scratched her hand, yet it didn’t look guilty nor sorry, the hard flaming gaze was directed to her and she gulped at the sight.


One last hiss and the cat disappeared in the woods as the blood of the faithful maiden dripped on the dead leaves of the silent wintry mountain.


The next day, a bigger group of men entered the premises, their eyes ablaze but the priest greeted them with a gentle smile. Sakura hasn’t seen the cat around since the day before. All it left was a scratch on her left hand.




As the winter days go on, the warmth has become scarce. Father has told Sakura to stop visiting the town and she smiled thinking that he no longer needed her tales as the visitors have been coming by the shrine more often since that fateful day.


Sat together around a low table, the rudimentary dinner and barely a few words exchanged.


“You must be tired.” Sakura smiled. Her father has grown less cheerful lately but she blamed it on the exhaustion coming with tending to the visitors. 


“Hm .? What did you say?” The old man lifted his heavy head, tired eyes meeting the bright one of the maiden. 


“The shrine is more lively, you must be tired.” Sakura repeated herself, warm voice against the cold air of the room. 


“Sakura.” The man called out her name, placing his bowl down and looking straight at the young woman.


“Yes, farther .?” 


“Tell me, what is the situation down in the city ?” He asked with a serious voice.


“I … haven’t gone into town since you told me not to… but the city is bustling, the port lively and the people are rejoicing.” Sakura stuttered, the lie out of but she held onto it.


Foolish believing.


“Sakura-!” She was startled by her father, standing up, knocking over his tea cup as his voice raised in anger.


Yet, his words were drowned by the chilling waves of shouts from outside the shrine and before she could register what these shouts were about her father’s face turned pale.


“Stay here. Stay hidden.” The man ordered in a protective voice but she was already frozen in place as the words were slowly forming inside her head.


Her feet moved on their own as fear and horror took over her reason. Her footsteps were loud against the wooden floor and here she was again, standing in front of the shrine but too late… It was all too late.


“You damned priest, conjuring plague to the people, hidden in this cursed shrine.” A man shouted, his ragged clothing, haggard look and thin face of famine. 


It danced in her eyes. Everything was dancing. Her mind, her beliefs, her fear… her faith. 


Behind the man was a horde, man and woman alike. An army with flambeau, weapons and anger in hands. 


“This is all because of you priest ! Praying to the gods of calamity !” The man shouted again which was accompanied with roars from the horde. 


Sakura couldn’t move, couldn’t think and couldn’t breathe. Her vision was clouded with the sight of her father, her only family, her only friend, beaten by the crowd. 


It was too quick.


The poor screams and pleas from her father were drowned by the rage of the people who had lost faith.


In one of the men’s hands was something she recognised all too soon. Bloodied and beaten, the cat she hadn’t seen for so long was dangling like a ragged doll, unmoving and dead. 


The maiden was left alone.


“Burn the wicked shrine !” Voices harsher than the wind filled her ears and from her spot hidden behind a wooden pillar, she acted on a whim.


She ran, screamed and cried.


“A maiden ?” The people surprisingly muttered, unaware of her presence, of her existence. 


“I saw her in town !” One said.


“She must be the one bringing the plague and the misery !” A second called.


“She’s a cursed woman ! Follower of the wicked gods !” 


They advanced closer but she stood firm, she had to protect her only home. She had to protect her shrine. She had to protect her faith.


As one man raised his wooden mass she pushed him and as he fell down the stairs she picked up his weapon. She held it clumsily, powered by her last will.


It angered the crowd and soon she was on the ground, dazed and cold. She was barely awake and the dancing red hues illuminated the winter night. Yet, all she could feel was the coldness of life, leaving her body as she heaved her last breath. Her eyes on the black corpse of the cat.



“Your faith. Calamity, misery, desolation.” A voice said, the woods were hidden under the veil of the night, the fog was there and all she could feel was the tears streaming down her face.


“Shut up.” Sakura cried in a low, almost inaudible voice.


“You could have fled, ran down the mountain and left behind that stubborn man to his death.” Ominous voice, dancing around her, toying with her, preying on her. 


“Shut up, shut up, shut up.” She covered her ears, closed her eyes. 


“Death never left you, it latched onto your body since your childhood. It repeats its cycle and now it's bringing you down like it did for your parents.” It was in her head, it was in the woods, it was in her. The voice was as loud as ever.


“Stop.. I beg you.. stop it.” Her voice broke, escaping her lips in a cry as she fell on her knees.


“Powerless little maiden. Useless wicked maiden. How strong is your faith ?” Amused, the voice sang her words, like a whisper in her ears but she refused to reply. 


“My dear maiden, would you throw your life away for the sake of your blinding faith.” Mischievous voice, cursed words and with a small nod she answered.


“Dear, dear maiden, would you offer your body, to save your family?” She nodded again to the playful tone. Intonation mocking her.


“Foolish maiden, would you make a contract with yours, dearest ?” The fog slowly took form in fron

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Weehooo~ You are back again? Great one! I'll save up the chapter to enjoy it to the fullest ~ fighting!
1761 streak #2
Chapter 1: oh wow! this is good! so now they both live as one!