Chapter Two

Sweet Temptation
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[CONTENTID1]Change[/CONTENTID1] [CONTENTID2]"There's a change gonna come. I don't know where or when. But whenever it does. We'll be here for it"[/CONTENTID2] [CONTENTID3]

Tzuyu woke up feeling defeated, she had gotten into another argument with Taeyong and spent the night alone in the apartment they shared for their rendezvous.

Her sisters were growing suspicious of her late-night outings but she knew that her sister Seolhyun would have her back while their older sister Yura more than likely would scold her before threatening to tell dad what she was doing.


She got ready for her day but she saw she had a text from an unknown number


‘This is Kim Jennie, please meet me at Le Cafe’


it read and she sighed, she knew that day would come.

The wife had to confront the mistress, Tzuyu finished putting her shoes on and headed to meet Taeyong’s wife.


Tzuyu walked into the cafe and spotted Taeyong's wife, Jennie right away.

She looked like a supermodel, she had a beautiful face and a petite body shape, she even looked like a nice, kind person when she smiled even though Tzuyu had seen her true colors underneath that nice facade the pretty woman put up, she knew Jennie had the public fooled in her favor.

Tzuyu took a deep breath and made her way to the table Jennie was sitting at.

She took a seat across from Jennie who right away leaned in placing her elbows on the table and smiling nicely at her as she scooted a cup of what looked like tea her way


"Glad you could make it dear. You see, I've always wanted to meet you. What woman wouldn't want to meet the scoundrel who takes their husband at night? well, I have to say that you are something Chou Tzuyu. But let me guess, you must have a thriving personality, am I right?" Jennie mocked her and smirked


Tzuyu didn't defend herself and looked down at the cup in front of her and took a sip

"What do you want, Mrs. Kim?" Tzuyu asked cutting to the chase, meeting Jennie's eyes again.

"I want you to stop seeing my husband, I want for you to give him a chance to fall in love with me. We've already spent nights together you know. Those nights I know he comes to me because you two have fought but as a woman can you respect me enough to stop seeing him?" Jennie almost begged as she saw tears well up in the woman's eyes.


Tzuyu looked up completely and saw her own emotions reflected, all the unspoken pain a person is capable of hiding.

She had to admit she was shocked to hear they had slept together; she had seen the faint signs of scratches on his back when they had showered together one night.

He had threatened her before, time and time again that he would bed his wife if she didn't do what he wanted her to do like not go on blind dates set up by her father or whatever else he deemed inappropriate from her but he had been drunk and she had stayed home alone those nights as she had promised him time and time again but she never imagined him going through those threats of sleeping with Jennie. But how foolish of her to think so when Jennie was his wife, something she could never be.


"You think I want to keep up with this charade?" Tzuyu snarled, her own tears welling up as well

"This is not what I wanted okay? I always try to leave but I can admit I'm weak-willed when it comes to him. I never-" "I knew you would make excuses " Jennie laughed humorlessly as she dashed her tears away "So I took the initiative to tell your father what you do behind his back," Jennie announced as she got up from her chair

"See if you're weak-willed then" and walked away.


She heard her phone vibrate in her purse and as she took it out she saw her father's secretary Ha Jiwon was calling, she ignored the call and sat dumbfounded in her chair.

She then felt her phone vibrate again and saw that she got a text from Mark this time


'Your father's office NOW'


She sighed fighting the urge to burst into tears and got up quickly to drive to her father's company.

She made her way to the elevator and couldn't help shaking, she was afraid of what her father would say and do.


At that moment all she wanted was to take off her high heels and go home but knew she had to be strong for herself and take in whatever her father had to say.

Before she opened the door to his office, she tried calming her nerves to no avail.

Once she opened the door she saw Mark first and then her father Ma Dongseok.

"Hello father" She bowed and went to take a seat in front of his desk.

Her father got up and went around once in front of her chair, and slapped her hard across the face.

Her cheek stung and she tried to hold it to soothe the burning pain.

"I told you that boy was no good Tzuyu. I told you to never get involved with him and now I come to find out you're his mistress!?" Her father screamed in her face

"I will have none of that. Do you understand me? You're going to get married, the sooner the better. Didn’t you learn anything from your sister Kim Seolhyun!? All this grief both of are causing me will put me in the hospital!" he reprimanded her loudly

"Daddy please listen-" "No I do not care what you have to say, what say will be done. You'll be married by next month. So whatever you have with that boy

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745 streak #1
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