TW 2

Turbulent Waters
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[Deluxe Cabin 1 ]

The refined and elegant figure of the elder Jung Heiress, entered the luxurious room meant for the Jungs. Her eyes immediately drawn towards the bedroom where her younger sister was resting.

Sua, the younger Jung's personal maid, bowed when she entered the room. The doctor who was taking her sister's pulse also stood up to greet her.

"Good day, Ms. Jessica. She just had her second medicine and it brought her to sleep." said Dr. Heechul.

"Was she unwell during the trip doctor? She seems to be very tired." the Jung heriess said, holding her younger sisters other hand. It was a bit cold.

"I believe so. But now that she has taken her medicine, I believe it will help improve her health. For now, all she needs is rest." the doctor replied.

"Thank you Dr. Kim. I was afraid that my Seungwan's health condition was not up for this voyage. Please continue monitoring her condition during this voyage."

"Of course, Miss Jung. Her health is my utmost priority...of course, and so as yours." said Dr. Heechul, a grin on his face. 

"I really appreciate your services to our family Dr. Kim, my unce was right in hiring you. Anyways, Sua this is the spare key to this room. Please keep it during this trip. You already know our schedules and mostly, you will be assisting my sister and the doctor most of the time. Taeyeon had assigned another help to keep with the housekeeping tasks so you won't need to concern yourself about that."

"Yes, milady." said Sua, bowing at her mistress. The younger heiress might be her stead, but the elder Jung is still the one which holds authority in this family she serves. She has always admired and if she was going to be honest, envied the elder Jung Heiress, she was wealthy, powerful and educated. She had the freedom that she could only dream of having, but not in this lifetime. Nevertheless, Miss Jessica Jung had always treated her well and fairly, and it made her respect her more.

Unknown ot the ladies, a certain person in the room had been eyeing the key that is now in Sua's hands. '

I better get my hands on that key.'

"Thank you once again, Dr. Kim. I and Sua will take it from here. You should also go and unpack in your room. The evening ball is in a few hours." said Jessica, standing up and politely shaking the doctor's hand.

"I am honored to be your family doctor, Miss Jessica. I swear that I will take good care of your sister. Please excuse me. I shall see you both later."

The doctor excused himself and left.

"Sua can you prepare mine and my sister's dress for this eve

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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 2: What???
1703 streak #2
Chapter 2: Uh oh Wendy being kidnapped!
Chapter 2: woah, I can't wait for the next chapter