
the second you called me yours (i had something worth living for)

There aren’t very many things for Joohyun to enjoy as a vampire—most of her hobbies had involved being outdoors in the gentle spring breeze, taking in the soft glow of the sunlight.


Now, with her newfound status as a vampire, these small moments of reprieve have been snatched away from her and are now a thing of the past.


Of course, she never really mentions it outright—both she and Seungwan have already had a hard enough time adjusting to this new and strange dynamic, and the last thing Joohyun wants is to place another burden on her girlfriend’s shoulders.


Their schedules are vastly different—with Joohyun’s newfound status as a vampire, it means that the older woman usually spends the day sleeping and conserving energy for the night, while Seungwan’s job at the music academy keeps her busy in the day. They meet at dusk and spend their nights in each other’s company, with Seungwan often turning in late for the sake of spending time with Joohyun.

It’s far from ideal, but with abrupt changes comes a transition period, and they’re both still very much unfamiliar with this new dynamic, stumbling their way through each day and night.


Being the human girlfriend of Seungwan had been difficult enough with Joohyun just barely finding acceptance amongst Seungwan’s pack; and just as Joohyun thinks they’ve been through the worst, fate finds yet another way to irreparably turn their lives upside down.



She’d staggered back home blearily that night, covered in her own blood and her senses still all too sharp for her to bear.

Joohyun doesn’t remember much of it—neither does she really want to, anyway—but the bits and pieces that do stick are far from pleasant.


She remembers the sheer panic and pain in Seungwan’s voice as her girlfriend rushes her desperately to the hospital; remembers lying in the cold and unforgiving hospital bed, with Seungwan’s hand clasped tightly in hers as her girlfriend watches over her, tears streaming, unbridled, down her cheeks.


Remembers Seungwan gritting her teeth, prayers to the gods spilling from her lips, even though Joohyun knows Seungwan’s never believed in them.


Remembers hearing the tell-tale sniffles of Seungwan’s sobs as she floats in and out of consciousness, and the heavy weight of guilt that had settled in her chest.


Of course, none of it had been her fault—'a freak accident’, as the attending doctor had put it, because the vampires of today have no reason to attack innocent humans.

Had everything in society to satisfy their bloodlust, from blood bags from blood banks and grocery stores to illegal human live feedings, and yet, innocents like Joohyun fall victim still.



“I’m sorry,” Joohyun manages between sobs, and Seungwan’s shaking her head, tears rolling down her cheeks.


The hospital ward is empty; cold and sterile, punctuated only by Joohyun’s hiccups.


“Don’t be, my love. Please don’t be sorry. We’ll get through this together. I promise.”


“I’m sorry,” Joohyun’s blabbering now, just beyond the point of comfort, and all Seungwan can do is hold her close, praying that the action is comfort enough for now, because she knows they’re both inevitably crumbling from the inside, utterly inconsolable to the other.




“I’m home!” Seungwan’s voice rings out as the door swings open, jerking Joohyun out of her thoughts.

The vampire scrambles from the couch where she’d been previously slouched upon, automatically making a beeline towards Seungwan.

Joohyun hugs her girlfriend, who sinks into the comfort of her embrace, wrapping her own arms around the older woman.

Almost instantly, Joohyun’s senses are flooded with a myriad of scents rolling off Seungwan— of Seungwan’s workplace at the music academy, the perfumes of her co-workers and students, of the night air.

Most of all, there’s the familiar, comforting scent of Seungwan herself; a mix of her shea butter scented body wash, and underlying that, an unmistakably, musky tinge of wolf.


Pressing a kiss to Seungwan’s lips, Joohyun lets herself lean against Seungwan, who pulls her a little closer.

“Did you sleep well?” Seungwan asks gently.

Joohyun nods.

“Have you eaten?”

“… No.” Joohyun looks away guiltily.

Seungwan frowns. “You should, baby.”

“I’m not really thirsty…”

Seungwan pulls away a little, eyeing her girlfriend carefully.

“When was the last time you fed?”


Joohyun averts her gaze, squirming uncomfortably under Seungwan’s piercing gaze.


“Two days ago.”


“Joohyun…” A soft sigh escapes Seungwan, and Joohyun’s hand grasps Seungwan’s arm gently, rubbing her thumb over the expanse of skin.

“I know, I know. The doctor said I should be feeding every day.”

“Mhm. So why aren’t you?”

“I wasn’t thirsty, so I thought it’d be fine…”

“You know that’s not how it works, baby. The doctor said you need to feed every day because your body still needs it, regardless of how thirsty you are.”

“I know, I just… I feel—” Joohyun pauses, biting her bottom lip.


“I feel ashamed, okay?” The admission is barely audible.


In an instant, Seungwan’s annoyance morphs into worry and sadness, and Joohyun kind of wishes she hadn’t mentioned anything at all.


“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you felt that way.” Seungwan’s voice is quiet, and the werewolf pulls her close once more, engulfing Joohyun in a tight hug.


When the werewolf speaks again, her voice is muffled against the material of Joohyun’s shirt where she rests her head against Joohyun’s shoulder. “Do you want to talk about it?”

Joohyun’s arms slip around Seungwan’s waist, holding her girlfriend close.

“I don’t know. I just feel like I shouldn’t be feeding at the dining table. It’s gross and weird, especially when you’re having your dinner as well.” Joohyun’s grip tightens around the material of Seungwan’s jacket.

“I feel like a monster.”


“No, you’re not.” The refute from Seungwan comes immediately, gentle yet firm.

“I know I’m not, but I just feel so disgusting.” Her voice cracks, and Joohyun has to bury her face into the crook of Seungwan’s neck to stop the tears that threaten to flow.


“You’re not disgusting, baby. I know you don’t believe it, but you’re wonderful just the way you are, and I’m so proud of you for carrying on with life the way you have.”

Gentle fingers comb through Joohyun’s hair, and Seungwan presses a kiss to the top of her girlfriend’s head.


There’s a small pause.


“I used to feel similarly, you know.” The werewolf admits, a little hesitantly.

There’s a small noise of confusion from Joohyun.

“Remember when we first started dating, and I’d always tell you that I was busy on the full moon?”


Joohyun nods.


“I could’ve invited you to the pack run. Everyone in my pack was asking about you and telling me to invite you, but I just couldn’t bring myself to.”

Joohyun furrows her eyebrows. “Why not?”

“I was embarrassed to show you my wolf form.” Seungwan huffs out a laugh. “It’s weird, I’ve never been embarrassed or self-conscious about it until I met you.” “I just felt so… inferior and dirty and just… too much for someone as perfect as you. I mean, you were always so elegant, well-spoken and beautiful, and I was just some clumsy buffoon who got lucky out of the hundreds of admirers.” Seungwan smiles.

“I know now that that’s not true, but what I’m trying to say is: I don’t think you’re disgusting or weird for being a vampire, okay? You’re still the same Joohyun that I love, and that won’t change.”

“You’re not dirty or too much, Seungwan. Not then and not now, nor ever.” Joohyun pauses. “You are clumsy, though.”

 “Yes, thank you for the reminder.” Seungwan says dryly, amusement in her tone.


There’s a small sniffle from the vampire.


“I love you.” And then, “You’re so mushy.”

Seungwan snorts. “I love you too, baby.”

Seungwan pulls away, only to peck a kiss on Joohyun’s lips.

“C’mon, let’s have dinner.”



Dinner finishes up quickly enough, with mostly Seungwan rattling off about her day as Joohyun listens intently, nodding at various intervals as she sips from her bloodbag. It’s nice to listen to Seungwan, who never fails to be interesting and captivating all at the same time.


Then, just as Joohyun thinks they’ve finished their dinner and stands to head to the bathroom for a shower, Seungwan clears .


“I have a surprise for you.” The werewolf announces, a little shyly.


Almost immediately, Joohyun perks up, prompting a small chuckle from her girlfriend.

“I think you’ll like it.” Seungwan adds as she places the dishes in the sink before moving to steer Joohyun towards the bedroom. “But first, you have to get dressed.”



“You’re going to have to tell me how dressed up I should be if you’re not going to tell me where we’re going.” Joohyun hums, sifting through their shared wardobe as Seungwan wraps her arms around Joohyun’s waist, resting her chin on the vampire’s shoulder.

“Well… I’d say casual.” Seungwan pecks a kiss to Joohyun’s cheek. “But you can wear whatever you want, baby. I’ll match with you.” She grins.

There’s a soft huff of laughter. “If you say so.”

With that, Joohyun pulls out a pale blue, off-shoulder top and a pair of jeans, and Seungwan reluctantly releases Joohyun from her embrace before moving to pick out her own clothes.


“Do I get hints on where we’re going?” Joohyun asks as she changes into her clothes, watching as Seungwan picks out a plain white shirt, a light pink denim jacket and black jeans.


 “Nope!” Seungwan replies cheerfully.



Joohyun’s quiet as Seungwan manoeuvres their car out of the parking lot.

The vampire watches the streets outside as they move out onto the main road, wistful gaze flickering to the passers-by trudging along the pavement.


She doesn’t meet Seungwan’s eyes, even as she speaks.

“I don’t think I’ve been outside since…”

She trails off then, the silence punctuated with the softest of sighs.

“Does it feel any different?” Seungwan murmurs.


Joohyun pauses, contemplating, and her gaze shifts to Seungwan.

“Surprisingly, no.”

There’s a ghost of a small, amused smile lingering on her lips.


She focuses her attention back onto the road, and it’s only then that Joohyun straightens abruptly, eyes widening as she fully registers the familiar streets Seungwan’s driving on.


“Wait, why are we going to the park?” Alarm is clear in her tone, and Seungwan gives her a nervous smile.

“I thought you might want to go there.”

“But Seungwan, there’s so many people there—”

“Don’t worry, I picked a nice spot! No one really goes there.”

“Are you sure?”


Then, Seungwan glances over. “We can go back home if you don’t want to do this. I understand if it’s still a little too much to be outside.” She offers gently.

“…Are you sure there’s going to be nobody there?”

Seungwan smiles. “I promise. It’ll just be the two of us.”

Joohyun exhales shakily.




“I didn’t know this part of the park existed.” Joohyun comments, glancing around the darkened scenery of the empty parking lot as Seungwan switches the engine off, leaving them both suspended in the sudden silence as the engine dies down.

“It’s on the further side of the park, I came across it the other day and thought it’d be nice to spend some time together here.” Seungwan shifts in her seat. “Shall we?” She offers.

With a nod, Joohyun opens the door, stepping out into the cool night air and making a beeline for Seungwan.

Looping an arm around Seungwan’s own, Joohyun leans against her girlfriend as she lets the werewolf lead them both into the park.

Seungwan’s fingers are interlaced with hers – warm, gentle, and comforting, and Joohyun holds on a little tighter, prompting a soft smile from her girlfriend.


They’re far from the asphalt pathway snaking through the park; instead, Seungwan leads them through the neatly clipped grass, straying further from the various streetlamps that dot along the pathway, until they reach a small, secluded clearing.

It’s dark, largely blocked from view by the growth of the surrounding bushes, complete with an old, wooden bench that Seungwan steers them to.


The werewolf plops down with a soft, happy sigh, and Joohyun takes a seat beside her, pressed snug against Seungwan.

It’s a little endearing how Seungwan automatically wraps an arm around Joohyun’s shoulders, keeping her close, even though they both know that Joohyun doesn’t quite need the warmth of Seungwan’s body anymore.

“Music?” Seungwan suggests, holding out her already unlocked phone, and Joohyun takes it with a smile.


It’s nice to fall back into old habits; since her turning, Joohyun hasn’t really had the opportunity to be at the park and simply sit with Seungwan, with music playing in the background.

It had been a weekly tradition of theirs, when Joohyun had still been a human, and the vampire didn’t think she’d ever get a chance to do it again.


“What do you feel like listening to?” Joohyun hums, and Seungwan glances over as Joohyun scrolls through the dozens of songs saved in Seungwan’s library.

“I’m good with anything you pick.” Seungwan grins.

“Flirt.” Joohyun snorts, and Seungwan laughs. The vampire eventually settles on their shared playlist, and music flows from the phone’s speakers, filling the silence between them.


Neither of them speak for a while, content to bask in the tranquillity and in each other’s presence, with only the sound of crickets and the music from Seungwan’s phone punctuating the quietness.


As the previous song fades out and a new, familiar one starts, Seungwan’s standing up abruptly, startling Joohyun in the process.

The werewolf shoots her a brief, apologetic smile before holding out her hand.




Joohyun takes her girlfriend’s hand, and Seungwan pulls her close, wrapping her arms around Joohyun’s waist as Joohyun leans into the touch, burying her face into the crook of Seungwan’s neck as she hides a smile.

“You’re so cheesy.” She mumbles.

“Only for you, darling.” The werewolf hums happily, and Joohyun places a tender kiss to Seungwan’s lips, which the werewolf chases for more.

Seungwan kisses her again, soft and sweet, and Joohyun lets herself melt into her girlfriend’s touch.


They break away eventually, with Seungwan leaving one last, final peck on Joohyun’s cheek.


“Remember when we first danced to this?” The werewolf murmurs.

“At your workplace’s dinner dance? Yes, I remember.” Joohyun smiles. “A bold move to ask someone you’ve been dating for a month to.” She raises an eyebrow.

Seungwan chuckles. “Hey, it worked, didn’t it?”

“It did. And very well so, I must admit.”

Seungwan hums in acknowledgement. “It’s hard to believe it’s been four years since then.”


Joohyun falls silent then, growing somber as she pulls away a little.


“I’m sorry I’ve made things difficult between us lately, Seungwan.”


Seungwan’s watches Joohyun carefully, the werewolf’s eyebrows knitting with worry.

“Don’t be sorry, Joohyun. There’s nothing to be sorry for.”

Seungwan Joohyun’s hair away from her face tenderly, a sad smile ghosting her lips.

“Remember when I told you I’d love you until my last breath, and then some more after that?” Her voice is soft.

Joohyun nods mutely, turning her gaze away from Seungwan as she wills back the tears that threaten to fall.


Seungwan runs a gentle thumb along Joohyun’s cheek.


“I intend to make good on that promise, baby.” Seungwan pauses, swallowing, and when their eyes finally meet, Joohyun realizes belatedly that her girlfriend’s eyes are shining with unshed tears.

“I know things have been hard for the both of us, but I want you to know that I love you. I love you so much, Joohyun, and I wouldn’t trade us for anything in the world.”


“I’m sorry we can’t spend as much time together as we used to or do the things we used to do, but… we’ll work it out, won’t we?” There’s a small, hopeful smile from Seungwan, and Joohyun nods.


A sniffle escapes Joohyun, and it’s all it takes for the vampire’s tears to fall.

“Oh!” Seungwan fumbles at the sight, moving quickly to wipe Joohyun’s tears away with her thumbs.


“I’m okay,” There’s a wet chuckle from Joohyun, who brushes away the tears with a hand. “Sorry.”

“Stop saying that, silly. Like I said, there’s nothing to be sorry for.”

“Okay.” Joohyun gives a small, shaky smile, sniffling.


She holds onto Seungwan a little tighter.


“And we’ll work it out together, Seungwan. We always have. I promise that we’ll get there.”




Joohyun smiles.


“I promise.”

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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 1: Rereading this fluffy one :)
CampPatrol #2
Chapter 1: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺
zzzzzzz1 #3
Chapter 1: This is just so cute 😭😭 thank you so much for sharing this with us.
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful and pure 😍😍
Chapter 1: This is so pure. The understanding relationship. The strong love they have.
Riscark #6
Chapter 1: The way they got each other, I'm soft 😭
Chapter 1: i missed a good fluffly

thank you author-nim
Chapter 1: they are so sweet dont talk to me i'm fragile right now 😭
baejoonism #9
Chapter 1: Aww i feel their love for each other.. lovely story thank you for this 🥺
Favebolous 14 streak #10
Chapter 1: Sweet