I never would've known from that look on your face

Where We Grow
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Minseok had to sigh when he looked out of his office window. He had noticed that Minho had been acting strange for a few days, but he tried to convince himself that it had to do with the school and not with Minho himself - he didn't dare carry the thought any further.


"Hey." He greeted his younger brother as he stepped onto the porch.

"What are you doing?" he spoke up again when Minho didn't answer him.


With a glass in his hand, Minho sat up straight but did not get up from the ground.


"I am trying to-" he stopped himself. What was he supposed to say? Minseok was the future of the company, if Minho wanted to change things he would have to talk to his brother sooner or later.


"Did you know that pesticides don't just kill bugs but also the soil underneath, the earth?"


This was nothing new to Minseok, of course he knew, it was his daily business. But he didn't quite understand why Minho brought this up so suddenly, it was basically nothing new for his brother either. He continued to wait for Minho to speak.


"All the little micro-organisms are getting weaker and weaker, and so there are not enough nutrients in the soil for plants to continue growing, for instance."

"And that's why you're collecting bugs now?" Minseok pointed to the jar in Minho's hand.


It was filled with small twigs, some grass and sliced fruit. The small snails and beetles were clearly comfortable in it. Minho's hand gripped the jar a little tighter.

A breeze enveloped Minho, and with it the last doubts were carried away.




"How long have you known?"


Minseok's shoulders tensed and released in a deep sigh.


"Minho...Father and I we thought about it for a long time. But it really is best if this place no longer exists. For you too, no, especially for you."


Especially for me?


Minho's gaze narrowed. What was that supposed to mean? He didn't understand, not only that, it was absolute nonsense his brother was talking. He had spent the most carefree time of his life in the forest. Heat raced through Minho's body. Each flame carried another, bigger one with it.


Taemin is right.


"Why?" hissed Minho through his gritted teeth.


Minseok looked into his brother's eyes. He felt as if Minho was eight years old again. As a child, Minho often had that look. Minseok swallowed hard and took a step back.


"Minho please..."


Minseok didn't know what to say. Back then, ten years ago, he was still a kid himself. He was jealous of Minho, of the fact that he had received so much attention from their parents. Minseok had to look after himself. But over the years he saw how quickly his parents had aged.

And at some point he couldn't stand it any longer and asked his parents what had happened back then.

Since that day, Minseok could no longer feel anger or jealousy for his little brother. He tried so hard to feel love for him, but no matter how hard he tried, another feeling overcame him every time he looked at Minho. And that feeling had been building more often in the last few days.


"I know I used to play there when I was a kid but at some point...at some point mother and father didn't allow it anymore."


Minho took a step towards him, Minseok broke out in a sweat. He tried to waft some air to himself by loosening his collar.



"You know why, don't you?"


Energy fled Minseok's body. Why had he been so mean to his little brother when they were children? Minho was so lonely that he had to make up a friend.

Why didn't he play with him more often when Minho was a child. How lonely must his little brother have been?


"Minseok? Please, tell me what happened."

"Let's go inside, we have a lot to do today."


Minseok sniffled once, trying to make his voice sound firm, but the tremor in it was unmistakable.


Minseok was about to leave when Minho grabbed his wrist and held him tight.


As much as Minseok wished he could turn back time, Minho was no longer a child, perhaps he had never been one.


Minseok's eyes widened in horror. His brother had swapped places with the monster from the forest.



Barefoot, he ran into the forest. The cool earth around his toes filled Minho with life.


"Taeeeeemin! Taeeeemin!"


Minho called his friend's name, but could not catch sight of him anywhere. But there, in the corner of his eye, he saw something rustling in the bush. He ran to it, a big grin on his face.


"I'll catch you!"


He pushed the leaves of the bush apart and was already about to celebrate his victory. But to his surprise, Taemin was not there.


"You're weird."


Minho was startled and turned around in a hurry. A boy, about his age, was standing there. The fright gave way when Minho saw that the other child was wearing shoes.


"What are you doing here?" the boy wanted to know and came closer to him.


Minho clenched his small fists. He wanted to shout at the boy, it was boiling inside him. Didn't he know that leather was made from dead animals?


But then he saw him. Taemin was over there. He was hiding behind one of the trees.


Minho was aware that Taemin did not want this child here. His friend pointed downwards. When Minho looked down, he saw a stone, perhaps as big as an apple, lying on the ground.



When Minho opened his eyes, he didn't know where he was. He was sitting on a chair and looking down a long, white corridor. People in white coats and light blue robes were walking around. Why was he in a hospital?


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Chapter 11: Where did ch 10-11 go?
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 11: Interesting update -
shojinryori #3
Chapter 10: Ooooooh! So glad to see a new chapter. ❤️
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 10: Is Taemin a hallucination? I have a feeling that Key's good intentions may go awry and cause trouble for Minho!
shojinryori #5
Chapter 9: Wow, this continues to be fascinating! I can’t wait to see how everyone survives the summer.
Chapter 9: and the fake ID and passport will work huh? 🤣
Chapter 8: I’m so confused omggggg

Beau1996 1380 streak #9
Chapter 8: In ancient lore, fairies could be tricksters, kidnapping people through illusion and making them like slaves, I'm not sure about Taemin's intentions anymore ,if he is even real ??
Chapter 7: Minkey uniting forces to save the forest! 💖