Chocolate Kiss

Chocolate Kiss




The coffee machine was louder than expected. Beans grinding, liquids running, hot steam coming out of the small metal nozzle. It seemed excessive, when instant coffee was so much easier, and good enough. But Jinki knew that his boyfriend would enjoy it, so he was grateful for his mother's housewarming gift.


The first attempt at a cappuccino looked flat and unappetizing, so he poured it into the sink, reread the instructions and then tried again. The second attempt was better, his third even more so, and Jinki was quite happy with the final result as he carried a tray of drinks to the living room.


His proud smile was quickly wiped off his face when he heard his mother ask his boyfriend:

“Minho dear, you wouldn't happen to know any single women who you could introduce to my son?” In her defence, she didn't actually know that Minho was his boyfriend.

Before he could object, Minho had already answered:

“I'm afraid not, otherwise I wouldn't be single myself.” He answered with a straight face.

“But even if someone is not suitable for you, maybe for Jinki...”

“Mom!” He interrupted, while placing the drinks on the coffee table. “Stop trying to force Minho into hooking me up with his rejects.”

“Don't be so difficult. A handsome military man like that must meet a lot of good women.”

“I'm afraid not.” Minho answered. “At the army base, I'm only surrounded by men all day.”

Jinki resisted the urge to pout. It was not that he didn't trust his boyfriend, but he still didn't like being reminded of the fact that he spent all his days surrounded by fit young men in uniform.


“I guess that is true.” Jinki's mother reluctantly agreed. “But if you happen to think of someone...”

“Mom!” He shook his head, sitting down on the sofa in between her and his sister. Before this meeting he had made his mother promise not to try and set Minho up with some distant relative or a daughter of a friend, but it had not occurred to him that he himself would be the victim.

“It's just... sometimes I worry about you being alone.” She reached forward, taking Minho's hand. “I am eternally grateful that you agreed to move in and keep him company. Minho-sshi, you are such a kind soul.

“Mom, it's not charity.” Leaning back on the couch, he sighed, not happy with how pathetic she was making him. “It's beneficial for us both, rent is really expensive in this neighbourhood.”

“And more than the rent, I appreciate the company.” Minho answered, the corner of his mouth slightly curling up.


Jinki blushed, and reached for a small piece of chocolate cake. It was quite tasty, even though he said so himself, baking was quickly becoming his favourite hobby. The cream was thick and juicy, and as soon as he finished his piece, he wanted another one, but the plate was already empty, a big success.


His cue came when his mother and sister started to ask Minho about his job, giggling whenever he said: “That's classified.”

So he stood up, taking the empty plate with him. When he saw his sister flip her hair, flirtily, Jinki resisted the urge to remind her that she had a fiancé, and just rolled his eyes instead. Though in full fairness, he could not blame her, his boyfriend was a perfection of a man. There was a reason he hadn't introduced them sooner, not before she was engaged, because Jinki had known that she would like him. They had similar tastes in men, and Minho... well he was everyone's type and Jinki still did not understand how he had been lucky enough to snatch him.


Once back in the kitchen, his shoulders relaxed a bit, and he uncovered the second chocolate cake he had baked. Humming to himself, he opened a drawer, selected a nice knife with a yellow handle and started cutting the cake into neat little squares.


Completely caught up in what he was doing, Jinki didn't notice anyone approaching, until familiar hands circled around his waist. His body warmed up on reflex and he smiled a little. He knew they shouldn't do this with his family in the next room, but Minho had been travelling the entire week, on some covert operation, and Jinki had missed him.


A soft kiss on his neck made his body even warmer.

“It's a big success. Your mother loves me.” Minho whispered softly.

“Everyone always loves you.” Jinki shrugged, unsurprised.

“But you love me the most?”

“...yes.” He admitted, shyly.

His boyfriend chuckled, and turned Jinki around, standing very close. “We should just tell them.”

“Not yet...”

“But soon?”

“Soon.” Jinki reluctantly agreed, knowing that they couldn't keep their relationship hidden forever. Maybe after his 30th birthday, his mother would start thinking that being gay was better than still being single, especially if his boyfriend was someone as perfect as Minho.


Minho's gaze dropped down, and his eyebrows furrowed slightly.

“You've got something...” he moved closer and gently kissed Jinki's lips, his kiss warm and so full of love.

“Was it chocolate? Is it gone now?” Jinki asked to hide how flustered that simple kiss had made him, using his thumb to wipe off his lower lip, still tingly from Minho's kiss.

“There was nothing. I lied. I just wanted to kiss you.” He whispered with a cheeky smile, pulling him even closer so their lower bodies touched. “I'm just very attracted to you right now.”

“Why?” Jinki never understood that part.

“Because you're beautiful.” He answered without missing a beat.

His boldness caught Jinki off guard (even though he should be used to it by now), his ears became hot, and his gaze dropped down: “You're the one who is beautiful.”

Minho's laughter was loud, surprisingly high pitched, and Jinki loved him so much that his insides turned soft and gooey.


“It's not a competition, we can both be beautiful.” Minho answered confidently.

That sounded silly, so Jinki chuckled and looked up.

“There's that smile I love.” Minho whispered and lightly pinched his cheek. Then his smile turned into a smirk and he added quietly: “I can't wait until we are alone again - We still haven't tried the shower.”

Obviously both of them had showered since they had moved in so that was clearly not what Minho was referring to when he said 'tried'. Jinki lightly hit him on the chest. The very firm chest.

“Don't say stuff like that with my family in the next room.”

“You don't want to?” His boyfriend asked with faux innocence.

“Yes, I want to.” Jinki admitted reluctantly through his teeth.

Minho laughed softly, and took his hand, pulling him along.

“Wait!” Jinki objected, resisting the pull. “The cake!”

“Ah, yes. I forgot.” Minho moved closer to the counter, ran his finger along the plate and then off some chocolate frosting. Even that was y, and Jinki silently cursed.

“Don't take too long.” Minho gave him a quick kiss on the forehead. “Otherwise I'll miss you too much.” Then he cheekily winked at him, and moved to the living room.

“Idiot.” Jinki muttered quietly once his boyfriend was out of sight, but his tone was gentle, loving. He turned back to cutting the cake. But as much as he wanted to pretend that Minho was the idiotic one, secretly, Jinki had to admit to himself, that he was already missing him too.












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Opiecho28 #1
Chapter 1: OMG, that was cute and sweet. Thank for sharing this sweet story' and welcome back😍😍😍
Chapter 1: Rereading this after Jinki said he stopped baking 😭
961 streak #3
Chapter 1: This is definitely a sweet chocolate kiss. Thank you so much for sharing.
It's good to read you again.
Chapter 1: i missed your writing ^^ thanks for this.
Chapter 1: This is not my usual ship but I loved it :)
Really sweet, so thank you ♥
collin12 #6
Chapter 1: This was so cute!!! Thank you for the fluffy story ^-^
Chapter 1: Such a cute and fluffy oneshot! Thank you for sharing with us :'3 I was so happy to see a notification so thanks for making my day even if I'm commenting so late ><

P.S. Have you seen Jinki's teaser photos for DICE??? He looks incredible and I'm so excited!

Hope life is well and that things are looking up for you <3
SHINee5_4ever #8
Chapter 1: Aww soo happy that you are finally back!😃♥️Hope you are doing well🙏Thank you so much for yet another sweet story!
Great to see you back! It made my day to see a new fic from you even if it's a short drabble, it was super sweet and cute!
Chapter 1: Cuteness!!!!!