Without you, I’m ZERO


Donghae has been looking for warm and comfort in the motor of cars for years. He might have found them and more in Seoul’s most glorious street racer. 


Inspired by ZERO & COUNTDOWN concept.


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Chapter 5: Ohh I'm so relieved that this ended well. I was so surprised that Donghae had agreement with gang leader! I thought it was gonna end badly but thankfully he came back safely.
I was so upset that he just left Hyukjae back then without telling the full truth. I understand he wanted to protect Hyukjae but come on Hae, you should tell him. Hyukjae was a big boy and should be able to tend for himself too. I'm sure that Liu guy had already known his relationship with Hyukjae, so telling Hyukjae wasn't really a bad idea. I'm glad Hyukjae took the risk to go to Taipei to see Donghae and got the answer he deserved.
Chapter 5: Ohh I'm so relieved that this ended well. I was so surprised that Donghae had agreement with gang leader! I thought it was gonna end badly but thankfully he came back safely.
I was so upset that he just left Hyukjae back then without telling the full truth. I understand he wanted to protect Hyukjae but come on Hae, you should tell him. Hyukjae was a big boy and should be able to tend for himself too. I'm sure that Liu guy had already known his relationship with Hyukjae, so telling Hyukjae wasn't really a bad idea. I'm glad Hyukjae took the risk to go to Taipei to see Donghae and got the answer he deserved.
Urlia_ #3
Chapter 5: “definitely a date” IM SCREAMINGGG THEY REALLY DESEVE THIS 😭😭😭😭😭 and thankyou for writing such a good story i love it so much 😭😭
1587 streak #4
Chapter 5: Now I feel a bit guilty of suspecting Yesung would cause more of a problem. 😅 He turned out to be a very kind and considerate hyung, who supported Hyukjae and respected his feelings, even though they weren't for him. That's pure love. I'd like to imagine he eventually found someone and got to have the kind of mutual love he deserves.

Hyukjae was really being reckless for love, going after Donghae. But at least he knew the full picture and the risks, and he had somewhat of a plan and cover story that they were just racer acquaintances in case the wrong person questioned him.

Their reunion was so desperate but tender. Silly sad Donghae was drunk and didn't realize it was his real Hyukjae. Thankfully he figured it out really quickly.

The fact that after all they'd been through, and after Donghae finally confessed, they had to wait to be together...so bittersweet. At least they parted on better terms, and with a promise.

And how wonderful, the way Donghae turned up again, looking like a dream. And Hyukjae's tattoo. Its meaning. 😭 May these two lovebirds never have to be separated again.

Thank you for this touching story, I'm glad I finally read it. I hope I'll get to read more stories from you. ♡
1587 streak #5
Chapter 4: They have such marvelous chemistry together. Poor Hyukjae doesn't know why Donghae is so anxious.

Donghae making Hyukkie his very decerning ramen. Thinking of all the ways to keep beside him and protect him and please him. The strong feelings he already has for him. The love. He's in.

Oh...so that crash was Donghae's drastic plan to "disappear". So drastic he had to make it believable to everyone. 😭 So cinematic. But luckily it wasnt actually believable or he'd be a lot more hurt, at least.

Heechul is right, he needs a much better plan. But, going back to accept his fate...is there really no other way?

God, the end of this chapter is so heartbreaking! Bravo! ♡
1587 streak #6
Chapter 3: Even though Hyukjae clearly isn't committed to someone else, Donghae might have been dodging a bullet by trying to not getting involved while whatever complicated thing is going on that Hyukjae still hasn't drawn firm boundaries with. That's not to say that Yesung would've been cool with Donghae for having that restraint, since Hyuk had made his interest so obvious.

Oh great, Donghae's involved with a gang...for an arranged marriage? The plot thickens.

Wow, that congratulatory kiss. Kisses. 😍 Nice excuse, Hyukjae. But did Donghae decide to stop rejecting him? Now that the misunderstandings about their relationship statuses have been cleared up? (Though "complicated" is still complicated.)

They're not "serious" or in an official relationship but they're basically acting like boyfriends. If only it weren't for the dreadful looming obligations Donghae has...they might not have such a short time limit.

I'm wondering if/how they'll get untangled from their respective situations... Another excellent chapter. ♡
1587 streak #7
Chapter 2: Ah...so a complicated co-dependant/unrequited love situation. Hyukjae has never been in love, and seems to find it baffling he /can't/ love Yesung when he "should" - is he really incapable, or just hasn't found that connection with anyone, even his precious hyung? Has he ever wondered about being aromantic, maybe?

Aww, so the two would-be rivals are bonding over gaming and sharing backstories already. Donghae's not-sad-anymore eyes. Cute. 🥺

And he wants to be serious with Hyukjae. Ahhh I'm melting already. Hyukkie's heart doesn't stand a chance. Even though Donghae doesn't have the useful duality of Eunhyuk/Hyukjae, he seems to have plenty of passion. But understandably, it could get exhausting.

That lingering hand of Hyukjae's, Donghae really felt every moment of that touch, hm. The building tension is palpable. 😏 But unfortunately "hyung" noticed too. Oof.

Kyuhyun has already started being a devoted dongsaeng to Donghae, you love to see it. Was about to think "too bad things got a bit awkward and Donghae had to leave" but then tipsy Hyuk showed up for an impromptu drive date. But then there's the dumb misunderstanding about Dara, too. Both these idiots think the other is unavailable, while obviously pining.

Can tell it's about to get messier lol~ Another great chapter. ♡
1587 streak #8
Chapter 1: Underground racing Eunhae, such a y concept. Thanks to the ZERO MV for being inspiring!

Love Hyukjae's confidence, and Donghae being a gentle soft spoken type (to his hyung, at least – I suspect Hyukjae will have to earn that tone) with big biceps and hot everything else too, lol~ I immediately assume “Crazy Guy” to be Heechul – very worked up in defence of his favourite baby dongsaeng. Really like mechanic Shindong too, babying cars. 😂 Curious about Hyuk's ambiguous relationship with Yesung...flirting, handholding, and spooning to sleep? Are they a couple? Fwb? Just super affectionate and touchy friends? Haven't seen any kissing or anything though. But if it's not platonic, I'm guessing there might be some drama coming as things develop between the main characters...

Donghae's got a cute sibling-like vibe with Dara, I adore it. Poor guy being confronted by Kyuhyun though, Cho Drunkard really is scary, Hyukjae has a “Crazy Guy” of his own. Hopefully neither of them end up in a firey wreck because of their competitiveness.

Liking this one!
1455 streak #9
Chapter 5: Omg this is soooo goood
Chapter 5: This was so good!! I’m glad Hae was able to leave and be free. Thank you for sharing! I can’t wait to see if you write anymore fics ❤️❤️