CH 16

Never Too Late

Hyejin wasn't expecting to have Kihyun to pick her up from work. Yet there he was in a disguise. She made her way over to him climbing in without a word. He takes off without a word. Hyejin wasn't liking the atmosphere in the car. When they arrived at his place she noticed he locked the doors. She unlocks trying again. Kihyun locks them once more. Kihyun flips on the radio only scoff at his group's latest single playing. He turns to looking at her not saying a word.

"K-kihyun you're scaring me."

"...tell me what Daesung did to you. He scares you. Please tell me."

Hyejin shakes her head looking down at her lap. "Can we not talk about him?"

"Hyejin look at me."

She turns to look at him seeing his sunglasses were gone. Her eyes widened at his puffy eyes.

"Tell me. Please tell me so I can stop thinking the things I am. Please tell me."

Hyejin lunges forward wrapping her arms around him. She hold him for a bit before letting go. "...he asked for all the time. Then... Then told me I had to sneak out cause no one was allowed to see me inside. ...he said they would meddle. You know he told them I was just a friend."

It was now Kihyun's turn. He held her as she finished the story.

"I did that for two weeks, almost three. I got caught. He was so mad. I... I was scared. He threw stuff and punched the walls when he got mad... He was so scary Kihyun."

Kihyun felt himself tear up listening to her choke out the story between sobs. He rubbed circles on her back. Hyejin didn't stop talking.

"Once they knew he just had me come over more. He was always about . and getting me pregnant. ...he was awful with younger kids. He got so mad when his niece came over. ...she was just cranky. He screamed so much."


She shook her head clinging to him. "I wasn't pregnant yet then. Shortly after I was. ...he took over. I was to name Ahn what he wanted. I had no say. I was to raise him with the education he wanted, with the faith he wanted. If I didnt listen he would get mad... or drink..."

"He didn't hit you?"

She shook her head. "Threw things at me. Told me awful things. ...threatened to r-ra... To you know... He said he'd done it before. He even has a trophy from it. ...told me stories of stealing things from his exes and calling the cops when they came to get their stuff. ...I'm scared... I'm scared he'll take Ahn. Or kidnap us both."

"He'll be in prison or worse if he even thinks about it."

Hyejin gives a shaky sigh. "I...I want to say I wish I never left Korea with him... But I love Ahn with all my heart."

"I'll help you find someone who will treat you like the wonderful, beautiful woman you are."

Hyejin gives an awkward chuckle. "Hold me till I stop crying and I'll wash and iron your shirt?"

"You finish but don't have to worry about my shirt."

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And yes we gonna gloss over Ahn calling Kihyun for now heh heh heh


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2035 streak #1
Chapter 16: Poor Hyejin! Also, I'm sorry, some things are still confusing for me. Like is Ahn Daesung's child? And he has r*ped some of his exes but not Hyejin? And he threw things at her but never hit her directly? Hopefully he gets what he deserves. Anyway, now that I've caught up with the chapters, I hope to see an update soon ^^
2035 streak #2
Chapter 15: Oh, wonder which woman he was meeting with! Also, in the flashback, why was Hyejin afraid Kihyun was gonna insult her too? Was it because she thought he was a bully too like the others? I was wondering about that in the beginning but now that I've written it, things makes sense. LoL... Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2035 streak #3
Chapter 14: Hmmm... Not sure if the Mother and Son wait until Hyejin opens up to them or charge straight to Daesung and beat the out of him. Anyway, can't wait to read more but will be back later to do so ^^
2035 streak #4
Chapter 13: She went to a convenience store right? Won't there be a security guard there? And what about other people shopping there? Also, who was the one looking for a five bedrooms house? Is it Kihyun's mother? XD anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2035 streak #5
Chapter 12: I can actually imagine how you portrayed the police here. Poor her! And not sure how to take her drunken self. LoL XD and that kiss though! Not gonna take that into account yet :P jokes aside, I hope she gets to find a solution soon to keep her ex away. And I'll be back later to read more ^^
2035 streak #6
Chapter 11: Okay, Hyejin is now falling for Kihyun. Wasn't really a surprise since we were already expecting that XD and what kinda song did she sing? LoL... Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
PS I have a question for you. Are you by any chance from Germany? Just curious...
2035 streak #7
Chapter 10: Sounds like something ominous is on the way! Hopefully, it's nothing big. Also, I wonder who your bias is from Monsta X. Just curious. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2035 streak #8
Chapter 9: Hahaha Ahn blowing raspberry at the end cracked me up XD anyway, was this a pre-planned shoot? Like he was already doing the show when he took in Hyejin and Ahn? Or was it a newly scheduled one? Nonetheless, will be back later to read more ^^
2035 streak #9
Chapter 8: Hahaha Ahn called him daddy? That's cute. And the accidental kiss though!! Anyway, this chapter was nice and I'll back later to read more and see if she was dreaming about the kiss or if it was purely by accident.
2035 streak #10
Chapter 7: Hehe the two were being cute and flirty. It was nice.... And sweet of him to do the dishes since she cooked. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^