CH 1 • Music Uncle

Never Too Late

Kihyun smiles playing peek-a-boo with the toddler. Why was his mom watching this kid? He reminded him of this kid who went to school with him. They called her Ghost girl. On a dare his friends made him spend the day with her. Kihyun then spent the rest of the year with her. The toddler matched her looks so closely. Well... as much as a child can. The sudden hug made him smile. 

"Dear can you get Ahn to take a nap? I don't know what music to play."

"What do you mean?"

"He loves music."

Kihyun smiles turning his attention to Ahn. "Ahn, Uncle knows how to sing. Should I sing for you?"

Ahn looks up hearing his name spoken. He watches Kihyun then get up walking away. When Kihyun tries to talk to him he just watches him. Kihyun tries to pick up the boy, which makes him scream startling Kihyun.

"He only lets his mom hold him."

"Oh... Uh..."

Kihyun marvels as his mother held out her hand to the child. Ahn immediately puts his hand in hers. He stomps beside her as she leads him to the only bed. Her own. Kihyun follows behind. He lets his mother direct him hoping to help where he can. She has him lying on the bed next to Ahn. As soon as Kihyun starts singing to Ahn, he focuses only on Kihyun. A bright smile on his face. The child lays on his side next to Kihyun. The singer marvels at how the eyes slowly close. It took a few songs but Ahn falls asleep. 

"Good night Ahn. Uncle has to go."

Kihyun tries to get up but Ahn rolls over. His chubby hands clinging to Kihyun's shirt. He chuckles looking at the sleeping baby. He does his best to get comfortable. Ahn clings together to Kihyun. There was some time. He didn't have to hurry away. Laying here cuddling Ahn made his busy day of schedules seem trivial.

At some point, he must have fallen asleep since when he blinked it was now serial hours later. Ahn was still asleep.

"Again Miss Yoo, I'm so sorry. I knew I should have said no."

"Sweetheart you are family. Ahn is more than happy to stay here. Do you really think that Kihyun will give me grandchildren anytime soon?" His mother giggles.

"...does he know yet?"

"Well if you hurry he might still be asleep. Kihyun visited. He helped me put Ahn to sleep."

Footsteps. Kihyun quickly closes his eyes. He didn't know why his first instinct was to close his eyes. A sigh then more footsteps. Movement on the bed.

"Miss Yoo... Can you hand me that bag?"

"Can you do that in the living room dear? I'd rather not on my bed."

"Yes ma'am." Kihyun felt tugging. Likely Ahn's mother pulling him away. He wanted to open his eyes and tug Ahn back.

"...didn't they look adorable?"

No answer. Did that mean they left or no? A door slam made him jump. His mother's soft laughter a sign that he was caught. She doesn't scold him. Kihyun thought for sure that she would tell him that he should have said something.

" Who was that?"

"Seok Hyejin. That boy was hers. She moved here a bit ago. ...I had to help that poor girl. Her mother can't help her. And don't get me started on that child's father."

Kihyun blinks, "A problem there too?"

"Big, huge, waving red flag of a problem! I offered to beat sense into him."

"Mom! You can't beat up strangers!"

"Ha! Strangers? You went to school with him too!"


"Oh yeah. One of your seniors. Wouldn't tell me the name."

"You did threaten to beat up her husband."

"Kihyun... He's nothing to her. Not boyfriend. Not husband. Strangers practically!"

"Calm down mom... It's alright. Let me make you some tea. I should have some time before I have to head back. Okay?"

She nods. "...that boy could have been yours. You know that right?"

Kihyun didn't bother answering. He didn't want to egg his mother on. There wasn't any way to win. He knew that Hyejin didn't care for him or anyone in that way. He'd been pretty upfront in school. She basically told him no. Kihyun had accepted the rejection of sorts. No reason to dwell over someone who didn't like him when they were teenagers.

"Mom do you feel better after watching Ahn?"

She smiles. "It's nice to be around children. I'm not young enough to play but seeing him play..."

"How about you come on television with me? There's plenty of shows with babies even younger than Ahn."

She waves her hand. "I'm not young enough for that little. Ahn is perfect."

Kihyun watches his mother carefully. He slides off the bed getting to the kitchen. He promised her some tea. He had to deliver on that promise. Kihyun listened to his mother rant more about how old she was as he worked. When he finished he presented her the cup respectfully.

"Drink up. Please."

She drank it slowly. Kihyun wanted to wait till she finished. He needed to ask one more question about today then he'd have to head home to prep for his schedule. It's jammed pack thanks to his solo album. He just needed to spend some time with his mother.

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And yes we gonna gloss over Ahn calling Kihyun for now heh heh heh


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2034 streak #1
Chapter 16: Poor Hyejin! Also, I'm sorry, some things are still confusing for me. Like is Ahn Daesung's child? And he has r*ped some of his exes but not Hyejin? And he threw things at her but never hit her directly? Hopefully he gets what he deserves. Anyway, now that I've caught up with the chapters, I hope to see an update soon ^^
2034 streak #2
Chapter 15: Oh, wonder which woman he was meeting with! Also, in the flashback, why was Hyejin afraid Kihyun was gonna insult her too? Was it because she thought he was a bully too like the others? I was wondering about that in the beginning but now that I've written it, things makes sense. LoL... Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #3
Chapter 14: Hmmm... Not sure if the Mother and Son wait until Hyejin opens up to them or charge straight to Daesung and beat the out of him. Anyway, can't wait to read more but will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #4
Chapter 13: She went to a convenience store right? Won't there be a security guard there? And what about other people shopping there? Also, who was the one looking for a five bedrooms house? Is it Kihyun's mother? XD anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #5
Chapter 12: I can actually imagine how you portrayed the police here. Poor her! And not sure how to take her drunken self. LoL XD and that kiss though! Not gonna take that into account yet :P jokes aside, I hope she gets to find a solution soon to keep her ex away. And I'll be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 11: Okay, Hyejin is now falling for Kihyun. Wasn't really a surprise since we were already expecting that XD and what kinda song did she sing? LoL... Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
PS I have a question for you. Are you by any chance from Germany? Just curious...
2034 streak #7
Chapter 10: Sounds like something ominous is on the way! Hopefully, it's nothing big. Also, I wonder who your bias is from Monsta X. Just curious. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 9: Hahaha Ahn blowing raspberry at the end cracked me up XD anyway, was this a pre-planned shoot? Like he was already doing the show when he took in Hyejin and Ahn? Or was it a newly scheduled one? Nonetheless, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 8: Hahaha Ahn called him daddy? That's cute. And the accidental kiss though!! Anyway, this chapter was nice and I'll back later to read more and see if she was dreaming about the kiss or if it was purely by accident.
2034 streak #10
Chapter 7: Hehe the two were being cute and flirty. It was nice.... And sweet of him to do the dishes since she cooked. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^